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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
Viewing Whats Best For Sri Lanka Realistically And ObjectivelyDespite the theatrics taking place on the political stage of Sri Lanka today the question has to be asked "where has the Peace Process gone thus far and where exactly is it going?" Considering the pomp and pageantry and the taxpayer's money involved at the inception of the Peace Talks, other than asserting the end to a meaningless conflict costing well over 60,000 lives and indeed a 'Fait Acompli' for the ruling party, as well as the door being opened once again to free enterprise and tourism there has been no viable progress towards restoring a permanent nature to the peace within Sri Lanka as the bickering which goes on between the politicians and the terrorists always takes a precedenece over the vital core issues necessary for the situation in the country to become meaningful for its inhabitants who stand and wait ad infinitum for the light at the end of the tunnel to reappear and bathe the Nation with hope for the future although it seems distant at best ! In the meantime the sabre rattling goes on to no avail between the LTTE and the Political Status Quo in Colombo which is probably best off being resolved through a dialogue which neither side are able to arrive at conclusively and the morass of indecision which has constantly plagued the eventuality of resolution holds sway. It has to be looked at objectively nevertheless that the main logical problem towards arriving at what's best for Sri Lanka lies in the apathy of the politicians to tread the proper path fearlessly, casting aside the rash of mixed international opinion and dispersed diaspora in making unilateral decisions in the best interests of Sri Lanka while fully utilising her Independent Sovereign Status rather than being subjugated bu a group of threatening terrorists who continue to hold the Nation to ransom with its leaders lacking the wherewithal to be forceful in how they come to terms with them. Terrorists who have acquired the mastery of subterfuge and deception combined with the lure of attaining personal gains economically through a prolongation of the so called negotiations as the experts seem to conclude somewhat rationally as what was best for Sri Lanka appears to have been cast aside by all previous regimes who have either prevaricated in tackling the problem head on or have retreated to regroup from a position of authority through glaring blunders which have provided opportinities for the enemy with no justifications yet provides platforms to reconvene and rethink their own strategies with no contestations of their leigitimacies to exist with any rights , being outlawed terrorists expelled from a free society and therein lies Sri Lanka's problem of the day which if it continues in the same mode would end up peing totally meaningless! It has to be an accepted norm that there is not a single nation in the world that underwent a so-called successful peace accord through subjugation to an unrelenting oppressor of terrorist guise or reached a sublime level of tranquility based on the wisdom of diplomacy with terror groups committed to genocide and as fate would have it for Sri Lanka apparently the message has been once again lost on the Sri Lankan political hierarchy who continue to hedge in pressing home an advatage towards restitution for the Nation's woes without proper direction and prefers to play tag with a seemingly becalmed yet unpredictable LTTE who to all intents and purporses have not been de -commissioned of their weapons or dissuaded from pursuing their goals and have been tolerated despite their terrorist image. It may not be far wrong therefore to conclude that the Sinhala Nation continues to be deprived of its rights by an administration which appears to have sacrificed national security for their own benefit, inasmuch as certain other two faced World leaders(mercifully in a minority!) with the same nefarious intent continue to make suicidal concessions in the interest of maintaining the vast financial pledges that would come their way through their posturing towards a Peace which looks flowery only in shallow perspective! Israel being the prime example with some others close on its heels. Though water under the bridge now, It seems immoral and incongruous that the terror menace of the LTTE which could realistically have been overcome through some strategies which looked absolutely promising was to the contrary compromised by the direction of certain administrative despots of little or no military background who disrupted the advances and inroads gained by the Armed Forces through disastrous reversals of strategy that led to mayhem and pernitted the enemy to position themselves where they are presently. In response to what undoubtedly were righteous demands of the patriotic Sinhalese who demanded a proper response spearheaded by the JVP what transpired consequently bears ample testimony to a misguided leadership which contributed to the slaughter their own countrymen in astronomical numbers rather than take out a force of Tamil Tiger guerillas whose numbers were miniscule by comparison.Today lessons are being learned from the JVP towards what their national pride and patriotism signifies for the Nation! There has been an independed quote by a writer named Brian Banks who has offered words of wisdom in being quoted as saying" The terrorist issue could be ended in hours if the SL military were to wage a full-scale cleansing of all Tamil terror strongholds and the PA and UNP stopped being guided by Western public opinion " end quote and the reality of how true these words may hinge on a certain disastrous period of recent Sri Lankan history where a brave Major General commanding the Armed Forces and poised to realistically overcome the LTTE , who were literally on the run when inexplicably presented with an unexpected respite when the Major General in question was relieved of his duties and transfered to another posting! and quite naturally attributable as a goof up by the Administration who had other ideas about the veracity of a prolonged conflict probably and how it would affect their personal interests! While detracting from the wretchedness of any conflict ever again transpiring within Sri Lanka where only a coming together in compassion, peace and harmony between all ethnicities and religions would resolve her problems it has to be made clear to the LTTE who appear to be the only hurdle towards restoring a lasting peace that their presence will no longer have any effect towards confronting the huge buildup of National Unity which in all likelihood would also incorporate the will of the Tamil People and that the pretended LTTE administrations in the North and North East together with their false bravado towards a justification of their existence is very likely to be made redundant in the very near future and the only option they may have would be to either dissapear into the woodwork or come clean in all sincerity , denounce their terrorist image, weaponry and objectives towards secession and contribute as ordinary citizens to mainstream Sri Lankan society as law abiding citizens. Perhaps a helping hand towards these objectives can realistically be provided by an Administration of National Unity which is gaining momentum by the day and the co-operation of powerful allies who have already pledged their undivided support towards restoring the Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity of Sri Lanka !! |
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