Complex Personal Ambitions Behind Racist Conduct of Catholic Bishops
Posted on August 20th, 2011
Dilrook Kannangara
His Eminence Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith has made an innocent sounding racist remark at the Holy Madu Shrine festival. Even the Pope didnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t make such demands! He must understand that in a democratic society, ethnicity plays no part. Sharing power with Tamils, Muslims, etc. is not an essential component of democracy. If power is to be shared with these two selective ethnic groups, how about the other minorities including but not limited to Veddas, Malays, Chettis, Bohra people, Ahiguntaka people, etc? Why did he racially discriminate these other minorities? It becomes all too complex and ridiculous. Power should be shared with everyone irrespective of ethnicity. There should not be any ethnicity based political bargaining whatsoever as it is racist. Just because he is an ethnic Sinhalese does not give him any right to make decisions or demands based on that. It is equally unimportant.
Composition of Sri Lankan Catholics
Once again it must be stressed that ethnic classification of people is not a way forward in resolving political issues. However, the topic cannot be discussed without reference to what Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith was talking – ethnicity. In fact it is ethnic tensions that are at the heart of the Catholic ChurchƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s misdemeanours. Using the 1981 census, the composition of Christians can be deduced. Assuming all Sinhalese and Tamils belonged to the three main religions of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity, the percentage of Sinhala Christians was 4.65% of the national population while it was 2.74% for Tamil Christians and 0.23% for Other Christians (mostly of European descend). In other words, 61% of Christians are Sinhalese, 36% Tamils and 3% are other groups.
A larger percentage of Tamil Christians are Anglicans given the very strong Anglican schools tradition in the north during the colonial era. In fact the only task of the American missionaries in the north was to convert as many people as possible. Given this fact, it can be assumed that the Sinhalese may be close to 70% of the total Catholic population of the country. Therefore there is a higher probability of a Sinhalese Archbishop than a Tamil Archbishop.
What is the Real Reason Behind Strange Conduct of Some Bishops?
Various theories have been put forward by different quarters to explain this strange conduct of Catholic bishops. Most Tamils in Sri Lanka are Hindus. Even Hindu priests donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t make racist demands! What is the agitation or itch Catholic bishops have about Tamils that even Hindu priests donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t have? A few are certainly pawns of Tamil Elamists, Tamil Nadu and western imperialist elements, but in equal fairness, most Catholic bishops are not part of any of these conspiracies. Their conduct is influenced by simple personal career centred agendas.
It is no secret that the church has its politics. It is the largest political congregation in the world. From national interests to geopolitical interests, personal ambitions to regional ambitions, the church is directed by worldly affairs than anything god given. The democratic process of appointing the pope is highly politicised. For instance Pope John Paul-II played a key part in bringing down the Soviet Empire through his strong Polish nationalist connections. On the good side, it avoids arbitrary appointments.
In the local context, it is almost impossible for a Northern Tamil bishop to become the Archbishop. The country has one archbishop and it is the highest administrative rank. The higher religious rank of Cardinal is not directly tied to a higher administrative rank. The title Archbishop of Colombo refers to the highest ranked bishop of the entire country administered from Colombo. Here is a list of Sri Lankan archbishops (highest ranked bishops of the country).
The Most Rev. Hilarion Silani (1863 – 1879)
The Most Rev. Clemente Pagnani, OSB (1879 – 1883)
The Most Rev. Christophe-Etienne Bonjean, OMI (1883 – 1892)
The Most Rev. AndrƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚©-ThƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚©ophile MƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚©lizan, OMI (1893 – 1905)
The Most Rev. Antoine Coudert, OMI (1905 – 1929)
The Most Rev. Pierre-Guillaume Marque, OMI (1929 – 1937)
The Most Rev. Jean-Marie Masson, OMI (1938 – 1947)
The Most Rev. Thomas Cooray, OMI (1947 – 1976)
The Most Rev. Nicholas Fernando (1977 – 2002)
The Most Rev. Oswald Gomis (2002 – 2009)
The Most Rev. Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don (2009 – present)
The transition of authority to locals is clear since 1947 as required by Vatican. Vatican demands the most suitable bishop who can represent the nation of Catholics succeeds to the top rank. It is obvious northern Tamils or any Tamils for that matter have not made it to the top. In many fields Tamils have made it to the top. Notable exceptions are the two very top political ranks and the Catholic Church so far. Tamil bishops do not want to be seen under the administrative authority of the national archbishop ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” the Archbishop of Colombo (Sri Lanka). The jealousy and frustration of Tamil bishops can only be imagined. Section of northern TamilsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ self imposed false sense of ethnic superiority aggravates this intolerance. This is why Tamil bishops support separatism. If two nations are created within Sri Lanka, Tamil bishops too can be archbishops of some country call it Tamil Elam or what not.
