The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



A True Portrayal Of The Tamil Tigers Relative To The Realities Which Surround Them Today!

April18th, 2008

Once again the need has arisen to portray Tamil Tiger terrorists as an entity categorically quite distanced and realistically unattached to a greater part of the freedom loving Tamil community of Sri Lanka where the total overwhelming and wiping out of the Tigers should be interpreted as a defeat not for the Tamils but the terrorists and their supportives alone and a resounding victory for the Government as well as the Armed Forces of Sri lanka!

While there is desperate propaganda being circulated globally that the Tigers are the sole representatives of the Tamils which is a concocted myth activated by the terrorists and their propaganda sources it needs to be put into proper perspective as well as being very fair to assume as highlighted in a recent Asian Tribune feature item that" They are neither accepted by the frustrated and disillusioned Tamil community nor the world at large towards this definition. In the early days, when the Tigers were patronised as ' The Boys' by the Tamil community, this would have been valid up to a point. But not now when the Tigers are fighting with their backs to wall."

Unsure of their continued existence due to the concerted and relentless push by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces to wipe them out as promised in the very near future and their last remaining bastions of previous terrorist infiltration pledged to be wrested from them very plausibly before the end of the year, it is the desperation which is most indicative of the Pro-Tiger media which beyond a doubt now tends to swing erratically from one extreme to another where they have little or nothing beyond cowardly attacks on innocent civilians and high profile politicians some of whom have even been parochial towards tolerating them in the hope they could be rehabilitated but paying the ultimate price towards their efforts and sadly as well as wastefully so!

An incredulous part about their attitude is the manner in which they pretentiously revel in their cowardly achievements as broadcast clandestinely through their illegal media some even operating in the UK and shamelessly tolerated by the British Authorities, but when cornered tend to cringe as well as seek protection under the guise of the Human Rights slogan using the same sources as well as terrorist sympathetic Norway, the various NGO operatives within the land and the blinkered idealogues who crop up as mushrooms some surprisingly from the USA, the UK, as well as the UN which makes the task of taking them out that much more difficult as the Government of Sri Lanka then has to go on the defensive and garner all the diplomacies it could muster and about time this worthless prevaricating was stopped and the terrorists confronted unconditionally as long as they choose to remain in this category where no conciliations or pre conditions need to be extended in the hope they will come clean as that seems wishful thinking! Despite this rationale the Government of Sri Lanka magnanimously continues to urge them to give their terrorist means and join mainstream Tamil society which truly is an extension of compassion given their track record and identity which many think unnecessary as the only response thus far from the terrorists has been one of rejection and scorn!!

The terrorists with all their sympathiser and for all the wrong reasons however seem to have a fair measure of success in portraying the Sri Lankan Armed Forces as violators of human rights, conducting a genocidal, anti-Tamil war to a very naive and gullible world as this is the furthest from the truth. It is the LTTE themselves who are the guilty party towards the accusations where the SLAF are executing their duty to protect the Sovereign Nation of Sri Lanka and her Territorial Integrity from murderous infidels!

In their desperation for outside help in the form of world sympathy towards halting the Tour de Force of the Security Forces laying waste previously held terrorist areas with a great measure of success the pro-Tiger media as higlighted in many news sources indeed suggest sheer desperation and that they, once again quoting the Asian Tribune's feature writer HLD Mahindapala ~ " are now playing up religious issues, hoping to mobilise world sympathy. The tears shed by the predominantly Hindu Tigers for Catholic Madhu Church, weeping about "the spiritual and temporal conquests" (Queroz) of their land, and is as hilarious as the headline of the TamilNet: "Lanka ploy of Buddhists for subversive acts in Tamil Nadu". (7/4/2008).end quote and very aptly referenced for which felicitations are in order.

Underlying this propaganda thrust while reiterating another previous reference is the attempt towards equating the Tamil Tiger terrorists to the Tamils of Sri Lanka where the former claim to represent the latter most of whom disagree and once again the need arises to pellucidate its inaccuracy and incongruity where the LTTE terrorists only represent themselves and lesser proportion of pro LTTE diaspora. As a globally condemned terrorist organization on whom international condemnations and derision are showered on a continued basis for their mendacious image and criminal track record the question once again needs to be asked are these the sole representatives of Sri Lankan Tamils or has the definition been tangled up in incomprehensible ignorance or devious innuendo where transparencies are beginning to show?

Whatever the case may be it seems fair to assume that the Tamil Tigers who were threatening a total destruction of the Sinhala Nation if their positions in the North and the East were annihilated or set upon by Government Forces,are today a defeated lot with their organizational as well as operational backs all but broken and hanging onto an existence provided only by their pro active supportives albeit,injured still armed and dangerous! That they need to be taken out in their entirety seems academic and and eventuality which will surely transpire in due course.

The LTTE terrorists who once sat on a high wall

Seems to have taken that eventual fall!

Back breaking with nothing to gain.

None of the EU nor Vaiko nor Eelam dreamers,

nor horseman Ranil nor Norseman Eric, those schemers

Could ever put their fragmented minds together again!



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