News Archive for Sep 2017 වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග වෛද්ය වසන්ත දිසානායක කෙලින් කතා කරන කෙලින් වැඩ කරන අවංක වෛද්යවරයෙකි. ඔහු පිලිකා රෝහලේ සිදු වෙමින් තිබූ මිලියන ගනනක ඔෟෂධ වංචාවන්ට විරුද්ධවී ඒ ගැන හෙලි කලේය. එහෙත් හොරුන්ට විරුද්ධව නීතිය ක්රියාත්මක වූයේ නැත. හොරුන් ගේ මාෆියාව විසින් වෛද්ය වසන්ත දිසානායකව මහරගම පිලිකා රෝහලේ සිට කෑගල්ල රෝහලට මාරු කර දමන ලදි. එය ලංකාවේ අපේක්ෂා කල යුතු තත්වයකි. සන්නිවේදන කුසලතා මෙන්ම සහකම්පනීය අවබෝධයකින් යුතුව රෝගීන් කෙරෙහි කරුණාවෙන් වැඩ කරන වෛද්ය වසන්ත දිසානායක කොලඹ ආනන්ද විද්යාලයේ නිෂ්පාදනයකි. මාගේ මව වූ විනිතා ජයතුංග මහත්මිය ආනන්ද විද්යාලයේ ප්රාථමික ශ්රේනියේදී වෛද්ය වසන්ත දිසානායකට උගන්වා තිබුනු බව මා දැනගත්තේ මෑතකදීය. ඔහු මගේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/09/17) -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 29, 2017, 12:00 pm The UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in Colombo has issued a clarification as regards its reference to suicides in a previous statement on the prevailing drought here. It says that though it in the first media release attributed two suicides to the drought, now it has learnt that they cannot be linked directly to the adverse weather conditions. What the aforesaid clarification, published in The Island yesterday, signifies is that the UN is prone to mistakes. The minor mistake it has promptly corrected also shows how error-prone and tricky the process of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/09/17)
– Kumari Courtesy Ceylon Today Much in the news is a Kandyan wedding conducted on a public road, the Gannoruwa Road, which many vehicle drivers take on their way from Kandy to Colombo to avoid passing through the busy town of Peradeniya just past the bridge. This dame is not sure it was a genuine wedding or a false one. But the intention of it was not for a man and woman to bind themselves together for love and honour till death do them part. It was to get into the Guinness World Records (formerly the Guinness Book of Records).... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/09/17)
by Zacki Jabbar Courtesy The Island Development of the Hambantota Port was stuck at the Framework Agreement stage, says the Chinese Ambassador Yi Xianliang. Asked as to when development of the Hambantota Port would be completed, the Ambassador smiled and said in Colombo, last week "No progress." When asked to explain what he meant, Yi said that what had been signed on July 29 this year was only the Framework Agreement reached after over a year of discussions between the Sri Lanka Ports Authority and China Merchant Port Holdings (CMPH). Several sub-agreements would also have to be endorsed by both... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/09/17)
By Dr. Asoka Bandarage Courtesy Huffpost Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity and Constitutional Reform in Sri Lanka Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly recently, U.S. President Donald Trump declared that sovereignty should be the guiding principle in affairs between nations. Such statements aside, the United Nations, the United States and the ‘international community’ continue to wield their policy of intervening in countries and dictating terms for their internal governance. The strategically placed Indian Ocean island Sri Lanka, is a case in point. Influenced by the wealthy LTTE- proxy Tamil Diaspora lobby, the United Nations adopted the United Nations Human... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/09/17)
ආචාර්ය. පී .ජී .පුංචිහේවා බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ ලංකාවට තුන් වරක් වැඩම කරන ලදැයි මහා වංශයේ සඳහන් වේ. පළමුවරට මහියංගනයටත්, දෙවනුව නාගදීපයටත්, තුන්වනවර කැළණියටත් උන්වහන්සේ වැඩියේයයි තවදුරටත් එහි සඳහන් වේ. කැළණියෙන් අනතුරුව, සමන්තකූටය, දීඝවාපිය, ශ්රිමහා බෝධිය, රුවන්වැලි සෑය, ථූපාරාමය සහ සෛල චෛත්යයය යන අනාගත පූජනීය ස්ථානයනට වැඩම කර ඒ ඒ තන්හි උන්වහන්සේ සමාධි සුවයෙන් ගත කර තිබේ. ලංකා සිතියම හොඳින් නිරීක්ෂණය කරන්නෙකුට බුදුරදුන් වැඩ සිටි ස්ථානයන්හි ආගමික මෙන්ම ඵෙතිහාසික හා භෞමික වැදගත් කමක් ඇත. දිවයිනේ උතුරෙන් නාගදීපයත්, බටහිරින් කැළණියත්, දකුණින් සමන්ත කූටයත්, නැඟෙනහිරින් දීඝවාපියත් ලෙස දිවයිනේ සතර දිග්භාගය ද, රුවන්වැලි සෑය, ශ්රිමහා බෝධිය හා ථූපාරාමය ලෙස රට මැදද උන්වහන්සේගේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/09/17)
මේජර් වී. බී. කරුණාරත්න විසිනි - ඔක්ස්ෆර්ඩ් - එක්සත් රාජධානිය සංස්කෘතික අමාත්යංශය මෙහෙයවූ 2017 ශ්රී ලංකා රාජ්ය සාහිත්ය සම්මාන උළෙල පසුගිය 8 වෙනි සිකුරාදා ජනාධිපති මෛත්රී සිරිසේන මැතිතුමාගේ ප්රධානත්වයෙන් කොළඹදී පැවැත්විණ. ඉතා අලංකාර සංස්කෘතික අංගවලින් සමන්විත අති ගාම්භීරවූ මෙම සම්මාන උළෙලේ දී 2016 වසරේ ප්රකාශයට පත් විවිධ ක්ෂේත්ර 19 ක් යටතේ සිංහළ, දෙමළ සහ ඉංග්රීසි යන භාෂා තුනටම අයත් සාහිත්ය කෘති සඳහා රාජ්ය සම්මාන පිරිනැමීම සිදුවිය මහා බ්රිතාන්යයේ වෙසෙන ශ්රීලාංකිකයින්ට මෙවර සුභ ආරංචියක් මෙම සම්මාන උළෙලේදී දැකගන්නට ලැබුණේ ය. එනම්, මහා බ්රිතාන්යයේ වෙසෙන පෝල් පීරිස් විසින් ලියන ලද, එංගලන්තයේ සුප්රකට පෙගාසස් ප්රකාශක සමාගම මගින් පළකරන ලද Ironwood Tree නම් ඉංග්රීසි... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/09/17)
Sarath Wijesinghe - Solicitor/Attorney-at-Law- former Ambassador to UAE and Israel Foreign Policy Foreign policy of a country is a set of rules that seems to outline the behaviour of a particular country and how it interacts/reacts with other countries and international organisations. This is mainly depending on internal/ external political and the global economic and political considerations. Always the head of the state formulates regulates and implements foreign policy which is not static depending on the political and economic climate of the day. Foreign Policy is a pre- requisite for the development and propriety of any nation. It has... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/09/17)
Rear Admiral (Rtd) Dr. Sarath Weerasekera Federation of National Organizations Mr. Sunil Chandrakumara Co-President Global Sri Lankan Forum 28th September 2017 Mr. Joaquin Alexander Maza Martelli President of the Human Rights Council Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais de Nations Geneva 10, Switzerland Sir, A PETITION TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION THE CONTINUING VIOLATION OF THE PRINCIPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER AND THE UNHRC CHARTER BY THE UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIS A VIS UNHRC RESOLUTION 30/1 ON SRI LANKA The present petition follows the two petitions we... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/09/17)
මතුගම සෙනෙවිරුවන් කන්දක් විලිලා පැටියෙකු වැදුවා යයි කියමනක් ඇත.2016 වසරේ සිටම තටමමින් ඊනියා මහජන අදහස් විමසිමින් සැදුවාය කියන ව්යවස්ථා කෙටුම්පතක ඡායාවක් නොහොත් අතුරු වාර්තාවක් එළි දැක තිබේ.මෙම අතුරු වාර්තාවේ සඳහන් කාරණා කීපයක් සැප්තැම්බර 20 වනදා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට දමා සම්මත කර ගෙන තිබේ. එනම් කාන්තා නියෝජනය සහ කේවල සමානුපාතික නියෝජන ප්රතිශතය පිළිබඳ ප්රතිපත්තියයි.එහෙත් වාර්තාවේ සඳහන් නොවන දෙයක් එනම් සියයට හැට හතළිහ වෙනුවට පණහට පණහේ යෝජනාව සම්මත කර ගෙන තිබේ. සැබවින්ම රනිල් වික්රමසිංහ ප්රමුඛ ආණ්ඩුව උත්සාහ ගන්නේ කුමකටද. දෙමළ බෙදුම්වාදීන් ගේ වුවමනාව ඉටු කර දීමද.එසේත් නැතිනම් ජාත්යන්තරය රවටමින් කාලය මරමින් ඒ අස්සේ බෙදුම්වාදීන් ගේ යම් යම් ඉල්ලීම් ක්ෂණිකව සම්මත කරදීමෙන් රජය පවත්වා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/09/17)
මිනිසුන් තුලින් ලෝකය දුටුවෙමි- ඉවක් අනුව වන ලෝකය දැකීමක්- -වෛද්ය ශාන්ත හෙට්ටිආරච්චි උපතින් පසු විපත සටහන් වන දිනය දක්වා, කිසිවකුට ගමේ, රටේ, ලෝකයේ දී නිරන්තර ගනුදෙනුවක යෙදෙන්නට සිදුවන්නේ විවිධාකාර මිනිසුන් සමඟය. මේ ගනුදෙනුව ගැටළුකාරී නොවන්නට හා සතුටුදායී වන්නට උපයෝගී කොට ගත යුත්තේ, මිනිසුන් හරිහැටි හඳුනාගැනීමේ කුසලතාවයය. ඉවක් ගැන වන කතා බහකදී කෙනකුගේ මතකයට නැගෙන්නේ සුනඛයා වුවත්,මේ ඉව මිනිසුන් අතර ගැවසීමේදී මිනිසාටද අත්යවශ්යය. එබඳු ඉවක් ගොඩන`ගා ගත හැකිවන්නේ, සිය ජීවිතයේදී එක්කොටගන්නා හැදෑරීම් හා විවිධ අත්දැකීම් සමුදායකට අනුරූපවය. රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග වෛද්ය වරයාගේ, "මිනිසුන් තුලින් ලෝකය දුටුවෙමි" කෘතියෙන් අප දකින්නේ ජීවිතයට අත්යවශ්ය මේ ඉව නොඅඩුව හිමිකොටගත් ලේඛකයකුගේ නිර්මාණශීලී ව්යායාමයක පිළිබිඹුවය. උපන් රටේදීද, නොරටදීද විවිධ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
lanka C news මෑත කාලයේ බරපතල විවේචන එල්ල වී ඇති උමා ඔය ව්යාපෘතිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කරුණු පැහැදිලි කරමින් හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා විසින් නිකුත් කර ඇති මාධ්ය නිවේදනයක් පහතින් දැක්වෙයි. උමා ඔය ව්යාපෘතිය මෑත කාලයේ උමා ඔය ව්යාපෘතිය ගැන බරපතල විවේචන පලවී ඇත. මීට දින කීපයකට පෙර මෙම ව්යාපාතියේ ප්රතිපලයක් ලෙස බණ්ඩාරවෙල නගරය අසලින් ගලා බසින කිරිඳි ඔයේ අත්තක ජලය එක්වරම සිඳී ගොස් තිබුණු බවට පුවත් මාධ්යයේ පලවිය. මීට සති කීපයකට පෙර පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී කතාවක් පවත්වමින් ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණේ නායකයා පවසා සිටියේ උමා ඔය ව්යාපෘතියේ අංගයක් හැටියට ඉදිවෙමින් පවතින උමං මාර්ගයක් තුළට ජලය කාන්දුවීම හේතුවෙන් බණ්ඩාරවෙල ප්රදේශයේ ලිං, උල්පත් හා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
lanka C news සරත් එන්. සිල්වා හිටපු අගවිනිසුරුවයා අද දිනයේ ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය හමුවේ මූලික අයිතිවාසිකම් පෙත්සමක් ගොනු කර තිබේ. ආණ්ඩවු විසින් පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී පළාත් සභා මැතිවරණ සංශෝධන පනත සම්මත කර ගත් ආකාරය නිසා මැතිවරණයක් පැවැත්වීම සිදු නොවීමෙන් පුරවැසියෙක් ලෙස තම පරමාධිපත්ය අයිතිය උල්ලංඝණය වන්නේ යයි ඔහු පෙත්සම මගින් කියා සිටී. මෙරට හිටපු අගවිනිසුරුවරයෙක් ශ්රේෂඨාධිකරණයේ නඩුවක් ගොනු කරන්නේ ඉතිහාසයේ මුල් වතාවට වන අතර පරමාධිපත්ය අරඹයා වන පැමිණිල්ලක් වන නිසා හදිසි කටයුත්තක් සේ සලකා මෙම නඩුව විබාගයට ගැනෙනු ඇත. වාර්තා වන ආකාරයට මෙම නඩුව සදහා පැමිණිල්ල වෙනුවෙන් කිසිදු නීතීඥයෙක් නියෝජනය නොකරමින් හිටපු අගවිනිසුරුවරයාම පෙනී සිටිනු ඇත. ඒ සදහා ඔහුට ව්යවස්ථාවෙන් ප්රතිපාදන හිමිය.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
Courtesy The Daily Mirror Former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva today filed fundamental rights violation petition challenging the enactment of Provincial Council Elections Amendment Bill. He takes Attorney General, the Speaker as well as the Chairman and members of the Elections Commission to target charging that at the Committee Stage all the operative Clauses of the published Bill and passed at the Second Reading are deleted and entirely new set of provisions that purport to be a replacement of the gamut of the Principal Enactment is introduced. He also indicts the Attorney General has purported to examine the Constitutionality... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
By Yusuf Ariff Courtesy Adaderana September 28, 2017 03:51 pm Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa says that from winning the war against terrorism to building highways, harbours and power plants, his government did many things that previous governments had only been able to dream about, but never implement. “Uma Oya was one such project,” he says. Issuing a statement today (28) regarding the controversial Multi-Purpose Project, aimed at generating hydropower and water for industrial activities, he said that ground water seepage is inevitable when drilling tunnels and measures have to be taken to prevent it. “According to information available to me,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
Reply to Dr. Devanesan Nesiah DR. DAYAN JAYATILLEKA Courtesy The Island September 28, 2017, 9:56 pm I thank Dr. Devanesan Nesiah for his constructive engagement (Constitutional choices and Tamil Politics-1 Sept 28th 2017) with the ideas I had recently expressed at this crossroads of contemporary Sri Lankan history. I am gratified by his generosity when he says that "overall, I am largely in agreement with what Dayan has written." I also appreciate the absence of dogmatism, prejudice and vehemence that many Sinhala ‘political fundamentalists’ have shown towards my ideas on the subject in other forums. I write to clarify and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge There are several issues that need to be dealt with within the legal framework and devoid emotional ties. Firstly, no person can enter a country illegally. Anyone entering a country must have valid identity, valid passport and valid visa approvals. Sri Lanka is not a party to the 1951 Refugee. Convention or the 1967 Protocol. Therefore, Sri Lanka is not bound or cannot be forced to accept any refugee or asylum seekers. The danger in this Convention is that over a period of time signatories are bound to give citizenship to these refugees. Human smuggling/illegal people... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
KAMALIKA PIERIS Revised 4.9.18 Any military activities which would hamper US control of the Indian Ocean had to be firmly squashed. Local maritime services, which were navigating the Indian Ocean, using sea marshals, combating pirates, protecting ships and so on, had to be removed. One high profile casualty was Rakna Lanka and Avant Garde. The foreign handlers of Yahapalana did not want strong naval units like Rakna Lanka and Avant Garde active on the high seas. Rakna Lanka became the foremost organization providing security of ships it this region. Avant Garde while carrying out its services had been able... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 27.9.2017. I have noted with much concern some Prominent Cabinet Ministers of this Government openly and publicly denigrating Buddhist monks during the past few days. The first man to do that publicly was Sarath Fonseka who called them Chivaradhariyo. He was followed by Ranjan Ramanayaka. Today the foul mouthed Rajita Senaratna, adding insult to injury called them animals. But they call themselves Honourable MPP. Of cause they are all really honourable. There is no doubt at all about it. It is a pity that all these people carry the prefix Honourable before their names. In... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/09/17)
By Prageeth Sampath Courtesy Ceylon Today United People's Freedom Alliance, Kandy District, Member of Parliament Keheliya Rambukwella said that the masses are displeased with this Government that is already very unpopular, and that 'such a government will fall soon'. Excerpts of the interview: ? How are you these days? When are you joining the Government? A: What nonsense, I will not join the Government. ? There are rumours that you will be joining the Government? A: This story has been doing the rounds for the last two years. ? Is it true? A: No. I will remain with Mahinda Rajapaksa... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 28, 2017, 12:31 pm The Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council stands dissolved and its powers have been transferred to the provincial Governor. There is no guarantee that provincial council elections will be held in the foreseeable future in spite of a government undertaking to conduct them early next year. The yahapalana promises are like the pie crust; they are made to be broken. The fate of the Sabaragamuwa PC is bound to befall other PCs as well sooner or later. The crippling of the PC system is symptomatic of an advanced stage of multiple organ failure Sri... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
Dr Hector Perera London A calorie is a unit that measures energy. Calories are usually used to measure the energy content of foods and beverages. In order to lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. How to Reduce Calorie Intake without Starving Yourself It is known that in order to gain weight, more calories need to be entering your body than leaving it. Conversely, if more calories leave your body than enter it, then you lose weight. That being said, just cutting calories without regards to the foods you eat is usually not... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
The Sri Lankan government Wednesday slammed a group of radical Buddhist monks who attacked Rohingya refugees on the island as "animals", pledging action against police who failed to protect them. Rajitha Senaratne, a cabinet spokesman, said the government condemned Tuesday's storming of a UN safe house where 31 Rohingya refugees, including 16 children and seven women, had been given shelter. Cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne condemned the attack on Rohingya refugees (AFP Photo/ISHARA S. KODIKARA) "As a Buddhist I am ashamed at what happened," Senaratne told reporters. "Mothers carrying very young children were forced out of their safe house which was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge Sri Lanka is just recovering after a 3 decade-long terror conflict. It is just 8 years since the military defeat of that terrorist movement. Thousands of refugees & IDPs are currently being resettled while demining initiatives continues. The sudden increase in refugees/internally displaced persons is due to a wave of attacks by US/NATO that has left an exodus of people fleeing their own countries. On top of this we see that displaced people have become a great source to train as militants probably in view of their poverty. The present news of Rohingyas who have links... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
By Kanthar Balanathan, Australia Vaiko is an attorney from Tamil Nadu who founded a political party called MDMK, but failed in his political career in Tamil Nadu. He played his stunt activities by supporting various other prominent parties, even then he could not gain at least a 1 % of prominence in the Tamil Nadu Government. The assumption now is that he has become a ROBOT that executes orders given by a program or power. He may be an educated fool to behave like a robot without realising the consequences. Quote from web “V. Gopalsamy, also known as Vaiko, is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
Dr.Sudath Gunasekara. President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara (This was an article Posted on March 23rd .2010 posted since its relevance in the context of electoral reforms discussed at present) Why does a political cartoonist call the MP Magodistuma. Is it the best word that describes the character and behavior of a present day politician in this country? The idea of representative democracy had its origin in early Greece and Rome. They evolved it as the numbers involved in governing increased and became un-manageable. So they selected few suitable men to govern the others. Developed over a period of time... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
KAMALIKA PIERIS Yahapalana government said that it wants to convert the Sri Lanka armed forces into a professional body quipped with modern technology and knowledge of warfare. In December 2016 it was reported that Yahapalana was going to buy multi combat aircraft. The ‘entire cabinet’ had approved the purchase of multi combat aircraft which could be used in any type of war. Sri Lanka is going to purchase American fighter jets at a cost of US $ 400 million and military equipment amounting US $ 300 million, complained Tissa Vitarana. What is the use of purchasing fighter jets at... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
By Charles S.Perera “They made us many promises, More than I can remember, But they kept but one- They promised to take our land …., And they took it.” American Indian Chief Red Cloud. They all planned it – led by UNP Leader Ranil Wickramasingher, Venerable Sobhita, Chandrika, Champika, Sampanthan and Anura Kumara Dissanayake. They even signe agreements as to how to share the political booty after the crucifiction and burning what remains of the old Sri Lanka. They were all motivated by an intense thirst for political power, without any love for Sri Lanka its Buddhist... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
තේජා ගොඩකන්දෙආරච්චි එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ 72 වන සමුලුවට සහභාගි වනු පිනිස සිය දරු පවුලම රැගෙන නිව්යෝක් නගරයට ගොස් සිටින චතුරිකාගේ ජනාධිපති තාත්තා, රන්ජන් රාමනායක නියෝජ්ය ඇමතිවරයා සමග නිස්කාන්සුවේ ගත් සෙල්ෆි ඡායාරූප රන්ජන්ගේ ට්විටර් ගිණුමේ දක්නට තිබිනි. ඔහේ කට වාචාල කමට සිතට ආවක් කියවන රන්ජන් නීතීඥවරුන්ට හා විනිසුරුවරුන්ට එරෙහිව පැවසූ කතාවන් සම්බන්ධව අධිකරණ ක්රියාමාර්ගයකට යන්නට ශ්රී ලංකා නීතීඥ සංගමය සංගමය කටයුතු කලද ජනාධිපතිට ඒ ගැන වගක් නැත. තම ඇමති මණ්ඩලයේ අනුවණ කතා නිවැරදි කරනු මිස, තමන්ට රටට වැඩක් කරන්නට වෙලාවක් නැතැයි ජනාධිපති පැවසුවේ මීට සති කිහිපයකට ප්රථමයි. කෙසේ හෝ මෙවර ඔහු තමා සමග නිව්යෝක් නුවරට රැගෙන ගිය පිරිස දුටු විට එතැන... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
by Prof. G. H. Peiris August 27, 2017 Introduction Muslims in the multi-ethnic polity of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka shares with the other nation-states of South Asia the phenomenon of complex ethnic diversities based upon distinctions of religion, language, caste and tribe. Three ethnic groups – Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim – make up more than 99% of its population, with the Sinhalese accounting for 74%. As enumerated in 2011, the Tamil segment of the population which accounts for 15.5% of the national total comprises two groups – ‘Sri Lanka Tamils’ (11.2%) and ‘Indian Tamils’ (4.3%). Moors and Malays (adherents of Islam)... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
by Prof. G. H. Peiris August 27, 2017 Continued from Part 1 Until recent times, 'trading' in the vicinity of the Rangiri temple was confined to the ramshackle 'Rest House' (the only tavern in the town) and a few squatter stalls vending bunis, saruvath and vadai to the occasional busload of local pilgrims. The numerically tiny Muslim community of Dambulla was largely confined to its small bajār (bazaar) about a kilometre to the north of the Rangiri temple, their spiritual needs being met by a small shed located almost at the doorstep of the ancient the temple. This was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
by Prof. G. H. Peiris August 27, 2017 Continued from Part 2 As a further advancement of the project an extent of about 60 hectares (150 acres) around the Rajamaha Vihāraya was demarcated to occupy almost the entire southern segment of the town as a 'sacred city' (Figure 13). Within it several new religious monuments such as the 'Dutugæmunu Pilgrims Rest' and a statue of the monarch (Figure 12C), a 'Relic Chamber', a protective wall and gold-plated fence round the sacred bō-tree (sapling of Sri Maha Bodhi), a Makara Thorana and an ornate pathway leading to the stūpa (Figure... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
by Prof. G. H. Peiris August 27, 2017 Continued from Part 3 Several sources of information[i] (especially the video clips produced by three popular TV channels) indicate that late-evening on 10 August a mob stoned the mosque, broke into its inner sanctums, and damaged the fixtures in the ground-floor in a frenzied attack. The list of causalities of the attack indicate that the devotees had been prepared to meet violence with violence, although the Imam of the mosque emphasised in a later media statement that the devotees did not use weapons to defend themselves. He also charged that a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/09/17)
පුවත්පත් නිවේදනය විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ/ශ්රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කේන්ද්රය මෑත ලංකා ඉතිහාසයේ කිසිදු විදේශිකයෙකුට ලංකාවේ ස්ථිර පුරවැසි බව ලැබී නැත. දෙන්නට නීතියක් ද නැත. මහ මුහුද මැද බෝට්ටුවක අතරමං වී සිටි මියන්මාර් වැසියන් 30 දෙනෙකු ලංකාවේ නාවික හමුදාව විසින් බේරාගෙන ගොඩබිමට ගෙන එනු ලැබීය. ඔවුන් උතුරුකරයේ කාලයක් රැදී සිට පසුව කොළඹට ගෙන එනු ලැබූවේ එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානයේ මැදිහත්වීමෙනි. ලංකාවට බුරුමයෙන් මුලින්ම සරණාගතයින් පැමිණියේ 2012 වසරේ ය. ඒ පිරිස 100 කට වැඩිය. එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානය මැදිහත්වී ඒ පිරිස ඇමරිකාවේ සහ කැනඩාවේ සරණාගත තත්වය ලබාදී ඔවුන් ලංකාවෙන් පිටත් වී ගොස් ජාත්යන්තර නීතිය හා පහසුකම් සහිතව නව ජීවිත අරඹා ඇත. 1948 අංක 20 දරණ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
By Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge The word autism was coined by the Swiss Psychiatrist Eugine Bleuler in 1910. In 1938, Hans Asperger of the Vienna University Hospital adopted Bleuler’s terminology and in 1981 the Clinical Community widely recognized Autism as a separate diagnosis. Autism is classified as a Pervasive Developmental Disorder affecting young children and adults in which impaired development in communication, social interaction and behaviour are more pronounced. The degree of autism can range from mild to severe. According to the DSM4 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) the essential features of Autistic Disorder are the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 26, 2017, 8:31 pm What we witnessed last Wednesday was, not to put too fine a point on it, gang rape of democracy. The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has frowned on the manner in which the yahapalana government secured the passage of the Provincial Council Elections (Amendment) Bill. It has issued a media statement inveighing against the government for contravening the due legislative process. The passage of the aforesaid Bill is, in our book, the legislative version of the Treasury bond scams. The BASL has said it will take up the issue... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
by Dr. Palitha Kohona Courtesy The Island September 26, 2017, 8:47 pm (Continued from yesterday) On April 25, General Sarath Fonseka, the Commander of the Army, was targeted by a pregnant suicide bomber who had managed to infiltrate the military hospital compound in Colombo. He barely managed to survive and had to be airlifted to Singapore later for treatment. (He survived and led the military to its final victory). Sixteen of his body guards and bystanders were killed. With panic and fear spreading among leaders and the population alike and serious questions being asked of the usefulness of negotiations with... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
By Dr. Dayan jayatilleka Courtesy The Island September 26, 2017, 8:32 pm The report of the Steering Committee could be said to be the draft Constitution in embryo and must be understood as such. However unsatisfactorily rendered it addresses two of the oldest, most vital questions in our contemporary history and indeed that of any state. One is the ethno-national question and the other, the question of models: presidentialism vs. parliamentarism. Taken together, the two issues pertain to the nature and structure of the state itself. One would think that given the stakes involved, the discussion would be honest and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge Why is there a hurry to pass a new constitution? Look at the parties and individuals demanding a new constitution. Everyone EXCEPT 99% of the People want a new constitution. This is quite hilarious given that to this 1% even foreign envoys and foreign NGOs are also involved. So what are they all after – POWER for themselves, their families & their henchmen and we the citizens have to foot the bill. We must firmly put our foot down and reject this. Two main reasons to reject his new constitution is that the majority of Sri... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
Dilrook Kannangara Over 90% of Tamils and over 90% of Tamil speaking Muslims live in Tamil Nadu, India. Due to proximity and slavery during the Dutch and British periods, close to a million of them were brought into Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Since then they have grown into 5 million with a very high population growth rate and due to illegal migration into the island. Until the end of the war in 2009, some of their extremist elements kept a low profile fearing repercussions. After the war, they are bringing more and more of their relatives from South India, Maldives,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