Feelings of Guilt Affect the Others
While jealousy dominates Tamil bishops from the north, their Sinhala counterparts harbour feelings of guilt though they donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t have to. Non-Tamil bishops are driven by this false sense of guilt. It is out of this guilt some of them want to share power with selected minorities.
There are other manifestations of this guilt as well. Archbishops shun disciplining bishops, especially Tamil bishops due to this guilt. Rayappu Joseph the Bishop of Mannar and Saudaralingam the Bishop of Jaffna were allowed to make highly racists statements, herds of unruly Catholic priests were allowed to rally behind the LTTE terrorist leader while holding his photos, allow Tamil bishops to engage in vile politics of Tamil racism and allowed Rayappu Joseph to remove the property of the Madu church without permission. If these happened in another country, the culprits would have been vigorously disciplined. But in Sri Lanka it never happens as the Archbishop and the church in general are intimidated by the grievances of Tamil bishops who whine that they can never become the Archbishop due to their ethnicity! This baseless whining is all too familiar but there still are fools with melting hearts for this kind of racist rubbish!
Rayappu Joseph had no right to remove the much revered statue from the Holy Madu Shrine. Not even the LTTE demanded it. He did to pretend to the world that the holy shrine is at risk of collateral damage which was totally untrue.
Catholics believe that when the statute was removed from the church, peace dawns on wherever it was taken. Though not desired by Rayappu, peace did dawn on Vanni where he took the statute after 26 years of LTTE terror de facto rule.
He continues to spread hatred, disregard the religious aspirations of non-Tamils and aims to become the archbishop of Tamil Elam.
If the Church is geared to serve the Lord as it should be, these petty ethnicity matters would not affect it. However, the church is more detached from god than the society.
The Church Wasted ItƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Enormous Reconciliation Potential
The Church always had the edge in the reconciliation process. With practitioners from the two main ethnic communities, it was the only institution that had the control over spiritual development of both communities. However, the church totally bungled. Instead of reconciliation, the church allowed Tamil racism to dominate parts of it by commission and omission. Today the church has produced some of the worst racists the island has seen ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” bishop Rayappu Joseph, Fr. Emmanuel to name a few who have been open about their racist views. Why arenƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t there similar characters in other religions? No wonder the church let down the reconciliation process.
To make matters worse, the establishment of the church disrupted the harmonious coexistence of Buddhists (mainly Sinhalese) and Hindus (mainly Tamils) just as the colonials disrupted the self sufficient economies of their colonies.
At least now the church must reassess its position on national reconciliation. There need not be any demands for reconciliation. It must happen in the existing political framework of equal rights to everyone. Giving into separatist demands disrupt reconciliation even further.
Matters to be Addressed Immediately
All popular Catholic shrines must be taken over under the administration of the national Colombo Archbishop. This stops political elements within the church from exploiting religious places of worship. Unruly bishops and priests must be disciplined. Those who supported the LTTE must confess to their sin of supporting terrorism, repent it and beg for forgiveness. If they fail to admit their sins, they are not worthy of priesthood. Politicising their authority must be stopped right away. There is no way a Catholic priest can engage in politics. It is totally unacceptable and against the rules of the church. Making political and/or racist demands no matter how innocent they may look like should not be allowed to Catholic priests.
Property of popular churches should be owned by the archbishopƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s office. No one should be allowed to arbitrarily use or misuse them for political or communal agendas that donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t achieve any religious purpose.
