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Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
The Attributes Of An Administration Deserving Of Governing Post April 2nd Sri Lanka !As a pre-election preamble it needs to be ennunciated and emphasized that Sri Lanka though categorically in a tranqil and placid state presently is no further from the perils of oppression at the hands of the enemy regardless of the balance than was the case at the signing of the Peace Process, initiation of the Ceasefire and Memorandum of Understanding as the enemy continues to remain a fully armed unrelenting, Eelam seeking entity which has chosen to tread a circumspect path of non violence realizing it to be in their best interests and that things could change rapidly if the Administration of Sri Lanka especially after the 2nd of April 2004 does not assert authority and hold the reins of control while dispersing national apprehensions and doubts about credibilities and rationalities towards rebuilding Sri Lanka's future as being aligned to bartering with the LTTE.The conclusion becomes elementary by simply evaluating the importance all recent administrations have placed towards dealing with the LTTE and handling them with a kid glove of apprehension rather than confronting them fearlessly as did a famous general now assigned Diplomatic duties overseas and the realization flashes across the Nation about the state of affairs in an administrative vortex which has given leases of life to the LTTE rather than being eradicated permanently! It must be cautiously remembered that while the Peace has lasted it seems also to have projected a taking for granted by Sri Lanka's Security Administrators that "all's well, theres nothing to worry about, the Tamil Tigers have been confronted with reasonable dialogue, contained and conditioned to toe a line of peace ad infinitum !" which would be the greatest misconception by any Administration in recent times as the likes of former Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe who on behalf of the UNF constantly pontificates on their current election campaign platforms about the UNF role in maintaining peace and its capabilities of asserting it for the future which can neither be taken for face value nor accepted as an assurance unless there are tangible ratifications of LTTE incapacity to ever ursurp Sri Lanka's progress into the future within the norms of legitimacy and relative to a normal order! A changing of the leopard's spots and a near impossibility as some would see it yet consumately changable through extinction with due respect to the indigenous species! The recent split in the LTTE though surmised by many as having rendered to a degree a certain debilitation of LTTE confidences cannot be interpreted as an achilles heel which can be exploited unless the targetting of such an exploitation is pinpointed at the very severance of internal communications which appears to have caused great confusion and insecurity within the LTTE and the Karuna scenario if credible, almost a gift on a platter to make the rift deeper towards Sovereign Sri Lanka's advantage in exploitng the vulnabilities manifested thereby and perhaps an opportune time to set in place a modus operandi devised envisioned and executed positively.One wonders what holds back a governmental concept that the better option would be to pander to the Pirapaharan Camp as opposed to cashing in on an opportune presentation by Karuna provided the strings are manipulated correctly, with precision and relative bonafides checked!The rewards could be incomprehensible! Another deterrent towards any LTTE ambitions towards their objectives and a further fortification of Sri Lanka's security towards Sovereignity and Territorial Integrity which needs to be pursued is the Regional Defence Treaty with India which would also bring about an accord towards fortifying regional peace as expressely desired by the Indian Government,a post election pursuance of vital importance leaving no room for a mere tactical pretense of peace by the LTTE as opposed to Peace as a strategy as devised by the Wickremasinghe Administration which seemed questionable as the disparity is huge and meaningless. If the Sinhala Nation is presently 'Punch Drunk" with notions that the prevailing peace is a cause for celebration it only needs to look at the continuing LTTE attrocities whether in the North, North East and just recently even in Colombo where prominent National leaders and politicians are intimidated targetted and even murdered which is a fair indication of LTTE credibilities as an untrustworthy organization where all prominent National leaders need heavily armed protection and tread cautiously while LTTE idealogues such as S.P.Thamilsevvam, Anton Balasingham and their villanous Leader Pirapaharan continue to parley and utter warnings about the consequences they might impose on any administration which does not eventually pay homage to their existence as puerile and idealogical as it seems yet cause enough for caution given their track record! To compound the nation's worries about the consequences of being overly lax about LTTE motivations realistically the peace monitors such as Norway, the local peace Brigades,Human Rights Activists and other (self appointed in some cases ) entities have promoted LTTE confidences into believing their right to a legal existence and restitution and has consequently exposed the Nation to great risk as the limits to which the LTTE woild go towards justifying and asserting their existence hardly needs national or international publicity An exerpt of a document by an admirable and partiotic expatriate son of Lanka , Mr G Chandrasoma domiciled in Australia needs to be expressely quoted and broadcast to the Nation as a clarion of stark reality relative to the matter involving Karuna. "The President of Sri Lanka (no less) thinks differently. She has declared publicly that she is averse to 'sneakiness' and that she had rebuffed the emissaries of Karuna because she plays straight. While such an argument will pass muster in the settlement of interpersonal disputes in such fields as matrimony and commerce, are we to really believe that it can underwrite a viable war-strategy in a country devastated after twenty years of conflict? Are the spies, spooks and agents deployed round the world by the Great Powers, paragons of morality? That we should have blown this chance to cripple the enemy bloodlessly and at no cost by means that would have been unthinkable one year ago is a blunder that will continue to haunt us in the years ahead. How can we explain this fiasco? That both President and Prime Minister consider friendship with Pirapaharan as the key to success in the Peace Effort is one explanation - they believe that National survival is not worth fighting for and that everything hangs on the goodwill of a victorious Pirapaharan. This is a thesis that pleases the foreigner in an age in which the native leaders have once again lost their self-respect. The entire Nation must hang its head in shame at this pathetic exhibition of defeatism by an elected leadership. Even more worrying is the apathy and defeatism of those called upon to defend the Nation - men carrying arms who look the other way because the peace-dopers have done their splendid work softening their brains and reducing their spines to jelly. Most disgraceful of all is a kind of déjà vu - the sight of White men (and women) imperiously scuttling around doing their best to shore-up the sagging fortunes of the enemy leadership while our military brass sits impotently on folded hands. Has Peace irremediably infected their brain? If so, it is time to relieve these people of their weapons while others of greater patriotism and mettle take their place. " end quote The question then follows, are there others of greater patriotism with weapons to address Sri Lanka's core issues ready to take the place of those dispossesed of the capability to govern? Perhaps the answer lies with the UPFA! |
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