ආචාර්ය චන්න ජයසුමන ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ කථිකාචාර්ය වෛද්ය පීඨය, රජරට විශ්ව විද්යාලය ශ්රී ලංකා ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථා මණ්ඩලයේ මෙහෙයුම් කමිටුවේ අතුරු වාර්තාව 2017 සැප්තැම්බර් 21 දින අග්රාමාත්යවරයා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කරනු ලැබීය. මෙහෙයුම් කමිටුවේ සාමාජිකයන් 21 දෙනෙකි. වාර්තාවේ මාතෘකා 12 ඔස්සේ කරුණු දක්වා ඇත. සිංහල පිටපතේ පිටු 85 කි. යහපාලන රජය ඉදිරිපත් කරන නව ව්යවස්ථාවේ හෝ ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනයේ හැඩරුව පිලිබඳ මෙම වාර්තාවෙන් අවබෝධයක් ලැබිය හැකිය. වාර්තාවේ 12 වන පරිච්ජේදය වෙන් කර ඇත්තේ මෙහෙයුම් කමිටු සාමාජිකයන් සිය පක්ෂයේ අදහස දක්වමින් ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබූ ලිපි කිහිපයක් වෙනුවෙනි. එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය හැරුණු විට මෙහෙයුම් කමිටුව නියෝජනය කළ සියලු පක්ෂ තම පක්ෂයේ අදහස් වෙන් වෙන් වශයෙන් දක්වා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
By : A.A.M.NIZAM - MAATARA The government completely ignoring the sacrosanct declaration made by the Mahanayake Theros of the Tri-Nikayas to shelve the introduction of a new constitution or making amendments to the existing constitution seems to be in a peculiar hurry to adopt a new constitution, despite stern opposition by the majority of the people in this country, but solely to appease the Tamils. Tamil diaspora, UNHRC, NGO vultures, the JVP, the accidently born Sinhalese (Ranil, Chandrika, Rajitha, Wickremabahu, Lal Wijenayake, Viyangoda, etc), the western powers depending on the Tamil block votes in their countries and the hegemonic... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera Copy of the slide above was extracted from a presentation made by a consultant from EU- Trade and Commerce Organization who are in Sri Lanka to advise Export Development Board ,on how to enhance our export market .I was also invited EDB as a boat builder with few others who build and export boats for the Regional Forum of the program where they have invited all the stake holders from Government Sector as well. Program was held in Light House Galle (started late as the organizers have not done well) ,Divisional secretary form Hambnatota ,Galle and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
Courtesy Ceylon Today The Glyphosate weedicide ban and the government's failure to introduce an alternative weedicide has cost at least 20 per cent of tea production annually. In addition, a lack of an alternative weedicide has also led to tea planters using other weedicides, which are unauthorized by the country's export partners, risking export restrictions on Sri Lanka's tea exports. Addressing the AGM of The Planters' Association of Sri Lanka, Chairman, Sunil Poholiyadde said, "Almost two and a half years have elapsed since the Glyphosate weedicide ban, however, no research institute has come up with an alternative chemical or... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
By Tamara Kunanayakam Global Research, September 18, 2017 As we meet here this evening, a radical overhaul is underway – of our political, economic, financial, social and cultural system. A new Constitution is being discussed, at the same time a plethora of radical reforms are being rushed through. The fact that many of these reforms are being challenged as unconstitutional indicates that the new Constitution is aimed at making what is un-Constitutional today, Constitutional tomorrow, making legal what is illegal by a simple trick of changing the Law! The issue is not whether a new Constitution is needed or not.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
By Lasanda Kurukulasuriya Global Research, September 18, 2017 The Indian Ocean Conference (IOC) organised by the India Foundation and held at the Sri Lankan Prime Minister’s official residence ‘Temple Trees’ from Aug. 31 to Sept.1, was billed as a gathering of Indian Ocean Region countries and ‘other concerned nations’ with a view to advancing ‘Peace, Progress and Prosperity” in the Indian Ocean. While this is no doubt a laudable goal, the absence of perspectives from regional players like China and Pakistan points to somewhat more partisan objectives than those advertised. The delegate described as ‘Principal, Ambassadors’ LLC Group, China’ was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
CHANDRE DHARMAWARDANA Ottawa, Canada September 24, 2017, 9:12 pm It is interesting to read the debate about what the unit of devolution should be. Recent articles, by Dayan Jayatilleke (Island, Sep. 20, 2017) and Neville Ladduwahetty (Sep. 23, 2017) argue for the Province (DJ), and for the District (NL). Interestingly, both the TNA, and their counter organizations pay homage to "the indivisible nature of Sri Lanka", the "Orumiththa Nadu" and the "aekeeya Rajya", while also supporting "maximum devolution", i.e., the opposite objective! In our view, the issue of power devolution to units of government is an obsolete question.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/09/17)
by Avanti Sri Nissanka - Karunaratna I believe I am a truly renaissance woman. In my life I have believed everything is possible, if not it has never stopped me from trying. It was never always about winning, but the fun of trying, for the shear experience of the challenge! My grandfather H. Sri Nissanka, my mother Yamuna Devi Manel Sri Nissanka, my father Dr. Gemunu Karunaratna, were all painters. I always painted… At Yamuna Mandir , the famous home of my grand father, there was a 20 foot extraordinary painting which hung under the great dome to the sky,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION-URGENT APPEAL PROGRAMME Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding the case of Sanath Kumara Wijethilaka (34) of Dambulla Headquarters Police Division, who was killed in the early hours of 5 September 2017. Sanath was a transgender man. His dead body was lying on the ground of a private van park in front of the Dambulla General Hospital. Initial police investigations and the post mortem examinations concluded the fact that the victim was murdered by clubbing with blunt weapons. However, the police have been lethargic in completing their investigation and bringing the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
Press release - CaFFE Organization Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) issuing a press release states that the government has deceived women’s rights organizations, civil society organizations and all interested parties 'by indicating that the recently passed amendments to Provincial Council Election laws ensure higher female representation at provincial councilors. The stated objective of the amendment is to ensure that 30% of the list of candidates of a political party consist of women. However there are no provisions in the bill to make a list of candidates’ invalid of it does not consist of 30% of women. Thus... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
පුවත්පත් නිවේදනය - පළාත් සභා පනතේ සංශෝධන කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ/කැෆේ සංවිධානය 30% ක කාන්තා නියෝජනය තහවුරු කිරීම සදහා සිදු කළ බව කියන පළාත් සභා පනතේ සංශෝධන තුල කාන්තා සංවිධාන, සිවිල් සංවිධාන පමණක් නොව සමස්ථ රාජ්යයම දැවැන්ත රැවටීමකට ලක් කොට ඇත. මෙම පනත් සංශෝධනයේ ප්රකාශිත අරමුණ 30% ක කාන්තා නියෝජනය නාම යෝජනා සදහා සහතික කිරීමය. නමුත්, යම් නාමයෝජනා පත්රයක නියමිත 30% කාන්තාවන් ප්රමාණයක් ඇතුලත් නොවේ නම් නාම යෝජනා පත්රය ප්රතික්ෂේප කිරීම සදහා කිසිදු ප්රතිපාදනයක් පනතේ සංශෝධනවලට ඇතුලත් කොට නොමැත. ඒ අනුව, ප්රායෝගිකව එවැනි නාම යෝජනාවක් ප්රතිකේෂප කිරීම තේරීම්භාර නිලධාරියාට හැකියාවක් නොමැත. 30% කාන්තා නියෝජනය තමන්ට හිමිවී ඇතැයි සිතා පළාත් සභා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION-URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding Mr. Warnasooriya Patabandige Lakshan (21), permanent resident of the Trincomalee District. On 15 June 2017, Lakshan was illegally arrested by Police of the Kantale Police Division. He was not given any reason for his arrest. After detaining him at the Police Station, he was accused of supporting several young men escaping police arrest. The victim was unaware of the identity of the young men. He stated that the Police acted arbitrary, illegally and violated the Law. Case Narrative: The Asian Human... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
Dr Palitha Kohona Courtesy The Island Sri Lanka is a rare case where a brutal terrorist challenge to the state was comprehensively defeated, substantially through its own efforts, despite all the advice, reservations and fears publicly expressed to the contrary. Unfortunately, the elimination of terrorism has won it few plaudits internationally. Instead, the tables have been turned and the military success of the Sri Lankan state and its security forces is overshadowed by extensive accusations relating to alleged violations of the norms of war and of human rights. President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who led the country to free it of the terrorist... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
lanka C news දස වසරක් පැරණි රුසියානු යුද නැවක් හා පැරණි ජෙට් යානා හයක්, හෙලිකොප්ටර් දෙකක්, යුද ටැංකි තිස් තුනක් මෙරටට මිලදී ගැනීමක් හරහා රුපියල් කෝටි දහස් ගණනක වංචාවක් ජනාධිපති මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේනගේ බෑණනුවන් හා සිරස මාධ්ය ආයතතනයේ හිමිකරු එක්ව සිදු කරන බවට එජාප හිතවාදී වෙබ් අඩවියක් විසින් හෙලි කර ඇත. මෙම ගණුදෙනුවෙන් රටට රුපියල් 13,464 ක් අලාබ සිදුවන බවත් ජනාධිපති බෑණා ඇතුළු අතරමැදියන් අතට ඉන් කෝටි 4039 බෙදී යන බවත් එම වාර්තාවේ දැක්වෙයි. මෙම ගණුදෙනුව සිදුකිරීමට කැබිනට් අනුමැතිය ඉල්ලා ආරක්ෂක අමාත්යවරයා ලෙස ජනාධිපතිවරයා විසින් ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති කැබිනට් පත්රිකාවක්ද සමාජ ජාලයන්හි පලවෙයි. සම්පූර්ණ පුවත මෙතනින් -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
Dr Sudath Gunasekara. Retired Ministry Secretary and Ex- President Sri Lanka Administrative Services Association 22. 9. 2017 Now that Pradesiya Sabha, Nagara Sabha, Mahanagara Sabha are closed for more than 2 years, Provincial Councils are dis-functioning and the Parliament is destroying the country through illegitimate and unpatriotic legislations at the behest of Western powers and NGOO representing their personal interests, Why not close down the Parliament also for the following reasons before, this Government makes it permanently irretrievable and irreversible? 1 It is illegally constituted with defeated candidates holding Ministerial positions therefore the Cabinet itself is illegal 2 The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge This Government has lost the confidence of the People including those that voted for them Every promise made before elections has been broken Coming on the ticket of anti-corruption the reality is that the present is more corrupt than those they accused. A lot of irregularities and illegalities have taken place since January 2015 The manner that Bills are being passed and how MPs are being co-opted to vote for these dubious legislations raises further alarm bells. Even in the present context when revolutionary parties suddenly take sides with the government and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/09/17)
KAMALIKA PIERIS The Yahapalana government has suddenly discovered the Indian Ocean, which has been there for centuries all round us. Several international conferences on the Indian Ocean have taken place in Colombo. These conferences, we are told, are to discuss global trade in the region and the need for regional cooperation, but it is clear that the ulterior motive is military action. Sri Lanka’s strategic position in the Bay of Bengal has been greatly emphasized, specially the fact that Sri Lanka is at the crucial entry points of the Bay of Bengal Sri Lanka location, coupled with Trincomalee port,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
Mail On Line Bride is investigated for using 250 children to carry her two mile long saree during her wedding in Sri Lanka -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
Courtesy COLOMBO • Sri Lanka is in talks with two Chinese companies about investing up to US$3 billion (S$4 billion) to build a new refinery at its Chinese-controlled port, a top government official has said. Sri Lanka wants to build a new refinery in its southern Hambantota port, where China Merchants Port Holdings (CMPH) has a 99-year lease to handle commercial operations. Located near the main shipping route from Asia to Europe, Hambantota port is likely to play a key role in China's Belt and Road (B&R) trade route initiative. Mr Mangala Yapa, a director at the state-run... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
Ashish Chauhan|Courtesy Times of India AHMEDABAD: Bhante Pannasekara (53) was 23 when he sold his acres of crop land to become a Buddhist Monk. Pannasekara had worked as a Buddhist Monk in Sri Lanka for around 18 year before moving to Tanzania- another country, like Sri Lanka, hit by violence, poor healthcare facility and poverty. Since then he has been serving as the chief monk of Tanzania's oldest Buddhist temple. Talking to TOI on his maiden visit to Gujarat, Pannasekara said, "When I saw the people being killed in civil war in Sri Lanka during 1989, I had a thought that properties... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
By Rathindra Kuruvita Courtesy Ceylon Today Around 2,400 new oral cancer patients are recorded each year in Sri Lanka, majority of these cases are related to chewing betel with areca nut, tobacco and slaked lime, said Dr Hemantha Amarasinghe, of the Institute of Oral Health Maharagama, speaking to Ceylon Today and emphasised on the need to control smokeless tobacco products to combat cancer. Excerpts of the interview: Q: When we think of the impact of tobacco use we automatically think about cigarettes. However, as the use of smokeless tobacco also has an adverse effect on health, can you elaborate on... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
with Ravi Ladduwahetty Courtesy Ceylon Today Democratic socialism means that we must reform a political system that is corrupt, that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy. LONGEST SERVING INDEPENDENT IN US CONGRESSIONAL HISTORY, BERNIE SANDERS After months of deliberations and contentious arguments, in closed door meetings, the Steering Committee, of the Constitutional Assembly, last week approved the final copy of its Interim Report on Constitutional Reforms. A member of the Steering Committee, confirming that the report is ready for submission, said the Constitutional Assembly was summoned to meet on 21 September morning.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
By Shivanthi Ranasinghe Courtesy Ceylon Today We do not realize the 'Sword of Damocles' we hung over our heads - not just over those in power, as the anecdote originally implies - when we co-sponsored the Geneva Resolution. Geographically we are strategically placed, rich in resources and our workforce is innovative, educated and ingenious when given the opportunity. Yet, the 'horse hair' by which the sword is hung is getting increasingly frayed as international pressure on us is mounting to incorporate provisions of international treaties into our local laws, which they themselves dare not pass in their own parliaments. The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
Yohan Perera Courtesy The Daily Mirror Parliamentary Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE) yesterday cautioned the government on large scale losses it could suffer if it failed to inform the relevant companies to stop the manufacture of the four A350 aircraft if the deal to lease them was to be cancelled. COPE Chairman Sunil Handunetti told Parliament that the government should inform the relevant companies to halt the manufacture of the Air Bus otherwise it would have to pay a huge amount if the deal was cancelled after the company resumes the manufacture of these aircraft. "The government has already lost... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island Monday, September 25th, 2017 September 24, 2017, 8:17 pm Good governance consists in transparency and accountability among other things. Denial of anyone’s right to information is tantamount to a despicable attempt at throttling good governance, which the present regime has repackaged and is marketing aggressively as yahapalanaya. The Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government has made a mockery of its much-hyped commitment to right to information laws it introduced with much fanfare. Joint Opposition (JO) MP Udaya Gammanpila complains that he has been trying to have a question answered in Parliament for more than one year but to no... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
කතු වැකිය උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින දෙමළ සන්ධානය අපූරු යෝජනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත. ඒ රට අනාගමික කරන ලෙසයි. එසේම උතුර - නැගෙනහිර එක්කළ යුතු බවත් ඔවුහු යෝජනා කරති. නව ව්යවස්ථාවෙන්ද බුද්ධාගමට ප්රමුඛස්ථානය ලබා දෙන බව යහපාලන ආණ්ඩුව මොර දෙයි. එහෙත් අනෙක් පැත්තෙන් නව ව්යවස්ථාවක් ඉල්ලා හඬා වැටෙන දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය රට අනාගමික කළ යුතු යෑයි පවසන්නේ කවර අභිප්රායකින් ද? දෙමළ සන්ධානයේ තක්කඩි යෝජනාවලට ලබා දිය යුතු පිළිතුර කුමක්ද? වසර දෙදහස් පන්සියයක ඉතිහාසය වළදමා රට අනාගමික කිරීමට එකඟ විය හැක්කේ කවරෙකුටද? රණවිරු ජීවිත තිස්දහසක් පුදකර ලබාගත් ජයග්රහණ ආපසු හැරවිය යුතුද? උතුර නැගෙනහිර යළි ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම යනු 2009 මැයි මාසයේ සමස්ත ජාතියම... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
C. Wijeyawickrema Black-whites vs. Monks If we examine the history of Sri Lanka as a history of a clash between the black-white ruling class and the temple, it is not difficult to understand and explain why the country is in a big mess today. The mismanagement is complete and total from any angle one looks at, except for a class of black-whites who thrive at the expense of masses, manipulating the system that they have created after 1910 or so. Covering the period 1802-2017, I tried to study this history, and developed several essays printed in Sinhala on Lankaweb... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando A young girl just over 16, whom the writer was sponsoring for her education at a private international school, decided to elope with an unemployed youth of 19 years of age last month, just ahead of her GCE (O/L) examination in December. This nonsensical act devastated all her parents' ambitions and expectations. It makes us difficult to comprehend the mentality of the present day youths who get blinded by infatuation at such a tender age. It may be too late for her to realize her folly now, but certainly she has dug her own... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
KAMALIKA PIERIS ‘An irresistible rising China is on course to collide with an immovable America,’ said Harvard scholar Graham Allison. When a rising power, in this case China, causes fear in an established power, in this case USA, the result is usually war, he said. He called this the ‘Thucydides Trap’ after some Greek war that took places ages ago. China is expected to become the sole world power within the next 10 or 20 years. This suits China. China is in no hurry. China thinks in a longer time frame than the United States observed Judith Shapiro. Den... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/09/17)
අරුන ලක්සිරි උනවටුන අගමැතිවරයා 2016 ජූනි මස 22 වැනි දින පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කළ අතුරුදහන් වූ තැනැත්තන් පිළිබඳ කාර්යාලය (පිහිටුවීම,පරිපාලනය කිරීම සහ කර්තව්ය ඉටු කිරීම) පනත් කෙටුම්පතේ මෙම බලහත්කාරයෙන් අතුරුදහන් කිරීමෙන් ආරක්ෂාකිරීම සඳහා වූ ජාත්යන්තර සම්මුතියේ (International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances) ප්රතිපාදන ඇතුළත්වී තිබියදී එකී ජාත්යන්තර සම්මුතිය රාජ්යභාෂාවෙන් වන පිටපත් පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් නොකර 2016.08.11 වැනි දින එකී පනත සම්මත කරගෙන ඇත. මේ දක්වා එකී ජාත්යන්තර සම්මුතිට රාජ්ය භාෂාවෙන් ලබා නොදී නැවත රනිල් වික්රමසිංහ අග්රාමාත්යවරයා 2017.03.07 වැනි දින “බලහත්කාරයෙන් අතුරුදහන් කිරීම්වලින් ආරක්ෂා කිරීම සදහා ජාත්යන්තර සම්මුතිය” නම් පනත් කෙටුම්පතක් පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කර පළමුවර කියවීම සිදුකර ඇති අතර... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/09/17)
වරුණ චන්ද්රකීර්ති ලුවී ඉපැදුණේ 1957 අවුරුද්දේ. ඒ, මාර්ග්ටයි මෝර්ටයි දාව. ලුවීට අයියලා දෙන්නෙකුත් හිටියා. ඒ අයියලා දෙන්නා තවමත් ඉන්නවා ද කියන එක නම් මේ ලේඛකයා දන්නේ නෑ. ඒත් ලුවී නම් අයියා කෙනෙක්. එයා තවමත් හිටපු විදිහට ම ඉන්නවා. ලුවී ගේ කැරැට්ටුව ඒ තරම් හොඳ නෑ. මහ නරක, අපිරිසිදු, තුට්ටු දෙකේ වැඩ කරන, ඉවරයක් නැතුව ලෙඩ බෝකරන හාදයෙක් විදිහට තමයි ලුවී ව හඳුන්වලා තියෙන්නේ. ලුවී බයයි කියලා පෙන්නන දේකුත් තියෙනවා. ඒත් ඒක බොරු රඟපෑමක් බව පැහැදිළියි. මොකද ඒ දේ දැකපු ගමන් ම යටිගිරියෙන් කෑගහගෙන පැනලා දිව්වාට ලුවී තවමත් යහතින් ඉන්නවා. දැන් ලුවීට හැටයි. ලුවී තමයි එයාලා ගේ කට්ටිය අතරින් වැඩි... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/09/17)
Neville Ladduwahetty Courtesy The Island Dr. Dayan Jayetilleka (Dr. DJ), in his article titled "Unit of devolution: District or Province?"(The Island, Sept. 20, 2017), has missed the essence of the difference between what I stated and what he claims as the "Sinhala nationalist’s preference for Districts to Provinces" as the primary unit of devolution. I agree with Dr. DJ that devolving to the district, instead of the province, and ignoring the rest of what I had stated, is a non-starter. I went beyond, and it is what he missed out that makes all the difference. The essence of what I... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
lanka C news පෙරේදා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ දී පළාත් සභා සංශෝධන පනත් කෙටුම්පත සම්මත කරගැනීම සදහා අවශ්ය වූ 2/3 බලය ලබා ගැනීමට පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ කෝටි ගණන් මුදල් හුවමාරැ වූ බව අන්තර්ජාල පුවත් අඩවි හා සමාජ ජාලාවල වාර්තා කර ඇත. පනත සම්මතයට අවශ්ය වූ 2/3 ඡන්ද ප්රමාණයේ අඩුවිම නිසා එදින පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ ඡුන්ද විමසීම බොහෝ වේලාවක් ප්රමාද වූ අතර වේලාව පියමං ගර ගැනීම සදහා ලයිස්තුවේ නොසිටි කථිකයන් පවා කතා පවත්වන්න වූ බව සදහන්ය. එම කාලය තුලදී වහාම ක්රියාත්මක වු ආණ්ඩුවේ ප්රධාන පක්ෂ දෙකේ තිරය පිටිපස සිට මෙහෙයුම් කරන කිහිපදෙනෙකු තමන්ට අවශ්ය ඡන්ද ප්රමාණය එනම් මන්ත්රී 150 ක් දිනාගැනීමට අවශ්ය සෑම සැලසුමක් ම දියත් කර... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
Courtesy The Island The Supreme Court’s order on the proposed 20th Amendment to the Constitution was one that wholly supported the democratic rights of voters. It clearly stated that any move by the government to postpone the Provincial Council polls – even to have them all on a single day – should be approved by a 2/3rd majority in Parliament and also at a referendum, because it is a major constitutional change. So what does the Government do? The resulting action at the Diyawanna Chamber of Lawmakers was to play a crooked game of deceit, showing little respect for... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
Bond Scam Probe Courtesy The Island Attorney General’s Department counsel assisting the Presidential Commission of Inquiry probing the bond scams yesterday deplored aspersions cast upon them by the senior counsel for former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran on Wednesday. Following is the text of the Statement made by Counsel of the Attorney General’s Department, Additional Solicitor General Yasantha Kodagoda: "On 20th September 2017, following Senior Additional Solicitor General Mr. Dappula De Livera, PC, having made an application for a brief adjournment of proceedings to commence the examination of Mr. Arjuna Mahendran, while initially objecting to the application and later diluting... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
කතු වැකිය උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින ශ්රී ලංකාව යනු වාර්තා තැබීමට උපන් ගෙයි හැකියාව ඇති රටකි. නමුත් රට හමුවෙහි ඇති බොහෝ වාර්තා දුටු විට අපට ඇතිවන්නේ සතුටට වඩා දුකකි. දිවිනසා ගැනීම්, හදිසි අනතුරු, ළමා අපචාර, ඩෙංගු, ණය බර, ලොකුම ඇමැති මණ්ඩලය ගැන ලෝක වාර්තා අතරට එක් වූ නවතම වාර්තා වන්නේ ගිනස් වාර්තාය. ලංකාවේ මිනිසුන්ට ගිනස් වාර්තා තැබීමට ලොකු 'උණක්' ඇති බව රටේ සිදුවීම් දෙස බැලූ විට පෙනේ. පසුගියදා ශ්රී ලංකාවේ අපූරු සිදුවීමක් ගිනස් වාර්තා පොතට එකතු විණි. එම වාර්තාව වූයේ ලෝකයේ දිගම සාරි පොට පැළඳි මනාලියයි. මෙම මනාලිය යුග දිවියට ඇතුළු වූයේ ගිනස් වාර්තා පොත ද අලුත් කරමිනි. මෙම වාර්තාව... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
Sultan M Hali Courtesy The Pakistan Observer PRIMA facie, the so-called Islamic State (IS or Daesh) is receiving a hammering in Syria and Iraq but fresh information has come to light that the terror mongers are engaged in a recruitment drive in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka using social media tools. According to PTI (Press Trust of India), IS chief recruiter in India, tech-savvy al-Hindi has been operating on facebook and other personal messenger services to contact, brainwash and recruit the youth from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The report elaborates that the IS or Daesh claims that an Indian suicide bomber... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
By Kapila Fernando Courtesy The World Socialist Web Site 22 September 2019 The Sri Lankan parliament passed an amended Inland Revenue Bill on September 7, effectively implementing the dictates of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The vote, originally scheduled for August 25, was delayed after the government, fearing opposition from the working class, was forced to make various cosmetic changes. The new version will become law on October 1 and go into force next April. While it incorporates more than 100 amendments, some members of parliament complained they were not given all the proposed changes. The purpose of the legislation is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
Courtesy CPH Upwards of 11,000 kids could have been sold illegally for adoption in Europe in the 1980s 4,000 illegally adopted Sri Lankan children ended up in the Netherlands (photo: Zembla) A new Dutch documentary has revealed that thousands of Sri Lankan children may have been sold illegally for adoption in a number of countries in Europe, including Denmark, in the 1980s. Up to 11,000 children are believed to have been sold. Some of the biological mothers were apparently told their children had died at birth. Some 4,000 of the children ended up... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
Our Foreign Staff Courtesy The Telegraph (UK) 22 SEPTEMBER 2017 • 5:47PM ASri Lankan couple is under investigation for deploying hundreds of school children to carry the train of the bride's saree during a wedding ceremony, authorities said Friday. About 250 students of a state-owned school carried the train of the two-mile long saree worn by the bride as she and the groom walked down a main road in the central district of Kandy on Thursday, local media reported. Another 100 students served as flower girls at the wedding. The students were from a school named after Central Province Chief... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
By TARIQ TAHIR FOR MAILONLINE Authorities said violators using students during school hours face 10 years jail The saree is the longest ever worn by a bride in Sri Lanka Students were from school named after a local politician who attended wedding A Sri Lankan couple are under investigation for using hundreds of school children to carry the train of the bride's saree during a wedding ceremony. About 250 students carried the train of the two-mile long saree worn by the bride, as she and the groom walked down a main road in the centre of the Kandy.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/09/17)
