The Lankaweb Weekly Editorial



The Rajapaksha Administration On The Right Path Towards Restoring Normalcy Against Many Odds!

May 29th 2008

Despit being perhaps a bit premature it seems fair to deduce that the Rajapaksha Administration is well on the right path towards restoring some semblance of normality in Sri Lanka against many odds.

The mains obstacles as many analysts envision are posted by the enemy within who transcend their mendacities to the world through false portrayals of what really goes on within the country.The recent discontinuation of Sri Lanka's membership at the United Nations Human Rights Council is a prime example of this as the vicious undercutting campaigns by the like of the Opposition parties particularly the UNP led by its conscionceless leader seems to have had their measure of sucess albeit in a worthless sense as the UN is an organization fast losing its own credibilities with the track records of Messers Kofi Annan and Ban Ki Moon etc.whose beleagured mentalities and actions often portray their ilk in the manner of those groping in the dark with no real direction where even the mighty USA pays scant attention to their resolve anymore and the UN hence reduced to a token organization lacking in real clout!

That the present Administration is on the right track towards resolving Sri Lanka's woes is indicated by more than one area of success.They entail the successes of the Armed Forces and their drive to eliminate the Tamil Tiger terrorists which appears to be a foregone conclusion despite the lies, fabrications and innuendo of the pro LTTE news media, the response of the majority in acclaiming President Rajapaksha as the long awaited true liberator of the Sinhhala Nation from ite enemies which also augurs well for the minority communities and the gradual restoration of the strength of the Nation's economy to a degree of acceptability where foreign investment and economic growth already seem on the rise alongside the rapid return to many previously debilitated strengths in the nation's economy where the signs are unmistakable.Somewhat unfortunately the benefits of all these do not manifest themselves towards the needs of the impoverished and needy overnight and there has to be a waiting period for the Nation to reap their rewards hopefuly not Ad Infinitum!

In the aftermath of the Armed Forces cleanup of the Eastern Province and the subsequent Provincial Council elections where a leader has been appointed from the Tamil Community, someone who has taken on the policies of the Administration in accordance with legislative means also it is hoped, towards convincing the oppressed Tamil Community (oppressed mostly by LTTE terrorism!) that there are better ways to resolve differences than through terrorism and has already begun to prove his net worth towards the best interests of Sri Lanka while sending out a chilling message to his adversary and Sri Lanka's public Enemy No.1 Velupillai Prabhakaran and his cronies that their days are surely numbered.

A message co-ordinated and supported visibly by the Government to the people of the North and East as well as the international community, all kudos for which surely are an entitlement of the astute Rajapaksha Administration and the manner he has conducted his tenure as Commander-In-Chief thus far in combining diplomacy and leadership skills with his no nonsense attitude towards terrorism and the day does not seem that far off when all of Sri Lanka will join together in a celebration of success that the worst has been overcome!

The Presiden't resolve to remove the scourge of terrorism noticably has not been swayed despite the brutal acts of terrorism in various parts of the country recently which the LTTE have resorted to in their sporadic attacks in a bid to pressurize the Government to abandon its military offensives where he has responded by saying. "The terrorists have, through such barbarity, only laid bare their true faces to the world and strengthened our position that terrorism needs to be eliminated."

In his own words President Mahinda Rajapaksa in addressing a group of newspaper editors and heads of electronic media institutions at his residence Temple Trees has emphasized this in no uncertain terms in saying that "We are ready to safeguard the rights of the Tamil people and share power with them, but we won't give in to terrorism. The Government is in the process of empowering the people of the Eastern Province , having handed back civil administration to people's representatives through an election.

Many development projects were on in that part of the country and anyone could visit those areas and see for himself the progress in the developmental work there.

The Government would not baulk at anything in its efforts to wipe out LTTE terrorism!
No amount of terror strikes or any other pressure would stand in his way and the on-going military campaign would be conducted to a successful conclusion!"and in a manner so typical of his selfless dedication to his country has even suggested that LTTE should try to target him and not innocent civilians. "Target me and spare civilians as I am responsible for what is being done to the LTTE." which once again needs to be interpreted towards their disadvantage by the harbingers of terrorism in Sri Lanka and perhaps needs to be picked up by every faction of terrorism around the Globe as a direct message and a precursor towards their ultimate demise in a world which has run out of patience with Global Terrorism!

That the LTTE are realistically unlikely to be able to accept the challenge thrown at them by the President needs also to be emphasized on the basis that their cowardly attack of late do not go beyond innocent and unsuspecting civilians which too will in all probabilities end with the bunker busting of Velupillai Prabhakaran!

The Nation Of Sri Lanka under this administration has all the indications of rising from the ashes as a Phoenix towards the progress she was denied through the viles of terrorism and at her helm stands her astute and much respected President!



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