Dr. Sudath Gunasekara Retired Ministry Secretary and Ex- President Sri Lanka Administrative Service 21.9.2017 Part 11 (continued from 19.9.2017 Lankaweb) The golden gateway to this Kingdom and its political stability, peace and prosperity lays nowhere else but in the unity of the Sinhala nation sans party politics, under one National banner as a new political force. In order to reach this goal first we have to find a Strong Sinhala Buddhist leader who has the courage and guts to make the clarion call boldly and openly and say that ‘this is the land of the Sinhala Buddhist nation’ as... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon Executive Director/CaFFE Issuing a press release Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) stated that the provincial council elections amendment bill, which was passed in Parliament on Wednesday, is the most irregular amendment of a bill in Sri Lankan history. The bill which was passed, violating all accepted democratic norms, transparency and rule of law under the pretext of establishing a mixed electoral system. Supreme Court has the power to decide whether the referred Bill is in keeping with the basic law of the land which is the country’s constitution. The SC deemed the said... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
පුවත්පත් නිවේදනය රජිත් කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ/කැෆේ සංවිධානය ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයේ මතය ඉවත දා, ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාව උල්ලංඝනය කරමින්, පාර්ලිමේන්තු කාර්ය පටිපාටිය හා සම්ප්රදායන් උල්ලංඝනය කරමින් ඡන්ද කල් දැමීම සදහා සිදු කළ පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීම් පනත සංශෝධනය කිරීම ‘ලංකා පාර්ලිමේන්තු ඉතිහාසයේ වඩාත් ක්රම විරෝධී පනත් සංශෝධනය‘ යි. ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදී සමාජ ව්යවහාරයන්, විනිවිදභාවය, පාර්ලිමේන්තු සම්පාදනය හා නීතියේ ආධිපත්යයට ගරු කිරීම නෙසලකා පළාත් සභා පනත් කෙටුම්පත පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ සම්මත කොට ගෙන ඇත්තේ දිගු කලක් සංවාදයට බදුන්වී තිබූ මිශ්ර මැතිවරණ ක්රමයේ විකාර රූපයක් ලෙසිනි. රටේ නීතිය බවට පත්වන දැ ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාවට අනුකූල ද යන්න තීරණය කරනු යේ ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය යි. සැප්. 19 දින ලංකා ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාවට... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera Analogue is as follows. Either this bird was a reincarnation of an human who had done much sins and at the death bed last thought came into his mind may have been the reason why he was re born as a bird . I am compelled to quote Dharmasoka “Concern for animals is attested back to the beginnings of Buddhist history. The first Buddhist monarch of India, Ashoka, includes in his Edicts an expression of concern for the number of animals that had been killed for his meals, and expresses an intention to put an end to this... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 21, 2017, 9:55 pm It was reported a few moons ago that a swashbuckling village ruffian or chandiya, on seeing police come for him, had taken to his heels, got into a nearby house and hidden under a woman’s bed, only to be dragged out by his pursuers and bundled into a waiting paddy wagon. Asked why he had run away and hidden in a boudoir as it were, the chandiya with macho posturing tried to fool the investigators by claiming he had heard a woman cry for help and rushed in that direction. The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
DR. JANAKA RATNASIRI Nawala September 21, 2017, 9:58 pm The recent correspondence on the above appearing in the Sunday Island of 17th and 10th of September prompted me to pen this piece. The recollection of the past emphasizing its negative aspects is fine, lest people forget this era of events which the younger generation is not even aware of. However, there is a positive aspect of it, too. It appears that the Sirimavo Bandaranaike regime’s decision to adopt such a harsh policy towards external expenditure was the result of the refusal of multi-lateral financial agencies to extend financial assistance... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
By Saman Indrajith Courtesy The Island September 21, 2017, 10:18 pm The Steering Committee, tasked with drafting a new constitution has raised the hackles of some of its members by proposing that the term, ‘unitary state’ be done away with. The Steering Committee interim report submitted by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to the Constitutional Assembly yesterday states that people in the south are scared of the term, ‘federal’ while the people in the North fear the word, ‘unitary.’ The report says: "The classical definition of the English term ‘unitary state’ has undergone change. In the United Kingdom, it is now... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
lanka C news පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීම් සංශෝධන පනත් කෙටුම්පත ඊයේ දිනයේ පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී සම්මත කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් අදහස් දක්වමින් හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා විසින් මාධ්ය නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කර ඇත.එම නිවේදනය පහතින් දැක්වෙයි. පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද දින නියමයක් නොමැතිව කල් දැමීම එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයත්, එජාපයට සහයෝගය දක්වන ශ්රීලනිප කණ්ඩායමත්, දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානයත්, ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණත් යන යහපාලන කුමන්ත්රණකාර පාර්ශවයන් එකට එක්ව දින නියමයක් නොමැතිව පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද කල් දැමීම සඳහා පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද නීතිය වෙනස් කර ඇත. ඡන්ද නොපවත්වා, පවතින පළාත් සභා වල නිල කාලය දීර්ඝ කිරීම සඳහා ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනයක් ගෙන ඒමට ඔවුන් මුලින් උත්සාහ දැරුවද, එවන් ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනයක් සම්මත... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
Courtesy The Daily Mirror Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa today said the government has openly insulted the judiciary and flouted the Constitution by introducing changes to the Provincial Councils Election Bill through the backdoor. Issuing a statement, he said these changes have been made when the Supreme Court (SC) had given a clear ruling that the extension of the terms of the Provincial Councils (PCs) or a postponement of elections would require a referendum in addition to a two thirds majority in Parliament. He said all provincial councils will stand automatically dissolved in terms of Article 154E of the Constitution... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
By Sanchith Karunaratna Courtesy Ceylon Today Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has urged the people to unite and oppose the efforts rendered by the current government to destroy democratic institutions within Sri Lanka. In a media release that was circulated today, the former President condemned the concerted efforts of the ‘yahapalana conspirators’ who made several changes to the Provincial Council’s Elections law in order to indefinitely postpone the PC elections. He cited the ruling of the Supreme Court which stated that a referendum and two thirds majority in parliament would be required to establish the proposed constitutional amendment brought forward... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
BY Ranjith Kumara Samarakone Courtesy Veylon Today State Minister of International Trade, Sujeewa Senasinghe says, 'We spoke strongly about things like good governance and the independence of the judiciary. What these reflect is that our party is on the correct track. Even if it is difficult the masses should accept that.' 'When our party is exemplary, other parties also will automatically become exemplary. It was always the United National Party that brought about change in this country,' he noted. Excerpts of the interview: ? In what areas did the Government fail, in the past two years? A: If the work... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge Everybody including Sri Lanka’s Parliament & the diplomatic community seem to be ignoring some ground realities. LTTE remains banned and TNA is a mouthpiece of the LTTE and often described as LTTE political proxy. If these are mere allegations, then the onus is on anyone in power to launch a Commission and investigate the TNA and remove all doubt. Until such time TNA cannot be dictating terms given that TNA received just 515,963 votes which is 4.62% of all votes cast in 2015 General Elections. The most baffling thing is how TNA leader has become the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/09/17)
තේජා ගොඩකන්දෙආරච්චි ජනාධිපති මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේනගේ වැඩිමහලු දියණිය වන චතුරිකා සිරිසේන විසින් රචනා කරන ලද 'ජනාධිපති තාත්තා' නම් කෘතිය පසුගියදා දොරට වැඩියේය. මීට සමගාමීව කතුවරිය විසින් පවත්වන ලද විද්යුත් හා මුද්රිත මාධ්යවල සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවන් බොහෝ ගණනක්ද දක්නට ලැබිනි. නවකතාව (ඈ කියන පරිදි එය 'චරිතප්රධානයක්' නොව නවකතාවක ස්වරූපයෙන් ලියැවුනකි) දොරට වැඩීමට දින දෙක තුනකට පෙර, චතුරිකා සිරිසේනගේ ඡායා රූ ගත කිරීමක් එනම් ෆොටෝ ෂූට් එකක්ද සිදුකර එම පින්තූර මාධ්ය වෙතට නිකුත්කර තිබිනි. එය මෙන්ම පොත දොරට වැඩීමේ උළෙලේ සියලු සංවිධාන කටයුතු සිදුකර තිබෙන්නේ ජනාධිපති මාධ්ය ඒකකය විසිනි. ජනාධිපති මාධ්ය ඒකකයට අයවැයෙන් වෙන්වන මුදල් කාගේද? 2017 වසර සඳහා වූ අයවැයේදී අධ්යාපනයට සහ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග 2006 වසරේදී විශේෂඥ මනෝ වෛද්ය නීල් ප්රනාන්දු මහතා යටතේ ජාතික රෝහලේ මනෝ වෛද්ය සායනයේ සේවය කරන විටදී මානසික ව්යාකූලතාවක් සමග ඉතා තරුණ කාන්තාවක් කිරි දරුවෙකු සමග ආවාය. මෙම තරුණ කාන්තාවගේ තනියට ඇයගේ මවද ගැබිණි නැගෙනියද ඇවිත් සිටි අතර සුපුරුදු ලෙසින් මම ඔවුන් ගේ විස්තර විචාලෙමි. ඔවුන් පැවසූ කරුණු අසා මම කම්පනයට පත් වූයෙමි. මේ පවුල ඉතා දුප්පත් ය. පියා වර්තමානයේ රැකියාවක් නොකරන්නෙකි. සහෝදරියන් දෙදෙනා සහ ඔවුන් ගේ අට හැවිරිදි සොහොයුරා ජීවත් වන්නේ මව විසින් සොයන ආදායමෙනි මව කුලී වැඩ කරන්නීය. මව ගෙදර නොමැති අවස්ථාවලදී පියා විසින් වැඩිමහල් දුවට පහර දී බිය වද්දා ඇයව දූෂණය... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
සභාපති - ලංකා තැපැල් සේවා සංගමය ගරු අමාත්ය අබ්දුල් හලීම් මැතිතුමා, තැපැල්, තැපැල් සේවා හා මුස්ලිම් ආගමික කටයුතු අමාත්යාංශය, 6 සහ 7 වැනි මහල, තැපැල් මූලස්ථනාන ගොඩනැගිල්ල, 310, ඞී.ආර්. විජේවර්ධන මාවත, කොළඹ 10. ගරු අමාත්යතුමානි, කොළඹ ප්රධාන තැපැල් කාර්යාලය පවරා ගැනීමට විරෝධය පළකිරීම 09. 08 වන දින තැපැල් හා තැපැල් සේවා හා මුස්ලිම් ආගමික කටයුතු අමාත්යාංශයේ ලේකම් තුමා ගේ ප්රධානත්වයෙන් පැවති පසුවිපරම් කමිටු සාකච්ජාවේදී, කොටුව ප්රධාන තැපැල් කාර්යාල ගොඩනැගිල්ල ගරු අග්රාමාත්යතුමා විසින් පවරා ගන්නා ලද බව, ගරු අමාත්යාංශ ලේකම් තුමා විසින් ප්රකාශ කරන ලදි. මෙම ගොඩනැගිල්ල පිහිටි ස්ථානය තැපැල් සේවා කටයුතු පවත්වාගෙන යෑමට ඉතාමත් උචිත ස්ථානයක් වන... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
Dr Hector Perera London The magazine Health Which? Examined the nutritional content of typical meals from Chinese, Indian, Thai, Italian and Tex-Mex menus. Recommended daily guidelines (men/women) These are the daily recommended amounts for men and women Fat 95g/70g, Saturates 30g/20g, Calories 2,500/2,000, Sodium 2.5g/2g, Fibre 18g, Sugar 70g/50g. In particular they looked at levels of fat (including saturated fat), sugar, fibre and sodium - all of which can be bad for health in high quantity. The researchers found that certain dishes from each type of cuisine contained worryingly high levels of fat and sugar that is one way... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION-URGENT APPEAL PROGRAMME Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that Mr. Mahinda Dammika Manawadu was illegally arrested and severely tortured by police officers attached to the Padukka Police Station. After Dammika got into a dispute with the owner of the garage where his three-wheeler was under repair, the owner requested the intervention of the police. Two police officers arrived and severely assaulted Dammika, leading to his loss of consciousness. He was then taken to the Padukka police station and put in the lock up in an unconscious state. Although an investigation was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
By M D P DISSANAYAKE It has been a nervous waiting for Sri Lankan cricketing fans to see the initial outcome of England v West Indies matches. As a result of West Indies seven-wicket defeat against England in the first ODI at Old Trafford, Sri Lanka squeezed into the top 8 teams, viz. Australia, Bangladesh, England, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and South Africa. In preparation for the major event, Sri Lanka will have ample opportunities to improve its performances. Its busy schedule of 36 matches (subject to change) expected to be played prior to World Cup includes:... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera News Item quotes that the Hon Minister of Transport has gone to India to seek divine help to beat the railway strikers or Private bus owners or Three wheeler drivers.The news gossips about his shaving of the hair presumably to get rid of the “ticks” ( Ticka’s -how we called railway guards during our school times.) as all railway strikers intend to cripple the transport system .It may be a hair pulling exercise for the minister to find a solution. Few front -line politicians like Kothalawala ,JR and Chandrika ( may even be Sirimavo did... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
– අරවින්ද අතුකෝරල lanka C news පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රී උදය ගම්මන්පිල කූට ලේඛණ සෑදූ බවට චෝදනා කිරීමට ඔස්ට්රේලියාවෙන් ගෙන් වූ බ්රයන් ෂැඩික් පවසන්නේ බොරු බව ජනාධිපති නීතිඥ ශවේන්ද්ර ප්රනාන්දු සාක්ෂි සහිතව පෙන්වා දීමෙන් පසු ඔහුගේ හරස් ප්රශ්න වලට දිගින් දිගටම පිලිතුරු සැපයුවේ ‘මං දන්නේ නෑ.. මට මතක නෑ’ යනුවෙනි. එවිට ජනාධිපති නීතිඥ ශවේන්ද්ර ප්රනාන්දු අධිකරණය අමතමින්, ‘ස්වාමිනි, මම හිතා ගෙන හිටියේ දන්නේ නෑ මතක නෑ කියන ලෙඩේ හැදෙන්නේ ලංකාවේ දේශපාලකයින්ට විතරයි කියලා. දැන් බැලින්නම් ලංකාවට එන විදේශිකයින්ටත් ඒක හැදෙනවා. මගේ සේවාලාභියා පාර්ලිමේන්තු මැතිවරණයට මුහුණ දෙන්න සති දෙකක් විතරක් තිබිය දී මෙයාව විරුද්ධ දේශපාලකයෙක් ලංකාවට ගෙන්වා පැමිණිල්ලක් කෙරෙව්වේ ඡන්දයට බලපෑම් කරන්නයි. වාසනාවට... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 20, 2017, 12:00 pm A claim made by former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran’s counsel ,before the presidential commission of inquiry probing bond scams, on Tuesday, has raised many an eyebrow. He said his client could not be compelled to give evidence as the latter was a Singaporean. The commission had previously ruled that it could not compel Perpetual Treasuries owner Arjun Aloysius to testify. Mahendran, however, chose to give evidence unlike his son-in-law, Aloysius. The commission has said Mahendran has to testify and he is not above the law. However, the recent developments in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
by C.A. Chandraprema Courtesy The Island September 20, 2017, 10:46 pm It is not the policy of this newspaper to comment on articles published by other newspapers or websites. However given the importance of the ‘Bill to introduce into local law the provisions of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced isappearance’, and the campaign of misinformation surrounding this proposed piece of legislation, an exception will be made in this instance. In an article posted on D.B.S.Jeyaraj’s blog titled "Extradition Clause in Enforced Disappearances Bill is Identical to Section 7(2) of Torture Act Passed in 1994",... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
Sarath Dharmasena and Shyam Nuwan Ganewatta Courtesy The Island September 20, 2017, 10:55 pm Justice K. T. Chitrasiri yesterday said former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendra should abide by the law. Although the Counsel for Mahendran had said that Mahendran was a Singaporean, once appointed as Governor he was under Sri Lankan law, Justice Chitasiri said at the conclusion of Mahendran’s evidence led by his counsel. Mahendran received appointed from President Maithripala Sirisena in January 2015 on the recommendation of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. President Sirisena declined to extend Mahendran's term in mid 2016 in the wake of the second... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
By Sarath Dharmasena and Shyam Nuwan Ganewatta Courtesy The Island September 19, 2017, 12:00 pm Former Central Bank Governor Arjun Mahendran's Counsel Romesh De Silva, PC, yesterday told the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (CoI), probing the alleged bond scams that his client couldn't be compelled to give evidence before CoI as he (Mahendran) was a Singaporean. President Maithripala Sirisena appointed Mahendran Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) on Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe's recommendation in January 2015. Mahendran was replaced soon after the second bond scam involving the Perpetual Treasuries Limited (PTL) came to light in March 2016.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 19, 2017, 8:39 pm Some UNP MPs have taken exception to the admission of former President’s Secretary Lalith Weeratunga to the Welikada prison hospital after being sentenced to three years RI. They claim he has received preferential treatment. A senior prison doctor has been transferred by way of punishment for allegedly favouring him. One is intrigued by their brouhaha and line of reasoning. The UNP MPs’ conclusion that Weeratunga should not be in prison hospital is based on the premises that politicians and other influential persons, remanded or sentenced to jail, get themselves admitted to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/09/17)
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION-URGENT APPEAL PROGRAM Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information regarding Mrs. K A Nilanthi Karunarathna. A resident of Baddegama Police Division, she migrated to Saudi Arabia as a domestic helper on 19 January 2015. Within several months at her employer’s house she started to experience severe harassments and complaints. She requested her family members to bring her back to Sri Lanka. The husband made complaints to the Employment Agency which sent her to Saudi Arabia and the Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Bureau (SLEFU). None of these authorities have taken any positive steps... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
Courtesy The Daily Mirror A few days ago the eastern Indian media took Prime Minister Narendra Modi to task for claiming that Sri Lanka’s national anthem was composed by Bengali Poet Rabindranath Tagore. “On my international visits, I feel proud to say that Tagore composed national anthems of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India,” Prime Minister Modi was quoted as saying in a speech made in Delhi. His speech was delivered at a ceremony to mark the 125th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s Chicago address and the centenary celebrations of Deendayal Upadhyaya, a towering figure in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
තාක්ෂණික විද්යා ගුරු බොධි ධනපාල විසිනි. ජනාධිපති කාර්යාලයට රිංගාගෙන ඉන්නා ගොවිතැන හෝ පරිසරය හෝ අප ජනයාගේ දුක හෝ නොදන්නා මැක්කන් ගේ රට වනසන වැරදි ප්රචාරය ගැන මීට ඉහත ලිපියකින් (දිවයින-ට-ආවේශ-වී-අති-සොලොම/) දක්වීමු. එහිදී "චින්තකයෙක්" ලෙස තමන් විසින් ම නාමාරූඪ කරගත්, SEMA හෙවත් "වසවිස නැති රටක් ජාතික වැඩසටහන උපායමාර්ගික ව්යසන කළමනාකරණ ආයතනය" යන ජාවාරමේ කටයුතු කරන මැක්කෙකු ගේ ලිපියක් ගැන විග්රහයක් දුනිමි. නුමුත්, එවැනි මක්කො පමණක් නොව, මහාචර්ය පට්ටම් ගහගෙන මේ අලුත බිහිවූ සරසවි වලට රිංගාගෙන ඉන්නා, නූගත් සමහර අය ලියන විශ්ම කථා ගැන ද පාඨකයාගේ අවධානය යොමු කල යුතු ය. SEMA සහ පූජ්ය රතන සමඟ කිට්ටුවෙන්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ සිංහලබෞද්ධ රටේ පාලකයාවූ සමයේ,,සම්බුද්ධ ජයන්තිය සැමරීම සඳහා උවසු උවෑ සි යන්ට සිල් රෙදි බෙදා දුනමැනවැය් ජාතියේ මුරදේවතාවන් වන මහා සංඝ රත්නය විසින් කරන ලද ඉල්ලීම,තම රටේ සංස්කෘතියට අනුව ගවුරවයෙන් පිළිගත් ඒ පාලකයාතම යුතුකම නොපිරිහෙලා ඉටුකළේය .බෝසත් රජවරු විසින් වසර 2600කට වැඩි කාලයක් තිස්සේ ජාතියේ මුරදේවතාවන් විසින් කරන ලද මග පෙන්වීම අනුව අපේ පාලකයෝ රටේ වැසියන් වෙනුවෙන් ගොඩ මඩ සරුකරමින්රට බත බුලතින් සරු කළහ .වැවු අමුණු බැඳ අහසෙන් වැටෙන එක ජල බින්දුවක් හෝ ප්රයෝජනයට නොගෙන මුහුදට ගලායාම වැළැක්වීමට පි යවර ගත්තේභික්ෂුන් විසින් අනුදැන වදාළ බෝසත් සිරිතට අනුවය .ඒ රජවරු එපමණකින් නොනැවතී භික්ෂුන් වෙනුවෙන් විහාරාරාම තනවා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera Please see the video clip to see how Maldivian catch Tuna Our ignorant fishermen go out to sea for 21 days with few ice blocks and bags of salt and return with rotten fish .The fish we eat bought in Supermarkets and from fish mongers are rotten ,iced fro weeks .We are not blessed to eat good fish . I am trying to develop concept to build Fish Collector vessels to go out collect the fish from fisherman out at sea for 21 days and bring to shore and give to public We should stop... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
-ආචාර්ය නාලක ගොඩහේවා-යුතුකම සංවාද කවය 30 අවුරුදු යුද්ධයක් අවසන්කොට රටේ විශාල මහජන ප්රසාදයක් දිනා සිටි මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ පරාජය කිරීම සඳහා එදා විපක්ෂයට උදව් දී 2015 දී වත්මන් රජය බලයට ගෙන ඒමට ප්රධාන වශයෙන් දායක වූ බාහිර බලවේග 3ක් විය 1. බෙදුම්වාදී දෙමල ඩයස්පෝරාව විසින් මෙහයවනු ලබන ඇමෙරිකාව ප්රමුඛ බටහිර රටවල් කිහිපයක් 2. යුද්ධය අවසන් වීම නිසා ආදායම් මාර්ගයක අඩුවූ රාජ්ය නොවන සංවිධාන 3. චීනය හා ලංකාව අතර ගොඩනැගෙමින් තිබුන ව්යාපාරික සම්බන්ධතා ගැන උරණ වී සිටි ඉන්දියාව එදා විපක්ෂයට මුලෝපාමය සහාය ලබා දුන්නේත් මුල්යමය ආධාර ලබාදුන්නේත් මේ බලවේග තුනයි. එම සහාය වෙනුවෙන් වන්දි ලෙස බලයට ඒමට බලාපොරොත්තුවෙන් සිටි ප්රධාන කන්ඩායම්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
By Dr Kamal Wickremasinghe Courtesy The Island The performance record of the current government of Sri Lanka re-establishes a number of principles about politicians promising systemic change. The first of these is the public choice theory of economics that explains political behaviour of all economic actors — politicians, voters and bureaucrats — on the basis of greed. Based on this premise, public choice rules out the potential for major changes in policy outcomes through a change of the identities of the people who hold public office. In this sense, the current government bears living testimony to the public choice theory.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
By Saman Indrajith Courtesy The Island Speaker Karu Jayasuriya informed Parliament yesterday that the Supreme Court by a majority vote had determined that the 20th Amendment to the Constitution was inconsistent with several Articles in the Constitution and would have to be passed by a two-thirds majority in Parliament and approved by people at a referendum. Speaker Jayasuriya said: "I wish to announce to the House that I have received the determination of the Supreme Court in respect of the bill titled ‘Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution’ which has been challenged in the Supreme Court in terms of Article 121(1)... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
Courtesy Mail on line Sri Lanka's President Maithripala Sirisena (L) and then first Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka (R) look on during a commemorative ceremony in Colombo on May 19, 2017, marking the eight anniversary of the end of the islands Tamil separatist war Sri Lanka's ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka Tuesday said he had been denied a visa to attend the UN general assembly because of unresolved war crime allegations against the military. The war-time general, who is now minister of regional development, said he was due to travel to New York this week, but he was the only... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
BY IDAH Z. PSWARAYI-RIDDIHOUGH Courtesy The World Bank Many Sri Lankans understand the potential benefits of lowering trade costs and making their country more competitive in the global economy. The majority, however, fear increased competition, the unfair advantage of the private sector from abroad and limited skills and innovation to compete. Yet, Sri Lanka’s aspirations cannot be realized in the current status quo. While changes in trade policies and regulations will undeniably improve the lives of most citizens, I’m mindful that some are likely to lose. However, many potential... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge We are not surprised to hear about the crisis in Myanmar. When the US declared its pivot to Asia, we knew that a problem or problems would suddenly erupt in Asian countries. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, Myanmar has become a victim. The foot soldiers are the Bengali terrorists & the Guinea pigs are the Rohingyas and collateral damage are the Myanmar Buddhists & Hindus. The scenario is no different to the crisis that erupted in Sri Lanka. Both Rohingyas and LTTE have armed movements and are using bogus historical backing to seek a separate homeland. The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
Dr. Sudath Gunasekara 18.9.2017 This article is in two parts. Part 1 This country had been the undisputed Motherland of the Sinhala race from 543 BC and the home of Sinhala Buddhist civilization from 307 BC and it had been ruled continuously by 196 Sinhala Buddhist Kings until it was deceitfully conquered by the Colonial British in 1815. No other country in the world can claim such an unbroken and unique tradition. The Buddhist concept of Bahujana hitaya, Bahujana Sukhaya’ was the pivotal underpinning of its statecraft. Throughout the history of the Sinhale Kingdom, except in few rare... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
P.A.Samaaraweera The principal share holder and Director of Perpetual Trustees, Mr. Arjuna Aloysius, has decided not to give evidence before the Presidential Commission of Inquiry. The Commission of Inquiry has also declined to compel him to give evidence because the law allows him to do so. If those who are accused can remain silent when called upon to provide evidence to Presidential Commissions then there is no purpose of appointing them as it is a waste of time and money. In the past so many commissions had been appointed but their impact had been negligible. Some of them had been... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/09/17)
lanka C news පැවති රාජපක්ෂ පාලන කාලයේදී බෞද්ධ උපාසක උපාසිකාවක් සදහා සිල් රෙදි බෙදු දුන් වැඩපිලිවෙල අනුව පොළොන්නරුව දිස්ත්රික්කයේදී ඒවා බෙදු දුන්නේ එවක ඇමතිවරයෙක් වූ මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතාගේ පින්තූර සහිත අසුරයන්හි දවටා බව මාධ්ය අමතමින් දේශවිමුක්ති ජනතා පක්ෂයේ සභාපති ගලගම ධම්මරංසි හිමියෝ කියා සිටියහ. එසේකම මහින්ද අමරවීර මහතා සහම්බන්තොට දිස්ත්රික්කයේදී තම පින්තූරය සහිත සිල්රෙදි බෙදාදුන් බවද උන් වහන්සේ කියා සිටියහ. මෙම සිල්රෙදි බෙදීමේ ව්යාපෘතිය සිදු කරනු ලැබුවේ ගිය රජය විසින් ගත් සාමුහික කැබිනට් තීරණයක් අනුව බවත් එම කටයුත්ත වරදක් නම් මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන, රාජිත සේනාරත්න ආදී එදා කැබිනට් මණ්ඩලයේ සියල්ලන්ටද විරුද්දව නීතිය ක්රියාත්මක කල යුතු බව හිමියෝ කියා සිටිති.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
Premalal Ferdinando Switzerland Govt. politicians are lying about the mandate of the OMP. The Office of the Missing persons act (OFFICE ON MISSING PERSONS (ESTABLISHMENT, ADMINISTRATION AND DISCHARGE OF FUNCTIONS) ACT, No. 14 OF 2016 is available at: From Art. 10(2) and Art 12(b)(i) it is clear that OMP has the mandate to investigate past incidents of missing persons. The synonyms given for "most recently" in the dictionaries are "more recently than any other time" and "last". For example the JVP insurrection was in the past. The LTTE war took place "more recently than the JVP insurrection". Therefore, incidents... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera /CEO Walkrs Colombo Shipyard Quoted from a feature article in Sunday newspaper …………. I read this article in the Sunday paper and I am of the opinion that all ministers ,including Minister of Megapolis should learn from President Premadasa President and the Housing minister were not Oxford or Harvard educated. They knew how to select the team to execute certain tasks entrusted by the people The names of the team is listed here ,and some are not living anymore and some are working with son of the Ex-president …. The following is the team... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
CaFFE writes to the Speaker, AG and Legal Draftsman Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CaFFE) has written to Attorney General Jayantha Jayasuriya, Legal Draftsman Deepani Kumarajeewa and Speaker Hon. Karu Jayasuriya expressing its displeasure at the attempts made by the government to postpone provincial council elections by making hitherto undiscussed proposals during the debate on the gazette of the draft bill allocating 30% of seats in provincial councils for female representatives. CaFFE Executive Director Keerthi Tennakoon writing to the three officials states that the attempt to bring forth proposals which were not discussed in earlier discussions with political... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
මාධ්ය නිවේදනය - කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් , විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ - කැෆේ සංවිධානය මැතිවරණයකට මුහුණ දීමට බියක් දක්වන රජය මැතිවරණය කල් දමා ගැනීමේ උපක්රම පස්සා දොරෙන් ක්රියාත්මක කිරීම ලැජ්ජා සහගත තත්වයක් බව කැෆේ සංවිධානය අවධාරණය කරයි. එම සංවිධානයේ විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා අද (18)රාජගිරියේ පැවති මාධ්ය හමුවකදී අවධාරණය කළේ සමානුපාත ඡන්ද ක්රමය වෙනුවට කොට්ඨාශ ක්රමය ද ඇතුලත් මිශ්ර සමානුපාතික ක්රමය යෝජනා කර සම්මත කර ගැනීමේ ප්රයත්නයක් ඇති බව දැනගැනීමට ඇති බවයි. මෙසේ කරන්නේ පළාත් ඡන්ද ක්රමය කල් තැබීමේ අපේක්ෂාවෙන් ඉදිරිපත් කළ 20 වන සංශෝධනයට ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයේ එකගතාව ලබා නොගැනීම නිසා බව පැහැදිලි බවද තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා මෙහිදී සඳහන් කළේය. මෙම යෝජනාව අව්යාජ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
කීර්ති තෙන්නකොන් විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ/කැෆේ සංවිධානය 2017 සැප්තෑම්බර් 18 කරු ජයසූරිය මැතිතුමා, ගරු කථානායකතුමා, ශ්රී ලංකා පාර්ලිමේන්තුව, ශ්රී ජයවර්ධනපුර කෝට්ටේ. ප්රිය කථානායකතුමනි, පළාත් සභා පනතට අදාල මැතිවරණ සංශෝධන කාරක සභා අවස්ථාවේ දී ඇතුලත් කිරිම පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීමේ පනතේ නාම යෝජනා පත්රයට 30% කාන්තා නියෝජනයක් ඇතුලත් කිරීම සදහා වන පනත් කෙටුපතක් මේ වන විට ගැසට් මගින් ප්රකාශයට පත් කොට ඇත. එය මේ සතියේ පාර්ලිමේන්තු න්යාය පුස්තකයට ඇතුලත් කිරීමට නියමිත අතර, බදාදා (සැප්. 20) විවාදයට ගැනීමට රජය සුදානම් වේ. මෙම විවාදයේ දී, උක්ත කරණ සදහා පැවති ආංශික කාරක සභා රැස්වීමේ දී කිසිසේත්ම සාකච්ඡා නොකළ කරුණු එනම්, සමානුපාත ඡන්ද ක්රමය වෙනුවට... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග ඒ 1985 සැප්තැම්බර් මාසයයි. අපොස උසස් පෙළ විභාගය ලිවීමෙන් පසු ලැබෙන දිග නිවාඩුව මම ගත කරමින් සිටියෙමි. මා සමග කොළඹ නාලන්දා මහා විද්යාලයේ උසස්පෙළ හැදෑරු සිසුන් බොහෝ දෙනෙකු පරිගණක , විදේශීය භාෂා අධ්යයනය වැනි කාර්යන් වල නිරත වී සිටියහ. නිකරුනේ ගෙදර කාලය ගත කිරීම නුසුදුසු බව සැලකු මගේ පියා තාවකාලික පදනම මත ශ්රී ලංකා ගුවන් විදුලි සංස්ථාවේ ඉංග්රීසි අංශයේ බාහිර නිෂ්පාදකයෙකු ලෙස වැඩ කොට අත්දැකීම් ලබා ගන්නා ලෙසට මා උනන්දු කළේය. එම නිසා ඒ සඳහා ඉල්ලුම්පත්රයක් මම යැව්වෙමි. මා විසින් යවන ලද ඉල්ලුම්පත්රය ශ්රී ලංකා ගුවන් විදුලි සංස්ථාවේ සභාපති ලිවී විජේමාන්න මහතා අනුමත කළේය. ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
ඇමරිකාව විසින් ශ්රි ලංකාවට ව්යවස්ථාවක් සකසා එවා ඇති බව ඇමරිකානු කොංග්රස් මණ්ඩලයේ ප්රබලයෙක් කියා සිටි බව උත්සව සභාවක් අමතමින් පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රී කෙහෙලිය රඹුක්වැල්ල මහතා පැවසීය. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
තිලක් සේනාසිංහ– Lakbima දේශපාලනික කරුණු වලට අමතරව ජනාධිපති මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතා පොදු ජනතාවගේ අවධානයට ලක්ව ඇති හේතු කාරණා කිහිපයක් ඇත. නිසැක ලෙසම ඉන් මුල් තැන ගනුයේ ඔහු විසින් කථා ව්යවහාරයේ දී යොදනු ලබන ‘හිටං’ යන වදනය. තම පෞද්ගලික කතා ව්යවහාරයේ දී සේම වසර 28 ක පාර්ලිමේන්තු දේශපාලනික කතා ව්යවහාරයේ දී ද ඔහු විසින් යොදා ගන්නා ලද මේ ‘හිටං’ යන වදන සමාජ කරළියට පිවිසෙන ලද්දේ ඒ මහතා ගේ ජනාධිපති පදවි ප්රාප්තියත් සමඟිනි මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන නාමය මේ ‘හිටං’ යන වදනත් සමඟම කොතෙක් සහ සම්බන්ධ වී තිබේද යත් ඇතැම් සමාජ ජාලා වෙබ් අඩවි වලින් ඔහු ‘හිටං සිරිසේන’ යනුවෙන් හඳුන්වා ඇති අවස්ථාද අපි... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
BY PANCHAMEE HEWAVISSENTI Courtesy Ceylon Today Former Army Chief Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka's rhetoric on alleged war crimes committed by Sri Lanka's armed forces became the subject of criticism by many people. Among them was Ven. Elle Gunawansa. Sarath Fonseka called him a man in robes and a lunatic. Ven. Elle Gunawansa said he prefers not to make hostile comment on Fonseka as the Thera does not want anyone to classify him to be of the same inferior class as displayed by mundane ignorant people. Albeit, the Thera said the United National Party (UNP) should decide if the party should... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island Monday 18th September, 2017 September 17, 2017, 8:52 pm How the treasury bond rackets were planned and carried out has come to light thanks to a process of witnesses ratting on their bosses before the ongoing presidential commission of inquiry. It was recently revealed that Perpetual Treasuries (Pvt.) Ltd. (PTL) owner, Arjun Aloysius, had lied to the COPE (Committee on Public Enterprises) on bond rackets. He is also alleged to have received inside information from the Central Bank, which was, at that time, headed by his father-in-law, Arjuna Mahendran, and made huge profits at the expense... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංගගේ 71 කැරැල්ල ආරම්භයේ සිට අවසානය දක්වා පුර්ණ සමාලෝචනයක් කෘතිය ඇසුරෙනි 71 කැරැල්ලට සම්බන්ධ වී කැලේ සැඟවී සිටියදි අත්අඩංගුවට ගත් ඒකනායක නැමැති ගුරුවරයකු පිලිබදව පුවතක් 1977 වසරේ දිනක දිනමිණ පුවත්පතේ පල වී තිබුනි. මම මේ පුවත කියවූ බව හොදින්ම මතකය. (මෙම පුවත කියවන විට මම පහ වසරේ සිසුවෙකි) ඒකනායක යන නම මගේ මතකයේ හොදින්ම රැඳී තිබුනි. මෙම පුවත පලවී වසර 32 පසුව ඒ සුප්රකට ඒකනායක මා ඉදිරියෙන් සිටී. වියපත් වූ ඔහුගේ මුහුනේ ඒ අතීත සිද්ධීන් සියල්ලම ලියවී ඇත. එම සිද්ධීන් නිරාවරණය කිරීම ලොකු බන්ඩා ඒකනායක මහතාට මම භාර දෙමි. මගේ ගම් පලාත නුවර බෝපිටිය. 1959 වසරේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
වරුණ චන්ද්රකීර්ති විජ්ජාචරණ සම්පන්න කියලා කියන්නේ නව අරහාදී බුදුගුණවලට අයිති තුන්වැනි ගුණය. සම්මා සම්බුද්ධත්වය ලැබීමේ දී අප මහා බුදුරජාණන්වහන්සේට විද්යාව පහළවුනා. “චක්ඛුං උදපාදි, ඥාණං උදපාදි, පඤ්ඤා උදපාදි, විජ්ජා උදපාදි, අලෝකෝ උදපාදි” කියලා ධම්මචක්කපවත්තන සූත්ර දේශනාවෙන් ප්රකාශ කෙරුනේ ඒ අදහස. මෙතැන විද්යාව (විජ්ජා) කියලා කියන්නේ සංකල්ප, ප්රවාද වගේ දේවල්වල එකතුවකට නෙවෙයි. විජ්ජා කියන පාලි වචනයෙන් ප්රකාශවෙන්නේ විද්යාව කියන සිංහල වචනයේ අර්ථය ම බව ඇත්ත. ඒත් සිංහල අපි විජ්ජා කියලා හඳුන්වන්නේ විද්යාව කියන වචනයෙන් ප්රකාශවෙන දේ නෙවෙයි. එක එක විජ්ජා පෙන්නන මිනිස්සු අපි අතර ඕන පදම් ඉන්නවා. ඒ හින්දා විද්යාව කියන වචනයට පර්යාය වචනයක් විදිහට සිංහලෙන් විජ්ජා කියන වචනය පාවිච්චිකරන්න බෑ.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් මාධ්ය ඒකකය කැෆේ සංවිධානය ඉදිරි සතියේ දී පළාත් සභා සංශෝධනයට යෝජනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කොට කාරක සභා අවස්ථාවේ දී පළාත් සභා ඡන්දය කල් දමා ගැනීමට ප්රතිපාදන සපයා ගැනීමට රජය කපටි ක්රම විරෝධී උත්සාහයක නිරත වන බව කැෆේ සංවිධානයේ විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා පවසයි. පලාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීමේ පනතේ නාම යෝජනා පත්රයට 30% කාන්තා නියෝජනයක් ඇතුලත් කිරීම සදහා වන පනත් කෙටුපතක් මේ වන විට ගැසට් මගින් ප්රකාශයට පත් කොට ඇත. එය මේ සතියේ පාර්ලිමේන්තු න්යාය පුස්තකයට ඇතුලත් කිරීමට නියමිත අතර, මේ සතියේම විවාදයට ගැනීමට රජය සුදානම් වේ. මේ සදහා පැවති ආංශික කාරක සභා රැස්වීමේ දී කිසිසේත්ම සාකච්ඡා නොකළ කරුණු... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
අසාද් සාලි මියන්මාර් රෝහින්ග්යා මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවට ලංකාවට එන ලෙසට එස් එම් මරික්කාර්, අසාද් සාලි, සහ අමාත්ය රිෂාඩ් බදියුදීන් ආරාධනා කළ බවට අසත්ය තොරතුරු මේ දිනවල පැතිර යමින් තිබේ. ලංකාවේ සිටින ජනතාවට ද නිදහසේ ජීවත්වීමට අවස්ථාවක් නොමැති පරිසරයක් තුල විදේශීය මුස්ලිම් ජනතාවට අප මෙරටට ආරාධනා කරනු ඇත්දැයි විමසා බැලිය යුතුව තිබේ. උතුරු නැගෙනහිර පදිංචි වී සිටි ජනතාව යුද සමයේ පළා ගොස් යළි මුල් ගම් බිම්වලට පැමිණීමේ දී ඔවුන්ට අහිමිවු ඉඩම් මෙතෙක් ලබාගැනීමට හැකියාවක් ලැබී නැත. උතුරු නැගෙගනහිර ඇතුලුව ජනතාවට වන්දනාමාන කිරීමට පල්ලියක් හෝ ඉදි කර ගැනීමට නොහැකි තත්වයක් තුල රෝහින්ග්යා මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව මෙරටට ගෙන්වා ගැනීමට අපට අවශ්යතාවක් නොමැත. ඔවුන් භාරගත... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
Dr Hector Perera London Fast food restaurants usually have a walk up counter and/or drive-thru window where you order and pick up your food without having to wait long. There is no such thing as a "bad" food, but these are some foods you should try not to have on a regular basis. Because fast food is high in sodium, saturated fat, trans-fat, and cholesterol, it isn't something you should eat often. The ill effect of fast food and the potential danger that it possesses by its regular consumption is shocking. One of the things is obesity. Regular consumption... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
මාධ්ය ඒකකය කැෆේ සංවිධානය ලංකාවේ සියලුම පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීම් එකම දිනයක පැවැත්වීම සදහා රජය ගත් ප්රශස්ත උත්සාහය අත නොහැර ‘ලංකාවේ සියලු පලාත් සභා ඔක්තෝබර් 2 දින විසිරුවා හැරීමට පළාත් සභා ප්රධාන අමාත්යවරුන් හා ආණ්ඩුකාරවරුන් සමග එකගත්වයක් ඇති කළ ගැනීම පිළිබද ජනාධිපතිවරයා සහ අගමැතිවරයා ඔවුන් සමග වහා සාකච්ඡා ඇරඹිය යුතු බව කැෆේ සංවිධානය පවසයි. ජනමත විචාරණයකින් තොරව නැගෙනහිර, උතුරු මැද හා සබරගමුව පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීම් කල් දමා ගැනීමට ඉදිරිපත් කළ 20 වන ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනය ඉටු නොවන්නේ නම්, ඉන් අධෛර්යයට පත් නොවී ලංකාවේ සියලුම පළාත් සභා ඡන්ද විමසීම් එකම දිනක පැවැත්වීමට ඇති විකල්ප පිළිබද ජනපති-අගමැති දෙපල වහා අවධානය යොමු... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
BY Kavindya Chris Thomas Courtesy Ceylon Today After what transpired at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry, probing the controversial Treasury Bond auction of the Central Bank, this past week, we believe that former Minister Ravi Karunanayake might just be overwhelmed by the idea that he could have pulled off an 'Arjun Aloysius' when he was summoned to give evidence, and had refused to do so. That way, it might have been possible for him to retain his, now lost, ministerial portfolio as well. Oh well, what's gone is gone now, Mr. Karunanayake. Humble jests aside, this past week was a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge Just who are the international community and what power do they yield and how unbiased are they? What about the UN, how credible is the UN that was created to stop a future world war but has done pittance against plenty of mini-wars taking place all over the world! Does the International Community and the UN have any moral right to be further interfering in countries when none of their solutions have produced results while their involvement in manufacturing conflicts are the cause of de-stability in the world? It is baffling that the world is actually... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/09/17)
by C.A.Chandraprema Courtesy The Island September 16, 2017, 7:52 pm With just 15 days to go for the Sabaragamuwa, North Central and Eastern provinces to automatically stand dissolved, the coming week will be a make or break period for the yahapalana government. The 20th Amendment to the Constitution is to be taken up for debate on Wednesday. The Supreme Court we believe has already conveyed its determination on the constitutionality of the proposed 20th Amendment to the Constitution. It was all over the social media that the SC had determined that the 20th A needed a referendum to be passed... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
Matthieu Ricard · Monk, author, photographer What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Biochemist turned Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard says we can train our minds in habits of well-being, to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment. This talk was presented at an official TED conference, and was featured by our editors on the home page. Matthieu Ricard · Monk, author, photographer Sometimes called the "happiest man in the world," Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk, author and photographer. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග මල් වැනි දරුවන් - ගොඩගේ ප්රකාශනයකි. අධ්යාපන ප්රතිකාර - සර්වෝදය විශ්වලේඛා ප්රකාශනයකි. අධ්යාපන ප්රතිකාර - විජේසුරිය ග්රන්ථ කේන්ද්රය මනෝ විද්යාත්මක උපදේශනය - විජේසුරිය ග්රන්ථ කේන්ද්රය ප්රතිකාරාත්මක උපදේශනය - විජේසුරිය ග්රන්ථ කේන්ද්රය - දිවි නසා ගැනීමේ චර්යාව හා උපදේශන ප්රතිකාර - මනෝ රෝග විශේෂඥ නීල් ප්රනාන්දු සමඟ - විජේසුරිය ග්රන්ථ කේන්ද්රය විශාදය හා මනෝ ප්රතිකාරය - මනෝ රෝග විශේෂඥ නීල් ප්රනාන්දු සමඟ - විජේසුරිය ග්රන්ථ කේන්ද්රය ජෝන් එෆ් කෙනඩි - ජීවිතය සහ මරණය (වි.ග්ර.කේ.) ඉවාන් ගේ ලෝකය (වි.ග්ර.කේ.) මිනිසුන් තුළින් ලෝකය දුටුවෙමි (වි.ග්ර.කේ.) යුද ආතතියේ මනෝවිද්යාත්මක බලපෑම (වි.ග්ර.කේ.) අකුරු සැරිය - -ඩිස්ලෙක්සියාව සඳහා භාෂා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
BYRUKI SAYID Courtesy Mirror UK Industry leaders have warned farmers are facing a crisis as vegan diets are behind young people losing their taste for milk, cheese and eggs. Milk sales could sour as teenagers are shunning the British staple for trendy non-dairy versions like soya and almond milk. Industry leaders have warned farmers are facing a crisis as vegan diets followed by stars such as pop idols Miley Cyrus and Ellie Goulding are behind young people losing their taste for milk, cheese and eggs. Ellie Goulding follows a vegan diet (Image: AFP/Getty)With a “demographic timebomb” looming, Dairy UK is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
By Dr.Tilak S. Fernando During Ranasingha Premadasa's Executive Presidency, the Sri Lankan expatriate community in the UK had grown excessively due to an exodus of 'genuine' and 'economic' refugees followed by the devastating situations that existed during 1971, 1987 and 1989 with the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) insurgency, along with the Black July (Kaṟuppu Yúlai) against the anti-Tamil campaign in 1983. The Black July was the result of a deadly ambush on 23 July 1983 by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) killing 13 Army soldiers. Due to the psychosis that prevailed in society following brutalities and unmerciful... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
R Chandrasoma There is a long history of the Joy experienced by the elect on seeing the defeated ‘sinners’ being punished. In the Holy Book of the Christians it is stated - “Therefore the elect shall go forth…to see the torments of the impious, seeing which they will not be grieved, but will be satiated with joy at the sight of the unutterable calamity of the impious .” The Buddhist position is not very different - the Arahats with their super-normal powers of sense and vision witnessed the awful tortures inflicted on the wicked and were delighted at the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
Here is the preliminary report on the findings of University of Alaska, Fairbanks which undertook a study to determine what would have caused the collapse of WTC 7 Building and their findings to date is that the internal fires could not have caused the collapse of the building as per the NIST's claim and the version of events promoted by the establishment. Here it is.... Those of you who have a better understanding of the civil engineering concepts may want to check it out and raise questions to the team at the UAF.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/09/17)
P.A.Samaraweera This week the Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council, Mr C.V. Wignesvaran (CV) had a meeting with the Mahanayake of the Malwatte Chapter and the Maha Sanga of Asgiriya. During these discussions, he had said that he wanted Federalism for the North. He had also added that the best option is to confer Federal status to Provincial Councils. For a small country like Sri Lanka where there are different nationalities why should there be Federal states? It appears that the creation of Provincial Councils itself was a disaster. It is a costly exercise and has only given more jobs... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග අපගේ විද්යාලයේ දන්ත ශල්යාගාරයක් හෙවත් ඩෙන්ටල් එකක් තිබුනේය. මෙම ඩෙන්ටල් එකේ සේවය කලේ දන්ත චිකිත්සකවරියන් ය. ඔවුන් අති විශාල සේවාවක් පාසල් ළමා ප්රජාව උදෙසා කළහ. අහේතුවකට මෙන් ශ්රී ලංකාවේ දන්ත වෛද්ය සේවය ඉතා කුහක ලෙස මේ දන්ත චිකිත්සකවරියන් විසින් දශක ගනනාවක් පුරා කල අනගි සේවය ගැන කතා නොකරති. සත්ය වශයෙන්ම මේ දන්ත චිකිත්සකවරියන් අපගේ මෙන්ම අපට ඉහත පරම්පරාවේ දන්ත සෞඛ්ය රැක ගැනීම සඳහා අතිශයන්ම දායක වූහ. හලාවත රෝහලේ නිර්වින්දන වෛද්යවරයෙකු ලෙස සේවය කරන විටදී මම සෙනසුරාදා දින වල උදෑසන විශේෂඥ දන්ත වෛද්ය ගාමිනී නවරත්න මහතා ගේ රෝගීන් නිර්වින්දනය කලෙමි. මෙම රෝගීන් අතර පාසල් දරුවන් යම් ප්රමාණයක්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ/ ශ්රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කේන්ද්රය තාක්ෂණික කමිටුව අනුමත කළ එකම සමාගම හලා, තාක්ෂණික කමිටුව සුදුසුකම් නැතැයි කී සමාගම් 7 න් පහක පමණක් ටෙන්ඩර් ලිපි විවෘත කිරීමට යයි. කෙරවලපිටිය LNG බලාගාරය සදහා සුදුසුකම් ලබා ඇති බවට තාක්ෂණික කමිටුව පිළිගත් එකම ටෙන්ඩර්කරු අතහැර දමා, තාක්ෂණික කමිටුව විසින් සුදුසුකම් නොමැති බව කී සමාගම් 7 න් දේශපාලන අවශ්යතාව මත තෝරාගත් සමාගම් 5 ක පමණක් ටෙන්ඩර් ලියවිලි පරීක්ෂා කිරීමට විදුලිබල අමාත්යාංශය හා විදුලිබල මණ්ඩලය සුදානම් වන බව ශ්රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කේන්ද්රය පවසයි. නොරච්චෝල, ගල්අගුරු හා ක්ෂණික විදුලිය සදහා ඩීසල් විදුලිය මිලදී ගැනීම, ජෙනරේටර් මිලදී ගැනීම ඇතුලු අන්ත දුෂිත... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Dear Friends, According to the information that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received, Ms. Sashikala Maduwanthi Dharmapalain was severely assaulted by her husband’s family on 14 August 2017. Although she made a domestic violence and sexual assault complaint to the police on the very same day, a month later the police have not yet started investigations. CASE NARRATIVE: In 2014, Ms. Pallekanda Mannalage Sashikala Maduwanthi Dharmapalain met Lahiru, who at the time was working as a salesperson at Dialog Company. They fell in love and sought the blessings of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera There were days when Jounalists were killed by thugs after abducting in white vans .Now crocs living around parliament may have been trained by the clowns in the house to start mauling journalists and the “elephants” who are culprits .Sadly crocodile did not diffentiate white and brown journalist and a unsuspecting elephant who went to water to cool down or wash his jewels has been mauled . -Deleted- Dr Sarath Obeysekera... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
ALI SUKHANVER Don’t forget to sip the famous black tea whenever you go to Darjeeling; a town in India's West Bengal state in the Himalayan foothills. Darjeeling used to be a summer resort for the British Raj elite before partition. This paradise on the earth is a beautiful combination of varied cultures comprising of Nepali, Lepchas, Bhutia, Tibetans, and other mainland Indian ethno-linguistic groups. Darjeeling, alongside its neighbouring town of Kalimpong was the centre of the Gorkhaland movement in the 1980s. Gorkhaland is a proposed statehood demand from the Indian state of West Bengal. The formal demand for a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 15, 2017, 10:09 pm The ongoing presidential commission of inquiry probe into the bond scams has taken a dramatic turn with owner of Perpetual Treasuries Arjun Aloysius refusing to testify. The commission has held that it cannot order him to give evidence. But, Senior Additional Solicitor General Dappula de Livera PC, who is the Chief Counsel of the Attorney General’s Department before the commission, is convinced otherwise. He is reported to have said he cannot agree with the commission’s decision not to compel Aloysius to give evidence. He says he has stated the Attorney General’s... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
By Shehan Chamika Silva Courtesy The Daily Mirror PTL CEO Kasun Palisena giving evidence before the PCoI today admitted that his boss Arjun Aloysius had ‘lied’ to the Parliamentary watchdog committee COPE headed by MP Sunil Handunneththi, when he appeared before it during its inquiry into the Treasury Bond controversy. During the cross-examination, Deputy Solicitor General Milinda Gunatilleke told PTL CEO Kasun Palisena that there was a limit to lying and therefore to reveal the truth before the Commission without ‘carrying the load’ on behalf of Arjun Aloysius. Justice Prasanna Jayawardena also told the witness to at least have the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
lanka C news මධ්යම අධිවේගී ව්යාපෘතියේ ටෙන්ඩර් ක්රියාවලිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් සිරස රූපවාහිනිය විසින් සිය ප්රවෘත්ති විකාශණය අතරේදී මහා මාර්ග ඇමති ලක්ෂමන් කිරිඇල්ලට එරෙහිව දැඩි චෝදනා ඉදිරිපත් කලේය. කිහිප වතාවක්ම ප්රතික්ෂෙප වූ සමාගමකට වැඩි මුදලකට මෙම කොන්ත්රාත්තුව ලබා දී ඇතැයිද සදහන් විය. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
lanka C news පළාත් සභා මැතිවරණය කල් දැමීම සදහා යෝජනා කරන 20 වන ආණ්ඩු ක්රම ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනය සදහා ජනමත විචාරණයක් උවමනා බවට ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයේ මතය වී ඇති බව ආණ්ඩු හිතවාදී වෙබ් අඩවි කිහිපයක්ම වාර්තා කර ඇත. නීති ක්ෂෙත්ර ආරංචි මාර්ග උපුටා දක්වමින් එම වාර්තාවල තව දුරටත් සදහන්ව ඇත්තේ 20 වන ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනයට එරෙහිව ඉදිරිපත්ව ඇති පෙත්සම් සලකා බලමින් අනිවාර්යෙන්ම ජනමත විචාරණයක් පැවැත්විය යුතුයයි ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණය නිගමනය කරනු ඇති බවයි. ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරන ත්රිපුද්ගල විනිසුරු මඩුල්ලේ 2-1ක් ලෙස වන මෙම තීන්දුව ගැන දැනටමත් කතානායකවරයාට දන්වා ඇති අතර 20 වන දා මෙම තීන්දුව පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට දැනුම් දීමට නියමිත බවද සදහන්ය.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
lanka C news ජනාධිපති වැඩිමහල් දියණිය චතුරිකා සිරිසේන විසින් ‘ජනාධිපති තාත්තා’ නමින් අද දිනයේ එලි දක්වන කෘතිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් එජාපයට හිතවාදී වෙබ් අඩවියක් වාර්තා කොට ඇත්තේ අදාල පොතේ නම පවා ජනපති දියණිය විසින් සොරකම් කොට ඇති බවයි. මෙම පොත ලියා ඇත්තේද ඇය විසින් නොවන බවත් ලිවීමේ හැකියාවක් ඇයට නැති බවත් සදහන් එම වාර්තාව බාහිර පුද්ගලියන් තුන් දෙනෙකු විසින් එය ලියා ඇති බවත් සදහන් කරයි. අදාල පුවත මෙතනින් චතුරිකා සොරකම් කළ ‘ජනාධිපති තාත්තා‘ (ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස් -2017.සැප්.15, පෙ.ව.4.20) මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතාගේ වැඩිමහල් දියණිය දර්ශනී චතුරිකා සිරිසේන විසින් ‘ජනාධිපති තාත්තා‘ නමින් පොතක් ලියා ඇතැයි කියන අතර එම පොත අද (15)... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
By : A.A.M.NIZAM - MATAARA While people throughout the country hold demonstrations, and burn effigies of imbecile Sarath Fonseka against his allegations that our war heroes committed war crimes and his tirade against the highly respected Ven, Elle Gunawansa Thero and other prominent Buddhist monks, the Dollar voracious NGO vultures such as self exiled PRAA activist and Switzerland domicile Sunanda Deshapriya, a member of the so-called ‘co-existence’ committee, along with notorious and anti Sri Lankan Pakyasothy Saravanamuttu, that recommended the establishment of an International Tribunal to try Sri Lankan armed forces, and a member of the pro-government NGO outfit... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
බෝධි ධනපාල, කිබෙක්, කැනඩාව දිවයින පත්තරයේ පාඨකයෝ පසු ගිය මෑත අවුරුදු දෙක තුන දී එහි පලවෙන, ජනාධිපති කාර්යාලයට ඇබ්බහි වී ඉන්නා සමහර මැක්කන් ගේ නිතොර ලියවෙන බොරු හෑල්ල අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම දකින්නට ඇත. නලින් ද සිල්වා මහතා නැමැති පුහු "චින්තකයා “ (see lanka web:නලින්-ද-සිල්ව-නැමති-පුහු-ච/ ) ද ඉහලට ඇද ගත්තේ, මහ තැනක් දුන්නේ දිවයින පත්රය ඔහුගේ හිස් "විද්යා" ලිපි එකල ප්රසිද්ධ කල නිසාය. විද්යාව "පට්ට පල් බොරුවක්" යන මතය රට පුරා පතල කොට, එම පුහු "චින්තකය" ඉහල නැගුවේ දිවයින පත්තර කාරයාය. විදුසර කතුවරයා ද එම වරදට යම් තම් හෝ වග කිව යුතුය. නුමුත් අන්තිමේදී නලින් ද සිල්වා ගේ හිස් කම සහ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
By Sanchith Karunaratna Courtesy Derana September 14, 2017 01:38 pm In a press release circulated earlier today (14), former President Mahinda Rajapaksa expressed his sentiments on the conviction of former Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga and former Director of the TRC Anusha Palpita stating that ruling shocked the nation. In his statements, Mahinda Rajapaksa explicitly stated that both Anusha Palpita and Lalith Weeratunga had only carried out legitimate instructions given to them by the President at the time and that the current regime should act responsibly to protect state servants from simply executing their duties. The release read as... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
පසුගිය රජය සමයේ ක්රියාත්මක කරන ලද බෞද්ධ උපාසක උපාසිකාවන් සදහා සිල් රෙදි බෙදා දීමේ ව්යාපෘතිය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කරුණු පැහැදිලි කරමින් හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා විසින් නිකුත් කර ඇති නිවේදනයක් පහත දැක්වෙයි. මාධ්ය නිවේදනය සිල් රෙදි ව්යාපෘතිය හිටපු ජනාධිපති ලේකම් ලලිත් වීරතුංග හා විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිසමේ හිටපු අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් අනූෂ පැල්පිට දණ්ඩ නීති සංග්රහයේ අංක 386 වගන්තියට අදාලව වරදකරුවන් බවට මහාධිකරණය විසින් තීන්දු කර ඇත. මෙහිදී චෝදනාව වූයේ විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිසමට අයත් රුපියල් මිලියන 600ක මුදලක් ජනාධිපති ලේකම් කාර්යාලයේ ගිණුමකට බැරකර සිල්රෙදි බෙදා දීම සඳහා සාවද්ය ලෙස පරිහරණය කර තිබෙන බවයි. මේ සඳහා මෙම නිලධාරීන් දෙදෙනාට ලැබී ඇති... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
Chandrasena Pandithage Dear friends at this moment you are given an opportunity to ask your question from UN General Secretary. Please go to the United Nations website and start to forward all your questions. I forward my question as follows. Dear UN Secretary General,Antonio Gutteres, First I would like to thank you for the given opportunity to ask questions from you. I am a Sri Lankan and I have questions on your policy on my motherland and globe too. Sri Lanka is a member country in your organization. Giving membership or taking membership should provide some benefit to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/09/17)
Keshala Dias Courtesy The national debt as of September 30, 2016 was Rs. 9,402 billion. While the debt burden of our nation increases on a daily basis, this burden has to be borne by the people of Sri Lanka. A major contributor to the country’s debt burden is the country’s national carrier, SriLankan Airlines, which is inefficiently managed by a few executives who take home very high remuneration packages. Many staff members of the airline who are dedicated to tirelessly serve the airline and the nation are disappointed with the sorry state of affairs of the company. According to the financials... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera EDB invited me as a boat builder to the award ceremony today and watched how exporters of Sri Lanka Tea ,Apparel ,fish ,cineman,coconut shells ,Gems ,few rubber products flowers ,ornamental fish ,herbal products,gift items etc etc garbbing gold plated awards . Apparel exporters took the centre stage reminding me the days of Premadasa who had a vision to develop the industry many decades back ,and yet we are still talking about apparel exports and giving awards .Singapore also started with apparel industry and small handicraft exports and moved to high tech and financial services during next... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By Afshain Afzal Nervous over the Russo-Belarus joint military exercise, “Zapad-2017” which just started, neighbouring countries seems much perturbed. The theme of the exercise is uprising in Belarus by fifth columnists, followed by series of attacks by terrorists and backed by a fictitious country called Veishnoria. Russian forces are deployed to Belarus to help crush the rebellion. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has stepped up security on Ukraine's borders while NATO troops deployed in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which border on Belarus and Russia have been ordered to be watchful of any provocation and in case of air violation,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
by A. Abdul Aziz The Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of Sri Lanka Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at was held on Sunday the 10 September 2017 at Ahmadiyya Fazl Mosque premises Periyamulla, Negombo chaired by National President A.H. Nasir Ahmad. Ahmadi Muslims throughout the country attended this one day convention. Topics on various subjects include the blessings of Khilafath (Spiritual Leadership) and the History of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Sri Lanka were delivered. In his address A.H. Nasir Ahmad – National President put forward the history of Jama’at Ahmadiya Sri Lanka. He said: It was during the life time of the Founder of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17) · Honorary member of UNIMA. · President, German Dharmaduta Society, Sri Lanka · Emeritus Professor of Sanskrit, Department of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya · Professor of Sanskrit, Department of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya (1968 - 1982) · Associate Professor in Sanskrit, Department of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya · Senior Lecturer in Sanskrit, Department of Classical Languages, University of Peradeniya Research Interests Sanskrit Drama, Puppetry, Handicraft, Scientific Literature in Sanskrit, Vedic Literature, Literary Criticism Research Publications (selected) Books... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By Charlotte Gao Courtesy The Diplomat September 13, 2017 Chinese foreign ministry says the international community should support the efforts made by Myanmar China and India seldom see eye to eye with each other on international affairs, especially after the Doklam crisis, which deepened the mutual hostility. But on the Rohingya issue in Myanmar, both countries expressed sympathy toward Myanmar’s government in spite of the international community’s pressure. On August 25, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) attacked 30 police outposts in Myanmar’s Rakhine state, leading to the killing of 10 police officers, one soldier, and one immigration officer. After the attack, the government... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By Kalinga Seneviratne Courtesy BANGKOK (IDN) - The information war on Myanmar’s Bengali/Rohingya problem has intensified as Myanmar’s de-facto leader and Nobel Peace Laureate Aung Sung Suu Kyi finally broke her silence on the issue on September 6 and slammed the international media and human rights organisations for spreading “misinformation” on the conflict. One day earlier, the London-based Burma Human Rights Network (BHRN) launched a report in Bangkok bashing Myanmar’s Buddhist majority. The following day India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi making his first official bilateral visit to neighbouring Myanmar pledged Indian support to fight cross-border Islamic terrorism. The Myanmar government... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
වෛද්ය චන්න ජයසුමන මියන්මාරයේ (බුරුමයේ) රඛිනේ පළාතේ ඇතිව ඇති තත්වය පිලිබඳ අන්තර්ජාතික මාධ්ය සහ අන්තවාදී කණ්ඩායම් මුල්වී සිදු කරන අසත්ය ප්රචාර හේතුවෙන් මියන්මාර බෞද්ධ ජනතාවට සිදුව ඇති අසාධාරණය පිලිබඳ කණගාටු වන බව අද සවස ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මියන්මාර තානාපති හමු වූ විශ්වවිද්යාල ආචාර්යවරු සහ ජාතික සංවිධාන නියෝජිතයෝ දැනුම් දුන්හ. මේ අවස්ථාවේ මියන්මාර බෞද්ධ ජනතාව සමග ශ්රී ලාංකික බෞද්ධ ජනතාව අත්වැල් බැඳ ගන්නා බව ද ඔවුහු පැවසුහ. පසුගියදා ශ්රී ලංකාවේ මියන්මාර තානාපති කාර්යාලය ඉදිරිපිට අන්තවාදී කණ්ඩායමකගේ අශෝභන හැසිරීම පිලිබඳ ශ්රී ලාංකිකයන් ලෙස තමන් ලජ්ජාවට පත්වන බව නියෝජිත කණ්ඩායම දැනුම් දුන්හ. මේ අවස්ථාවේ අදහස් දැක්වූ ශ්රී ලංකාවේ වැඩ බලන මියන්මාර තානාපතිතුමා පැවසුවේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By Chris Kanthan Courtesy Nation of Change Fake news corporate media uses atrocity propaganda to sell sensational stories, and politicians use faux outrage to bully Myanmar’s leaders. The humanitarian crisis in Myanmar is harrowing, with more than 150,000 Muslims having to flee the country in the recent months. The stories of persecution and ethnic cleansing are very troubling, although sporadic conflicts between Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar have existed for many decades. While the mainstream media is focusing exclusively on the religious context of this story, they are completely missing – or deliberately avoiding – the potential roles... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By Dr. Nalaka Godahewa Courtesy Ceylon Today "Sir, after all those contributions to the nation, how could you lose the election?" a very emotional senior citizen asked the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa at a public event in Kurunegala just a few days ago. Rajapaksa gave an interesting answer to the senior citizen, "After the war, we focussed totally on the development of the country and particularly the North and East. We lost the election primarily because the Tamils and Muslims voted against us in large numbers. It looks like we forgot to do politics where it mattered most". This perhaps... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
by Padraig Colman Courtesy Ceylon Today Sri Lankans have grown cynical about the number of public commissions and inquiries which have failed to shed any light or improve anything. Perhaps Sri Lankan politicians have learned from their former colonial masters that a good way to defuse a controversy is to set up an inquiry to delay any need for real action, at the same time providing a good living for lawyers and the great and the good who sit on these commissions. On 30 January 1972, British soldiers shot 28 unarmed civilians in Derry during a peaceful protest march against... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
with Ravi Ladduwahetty Courtesy Ceylon Today Indeed, Russia and the U.S. were allies during the two tragic conflicts of the two World Wars, which allows us to think there's something objectively bringing us together in difficult times, and I think – I believe – it has to do with geopolitical interests and also has a moral component. – Russian President Vladimir Putin In Greek mythology, Sisyphus or Sisyphosˈ was the king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only to watch... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
by SANJA DE SILVA JAYATILLEKA Courtesy The Island [The writer is author of ‘MISSION IMPOSSIBLE-GENEVA: Sri Lanka’s Counter-Hegemonic Asymmetric Diplomacy at the UN Human Rights Council’, published by Vijitha Yapa and now available at the International Book Fair, BMICH.] September 14, 2017, 9:21 pm The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance is to be voted on in Parliament on the 21st of this month. Just 6 days away. The Convention came into force on the 23rd December 2010. So far, of the 193 member states of the United Nations, only 57 countries have become State Parties by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 14, 2017, 9:20 pm The central expressway project is riddled with corruption, the JVP tells us. We don’t intend to question the veracity of the Rathu Sahodarayas’ claim because they are quite au fait with the affairs of the present government as one of the yahapalana allies. It may be recalled that they were represented on the National Executive Council, which was formed after the defeat of the previous administration, to usher in good governance among other things! What one gathers from the questions they raise in Parliament is that they are privy to the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By Shyam Nuwan Ganewatta and Sarath Dharmasena Senior Additional Solicitor General Dappula de Livera PC the chief counsel of the Attorney General’s Department before the Presidential Commission of Inquiry probing the treasury bond scam yesterday said that he could not agree with the Commission’s decision not to compel the owner of Perpetual Treasuries Ltd Arjuna Aloysius to give evidence before the commission. "We do not agree with the Commission’s decision not to compel Aloysius to give evidence. I have explained the necessity of obtaining a statement from Arjun Aloysius. This decision overlooking the matters presented before the Commission is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
lanka C news අර්ජුන් ඇලෝසියස් දන්නා සියල්ල හෙලි කලොත් බැදුම්කරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් බොහෝ දේ එලියට එනු ඇති බවත් මෙම වංචාවේ මහ මොලකරු පමණක් නොව පොදු අපේක්ෂකයා දිනවීම සදහා කටයුතු කල අය ගැනද තොරතුරැ හෙලිවනු ඇති බව ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණු නායක විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා පවසයි. තමන්ගෙන් ප්රශ්න කරන්න ගත්තොත් තමන් ඒවා හෙලි කරන බවට අර්ජුන් ඇලෝසියස් තර්ජනය කරමින් සිටින බවද මන්ත්රීවරයා සදහන් කලේ එම පක්ෂ මූලස්ථානයේ පැවති මාධ්ය හමුවකදීය. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
අනුරුද්ධ බණ්ඩාර රණවාරණ මාධ්ය ලේකම් ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණ මැතිවරණ සිතියම හකුළන 20 වැනි ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථා සංශෝධනයට පක්ෂව අත ඔසවා පසුව මැතිවරණයක් ළං වී විපක්ෂයේ අසුන් ගැනීම කිසිදු ඵලක් නැති බවත් හැකි නම් එම සංශෝධනයට විරුද්ධව ඡන්දය ප්රකාශ කර පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ විපක්ෂයේ අසුන් ගන්නා ලෙසත් බුලත් කොළය ලකුණින් තරඟ වැද ජයගත් ශ්රීලනිපයේ මන්ත්රීවරුන්, නියෝජ්ය අමාත්යවරුන්, රාජ්ය අමාත්යවරුන් හා කැබිනට් අමාත්යවරුන් වෙතින් ඉල්ලා සිටින බව ජානිපෙ නායක විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා පැවසීය. පිටකෝට්ටේ පිහිටි එම පක්ෂයේ ප්රධාන කාර්යාලයේදී පැවැති මාධ්ය හමුවකදී අදහස් දක්වමින් ඒ මහතා මෙසේ පැවසීය. එහිදී වැඩිදුරටත් අදහස් දැක්වූ විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා මෙසේ ද සඳහන් කළේය. “මගේ අතේ තිබෙන්නේ දෙමළ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
ජනිත සෙනෙවිරත්න උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින ආණ්ඩුව මේ වන විට විවිධ පාර්ශව ගණනාවක් සමඟ ගැටලු නිර්මාණය කරගෙන ඇති අතර තවදුරටත් දිනෙන් දින එය වර්ධනය වෙමින් පවතී. විශේෂයෙන්ම මහා සංඝරත්නය ඉලක්ක කරගෙන මහා සංඝරත්නයට අපහාස කරමින් ප්රසිද්ධියේ ප්රකාශ නිකුත් කරන්නට ඇතැම් ඇමැතිවරු කටයුතු කිරීම රට තුළ මහත් ආන්දෝලනයට හේතුවී තිබේ. මුලින්ම මහා සංඝරත්නය වෙත ආණ්ඩුවේ ප්රබලයකු වන සරත් ෙµdන්සේකා අපහාස කළේය. පූජ්ය ඇල්ලේ ගුණවංශ නාහිමියන්ට ඉතාම මෑතකදී පිස්සු චීවරධාරියා යෑයි බැණ වැදුණේය. ඇමැති සරත් ෙµdන්සේකා ඉන් අනතුරුව භික්ෂුන් වහන්සේලා ඉලක්ක කරමින් බරපතළ ප්රකාශයක් සිදු කළේය. භික්ෂුන් වහන්සේලා දානේ වළඳනවාට වඩා මහින්දගේ බඩගෝස්තරවාදයෙන් යෑපුණ අය බවට ඔහු චෝදනා කළේය. ඉන්පසුව නියෝජ්ය ඇමැති රන්ජන්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
H. L. D. Mahindapala In a drama never seen in the Westminster tradition, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had brazenly escorted his closest partner in cut-throat politics, Ravi Karunanayake, to the front benches of the House on the day the latter was forced to announce his resignation because of his involvement in the biggest financial scandal in the 70-year history of the Sri Lankan Parliament. Normally, the ruling elite would for the sake of self-preservation take prudent and cautious steps to dissociate itself from an accused party facing multi-million dollar scandals. This is an obvious necessity because any association with... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
By : A.A..NIZAM – MATARA Sirisena-Ranil western and Indian slavish Junta claims that they have gained friendship with all countries in the world but openly displays their slavery to the western countries especially to the International thug the United States. This foolish government has issued a statement, clearly on the behest of the United States deploring the nuclear test carried out by North Korea on 3rd September (almost 10 days after the event) and warning that its repeated violations of UN resolutions pose a grave threat to the countries in the region and beyond. No other country except the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera I can see that JVP is so bankrupt because they have already lost the grass root level of support from youngsters ,hence they are trying their best to catch the audience by uttering nonsense . That may be the reason why they talk utter nonsense about fishery harbours being sold .Mutwal/Modera fishery harbour was abandoned after construction of the Dikovita Harbour and Sri Lanka Navy was using to park the arrested fishing boats which were used to transport migrants to Australia .Previous defence Secretary was plannings to acquire the harbour to be used to park such... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/09/17)
By Dr.Dayan Jayatilleka Courtesy The Daily Mirror Chandrika faction fails to understand MR is the biggest brand the SLFP has “I had been requested by Mr. Bandaranaike to meet him every Wednesday with Mervyn de Silva.” - Elmo Gooneratne, Reminiscences, CT,September 8, 2017. When the British uncovered Soviet spies in the Establishment, they often looked the other way because imprisonment would send shock waves throughout the system and disturb social stability and consensus. The British knew how to manage these things. The Lankans do not. Lalith Weeratunga was the last serving member of a distinguished tribe of gentlemanly civil servants,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/09/17)
Gomin Dayasri Courtesy The Daily Mirror Bemoan the non-availability of fresh material in the upper tiers of politics to replace the decrepit. For survival, the decayed leadership is ready to reach alliance with a devilish opponent. Unsuitable descendants await, both kinsmen and sycophants, located craftily in the wings of the second tier. TNA, the official minuscule opposition, unable to reach acceptability outside the province Maybe a UNP govt under a new leader is a more pragmatic alternate Wings of SLFP will re-merge under a Sirisena and Rajapakse combine MR’s chief executive stands convicted of failing to keep his boss... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/09/17)
Dharshan Weerasekera, Attorney-at-law D. B. S. Jeyaraj, the LTTE propagandist sometimes also known to masquerade as a ‘journalist,’ has written a lengthy commentary on the judgment in H. K. D. Chandrasoma’s case, published in the Daily Mirror of 19th August 2017 and titled, ‘Federalism is not Separatism, rules the Supreme Court.’ As far as I understand it, Mr. Jeyaraj’s argument is that the judgment is important because of two reasons: first, it has definitively established that the Illangai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) political party is not a separatist party, and second, to advocate for federalism in Sri Lanka is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Dharshan Weerasekera, Attorney-at-Law [Author’s note: The present paper is intended to be read with a previous paper of mine titled, ‘H. K. D. Chandrasoma’s Case: A Response to D. B. S. Jeyaraj,’ published in lankaweb. For the convenience of readers that article is republished along with this one] On 21st August 2017, I published an article in lankaweb titled, ‘H. K. D. Chandrasoma’s case: A Response to D. B. S. Jeyaraj,’ in which I endeavored to explain why Chandrasoma filed the case, his main claims against ITAK, the court’s answers to those claims, and finally, the aspects of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
by Dr. Sudath Gunasekara (SLAS) A pre-publication copy of the monograph titled Sri Lanka: Land Policy for Sustainable Development, authored by Gerald Peiris (Professor Emeritus of the University of Peradeniya) which is due to be released on 15 September 2015, has been sent to me with an invitation to evaluate it. In undertaking this task I find it appropriate to place it against the backdrop of the knowledge and experience I have acquired both in the course of my official duties in the executive cadres of the state-sector administrative services that stretched for well over three decades, devoted almost... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Champa Fernando Secretary, KACPAW (Kandy Association for Community Protection through Animal Welfare) A worldwide petition protesting to Minister Faiszer Musthapha, Hon. Minister of Provincial Councils and Local Government, to not to legalize killing of dogs in Sri Lanka has gained close to 30,000 signatures within a week from across the world and within Sri Lanka. The petition asks to say NO to ITEM 14 of Sri Lanka’s Draft Dog Registration Act - LDO 36/2015, which would give the Provincial Councils the legality to kill ALL straying dogs! Some Government Officials led by the Secretary to the Ministry of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Dr Hector Perera London Takeaways are often cheap, convenient and satisfying but, unfortunately, they're not always very healthy. Some takeaway meals can push you over your recommended daily maximum amount of salt and fat, which can lead to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes. Takeaway food are plenty but which one to choose? A meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten, or the shop or restaurant itself. A lot of takeaway food is perfectly safe for people with coeliac disease. However, you do need to be careful what you order and be aware of the risk of cross contamination in some takeaway restaurants. Britain will spend almost £8bn... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
By Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy The Island September 12, 2017, 8:04 pm The high profile launch of Eliya (light) by wartime Defence Secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa underscored Sri Lanka’s PATHETIC failure to counter unsubstantiated war crimes allegations, directed by a section of the international community, since the conclusion of the war, in May 2009. Sri Lanka paid a very heavy price for its failure and the previous government can never absolve itself of the responsibility for the situation. Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka’s Army brought the war to a successful conclusion, on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon, on the morning of May... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 12, 2017, 8:06 pm US Acting Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs, Alice Wells is reported to have told a Congressional subcommittee that non-concessional Chinese loans have placed unsustainable debt burdens on Sri Lanka. ‘They are now of concern to the Sri Lankan people in the government,’ she has said. She sounds like the yahapalana leaders who used to clamour against China and Chinese loans while campaigning hard to dislodge the pro-Chinese Rajapaksa government. Why have some western powers suddenly awoken to the debt burden of the developing world? In the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Courtesy Mail on Line Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena's party has been the junior partner in the country's coalition since August 2015 Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena Tuesday sacked a minister who had threatened to split his coalition government, three weeks after another was fired for publicly criticising a government decision. Sirisena's office said Arundika Fernando, junior minister for tourism and Christian affairs, was expelled from the government under the executive powers of the president. The brief statement did not give a reason for his dismissal, but official sources said the move prevented Fernando from engineering defections... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Courtesy ANI Rameswaram (Tamil Nadu) [India], Sep 12 (ANI): 12 Indian fishermen, who were apprehended by the Sri Lankan Navy from Delft Island were produced in Oorkavalthurai court on Tuesday. The Sri Lankan court has remanded the fishermen in Jaffna jail up to September 26. Yesterday, 12 Indian fishermen, along with two boats were caught by the Sri Lankan navy and taken to the Kankesanthurai Naval camp for interrogation. Meanwhile, after the arrest of fishermen Tamil Nadu's Pudukottai district also announced indefinite strike demanding immediate release of their fellowmen. (ANI)... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
CONSTANTINO XAVIER Courtesy The Hindu India is reaching out to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Nepal. But these smaller countries are keeping options open China’s inroads into South Asia since the mid-2000s have eroded India’s traditional primacy in the region, from Afghanistan to Myanmar and also in the Indian Ocean. As Beijing deploys its formidable financial resources and develops its strategic clout across the subcontinent, New Delhi faces capacity challenges to stem Chinese offensive in its own strategic backyard. Prime Minister Modi’s new ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, unveiled in 2014, has consequently focused on reaching out to other states... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Gotabaya Rajapaksa -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge We cannot ignore global geopolitics and corporate warfare together with neocolonial aspirations in trying to come to terms with the situation unfolding in Myanmar. The stage is now being set to transfer the geopolitical focus to Asia and Myanmar has been placed centre stage. If groups of people are receiving armed training doesn’t a country have a right to defend itself? These armed groups are neither freedom fighter’s but terrorists for eventually they will even target their own just as the LTTE did in Sri Lanka. Let’s look at some of the similarities that Sri Lanka... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/09/17)
තේජා ගොඩකන්දෙආරච්චි මහවැසි, ගංවතුර හා නායයාම් මෙන්ම නියඟය හා දුර්භික්ෂයද අපේ රට ගිල ගන්නේ මාරුවෙන් මාරුවටය. එක නිමේෂයකදී ලක්ෂ ගණන් ජනතාව බීමට වතුර පොදක් නැතිව, ඉරි තැලුන බිම්කඩක අතරමං කරන සොබා දහම, ඊලඟ නිමේෂයේදී මහා සැඩ පහරක වෙසින් පැමින ජනතාව ගිලගනී. කලට වැසි ලැබ, කෘෂිකර්මාන්තයෙන් ස්වයංපෝෂිතව තිබූ රටක් මෙවන් තත්වයකට ඇද වැටුනේ කෙසේද? ඒ අතර පොළොන්නරුවේ නව කෘෂි වෙළඳ මධ්යස්ථානයකට 'මුල්ගල' තබන ගමන් ලබන මාසයේ සිට 'වගා සංග්රාමයක්' අරඹන්නට අපේක්ෂා කරන බව ජනාධිපති මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන පවසන්නේය. ඔහු ජනාධිපති තනතුරට පත්වී වසර 3 ක් ගතවීමටත් ආසන්න වුවද මේ වන තුරුත් තමන් කරන්නට අදහස් කරන ලොකු ලොකු සිහින ගැන කියවනවා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
Senaka Weeraratna Attorney at Law On June 4, 1921, the legal doctrine of superior orders was invoked during the German Military Trials that took place after World War I: One of the most famous of these trials was the case of Lieutenant Karl Neumann, who was a U-boat captain accused of the sinking of the hospital ship the Dover Castle. He frankly admitted to having sunk the ship, but he qualified it by saying that he had done so on the basis of orders given to him by the German Admiralty and so therefore he could not be held... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
මාධ්ය ඒකකය ශ්රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කේන්ද්රය කෙරවලපිටිය LNG විදුලි බලාගාර ඉදි කිරීම ටෙන්ඩරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් රාජ්ය නිලධාරීන් හා දේශපාලන නායකත්වය අතර ඇතිවී ඇති ගැටුම හේතුවෙන් විදුලි බිල ඉහළ අනිවාර්යයෙන්ම සිදුවනු ඇතැයි ශ්රී ලංකා මානව හිමිකම් කේන්ද්රයේ විධායක අධ්යක්ෂ කීර්ති තෙන්නකෝන් මහතා නිවේදනයක් නිකුත් කරමින් පවසයි. කෙරවලපිටිය විදුලි බලාගාරයට අදාළ ටෙන්ඩරය තාක්ෂණික කමිටු නිර්දේශ මත තෝරාගත් කොරියානු සැම්සුන් සමාගම වෙත ප්රධානය කිරීමට විදුලි බල අමාත්යාංශය උත්සහ දැරීය. ඒ සමගම එම ටෙන්ඩරය අහිමි වූ දේශපාලනයට සම්බන්ධ ව්යාපාරිකයින් මෙම ටෙන්ඩරය කඩාකප්පල් කිරීමට මේ වන විට සැලසුම් සහගත උත්සාහයක් දරමින් සිටී. ඔවුන් තාක්ෂණික කමිටුවේ හා ටෙන්ඩර් කමිටුවේ නිලධාරීන්ට තර්ජනය කිරීමත් සමග ශ්රී ලංකා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
Thilanka Kanakarathna Courtesy Ceylon Daily Mirror MP Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe has demanded Rs.500 million as compensation from Centre for Human Rights (CHR) Executive Director Keerthi Tennakoon for defaming him by making false statements during a news conference on August 5. In his letter of demand the MP said Mr. Tennakoon had made a false statement alleging that Mr. Rajapakshe had obstructed the law being enforced by withholding the committee report on the Welikada riots for more than two years. The MP said the false allegation had been spread among the public via the publicity given by the media had tarnished his... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
Random Notes with Ravi Ladduwahetty Courtesy Ceylon Today "In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." ― – Principal author of the US declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson Today, this columnist debates the role of the public servant in a powerful bureaucracy and the degree of compliance that he/she is expected to perform along with his/her discretion in that role. This debate comes hot on the heels of senior civil servant Lalith Weeratunga who as Secretary to former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and former... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
By Sanchith Karunaratna Courtesy Adaderana MP Udaya Gammanpila stated that Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka has put the lives of over 300,000 soldiers in danger by stating that he will provide evidence against Military personnel who committed war crimes during the war. Speaking to the Media at a press briefing today, MP Gammanpila stated that the only way to save the lives of the soldiers is to diagnose the Field Marshal as a mental patient. He made this remark in response to Field Marshal Fonseka stating that former Army Commander Jagath Jayasuriya committed war-crimes during his tenure as Army Chief.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
By Sanchith Karunaratna Courtesy Adaderana Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa visited his former Presidential Secretariat Lalith Weeratunga and the former TRC Director General Anusha Palpitiya at the Welikada Prison Hospital earlier today (11). The Former President was accompanied by MP Prof.G.L.Peiris and MP Wimal Weerawansa. While speaking to the media, the former President stated that unfortunately, Lalith Weeratunga was not physically stale and that his state of health was upsetting. He also mentioned that Lalith Weeratunga was being treated by a team of specialist doctors. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/09/17)
Dr Sudath Gunasekara 10.9.2017 Wrong doers and who rob public money have to be punished. There is no second word about it. But should a public servant (who has ceased to be so in this country after 1987) be punished for carrying out an order given by his Minister. Of cause if such order violates Administrative or Financial Regulations he can always refuse to carry out such orders as such actions will be questioned at the Public Accounts Committee. This is particularly so at the level of a Ministry Secretary. Because under the Constitution, he is the Chief... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
වරුණ චන්ද්රකීර්ති අපේ අධ්යාපනය හරහා අපිට රස්සා හොයාගන්න පොටක් පාදලාදීලා තියෙනවා. ඉතින් උසස් පෙළ හරි උපාධිය හරි පාස්වුනාට පස්සේ මොකක් හරි ජරමරයක් කරලා අපි රස්සාවක් හොයාගන්නවා. “අපිට ඉගැන්නුවා නම් රස්සාවලුත් දීපල්ලා” කියලා අපි ආණ්ඩුවටත් කියනවා. ඡන්ද නැති කරගන්න බයේ ආණ්ඩුවත් ඔය මොනව මොනවා හරි රස්සා ටිකක් හදලා අපේ එවුන් ව ඒවාට බඳවාගන්නවා. ඒ රස්සාවලින් රටටවත් මිනිස්සුන්ටවත් ඒ රස්සා කරන එවුන්ටවත් වැඩක් වෙනවා ද කියලා හිත හිතා ඉන්නේ කවුද? ඉතින් අපේ කට්ටිය හැම දා ම උදේට ඇඳුමක් හොඳට මැදගෙන බත් මුලකුත් බැඳගෙන බස් එකක හරි කෝච්චියක හරි නැගලා රස්සාවට යනවා. පයින් ගිහිල්ලා රස්සාවක් කළොත් කිසි ලකයක් නෑ. ඉතින් ඈත ගම්වල... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
A plane does not pass through steel & concrete like a ghost! At none of the the four impact sites were there ever ANY remnants of a Boeing 757 or 767. After seeing a plane wing after hitting a sea gull tell what they're made of, it is impossible to believe the official story that Aluminum planes could fly 540 MPH at sea level, and than slice through reinforced concrete/steel without losing speed, and let it TOTALLY PULVERIZE by jet fuel fires. Just like JFK, 50 years from now we STILL will NOT have people punished. They will live... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
Dr Sarath Madduma Banda Obeysekera Quote from Wikepedia “Ellāḷaṉ is traditionally presented as being a just king even by the Sinhalese.[10] The Mahavamsa states that he ruled 'with even justice toward friend and foe, on occasions of disputes at law,[11] and elaborates how he even ordered the execution of his son on the basis of a heinous religious crime. Ellāḷaṉ is a peculiar figure in the history of Sri Lanka and one with particular resonance given the ongoing ethnic strife in the country. Although he was an invader, he is often regarded as one of Sri Lanka's wisest and most just monarchs,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග සිරිමාවෝ බන්ඩාරනායක රජයේ සොලිසිටර් ජෙනරාල්වරයා වූ ඉයන් වික්රමනායක මහතා 1971 කැරැල්ල මැඩලීමේ ලා විශේෂ කාර්යය භාරයක් කළේය. 1977ට පෙර යුගයේ දී අති බලවත් රාජ්ය නිලධාරියෙකු වූ ඉයන් වික්රමනායක මහතා හමුවී මාගේ 71 කැරැල්ල පොතට ඔහුගෙන් සාකච්ඡාවක් ලබා ගැනීම අත්යවශ්ය බව මම තීරණය කලේමි. 20/12/2008 දින පෙරවරුවේ මම ඉයන් වික්රමනායක මහතා ඔහුගේ නෑනා වන අයිරිස් මුතුක්රිෂ්ණා මහත්මියගේ ඇතුළු කෝට්ටේ නිවසේ දී හමු වූයෙමි. එදා ප්රතාපවත් හා බලවත් නිලධාරියෙක් වූ ඉයන් වික්රමනායක අද අසූ එක් හැවිරිදි මහල්ලෙකි. ඔහුගේ මතකය ක්රම ක්රමයෙන් වියැකී යමින් පවතියි. මෑතකදි ඔහු පෙලු ආඝාතය නිසා ඔහුගේ කටහ~ පැහැදිලි නැත. බලය යනු සදාකාලික ප්රපංචයක් නොවේ යන්න... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
ඩී.කේ.තන්ත්රීගේ lanka C news රනිල්-මලික් දූෂිතයින්ට සිංගප්පූරු ක්රමයට දඩුවම් දිය යුතු බව කොළඹදී මාධ්ය හමුවක් පවත්වමින් හැට දෙලක්ෂයේ කොටස්කරුවෝ සංවිධානය කියා සිටියහ. එම මාධ්ය සාකච්ඡාවට එක් වු එම සංවිධානයේ කැදවුම්කරුවන් වන බණ්ඩාර අතුකෝරාල සහ ඩිලංක වීරකොන් යන මහත්වරු මේ බව කියා සිටියහ. රටේ අපි දන්න දවසෙ ඉදලා කුඩු අල්ලනවා. ඒත් කුඩු ගෙන්වන ජාවාරම්කරුවෝ අල්ලන්නේ නෑ. බැදුම්කර වංචාවල් වුනා, ගල් අගුරු වංචා උනා, වරාය විකිනීමේ වංචා උනා, ශ්රී ලංකන් ගුවන් සමාගමේ දූෂණ වුනා, නුවර කොළඹ අධිවේගී මාර්ගය ඉදිකිරීමේ වංචා උනා.දක්ෂින අධිවේගී මාර්ගය දිගුවේ මහා වංචා වුනා. මේවා සියල්ල තවම එලිවුනේ නෑ. මේ වංචාවල් සොයලා මේවට සම්බන්ධ නිළධාරීන්ට පමණක් දඩුවම් දීලා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
By Hemantha Warnakulasuriya Courtesy The Island September 10, 2017, 12:00 pm When bookie Mukthar was chained to the hospital bed, accused of violating foreign exchange regulations and being charged before the Criminal Justice Commission, J. R. Jayewardene made a promise to the people that he would abolish those heinous laws and create a dhamista samajayak (a righteous society). True to his word, he abolished the CJC and instead, established the Special Presidential Commission and took away the civic rights of Sirmavo Bandaranaike so that she would not be a threat as long as he ruled. Thereafter, he got Kalu Lucky... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
Northern Province Chief Minister C.W. Wigneswaran: Army holding about 85,000 acres in North By Cyril Wimalasurendre Courtesy The Island September 10, 2017, 10:53 pm KANDY – Alleging that the army continued to hold about 85,000 acres of land in the North, Northern Province Chief Minister and former Supreme Court judge C.W. Wigneswaran, on Saturday, sought the intervention of most Ven. Tibbatuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Thera of Malwatte Chapter to shift troops out those lands. CM Wigneswaran claimed that only about 5,000 acres had been so far released to their original owners. The Chief Minister placed the strength of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
මහාචාර්ය චූලා ගුණසේකර හිටපු පීඨාධිපති පේරාදෙණිය විශ්වවිද්යාලය උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින දේශපාලකයන්ට විවිධ අදහස් ඇත. ඒවා බොහෝ විට තම පටු පුද්ගලික අරමුණු ඉටුකර ගැනීමට උපකාරී වන ඒවාය. නමුත් රජයේ වෛද්ය නිලධාරීන්ගේ ආයතනයක් මෙවැනි පටු සිතුවිලිවලට ඉහළින් සිටිය යුතුය. නමුත් ඔබ කොතරම් දෛනික යුක්ති සාධනය කළත් ඔබ සංගමය දේශපාලනීකරණය වී ඇති බව දැන් පැහැදිලිය. එසේ කියන්නේ ඔබගේ ක්රියාදාමයන් රටේ පුරවැසියන්ගේ හෝ ඔබ සමාජිකයන්ගේ යහපතක් නොවන නිසාය. පසුගිය දශක කිහිපය තුළ ඔබ සංගමය රටේ සංවර්ධනයට දැක්වූ දායකත්වය ගැන සිතන්න. නිදහස ලබා වසර 70 ක් ගතවුවද ශ්රී ලංකාව තවම දුප්පත් රටකි. එය, සිංගප්පූරුව සහ මැලේසියාව වැනි අතීතයේදී අපට සමාන රටවල් සමඟ සැසඳීමේදී පසුබැස ඇත.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
By Dr. Tilak s. Fernando Courtesy Ceylon Today Yahapalana or the unity government which blamed the Rajapaksa regime for spending excessively on building expressways, and even criticizing the cost of such constructions were equivalent to 'paving the roads with gold,' has come into heavy criticism due to a colossal loss of public money up to Rs 36 billion with the CCEM's (Cabinet Committee on Economic Management) approval to increase the distances of flyovers on the Matara-Hambantota Southern Expressway. This is akin to the saying, "The sauce for the goose is sauce for the gande"... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
By Nalliah Thayabharan In 1600, the East India Company was granted the Charter to trade with India. It started sending bands of sea pirates in ships masked as “merchants”. These sea pirates began landing on the shores of India and started setting up armed forts at various places such as Chennai. The Rothschild family had a controlling interest in the East India Company. After conquering Bengal in India, the Rothschild set up a notoriously corrupt system of administration, whose sole objective was to shamelessly plunder the countless riches of Bengal which was the richest area in the entire world... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
by C.A.Chandraprema Courtesy The Island September 9, 2017, 12:00 pm Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s open foray into politics took place last Wednesday in the form of ‘Eliya’ a new organization that was ceremonially launched at the Golden Rose hall in Boraleasgaluwa. Its launch was in the form of a seminar on the proposed new constitution. The panel of speakers included Gota himself who introduced the new organization to the audience and spoke on why it opposes the proposed new constititution. Ven. Prof. Medagoda Abhayatissa Thera, Dr Dayan Jayatilleke, Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekera, Dr Seetha Arambepola, Rev. Fr. Wimal Tirimanne, Tamara Kunanayagam, Lawyer... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/09/17)
Written by: Agnes Chambre The UK has turned down countries wishing to strike free trade deals after Brexit because the Government does not have the capacity to negotiate them, the International Trade Secretary has said. Liam Fox said that instead, the Government is preparing to duplicate deals which already exist until they can be updated at a later date. “There are a number of countries who said they would like to move directly to a new free-trade agreement but we have said we are simply unable to do that at the moment,” Dr Fox told Politico. “It requires the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
DR DASARATH JAYASURIYA, PRESIDENT, SOCIETY FOR PEACE, UNITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ARI LANKA SPUR, AUSTRALIA Dear Election Commissioner, As reported in this news item ( please review the Rivera article for which a link is provided), the universal franchise of a large number of Sinhalese in the NE surrounding the Vavuniya Region have been compromised by omitting their names from the electoral list. Theses people who have had their names on the electoral list would not check whether the current status remaining unchanged, as they have not requested any change and hence not expecting change. Trust you appreciate these people are poor... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
Part One: The Banking Houses of Morgan and Rockefeller The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.[1] So who then are the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
by Lakshman I. Keerthisinghe Courtesy Ceylon Today As for the ways by which rulers over others may become implicated in their crimes, there are two ...tolerance and protection...we must hold that a person who knows of a crime and is able and bound to forbid it and does not do so, himself commits a crime ... the people or the king are not rigidly bound to surrender the offender, but they must either surrender or punish him. – GROTIUS (1652) as quoted in Cherif Bassouni -International Criminal Law (3rd Edition 2008) Recently media reported that Human Rights groups led by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
lanka C news බෞද්ද උපාසක උපාසිකාවන් සදහා සිල් රෙදි බෙදා දෙන ලෙස හිටපු ජනාධිපති ලේකම් ලලිත් වීරතුංග මහතාට උපදෙස් දුන්නේ නමන් විසින් බවත් එය එවකට පැවති රජයේ ප්රතිපත්තියක් මත සිදු කල දෙයක් බවත් හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පවසයි. එය ජනාධිපතිවරණය ඉලක්ක කරමින් සිදු කල දෙයක් නොවන බවත් 2014දී ගත් තීරණයක් මත සිදු කල දෙයක් බවත් කී හිටපු ජනාධිපතිවරයා ලලිත් වීරතුංගට සිර දඬුවම් ලබා දීමෙන් සමස්ථ රාජ්ය සේවයටම පණිවුඩයක් ලබා දී ඇති බවද සදහන් කරයි. ඒ මහතා මෙම අදහස් පල කලේ කුරුණෑගල කොබෙයිගනේදී මාධ්යවේදීන් අමතමිනි.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
උදේශ සංජීව ගමගේ හොරු අල්ලන්නට පොරොන්දු වී බලයට පැමිණි ආණ්ඩුව අවුරුදු දෙකක් කෙකර ගා අමාරුවෙන් බිත්තරයක් දමා තිබේ. ඒ අනුව දූෂණ චෝදනා යටතේ පළමුවෙන්ම සිපිරි ගෙදරට යාමට සිදුවූයේ හිටපු ජනාධිපති ලේකම් ලලිත් වීරතුංගටත්, විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිෂන් සභාවේ හිටපු අධ්යක්ෂ ජනරාල් අනුෂ පැල්පිටටත්ය. මේ කතාවේ අගමුල මේ වන විටත් රටේ වැඩි දෙනෙක් දන්නා බවට සැකයක් නැත. 2014 ඔක්තෝබර් මස 30 වැනිදාත් 2015 ජනවාරි මස 5 වැනිදාත් අතර කාලයේ කෙළඹදී පැමිණිල්ල නොදත් පිරිසක් සමග එක්ව විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිසමේ ප්රතිපාදනවලට පටහැනි අන්දමට එම ගිණුම භාවිත කර විදුලි සංදේශ නියාමන කොමිෂන් සභාවට අයත් රුපියල් කෝටි 60 ක මුදලක් ජනාධිපති ලේකම් කාර්යාලය... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
Courtesy The Nation Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe met with former President and incumbent MP Mahinda Rajapaksa for a unscheduled discussion this week to discuss Local Government elections, the postponement of which continues. The political discussion took place on the evening of September 7 at the Parliamentary complex premises with Joint Opposition (JO) MPs Dinesh Gunawardena (Leader of the JO’s Parliamentary group), Udaya Gammanpila, Wimal Weerawansa and Prasanna Ranatunga in attendance. Rajapaksa’s Private Secretary, Udith Lokubandara said that the group had expressed their displeasure to Wickremesinghe regarding the constant postponement of the said elections and had also raised concerns about... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
Buddhist monks held Bodhi Pooja for former Army Commander during war - MR හාමුදුරුවරු හිටපු හමුදාපතිට බෝම්බ වදිනකොට බෝධිපුජා පැවැත්වුවා -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
Former President invokes blessings in Kandy (English) -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge While one wrong does not make another wrong right, only those who have not & does not sin can cast the first stone. That leaves not many with a moral right to hold any stone! Those taking files certainly have soiled hands which have not been investigated to determine their own guilt. In legal parlance the unclean hands doctrine is also applicable. Nonetheless, the verdict has certainly shaken the 1.4million Public Sector. Today, everyone claims to be champions against corruption but how many of them are guilty themselves! The Public Sector, Government servants and in particular... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
By Pepe Escobar Courtesy Information Clearing House" Putin reveals 'fair multipolar world' concept in which oil contracts could bypass the US dollar and be traded with oil, yuan and gold September 07, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The annual BRICS summit in Xiamen – where President Xi Jinping was once mayor – could not intervene in a more incandescent geopolitical context. Once again, it’s essential to keep in mind that the current core of BRICS is “RC”; the Russia-China strategic partnership. So in the Korean peninsula chessboard, RC context – with both nations sharing borders with the DPRK – is primordial. Beijing... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
– උපුටා ගැනීම – Special Report: මධ්යම අධිවේගී මාර්ගයේ ටෙන්ඩරයෙන් ඇත්තටම රටට මුදල් ඉතිරි වුණා ද? බැඳුම්කර වංචාව ගැන අප 2015 මාර්තු 08 වැනිදා අප මුල්වරට හෙළි කිරීමෙන් පසුව අගමැතිවරයා එය ආරක්ෂා කරමින් පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ කළ ප්රකාශය ඔබට මතක ද? අප පෙන්වා දුන්නේ සංවේදී අභ්යන්තර තොරතුරු ලබාගෙන බැඳුම්කර වෙන්දේසියේදී අක්රමිකතාවක් සිදුකර රජයට බිලියන ගණනක පාඩුවක් සිදුකර ඇති බව ය. පෙන්වාදුන් කරුණු වලටත් එහා තොරතුරු එකින් එක ජනාධිපති කොමිසට ස්තුතිවන්ත වන්නට දැන් අනාවරණය වෙමින් තිබේ. පෙරේදා කොමිසමේදී හෙළි වූයේ අභ්යන්තර තොරතුරු පමණක් නොව සංවේදී මූල්ය තොරතුරු පවා බැඳුම්කර ගනුදෙනුවලදී අර්ජුන් ඇලෝසියස්ලාට ලැබුනු බව ය. ඔවුන් වෙනුවෙන් පෙනීසිටින නීතිඥවරුන් පවා ඉවත්වන... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
lanka C news පිස්සු චීවරධාරියෙක් යයි ඇමති සරත් ෆොන්සේකා විසින් කරන ලද ප්රකාශය ගැන තමන් අතිශය කණගාටු වන බවත් මෙවන් තත්වයනට පිලිතුරු දීම සදහා තමන් ඊළග මැතිවරණයේදී ක්රියාකාරී දේශපාලනයට පැමිණෙන බවත් පූජ්ය ඇල්ලේ ගුණවංශ හිමියෝ පවසති. -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
N. A. DE S. AMARATUNGA Courtesy The Island Opposition is emerging to the new constitution. Former Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa speaking at the inauguration of a movement against the government’s constitution making process The idea that the country needs a new constitution is a construct of the Tamil separatists and opportunist politicians who need their votes to come to power, and the imperialists and the regional hegemonic powers also in this game for geopolitical gains and strategic reasons. Thus, there is enormous pressure from all these forces on the Government to install a brand new constitution with virtual federal... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 8, 2017, 10:09 pm Several yahapalana ministers lamented during a parliamentary debate on the draconian tax reforms on Thursday that the government revenue was falling rapidly and its expenditure rising steeply. Tax laws had to be amended to increase the government revenue, they argued. Ironically, they said so, one day after the presentation of a supplementary estimate which, among other things, sought as much as Rs. 58 mn for a ministerial vehicle. Governments face financial difficulties, but burdening people with more taxes is not the only way to set about tackling the problem. If new... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
By Ajith Alahakoon and Kushan Subasinghe Courtesy The Island Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe told Parliament yesterday that both the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank had informed the country that they would not provide any more grants after 2019. Making a special ministerial statement, the Prime Minister said since the two leading bodies had expressed the stopping of grants, alternative measures had to be adopted to maintain economic development. "Originally, there was a plan to construct an airport in Kandy," he said. "Also the central expressway comprises three tunnels. We will have to relook at them as well. One... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
by Eric Gamini Jinapriya Courtesy The Island The Chief incumbent of Dharmayathanaya, Colombo Ven Elle Gunawansa Thera yesterday said that he would come forward to prevent the division of the country. "I will join forces with patriots. I have no intention of contesting elections but will do everything possible for the victory of the motherland and patriotic forces," Gunawansa thera said in a brief interview with The Island. Commenting on Regional Development Minister Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka’s recent statement that Gunawansa Thera was a mad man in robes, Ven Thera said that statement had compelled him to decide to join... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
කංචන විජේසේකරගෙන් පක්ෂ නායකයාට අධි චෝදනා පත්රයක් 2014 නොවෙම්බර් මස පක්ෂයෙන් ඉදිරිපත් කල අපේක්ෂකයා පරාජයට පත් කිරීමට එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය සහ අනෙකුත් කණ්ඩායම් සමග අත්වැල් බැඳ ගැනීම . 2015 ජනවාරි 09 වන දින පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ සන්ධානයට හිමිව තිබු අගමැතිධුරය සහ ආණ්ඩු බලය සුළුතරයක් හිමිව තිබු රනිල් වික්රමසිංහට ලබා දීම. 2015 ජනවාරි මස සන්ධානයට බලය තිබුනු ඌව පළාත UNP එකටත්, නැගෙනහිර බලය Muslim congress එකටත් ලබා දීම. පක්ෂයේ මධ්යම කාරක සභාවක් තිබියදී දුමින්ද දිසානායක ලේකම් ලෙසත් , S.B. නාවින්න භාණ්ඩාගාරික ලෙස පත් කර ගත් මධ්යම කාරක සභාවක් නම් කිරීම. පක්ෂයේ නව සභාපති ලෙස කලබල මැද පත්වී , භාණ්ඩාගාරිකව සිටි ඩලස් අලහප්පෙරුම... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
By Gagani Weerakoon Courtesy Ceylon Today With the sole intention of defeating any move to divide the country through constitutional means, 'Eliya – Illuminating Aspirations' an organization formed under the patronage of former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa was launched at Hotel Golden Rose, Boralesgamuwa on Wednesday (6) evening. Alleging that the proposed new Constitution would give separatists what they had failed to achieve through terrorism, Rajapaksa vowed to defeat the project. The proposed constitutional reforms were meant to appease the LTTE rump, pro-LTTE Diaspora and a section of foreign powers, Rajapaksa said, lambasting the ruling UNP-SLFP Government for seeking to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
By Nuwan Hettiarachchi Courtesy Ceylon Today Chairman of the Public Platform National Movement Ven. Ulapane Sumangala Thera has questioned how the Sinhala newspaper, Janayugaya, which is alleged to have been...... published with funds accrued from the CB bond scam, is supplied with millions of rupees worth of Government advertisements. The Thera told the media yesterday that the said newspaper has been supplied with Rs 500 million worth of advertisements from the banking sector and lotteries board in the recent past. Ven. Sumangala Thera charged that the rent of houses occupied by Ministers supplying such advertisements had been allegedly paid by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
Kelum Bandara Courtesy The Daily Mirror A group of Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) MPs are reported to have informed President Maithripala Sirisena on Wednesday night that they would quit the government soon and yesterday met former President Mahinda Rajapaksa to discuss the next step. The group included Ministers Susil Premajayantha and Anura Priyadarshana Yapa and Deputy Ministers T.B. Ekanayake, Dulip Wijesekara, Nimal Lansa and Arundika Fernando. According to Reports at least 12 SLFP MPs in the government are likely to cross over. They had the President after the late night Central Committee meeting on Wednesday. These ministers were reported... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
Kelum Bandara Courtesy The Daily Mirror The Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thera, in response to a statement by Minister and Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka describing the monk as a 'mad man in robes' said yesterday the United National Party (UNP) should decide whether it should have such a person as a Cabinet minister any longer. The monk said senior UNPers such as Gamini Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali and R. Premadasa had visited his temple on several occasions. “Mr. Fonseka is a political reject. Only the UNP accommodated him and gave him a portfolio. The UNP should now decide whether it should risk... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
Chamil Rupasinghe Courtesy The Daily Mirror Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa today said even the current First Lady could be sued as she was seen distributing ‘Sil Redi’ along with the President a few days ago. Speaking to journalists in Kandy, Mr. Rajapaksa said he would visit former president’s secretary Lalith Weeratunga who was sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment. Mr.Weeratunga was found guilty of misappropriating Rs.600 million belonging to the TRC and using it to distribute ‘Sil Redi’ during the 2015 presidential election campaign.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/09/17)
By : A.A.M.NIZAM - MATARA The asinine and moron Sarath Fonseka before he was sponsored by the American Ambassador in Sri Lanka Patricia Butenis to contest the Presidential Election of 2010 against Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa was the most hated person in the Sri Lankan Army for the UNP politicians and was ridiculed and mercilessly attacked by them as a man who is only fit to lead the salvation army, a bovine, a man taking the army to Medawachchi instead of kilinochchi and to Pamankada instead of Alimankada, a man running a clandestine killer and torture unit of the army... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
BY MALINDA SENEVIRATNE “Time it was…and what a time it was…it was…a time of innocence…a time of confidences. Long ago it must be…I have a photograph…preserve your memories… they're all that's left you.” That’s Simon and Garfunkel and it’s from their song ‘Bookends’ which speaks of aging and nostalgia. The nostalgia part is something that we often encounter. For example, we have seen how the passing of years prompts remarks such as ‘never in our days,’ and ‘those were the days,’ if a line is required to lament the present. And if it is about people, we hear people say ‘they broke... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera Poor little rich kids getting various allowances and other perks may go starving to reach Zero Size as they are all over grown ,Because they may eat less and less due to high prices .May even be that they may be taking a Rice Packet home which was earlier wrapped in polythene and now polythene is banned ,canteen may have raised the price like elsewhere. Relatives, friends visiting MP’s also get well treated .and now they may lose that luxury . It may be that some MP’s may go on fasting in order to protest against... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
by A. Abdul Aziz. This is in reference to an article titled: ARMED MUSLIM INSURGENTS STARTS VIOLENCE IN MYANMAR by Dr. Daya Hewapathirane (LW – 28.08.2017). In his lengthy article the writer throws number of criticism against Islam, quoting verses of Holy Qur’an here and there and put an image as if Qur’an promotes violence and religious disharmony. Writer says, the Koran forbids Muslims to closely associate non-Muslims. This Holy Qur’an was sent through the Universal Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to guide all mankind. It is the book, not only for Muslims. An open book for all!! If anyone says... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
By Chitra Weerarathne Courtesy The Island Colombo High Court Judge Gihan Kulatunga yesterday convicted Anusha Pelpita, former Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) and the second accused Lalith Weeratunga, former Presidential Secretary and former Chairman of TRC, of misuse of state funds and aiding and abetting the same in spending Rs. 600 million on the distribution of sil redi in the run-up to the presidential election on January 8, 2015. They were each sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment for all the charges with a fine of Rs. 2 million. They were also ordered to pay the TRC... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
By Maheesha Mudugamuwa Courtesy The Island ‘Good Governance’ had been coined by the IMF, World Bank and the US Treasury, as a political conditionality for the enslavement of indebted countries such as Sri Lanka, former Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva Tamara Kunanayakam said on Wednesday. She said it had not been invented by Ranil, Chandrika, Sirisena or Mangala. Speaking at the launch of ‘Eliya’ at the Golden Rose, Boralesgamuwa, former Sri Lankan diplomat said today Sri Lanka was under a kind of US tutelage, a global power whose strategic objective was to maintain its... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
By Saman Indrajith Courtesy The Island JVP MP Sunil Handunnettii told Parliament yesterday that the Inland Revenue Bill has been designed to collect tax from each and every living citizen. Handunetti said the bill was so harmful to the people that the government should include the amendments submitted by the Opposition mitigate the adverse impact. He added that the new tax proposed to collect tax from the areas where the previous one had not collected. Participating in the second reading stage debate on the Inland Revenue Bill, MP Handunnetti said the bill had been drafted by the IMF for Ghana... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 7, 2017, 9:55 pm No sooner had incriminating evidence of insider trading emerged before the presidential commission of inquiry probing the bond scams against Perpetual Treasuries bigwigs than the High Court judgment in the sil redi case was delivered on Thursday. Former Secretary to President Mahinda Rajapaksa and ex-Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) Lalith Weeratunga and former TRCSL Director General Anusha Pelpita were sentenced to three years RI and fined. One may argue that the controversial distribution of sil redi (pieces of white cloth worn by Buddhists observing sil) does... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
Lahiru Pothmulla Courtesy The Daily Mirror A new Constitution or Parliament shouldn’t be allowed to reverse the victories which were accomplished by uniting the country after defeating terrorism, former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said. Speaking at the launch of ‘Eliya’ (light) Forum in Colombo on Wednesday, Mr. Rajapaksa said people fear that the accomplished victories would be scraped by bringing in a new Constitution. “This is why experts coming from different fields decided to create the ‘Eliya’ to enlighten the public about the new Constitution. We want to inform the people that the new Constitution should not be brought in,”... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
M.S.M.Ayub Courtesy The Daily Mirror Two months ago, the supporters of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Parliament, who call themselves the Joint Opposition, claimed that 18 Parliament members of the Maithri faction of the Sri Lanka Freedom party (SLFP) were to join hands with them. But nobody has defected from the incumbent President’s faction to the former President’s faction yet. And interestingly, neither they continue with their claim nor do their adversaries question them about it, as if both groups had prior knowledge that it was mere rhetoric. Now, some of the members of the Joint Opposition have started to claim... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
By Prageeth Sampath Courtesy Ceylon Today The United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Member of Parliament Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena says Mahinda Rajapaksa carried out development work while the war was being fought. "He ended the war and carried out massive development projects in the country. He built ports, airports, and expressways. If Rajapaksa had not built them, the yahapalana government would have sold the people as slaves". Excerpts: ? How is the new party? A: It is still being talked about. Let's see what will happen in the future. ? Minister Mahinda Amaraweera says next year there will be enough and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge An unexpected turn of events gives hope that even after over 500 years the crimes committed by European explorers and the Church will be exposed and lead to an overdue accountability, apology & compensation. As Confederate Statues are being brought down including those of statues of Christopher Columbus, it should take the world to revisit crimes of the Colonial European invaders & the Church. To understand what white supremacist rule is about one has to return to colonial rule, a period wherein whites regarded themselves as Christian/Catholic & superior while all others were uncivilized. Civilizing non-whites... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
MEDIA RELEASE.Global Sri Lankan Forum Australia The statement of the Minister Sarath Fonseka that he would volunteer to testify against Gen. Jagath Jaysooriya, if called upon to prove that the latter had committed war crimes, is indeed distasteful and impetuous. The Minister has repeatedly said on previous occasions that the Defence forces did not commit any war crimes and it was a war to defend the country from the grip of a bunch of terrorists. He may have forgotten his own public utterances on the war as the Commander of the army or was it merely a case of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
S. Akurugoda As per media reports, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) has received an assurance from India that it will support the ongoing constitutional making process until it could be brought to a successful conclusion. According to the said news item, TNA Leader Sampanthan has urged the Indian Foreign Minister to exert pressure to the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure that the promise given to the people and to the International community. It is a well known fact that the plotters of the 2015 regime change have entered into various secret understandings with the TNA, so-called Tamil Diaspora,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
බෝධි ධනපාල, කිබෙක්, කැනඩාව නලින් ද සිල්වා මයා ගැන ලංකාවෙබ් ප්ත්රයෙහි පලවෙන ලිපි බලා ඔහු පිලිබඳව මගේ අත් දැකීම් ද සටහන් කිරීමට සිතුනි. සිල්වා මහතා කොලඹ විශ්ව විද්යාලයෙන් ගණිතය සඳහා බී එස් සී උපාධියක් ලබා ගත්තේය. එය ගැන ලියමින් සිල්වා මහතා කිව්වේ ඔහු සිංහල බෞධ ආචාර්ය වරුන්ගෙන් කිසිවක් උගත්තේ නැති බවය. එදාත්, (අදත්) ඔහුට සිංහල බෞද්ධයන්ට අපහාස කිරීමට අවශ්ය තාවයක් තුබුනි. පසුව මහා සිංහල බෞධයෙකු ලෙස පෙනී සිටමින් බුද්ධාගම ගැනත්, ඕල්කොට තුමා සහ අනගාරික තුමා ද ඉක්මවා යමින් තමන්ගේ බෞධත්වය නැගවීමට තැත් කරන මුත්, මුලදී ඔහු අමු මාක්ස්වාදියෙක් විය. අරමුන හොඳ නම් එය දිනා ගැනීමට හැකිනම් කුමන ක්රමයක් යොදාගත්තත්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
By Rohana R. Wasala Excellent! Thank you, you anonymous scholar writing under the pen name Nila Maha Yodaya (Lankaweb/September 6, 2017) සිල්වාගේ ප්රශ්නය – කතෝලික බැතිමතුන්ට ආගමේ අය යයි කියන්නේ ඇයි? පිලිතුර- වචනයේ පරිසමාර්ත අර්ථයෙන්ම කතෝලික ආගම ආගමකි. කතෝලික අය බෞද්ධගම් කාරයින්ට කියන්නේ අන්යාආගම් කාරයින් කියායි Yes, I for one, agree with your answer to the question: ‘Why are Catholics called ‘people of religion?’ “The Catholic religion is a religion in the categorical sense of the word.” Your answer correctly implies that Buddhism is not a religion in the same sense. When we were children in the 1950s and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
නීල මහා යෝදයා දැන් නලින් ද සිල්වාට මහතාට ඇති එකම ප්රශ්නය නම් මේ නීල මහා යෝදයා නමින් පුහු චින්තකයාගේ පුහු චින්තන එළිදරවු කරන තැනැත්තා කව්දැයි හඳුනා ගැනීමයි. වරක් ඔහු ලංකවෙබ් වෙබ්ජාලයහි සංස්කාරක කර්තෘ නීලමහා යෝදයායි වරදවා හඳුනාගෙන ද්යෝෂාරෝපණය කරමින් ඔහුගේම වෙබ්ජාලයහි සටහනක් තබා තිබුනි . නමුත් ලංකවෙබ් වෙබ්ජාලයහි සංස්කාරක කෙනෙක් හෝ කර්තෘ කෙනෙක් නැති බව එහි පලමුවෙනි පිටුවෙහින් දෙන පනිවිඩයේ සඳහන් වෙයි. මෙම පනිවිඩය අනුව ලංකවෙබ් ක්රියා කරනවන්නේ ස්වෙච්ඡාවෙන් ඉදිරිපත්වූ ශ්රීලාන්කිකයින් බව ඉතා පැහැදිලිය. තවත් වරක් ධර්මසිරි වීරසිංහ නැමති තැනැත්තා නීලමහා යෝදයා නමින් පෙනීසිට ඔහුගේ ලිපි වලට ප්රතිචාරය දෙන්නේයයි කියා දෝෂාරෝපනය කර තිබුනි. මීට මාස කිහිපයකට ප්රථම ධර්මසිරි වීරසිංහ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
Dr. Daya Hewapathirane Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi has stated that the crisis in Rakhine state is being distorted by a "huge iceberg of misinformation". She said that tensions were being fanned by fake news promoting the interests of terrorists. Many fake news photographs are circulating. This creates a lot of problems between different communities and with the aim of promoting the interest of the terrorists". Fake news is generated primarily by the Western media and, as could be expected - the media of Muslim countries. She has stated that her government had started defending all the people in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
Sugath Samarasinhe This is a response to the letter to the Editor published in the Opinion page of ‘The Island’ of August 22, 2017 titled “New constitution a must”. I do not agree with the opening statement of the Friday Forum which states: “The peoples’ verdict at the Presidential election of January 2015 reflected the mandate of the people for a new constitution to remedy democratic deficits in Sri Lanka’s governance arrangements, nearly 40 years after the enactment of the current constitution.” My reasoning is as follows. Mr. Maithripala Sirisena did NOT state in his Presidential election manifesto, that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/09/17)
The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) on Tuesday welcomed the statement made by Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka that Sri Lankan security forces had committed war crimes against Tamils during and after the war ended. Issuing a statement, the TGTE said ‘confirmation of war crimes by Sri Lankan forces comes after eight years of denial by successive Sri Lankan Governments that no war crimes were committed and calling Sri Lankan forces ’War Heroes’. “Sri Lankan Government rewarded ex-servicemen with senior Government positions, including appointing Field Marshal Fonseka as the Minister for Regional Development and General Jagath Jayasuriya as the Ambassador... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
Shehan Chamika Silva Courtesy The Daily Mirror In the wake of the breakthrough made by Attorney General’s Department against Arjun Aloysius that he had received inside information with regard to the price sensitive details in bond trading, the PCoI had summoned him on September 5 to record a statement with CID officials. However, ASG Yasantha Kodagoda informed the Commission that CID officials had visited Aloysius’ residence to serve the summons yesterday but failed to do so because he was not there at that time. The ASG said that Aloysius was not even at his office. ASG Kodagoda also said that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
BY FAIZER SHAHEID Courtesy Ceylon Today A new trajectory has been carved leading into the already existing list of war crimes allegations against the Sri Lankan Army that seeks to reroute the investigations to hold Sri Lanka as a whole accountable. The war crimes charges were filed by South America based International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) in Brazil and Columbia against General Jagath Jayasuriya who was the Ambassador of Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Suriname. The charges were filed against Jayasuriya on 29 August, and the Ambassador returned to the country the very next day. Irrespective of Jayasuriya's... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island September 6, 2017, 10:11 pm A movement named Eliya [light] was launched, yesterday, with former Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa as its leader. Its goal is to torpedo the yahapalana government’s efforts to introduce a new Constitution, we are told. With only a couple of more years to go for the next presidential election, yesterday’s event has come to be widely seen as the launch of the Joint Opposition’s campaign for that crucial electoral contest. It looks as though Gotabhaya had thrown his hat into the ring. The question is why a mass movement has sought to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
by Maheesha Mudugamuwa Courtesy The Island Alleging that proposed new Constitution would give separatists what they had failed to achieve through terrorism, wartime Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa yesterday said, vowing to defeat the project. The proposed constitutional reforms were meant to appease the LTTE rump, pro-LTTE Diaspora and a section of foreign powers, Rajapaksa said, lambasting the ruling UNP-SLFP government for seeking to divide post-war Sri Lanka on ethnic lines. Rajapaksa said so at the launching of 'Eliya-Illuminating Aspirations' at the Golden Rose, Borelesgamuwa. The Gajaba Regiment veteran urged the public to resist the government project to appease the separatist... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
ශ්යාම් නුවන් ගනේවත්ත, සරත් ධර්මසේන උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂ හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රිනී රෝසි සේනානායක මහත්මියගේ පුත් කණිෂ්ක සේනානායක මහතා ගෙන් පර්පෙචුවල් ට්රෙෂරීස් සමාගමේ ප්රධාන විධායක නිලධාරි කසුන් පලිසේන මහතා 07 වන පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ කෝප් කමිටුවට දුන් ප්රකාශයේ සම්පූර්ණ පිටපතක් අර්ජුන් ඇලෝෂියස් මහතාට ලැබී තිබුණු බව ඊයේ (06 දා) බැඳුම්කර කොමිසමේදී වාදනය කරන ලද දුරකථන සංවාදයකට සවන්දීමෙන් පසු අසන ලද ප්රශ්නවලට පිළිතුරු දෙමින් පර්පෙචුවල් ට්රෙෂරීස් සමාගමේ ප්රධාන අලෙවිකරු නුවන් තිළිණ සල්ගාදු මහතා කීවේය. දුරකථන සංවාදයේ රෝසිගේ පුතා යනුවෙන් ඇසෙන බවත් මෙහි රෝසි යනුවෙන් සඳහන් කරන්නේ රෝසි සේනානායක මහත්මිය බවත් සල්ගාදු මහතා කීවේය. ඇය හිටපු පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රිනියක මෙන්ම පළමු පාර්ලිමේන්තු පොදු... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
ශ්යාම් නුවන් ගනේවත්ත, සරත් ධර්මසේන උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින ජනාධිපති බැඳුම්කර කොමිසම හමුවේ සාක්ෂි දෙමින් පර්පෙචුවල් ට්රෙෂරීස් සමාගමට සහ එහි නිලධාරීන්ට අදාළ තොරතුරු රැසක් හෙළි කළ එම සමාගමේ ප්රධාන ගනුදෙනුකරු නුවන් තිළිණ සල්ගාදු මහතාට සහ ඒ මහතාගේ පවුලේ සාමාජිකයන්ට ආරක්ෂාව ලබාදෙන ලෙස බැඳුම්කර කොමිසමේ සභාපති ශේ්රෂ්ඨාධිකරණ විනිසුරු කේ. ටී. චිත්රසිරි මහතා ඊයේ (06 දා) නියෝග කළේය. තිළිණ සල්ගාදු මහතාට ආරක්ෂාව ලබාදෙන ලෙස නියම කරන්නැයි අතිරේක සොලිසිටර් ජනරාල් යසන්ත කෝදාගොඩ මහතා කොමිසමෙන් කරන ලද ඉල්ලීමට අනුව කොමිසම එම නියෝගය නිකුත් කළේය.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
ශ්යාම් නුවන් ගනේවත්ත, සරත් ධර්මසේන උපුටා ගැන්ම දිවයින පර්පෙචුවල් ට්රෙෂරීස් සමාගමට පෙර නොවිරූ අසාමාන්ය අධික ලාභ උපයා ගැනීමට හැකි වූයේ එම සමාගමේ හිමිකරු වන අර්ජුන් ඇලෝෂියස් මහතාට ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුවෙන් ලැබුණු අභ්යන්තර තොරතුරු (Inside Information) සහ මිල සංවේදී රහසිගත තොරතුරු (Price Sensitive Confidential Information) නිසා බව ඊයේ (06 දා) ජනාධිපති බැඳුම්කර කොමිසමේදී පර්පෙචුවල් ට්රෙෂරීස් සමාගමේ ප්රධාන අලෙවිකරු නුවන් තිළිණ සල්ගාදු මහතා පිළිගත්තේය. 2015 වර්ෂයේ සිට 2016 වර්ෂය දක්වා පර්පෙචුවල් ට්රෙෂරීස් සමාගම රු. බිලියන 11 ක (රු. කෝටි 1100 ක) පමණ අති විශාල අසාමාන්ය ලාභයක් උපයාගෙන තිබුණු බවත් එම ලාභ උපයා ගැනීමට සමාගමට හැකි වූයේ අර්ජුන ඇලෝෂියස් මහතා විසින් ලබාදෙන... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
by Shyam Nuwan Ganewatte Courtesy The Island The Presidential Commission of Inquiry, probing alleged bond scams, resumed sittings yesterday, with Chief Dealer of Perpetual Treasuries (PTL), Nuwan Thilina Salgado, testifying. He said the company had been able to make unprecedentedly huge profits because of inside information and price sensitive confidential information PTL Chairman Arjun Aloysius had received from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Salgado told the commission that from 2015 to 2016, the company had recorded an unusually high profit of Rs. 11 billion and the price sensitive confidential information provided by Mahendran had helped them take right decisions... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
Sarath Wijesinghe Bribery is omnipresent with a long history starting from the time immemorial and spreading fast at all levels of the community. It is cancerous, and exists all with no borders and barriers. Efforts made by the State, religious leaders, and social workers to arrest or complete eradication of this menace has miserably failed due to excessive greed. Corruption erodes trust in Governments, businesses and markets. Bribery is an offence punishable under the Penal Code as far back as 1882. In 1994 Act No 19 was created to combat bribery and corruption. The preamble of the Bribery Act... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග සෝමපාල ගරුසිංහ මහතා 71 අප්රේල් කැරැල්ලෙන් පසු පුරා වසර 6 කට ආසන්න කාලයක් නීති ඇසින් බේරී වනගතව සිටියේය. ඔහුගෙ නිවහන කැලෑව විය. ජීවිතය රැක ගැනීම සඳහා ඔහු ප්රාථමික මිනිසුන් ගත කල කැලෑ ජීවිතයට හුරු විය. වනගතව සිටි කාලය අවිනිශ්චිතතාව, ධෛර්ය හා පරිසරය පිළිබඳ කුතුහලය දනවන කතා පුවතකි. අපි ඔහුට සවන් දෙමු. මගේ ගම් පලාත මාතර අකුරැස්ස. මගේ පියා ධනවතෙකු නොවුවත් ඔහු අදීන පුදගලයෙක්. අයුක්තිය ඉදිරියේ සැලූනේ නැහැ. ඔහු අපගේ අධ්යාපනයට වෙහෙසුනා. මට ඉගෙන ගැනීමට ආශාව හා දක්ෂතාව තිබ්බා. මා ප්රාථමික අධ්යපනය ලැබුවේ තෙලිජ්ජවිල මධ්ය මහා විද්යාලයේ. මම ශිෂ්යත්ව විභාගය ඉහලින්ම සමත් උනා. ඉන්පසු උසස්පෙළ අධ්යාපනය... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
මතුගම සෙනෙවිරුවන් මානව හිමිකම් කවුන්සිලෙයේ විසිහත් වන සැසිවාර යේදී මානව හිමිකම් කොමසාරිස්වරයා විසින් සිදු කළ වාචික කරුණු දැක්වීමේදී ශ්රී ලංකාව යුධ අපරාධ කර ඇති බව උලුප්පා දක්වා ඇත.එම කරුණු දැක්වීම අනුව ශ්රී ලංකා රජය සහ ඇමරිකා එක්සත් ජනපදය එක්ව ශ්රී ලංකාවට එරෙහිව යෝජනාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කර සම්මත කළහ. එහිදී සංහිඳියාව සහ වගවීම ප්රවර්ධනයට කිරීමට එකඟ විය යුතු බවද දෙමුහුන් අධිකරණයක් ස්ථාපිත කළ යුතු බවද ශ්රී ලංකා ආණ්ඩු ක්රම ව්යවස්ථාවේ 13 වන සංශෝධනය සම්පූර්ණයෙන් ක්රියත්මක කිරීමට මෙන්ම එය ඉක්මවා යන බලය බෙදීමකට එකඟ විය යුතු බවටද එහිදී ප්රකාශ කර ඇත. මෙම කාරණා යලි යලිත් මතක් කරමින් ශ්රී ලංකා රජයට බලපෑම් කරමින්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
By Shehan Chamika Silva Courtesy The Daily Mirror After listening to several phone conversations taken place between Arjun Aloysius (PTL owner) and Kasun Palisena (PTL CEO), which were previously deleted and missing from PTL's recording system, Attorney General's Department officials late last night have uncovered the vital information about what took place during the controversial February 27, 2015 bond issue and thereafter, sources close to the Presidential Commission of Inquiry on Bond issue told the Daily Mirror yesterday. According to the sources, these conversations were about how to deal at an auction and how PTL had received inside information. The... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
ආචාර්ය විජේදාස රාජපක්ෂ බොරුකාරයන්ගේ රෙදි ගලවයි: සම්පූර්ණ වීඩියෝව -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
By Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy The Island September 5, 2017, 7:58 pm War-winning Army Commander and Regional Development Minister, Sarath Fonseka last Saturday (Sept 1, 2017) declared that wartime Security Forces Commander, Vavuniya, the then Maj. Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya had committed crimes during his tenure as the senior officer based in Vavuniya. Sinha Regiment veteran Fonseka, who now holds the rank of Field Marshal, alleged that Jayasuriya had subjected those who were arrested by troops, under his command, to ‘criminal activity’. In early Feb. 2016, the UNP accommodated Fonseka on its National List in the wake of M.K.A.D.S. Gunawardena’s demise. Having... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
By Dr Kamal Wickremasinghe Courtesy The Island September 5, 2017, 12:00 pm The recent public airing of political corruption by way of evidence emerging before the Presidential Commission points to a much bigger problem than individual acts of political corruption per se. These excuses shed a new light in to a proverbial ‘code of thieves’ that seems to govern the world the political thieves inhabit. Minister Ravi Karunanayake’s stubborn refusal to show remorse even after the surfacing of damning evidence against him and his pathetic attempts to seek some sort of moral high ground as a ‘victim’ of a monstrous... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island Wednesday 6th September, 2017 September 5, 2017, 8:28 pm The present government has mastered the art of selling family silver. Having handed over the country’s only inland port to China for a song and undertaken to lease the second international airport to India, the yahapalana politicians are now eyeing poor wild animals as a source of foreign exchange. They have already launched a night safari project to torture animals at the Dehiwala zoo and, thereby, boost its revenue. Deputy Minister Karunaratne Paranavithana has gone a step ahead. He has said the solution to the human-elephant conflict... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
By Neville Ladduwahetty Courtesy The Island September 5, 2017, 8:28 pm Civilians, in conflict zones, have two choices. One is to leave the conflict zone and seek refuge in transit refugee camps, set up within the country, in which the conflict is taking place, or seek the safety of transit camps, in other countries, despite the uncertainties and risks of living on the charity of others. The second is to stay put whatever the risks - even death - and face the full scope of the challenges of surviving in a conflict zone. These choices are personal and are made... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Courtesy The Island Joint Opposition leader Dinesh Gunawardena will raise the LTTE backed Tamil Diaspora move against General Jagath Jayasuriya following Regional Development Minister Field Sarath Fonseka alleging that the wartime Security Forces Commander, Vanni had committed crimes and he continued violations of human rights after becoming the Commander of the Army in July 2009. The following question has been submitted seeking answers from Foreign Minister Tilak Marapana under Standing Order 23/2: "General Jagath Jayasuriya, Sri Lanka's Ambassador to Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Suriname, the former Army Commander, Chief of staff and head of the Joint Defence... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
ආචාර්ය චරිත හේරත් උපුටාගැණීම ලංකාදීප -මේ දිනවල අපේ රටේ දේශපාලනයේ එක් ප්රධාන මාතෘකාවක් වන්නේ ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාව සංශෝධනය කර හෝ එසේත් නැතිනම් පනත් සංශෝධනය කර හෝ මැතිවරණ කල් දන්නේ කේසේද කියා හොයන එකය. මේ සමහර ඒවා දැනටමත් කාලය නිමා වී ඇති පලාත් පාලන ආයතනය. සමහර ඒවා ඉදිරියේ විසිරෙන්නට තිබෙන පලාත් සභාය. මේ වැඬේ ට ගොස් ආණ්ඩුවම ඉන්නේ යම් ආකාරයක අවුල් සහගත තත්වයකය. ජන්ද කල් දමන එකත් යහපාලනයටම අයිති දෙයක් යැයි හිතෙන තරමට මේ තත්වය කිසිදු හිරිකිතයකින් තොරව අගේට කර ගෙන යන්නට තරම් ආණ්ඩුවේ සමහරු නිර්භීත වීම පුදුම සහගතය. අනෙක් අතට එමගින් පෙන්නුම් කරන්නේ ප්රජාතන්ත්රවාදය පැත්තෙන් ගොඩ නැගෙන අතිශයෙන්ම භයානක අනතුරක්ය. ‘අපිට... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Sudath Gunasekera has used the up-coming 150th anniversary of Tea plantations to present a patriotic lament which we should resonate with. But we should remember that when Sri Wickrama R was captured in Kandy, the situation was qualitatively no different to what we have today., with a bunch of traitors running the country. The country was handed over to the British by a set of “Adigars” who were scheming against each other and some of them were already in cahoots with the British. Half of them signed the Kandyan treaty in Tamil. Meanwhile, Britain... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Bodhi Dhanapala, Quebec , Canada Dr. Carlo Fonseka, a leftist with the credentials needed to survive any regime has now stated that he will work to topple the government on the SAITM issue. Ostensibly, he is “fighting to save free education”. Why did he not do anything to stop the granting of degrees in Chemistry, Management, Engineering and a whole host of other subjects done by private and professional institutes in Sri Lanka? Don't all that make an indent into free education, if that is what is sacrosanct? Is it only the doctors who have a right to protect... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Dr. Daya Hewapathirane Contrary to what Ananth Karthikeyan has stated in his article published in the Lankaweb on September 03, 2017, titled “The Imperial Cholas’ Conquest of Sri Lanka” mentioned, Sri Lanka was never captured and controlled completely by Dravidians at any time in its history. The following is an outline of Dravidian invasions and their outcome according to Sri Lankan sources of information and evidence from Sri Lanka. Recorded history states that Sri Lanka was invaded as much as seventeen times by South Indian Dravidian speaking invaders since 230 BCE. Coming with armies of Tamils from South India... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Dr Hector Perera London I have some interest in cooking for a long time even while I was doing my GCSE ordinary level. With the scouts group, I went on camping for about a week when we had to cook. Honestly I didn’t know much cooking but I have observed some cooking at home done by my mum and also by the servants. That time we had nothing but firewood stoves at home but not gas or electric cookers. In a way they are interesting because unless you keep the fire going even with difficulty, there is not enough... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (RASSL) A Special Public Lecture “Combining Theory and Practice in Buddhist Meditation” by Keith Munnings PGCE MTH (Master of Theology), Buddhist Chaplain in UK on Thursday Sept 7th at 5.00 p.m. at the RASSL Council Room Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07 ALL ARE WELCOME Keith Munnings is a well-known British mediation teacher who has practised Samatha meditation since 1973 and has taught the practice for over thirty years. He was involved from the early days of developing the Samatha Association in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
by Senaka Weeraratna The White Man enslaved the Brown Man and the Black Man for centuries. The Yellow Man liberated them. This is the true outcome of the Second World War. The Brown Man enslaved for nearly 500 years is free today because the Yellow Man fought the White Man at Port Arthur in 1905 followed by the epic attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. Had the Yellow Man not fought the White Man, the Brown Man may still be in Chains, because none of the Colonial countries had any serious intention to give freedom to the black, brown and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
By Chandre Dharmawardana, Ottawa, Canada. Commenting on my article entitled “The “AluthParlimenthuwa” Debate on Glyphosate” that appeared in the Lankaweb (, a writer who uses the fake name “Cerberus” has gone shopping for free on the internet and comes back to tell us that glyhosate causes not only kidney disease, but also many other diseases. In my article I warned the reader that 90% of the internet news, especially on controversial topics tend to be dominated by fake news (adorned by sensationalism). Try the internet news on Sri Lanka and the Eelam wars and you will see how... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
Dr. Daya Hewapathirane All colonial powers associated with Sri Lanka in the past are guilty of serious crimes of acute proportions. The British were the worst of them all. The British occupation of Sri Lanka was not only gravely crime-prone, but one of sheer treachery, exploitation and devastation of our country and people. It is a fact that all colonial powers acted on pure and absolute "self-interest". British occupation of Sri Lanka was one of sheer exploitation and devastation. Whatever benefits that were derived by local inhabitants were merely incidental to their exploitation of the country's natural and human... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/09/17)
By Kanthar Balanathan, Australia Sprinkled and Speckled Tamils History reveals that Tamils of various dimension have migrated out of Tamil Nadu and SriLanka, several centuries ago. Recent, legal and illegal migration over a 40-year bandwidth has been on a theoretical accusation/allegation podium of war and human rights violation, which is not the real truth. Some thoughts are that Prabakaran’s (LTTE) theory of sending several of his favourite members of LTTE cadre, overseas was to campaign and receive international support for his terrorist act(s). It’s a fact because several known people have been working on LTTE campaign for international political... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
Dr. Sudath Gunasekara 22.8.2017. There is much talk in the press these days about holding a series of Celebratory activities and events to commemorate 150 years of tea production in Sri Lanka. It is also reported that action is underway to organize several events by the Authorities to commemorate 150 years of tea production in Sri Lanka. A Global Tea Party, an International Tea Convention and a charity auction are among the highlights planned throughout the year to mark this event according to Ground View reports. They are organized by The Ceylon Tea Traders Association, Sri Lanka Tea... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
Dr Sudath Ggunasekara 3.9. 2017 This is for your serious attention please. From hills to VIP thrills, but the people paid the bills What came to the Foreign Ministry in a diplomatic bag from an Asian capital raised not only eye brows but also serious concerns. An upcountry Province Governor and a so-called official delegation wanted to pay a four day visit to that bustling Asian capital which some call the sin city. The official delegation was to comprise family members, staff and relatives. One would say there is nothing wrong in travelling abroad for they say... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
වරුණ චන්ද්රකීර්ති මීවැවට යන්න ඕන ගනේගොඩ හන්දියෙන් හැරිලා. ගනේගොඩ හන්දිය තියෙන්නේ නාරම්මල ඉඳලා කුරුණෑගලට යන පාරේ. නාරම්මල ඉඳලා වැඩි දුරක් නෑ. නගර සීමාව ඉවරවෙන්නේ ගනේගොඩින්. අනිවාර්යයෙන් ම, මීවැවේ වැවක් ඇති කියලා පාඨකයන්ට හිතෙන්න පුළුවන්. එහෙම නැතිනම් ඒ ගමට මීවැව කියලා නම දාන්න විදිහක් නැහැනේ. ඒත් දැන් මීවැවේ වැවක් නෑ. නාරම්මල නගරයෙන් වැඩි ඈතක නොවුනත් මීවැව කියන්නේ හොඳ පිටිසර ගමක්. හැබැයි ඒ ගමේ වැව නම් දැන් ඉතිහාසයට එකතුවෙලා. ඒත් ගමේ කුඹුරු තියෙනවා. කුඹුරුවල ගොයම් දකින්න පුළුවන් බොහොම කලාතුරකින්. මොකද දැන් කාලේ වහින එකේ වුනත් කිසි ලකයක් නැහැනේ. ඉතින් වැස්සොත් මීවැවේ මිනිස්සු කුඹුරුකරනවා. ඊට පස්සේ ඒ කුඹුරු මැරෙන දිහා බල බලා... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
කම්කරු අරගල මධ්යස්ථානයේ සංවිධායක ලේකම් දුමින්ද නාගමුව සහෝදරයා, මේ පනත ශ්රම බලකායේ සැලකිය යුතු ව්යූහාත්මක වෙනස්කම් සිදු කරන පනතක්. ඒ වගේම මේ පනත නීති විරෝධී ලෙස, ප්රජාතන්ත්ර විරෝධී ලෙස සම්මත කරන්න යන පනතක්. මේ පනත ගැසට් කළේ පසුගිය මාර්තු මාසයේ. ආදායම් බදු ගැන විශේෂ අවධානයක් යොමු කර තිඛෙනවා. ලංකාවේ මෙතෙක් ක්රියාත්මක වුණේ බි්රතාන්ය ආකෘතිය මූලික කර ගත් බදු ක්රමයක්. බදු සම්බන්ධයෙන් යම් ගැටලූවක් මතු වුණොත් බි්රතාන්යයේ පූර්වාදර්ශ, බි්රතාන්යයේ නඩු තීන්දු පූර්වාදර්ශ ලෙස භාවිතයට ගත්තා. නමුත් මේ පනත මගින් මෙතෙක් තිබුණු බදු ක්රමය සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම වෙනස් කර තිඛෙනවා. ඒ වගේම බදු එකතු කිරීම පෞද්ගලිකකරණය කිරීමට අවශ්ය ඉඩ හදාගෙන තිඛෙනවා. බදු එකතු... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
by M.L.Wickramasinghe Courtesy The Island September 2, 2017, 7:05 pm There is a continuing and interesting dialogue on the Constitution. The majority of Sri Lankans is strongly apprehensive of federalism and believes that maintaining the status quo with regard to the current limits on devolution of power to the provincial councils and maintaining a strong central government would serve the goal of promoting and protecting peace and harmony among all groups of Sri Lankans. Some Sri Lankans, however, are somewhat open to the idea of federalism, as USA too has a federal system. Additionally, Mr. C.V. Wigneswaran, the Chief Minister... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
ANANTH KARTHIKEYAN | Courtesy DNA The Chola-Pandya rivalry lasted many centuries The history, legends, and myths of Sri Lanka are replete with stories of Indian princes or adventurers capturing power and establishing dynasties. The proximity of the island and its resources undoubtedly attracted attention from many Indian and foreign powers. The Sinhalese kingdoms had also imported thousands of mercenaries from southern India to fight their internal wars and these mercenary communities soon gained significant power. Such contacts, trade, invasions, and migrations also caused intermingling of blood across the various strata of Sinhalese society down the ages. In this... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
Mail on Line A human rights group has filed two cases against retired general Jagath Jayasuriya (C) over his role as a senior army officer during and after the island's long ethnic war Sri Lanka's president Sunday defended his ambassador to Latin America who faces war crimes allegations over his role as a senior army officer during and after the island's ethnic war. Maithripala Sirisena told a convention of his Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) that he would not allow retired general Jagath Jayasuriya or any war veteran to be tried by any foreign entity. A human... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
-යටියන ප්රදීප් කුමාර- ශ්රී ලංකා නිදහස් පක්ෂයේ 66 වැනි සංවත්සරය වෙනුවෙන් ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ රුව ඇතුලත් දැවැන්ත ප්රමාණයේ කටවුට් බැනර් කොළඹ වීදි පුරා සෑම විදුලි කණුවකම , දුරකතන කණුවකම පාහේත් රට පුරා සියලුම නගර කඩ මණ්ඩි පුරාත් එල්ලී තිබේ. මේ ගිය ජනාධිපතිවරණ සමයේ "මම කටවුට් පෝස්ටර් සඳහා මුදල් නාස්ති කරන්නේ නෑ . ඒ මුදල් උතුරු මැද වකුගඩු රෝගයෙන් පීඩා විඳින ජනතාව වෙනුවෙන් වකුගඩු රෝහලක් ඉදි කිරීම වෙනුවෙන් පරිත්යාග කරනවා" යැයි උජාරුවෙන් කියූ මෛත්රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතාගේ කටවුට්ය. එකල මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ හිටපු ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ රුව ඇතුලත් කටවුට් පෝස්ටර් (මැතිවරණ සමයේ ) සෑම ලයිට් කණුවකම එල්ලද්දී ඊට ප්රතිවාදී අපේක්ෂක සිරිසේන මහතා දුන් පිළිතුර වූයේ කටවුට්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
Courtesy The Daily Mirror President Maithripala Sirisena said today he would never allow former Army Commander (Rtd) General Jagath Jayasuriya or any other war hero to be hauled before an international criminal court or war tribunal as long as he remained the President of Sri Lanka. He said the threat of war crimes charges, economic sanctions and the hostile attitude of the global community against Sri Lanka was the direct result of the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime’s failure to create an atmosphere of reconciliation, reconstruction and rehabilitation in a country and a nation which was in tatters after the war.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
By Sulochana Ramiah Mohan Courtesy Ceylon Today Tall and well-built, retired Army General, Jagath Jayasuriya, who was posted in Brazil as the Sri Lankan Ambassador, is back in town with mounted allegations against him related to his posts as a military man and an ambassador. He said that although he was the Vanni Commander, he was not on the frontlines and it was Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka who conducted the operations. "I don't know of war crimes because I was near the Vavuniya airport, and Nandikadal was 100km away. How will I know what was going on there?" he... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
Editorial Courtesy The Island Monday 4th September, 2017 September 3, 2017, 9:06 pm Former Army Commander Field Marshal and Minister Sarath Fonseka, has done it again! He once got into trouble over what came to be dubbed the White Flag allegations against the then Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, who, he said, had ordered the killing of some surrendering LTTE leaders in May 2009. About eight years on, he has accused his successor General Jagath Jayasuriya of having committed serious offences against persons in captivity. Fonseka’s allegations have come close on the heels of a war crimes case filed against former... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/09/17)
Janaka Perera Seventy-eight years ago, Sept 3, 1939, the news of Britain’s declaration of war against Nazi Germany came to Colombo through the wireless from London, shortly before 4.30 p.m. At that moment British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was speaking in London on the declaration heard over the BBC. The Reuters message flashed all over the world confirming the news was duly received at Lake House on the same day. Soon afterwards, a crowd gathered opposite the main LH entrance to gaze at the poster announcing that Britain was at war with Germany. Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) – like the rest of the British Empire – was... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
By Rohana R. Wasala The United States State Department’s 2016 International Religious Freedom Report on Sri Lanka is replete with distortions of the factual situation in the country regarding religious freedom. This is my personal view as an ordinary Sri Lankan for what it is worth. Genuine reconciliation through religious harmony among other things cannot be created by suppressing the truth. I am writing in the hope that the truth about religious freedom in my country will ultimately emerge. Those who want to add a religious dimension to the alleged ethnic problem that they falsely claim to afflict Sri... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
By M D P DISSANAYAKE The heading of this article represent the first sentence of the article ( with an error on my part of the word Test instead of ODI) published in Lankaweb under the heading “TISSERA PERERA MUST BE TOSSED OUT OF THE ODI TEAM-NEED A POOL OF ALL ROUNDERS TO ENSURE PLACE IN TOP 8”. There is no shortage of cricketing brains in Sri Lanka. We still have world class present and past cricketers. Sunil Gavaskar’s adverse comments on Sri Lankan cricket display his own ignorance and must question why a commentator like Gavaskar was provided... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Dr. Chandana Jayalath As we all know, auditing encompasses a wide array of functions. Construction auditing is in particular keen on investigating overcharges if any for labor and materials, overpriced change orders, why and how for re-work, lost incentives and credits, failure to deliver contracted scope and charges for non-allowable costs. Just a couple of failures detrimental in any typical project and is why audit comes into being. Audit is not just looking for cost recoveries or overbillings, but also provides process improvement recommendations for the project management team. In fact, there are several key risk areas that lend... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Dr Sarath Obeysekera May be Minister can give them to MP’s first .? The Ministry of Education is to issue Compact Discs (CD), long with selected text books, to schoolchildren at the beginning of next year.Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, when contacted, told Ceylon Today, video CDs will be......produced as a form of support for the school syllabus. Recently we have seen a news item about MP’s to be given Lap Tops .With various people complaining about education of Law Makers ( MP’s) leading to conclusion that most of the MP’s are not properly educated .This is a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando Mother Lanka has given birth to many prodigies and given them a free education to prop them up to excel in wider fields, particularly in medicine. However, there were and are many students who are still unable to gain admission to universities to outshine in their chosen fields due to restrictions in our education system. Amidst such a dilemma, continuous protests, arguments and threatened strikes are seen and heard against the South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM) , which is a private seat of learning, especially in the field of medicine, linked... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
වෛද්ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග යුද්ධයේ අවසාන අදියරේ අත්ඩංගුවේ පසු වූ පුද්ගලයන් ආරක්ෂා කිරීම සහ යුද පෙරමුණට සැපයුම් කටයුතු භාරව සිටි හිටපු යුද හමුදාපති ජනරාල් ජගත් ජයසූරිය අපරාධවල නියැලී සිටි බවත් තමන් ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන් සාක්ෂි දෙන බවටත් ෆීල්ඩ් මාෂල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකා පවසා ඇත. සරත් ෆොන්සේකා යනු අති දක්ෂ යුද සොල්දාදුවෙකි. ඔහු ජෙනරාල් පැටර්න් වැනි චරිතයක් බව වටහා ගත යුතුය. ඊලාම් යුද්දයෙන් ප්රභාකරන්ව පරාජය කිරීම සඳහා එක් ප්රධාන හස්තයක් වූයේ ජෙනරාල් සරත් ෆොන්සේකාය. සරත් ෆොන්සේකා යනු දීර්ඝ කාලයක් යුද අත්දැකීම් වලට නිරාවරණය වීම නිසා යුද අාතතියේ ලක්ෂණ පෙන්වන්නෙකි. ඔහු තුල පවත්නා හදිසි කෝපය, චිතාවේගී අසමබරතාව, පලි ගැනීමේ යොමුව සියල්ලම සඳහා හේතුව... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
by C.A.Chandraprema Courtesy The Island September 2, 2017, 7:37 pm Former Army Commander Jagath Jayasuriya completed his stint as Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Brazil and arrived in Sri Lanka last week. It would appear that just as he was leaving Brazil, some international human rights groups had filed war crimes lawsuits against him in Brazil and Colombia. According to international news reports on the matter, the petitioners had alleged that Jayasuriya oversaw military units that attacked hospitals and killed and tortured thousands of civilians. There was of course no risk of Jayasuriya being arrested in Brazil because he had diplomatic... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
by I.P.C. Mendis Courtesy The Island September 2, 2017, 7:08 pm It appears as if the "talk shows", press briefings and invective have succeeded in taking the wind off the sails in the Ravi K episode and an uncompromising Minister in Wijeyadasa R sacrificed on the cross in a bid to save the face of the government. Ravi K faced it with innocence personified but he was pressed against the wall by a section of the Opposition and Government and almost compelled to agree to resign. His resignation was reportedly conditional, with him being permitted to retain some of the ministerial... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Courtesy An extract from salacia, a plant native to India and Sri Lanka, has demonstrated appetite reduction, satiety and blood sugar management benefits, according to new research published in the journal Nutrients. Salacia is a genus of woody climbers well known for its traditional use in Ayurveda as a medicinal food supplement for various health conditions. The study is the first to examine the effects of a proprietary extract of Salacia chinensis on glycemic indices and gut hormones after a meal. It was a randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled, 3-way cross-over study. The researchers discovered that, when taken with a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Courtesy Evening Standard Holiday company Thomson has now spread its wings as far as Sri Lanka, says Phil Clarke Sri Lanka is a medley of the Indian subcontinent’s greatest hits. History: tick. Tea plantations: tick. Religious monuments: tick. Jungle, crocodiles and elephants: tick, tick, tick. In an area the size of Ireland, ancient sites jostle with pristine beaches and natural beauty is interrupted only by the clicking of a smartphone as filter-free photos are uploaded onto social media. So it’s a canny addition to Thomson’s increasingly extensive list of long-haul destinations — a chance to opt for... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Rebecca Waymanon Courtesy Sri Lankan food startup Papi’s Pickles has opened in London, and it’s working with women relocating to the UK who have been a victim of their country’s conflict. Set up in 2014 and founded by New Radicals winner Abi Ramanan, the company wants to make a difference whilst offering South Indian and Sri Lankan food for events, street-food markets and pop-ups. The food is made by the women who have fled Sri Lanka, but the business could change their lives. Through the company, women can receive a London living wage, training and support. Then, they reinvest... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Courtesy The Daily Mail (UK) A human rights group this week filed two cases against General Jagath Jayasuriya in Colombia and Brazil, who until recently was Sri Lanka's ambassador in several South American countries Sri Lanka's former army chief on Friday accused his successor of committing crimes against suspects during the island's civil war and said he was ready to testify against the ex-military commander. A human rights group this week filed two cases against General Jagath Jayasuriya in Colombia and Brazil, who until recently was Sri Lanka's ambassador in several South American countries. The group... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Courtesy Gulf Times Sri Lanka has played down India’s concerns regarding Hambantota port, with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe saying Colombo won’t enter into a military alliance with any country or make its bases available to foreign countries. Sri Lanka signed a $1.1bn deal with China in July to lease the Hambantota port to Beijing. A state-run Chinese company will have a 99-year lease on the port. The deal will help Sri Lanka repay billions of dollars borrowed from Beijing. This had led to concerns by India that the port will be used by the Chinese for military purposes. However,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Lahiru Pothmulla Courtesy The Daily Mirror Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Brazil, General (Retd.) Jagath Jayasuriya yesterday rejected the war crimes allegations levelled against him and said the then Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka in a written document had exempted him from responsibilities of all military operations. Speaking exclusively to Daily Mirror he said: “After all, General Fonseka was known to declare that it was he who did ‘everything’ to bring the war to an end.” “I have the official document sent by Army Commander Fonseka during the latter part of the war, saying I have no responsibility for military... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
lanka C news වත්මන් ආණ්ඩුවේ ඇමතිවරුන් කොමිස් ගන්නා ආකාරය ගැන ආචාර්ය මැදගොඩ අබයතිස්ස හිමියෝ කොළඹ සම්බුද්ධත්ව ජයන්ති මන්දිරයේදී පැවති උත්සවයකදී මෙසේ අදහස් පල කලහ -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
By Skandha Gunasekara Courtesy Ceylon Today People's Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) says because two more amendments to the Municipal Council Ordinance and the Urban Council Ordinance are pending, the Local Government elections will be delayed until next year. Executive Director of PAFFREL, Rohana Hettiarachchi,......speaking to Ceylon Today said although the two amendments would be passed in Parliament without delay, the procedure would take too long to conduct elections in 2017. On Tuesday (29) Cabinet approved amendments to the Municipal Council Ordinance and Urban Council Ordinance clause 5 and Local Government Act clause 4 to bring into effect... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
by Lakshman I. Keerthisinghe Courtesy Ceylon Today Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, but it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving. – Dale Carnegie It was reported that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) in a Statement dated 25 August 2017, titled "SRI LANKA: Lawyers, prosecutors and judges should face the mirror" stated that "a press release issued by the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has threatened contempt of court action being taken against a deputy minister who has made some serious criticisms against the Courts and the legal profession." The AHRC in its statement... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
Shenali D Waduge As usual half-baked stories are being sold as hot cakes with the gullible falling prey! Suddenly news is a bug about some ‘verdict’ by a kangaroo court set up by the International Truth & Justice Project which is administered by the Foundation for Human Rights whose Executive Director is non other than Yasmin Sooka the ‘comrade’ of LTTE fronts and one of the 3 handpicked members of Ban Ki Moon’s personally commissioned panel report which declared LTTE as ‘the most disciplined and most nationalist of the Tamil militant groups’. The Foundation for Human Rights was launched in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
By Professor Chandre Dharmawardana, Ottawa, Canada. The government banned the popular herbicide known as “Glyphosate” in 2105 using the epidemic of Kidney Disease in the Rajarata as justification for its drastic action. It proposed to create a “toxin free nation” eventually banning agrochemicals. Ven. Ratana is Sri Lanka's presidential adviser on agriculture, promising to “rid the country of toxins”. He angrily and passionately holds forth like a modern-day Savonarola. But, unlike Savonarola's moral anger, Ven. Ratana's anger is based on misinformation that totally dominates the internet, and the rejection of main-stream scientific opinion. Having embraced fake news and exploiting ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
චන්ද්රසේන පණ්ඩිතගේ අතිගරු එස්. ඩබ්ලිව්. ආර්. ඩී. බණ්ඩාරනායක චරිතය මුල සිට අගටත්, අගසිට මුලටත්, පියවරින් පියවර හැදෑරීම, තුලින් ලැබෙන දැනුමේ අගය ඉතා ඉහලය. . ජනතාවට සේවය කිරීමට රාජ්ය බලය තමා අතට එනතෙක් බලාසිටින නායකයෙකු නොවූ එතුමා ඉතා වැඩි කාලයක් ජනතාවගේ ශුභ සිදධීන් සඳහා අදාල වන ව්යාපෘතීන් ගනනාවක්ම නිර්මාණය කලේ ඉංග්රීසි පාලන සමය තුල එම පාලන රාමුවට බද්ධව බව ඉතිහාසය අපට පෙන්වා දෙයි එස්. ඩබ්ලිව්. ආර්. ඩී. බණ්ඩාරනායක නම්වූ සුර නිර්මාණයට ඉටු කිරීමට පැවරී තිබුණේ, ඉහල අධ්යාපනයක් ලබාගෙන සමාජ පදනමක් ගොඩනංවා ගැනීම හා ඒ සමාජබලවේගය උපයෝගී කරගෙන, සිංහල ජාතියටත් බෞද්ධ සංස්කෘතියටත් රටටත් බලපාන විනාශකාරී තත්වයන් නිමා කොට සියලුම ජන... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
රනිල්ගේ හොරකමේ තරම පැහැදිලි කරන සුජීව!! -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
(By : A.A.M.NIZAM – MATARA) The action taken by the Joint Opposition to handover a No Confidence Motion against the political chameleon Rajitha Senaratne was a very appropriate move as he acts like a person suffering from a chronic dementia, misusing his powers, uttering abusive and indecent fish market languages and posing as that he is the person who runs this country. As the UNP Kaluthara district parliamentarian Mr. Palitha Thevarapperuma has rightly pointed out this seems to be a family disease of Rajithas. Comments by UNP’s Palitha Thevarapperuma and Ranjan Ramanayake I quote below a statement made by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
(By : A.A.M.NIZAM – MATARA) The action taken by the Joint Opposition to handover a No Confidence Motion against the political chameleon Rajitha Senaratne was a very appropriate move as he acts like a person suffering from a chronic dementia, misusing his powers, uttering abusive and indecent fish market languages and posing as that he is the person who runs this country. Tamil Slavishness and promotion of Federalism Similar to old hag Chandrika, Rajitha is also utterly Tamil slavish and both of them feel very proud of this stance of theirs. Delivering the keynote address at the S.J.V. Chelvanayagam... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
(By : A.A.M.NIZAM – MATARA) The action taken by the Joint Opposition to handover a No Confidence Motion against the political chameleon Rajitha Senaratne was a very appropriate move as he acts like a person suffering from a chronic dementia, misusing his powers, uttering abusive and indecent fish market languages and posing as that he is the person who runs this country. Rajitha on old hag Chandrika On 5th May 2002 the Island published a report that Rajitha said President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s "foolish stance" on the peace process would force the UNP-led United National Front (UNF) to double... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
(By : A.A.M.NIZAM – MATARA) The action taken by the Joint Opposition to handover a No Confidence Motion against the political chameleon Rajitha Senaratne was a very appropriate move as he acts like a person suffering from a chronic dementia, misusing his powers, uttering abusive and indecent fish market languages and posing as that he is the person who runs this country. Neville Fernando Hspital and SAITM Neville Fernando Hospital (also referred to as Dr Neville Fernando Sri Lanka – Russia Friendship Hospital or NFH) established in 2013 is a hi-tech multi speciality tertiary care teaching hospital. It is also one of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
THE MYANMAR TIMES Two conflicts are raging in Rakhine State. One is on the ground and has claimed the lives of about 100 people since the August 25 terrorist attacks in Muangdaw and Buthidaung townships, while the second is in cyberspace and has intensified beyond all imagination. After the attacks, which happened a day after the Kofi Annan commission released its final report on Rakhine, the State Counsellor’s Office quickly came out with a statement strongly condemning the attack along with guidelines for the media in addressing the issues in Rakhine. National Security Adviser U Thaung Tun also gave... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/09/17)
By Kusal Perera Courtesy The Daily Mirror How the open market economy corrupted everything-including political parties, the State and all professions Within open market economy, Governments keep relaxing labour laws as incentives for investor promotion, who in turn take care of political parties and professionals The State controlled economy was not for regeneration of private capital thus denying the development of “class conscious” capitalists Recently in a live TV panel discussion, Deputy Minister of Policy Planning and Economic Development Dr. Harsha de Silva said this country as a whole is totally corrupt. He complained that corruption was everything and everywhere... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
Sarath Fonseka has no patriotism - Mahinda සරත් ෆොන්සේකා රටට ආදරේ නැති මිනිහෙක් -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
By Lucien Rajakarunanayake Courtesy The Island There is a huge opening for kattadiyas or exorcists with Health and Yahapalanaya. The Minister of Health, and none other, says the Prime Minister himself ordered him to go abroad for surgery because there were rumours that someone has engaged in exorcism to curse him. What a wonderful Prime Minister this is. Not only showing such concern for the health of his ministers, but even considering the dangers of exorcism to the Health Minister’s health, as to direct him to go abroad to Singapore for surgery. And the Presidents Fund had to meet the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
by Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy The Island September 1, 2017, 11:08 pm The Joint Opposition (JO) has expressed concern over US Acting Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs and Acting Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Alice Wells joining a candle light vigil at Vihaharamahadevi Park on Wednesday night (Aug.30) to mark the UN Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. JO spokesman and Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) leader Udaya Gammanpila, MP, yesterday told The Island that Wells and US Ambassador in Colombo Atul Keshap joined the four-party Tamil National Alliance (TNA) at the Wednesday night event. Would US State Department allow Wells... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
By Upali de Saram and Norman Palihawadane Courtesy The Island September 1, 2017, 11:04 pm Regional Development Minister Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka yesterday said he was ready to give evidence against his successor in the army, General Jagath Jayasuriya if the latter was tried for war crimes. Field Marshal Fonseka said he had received information that General Jayasuriya had committed various offences as the Commandant of the Vanni range. Fonseka said that when he was the commander of the army Jayasuriya had been tasked to head supplies and rehabilitation work in Vavuniya. There was information that Jayasuriya had misused his... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
By Dr Garvin Karunaratne In my paper, ‘Dry Zone Drought and Empty tanks: A Blessing in disguise?’(Lanka Web 28/7/17), I had highlighted the plight of the small tanks in the Dry Zone, the bulwark our ancient forefathers had built up to enable the Dry Zone to become the Granary of the East. It has so happened that every Winter when I step into my Motherland I take a joy to ride through the land where once I had laboured in a bone shaker, a Toyota Jeep on my eternal irrigation inspections. The rental car delivered to the Airport by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
KAMALIKA PIERIS The Yahapalana election is still in the minds of the Sri Lanka public. Analysts see a clear connection between the 2010 election which featured Sarath Fonseka and the 2015 election which ousted Rajapaksa. They say that there has been US interference in these two Sri Lankan elections. The US intervention, in 2010 was to help Fonseka win, said analysts. Wikileaks showed that US brought pressure on the Illankai Thamil Arasu Kadchi-led Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to throw its weight behind General Fonseka. The US also put pressure on the SLMC to join a coalition, comprising the UNP,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
චන්ද්රසේන පණ්ඩිතගේ මේ දිනවල සමහරකගේ ප්රධාන මාතෘකාව බවට පත්ව ඇත්තේ ඉහත සදහන් පැනයයි. මේ පැනය විසින් සිදුකරන සමාජ සත්කාරය කුමක්ද යන්න අවබෝධ කරගැනීම මෙරට ජනතාවගේ ශුභ සිද්ධියට ඉවහල් වන කරුණක් බැවින් මේ සටහන ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට සිතුනී. මුළු මහත් සමාජයම ඒකාකාරී මිනිසුන්ගෙන් සමන්විත නොවේ. විවිධත්වය මේ සමාජයට ආරෝපණය කරන්නේ සුන්දරත්වයකි. සිංහල, දෙමල, මුස්ලිම් මෙන්ම බෞද්ධ, හින්දු, කතෝලික හා ඉස්ලාම් යන ආගමික නියෝජනයන්ද මේ සමාජ සත්වයාගේ මනස තුලට කඩා වැදී විවිධ ආකාරයේ පෙරලි සිදු කරයි. අයෙක් දෙවියන් විශ්වාස කරන අතර අයෙක් දෙවියන් විශ්වාස නොකරයි. අයෙක් දෙවියන් දකින අතර අයෙක් දෙවියන් නොදකියි. මෙය ඒ ඒ පුද්ගලයාට අයත් බුද්ධිය හා ඥානය විසින්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (RASSL) A Special Public Lecture “Combining Theory and Practice in Buddhist Meditation” by Keith Munnings PGCE MTH (Master of Theology), Buddhist Chaplain in UK on Thursday Sept 7th at 5.00 p.m. at the Gamini Dissanayake Auditorium No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07 ALL ARE WELCOME Keith Munnings is a well-known British mediation teacher who has practised Samatha meditation since 1973 and has taught the practice for over thirty years. He was involved from the early days of developing the Samatha Association in the UK. In recent years, he has been working in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)
Chanaka Bandarage Reports by the Parliament’s six sub committees Undoubtedly the reports published in 2016 by the Parliament’s six sub committees on constitutional reform are most damaging and frightening. They threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation. Among the proposals are giving land and police powers to the provinces. This means the Chief Minister of the Northern Province will be able to decide not only who can own land in that province, but, who can enter those lands as well. Basically, if he so wishes (with concurrence of his Northern Provincial Council Parliament), the Chief... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 01/09/17)