The Church must gear up to its obligation of creating and advancing reconciliation, coexistence and harmony within a unitary nation without giving into ethnic demands.
The Church must openly condemn hate mongering by the Global Tamil Forum, an ultra racist Tamil organisation led by a Catholic priest functioning overseas. Restrictions must be put in place against allowing South Indian priests into the country. There is absolutely no need for them as there is a sufficient number of local priests. At the same time the Church must vigorously clamp down on misconduct of its priests. Recently a spate of misconduct by Christian priests from the island came to light from the Philippines to the USA. Had they been disciplined before, these shameful events would not have happened.
The Sri Lankan Catholic Church will be protected only if Sri Lanka is protected. The church must get its act together before preaching to the nation. First discipline all those who praised the LTTE leader in the open and those who engaged in Tamil racism and separatism using their status. That is the best the church can do to start the reconciliation process. If the church leaders are like political leaders who turn a blind eye to the illegal acts by their subordinates, the church will be engulfed in chaos and criminality. Can the church set an example by disciplining its own wrongdoers?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
August 20th, 2011 at 5:58 pm
Cardinal MR must shut his mouth. If he is going to get involved he must be fair and reasonable and be truly committed to help integrate the country but not try to divide it or promote division for racist Tamils. I think as for the Cardinal MR he will be better off not getting involved in this racial issue at all.
August 20th, 2011 at 7:12 pm
I fully agree with Mr. Dilrook, but I think it should be for all, that’s democratic. Also our Buddhist monks should not be politics. we all complain that politics corrupts. that is the same then for our brother monks!
No clergy in politics at all. when a monk is in politics he should negotiate with his principles and give in for political reasons, when not he will stand above parties and can advice freely. I know that it has grown historicaly the way that monks are politically and socialy involved, but it has been always in a way that they where standing above party politics. That way their influence will be much bigger and politicians will listen to them more. we as monks have but one party to be member of; the Sangha and that way we can be part of this wordly affairs in a stronger way! advice according to Dhamma, teach according to that and try to make the government a righteous one.
Devamitta Thera. Raja bhavattu dhammiko!
August 20th, 2011 at 9:24 pm
sri lanka gobal intelligent communities. govern of SRi lanka and opposition MPs,
All Sri lankan have fall into trap laid by West, and we all have been forgiven West and tried to to be friendly in hope of they will change, but they never changed. I myself Have written to Sri lanka past government(madam K) and present govt, specially pres Rajapackse to forgive and be friendly. I did this after I repeatedly discovered the evidence over many years to prove that western spies and global spies are behind SRi lanka war as part of their global strategic to conquer the world. Therefor, I thought that Sri lanka is no way equipped in knowledge nor in material to counter these Western based groups and only way to counter them is to be friendly for time being.
However, later I found that if you are friendly with them, they espionage and divide local groups and set them against govt and deceit govt against traditionally friendly foreign governments to break up friendly ties. And if you are not friendly to west or their allies, they do something.
Lately attempted deceit is against Pakistan saying Pakistani Cement is low quality. So who want to give high quality cement? Anyway, after you buy high quality, they are going to blow up a 50 years old Colombo building and say “sir Sri lankan construction workers are low quality, see your building collapses and we have high quality construction workers like Western construction workers in Islamabad”.
August 20th, 2011 at 9:31 pm
If you are friendly, they are same, and if you are not friendly, they are same
August 20th, 2011 at 11:34 pm
The greatest injustice to Sri Lanka, is this demand by the church and the international community for justice and fairplay for the Tamils and Muslims. What they ignore is the injustice that has been perpetrated on the Sinhala Buddhist. They are disenfranchised by the notion that they are represented by the Government their voices have been gagged by a threat of violence. In this money democracy they are gradualy ethnicaly cleansed from the economic centres such as colombo, kandy and even galle especialy the fort. In this capitalistic society capital dictates and in this corrupt economy, corruption is fueled by capital. The main owners of capital are the minorities christians, Tamils and muslims. If justice has to be demanded then it has to be for justice and fair play for all citizens. To pick out the Tamils and Muslims is thus unfair . To ignore the plight of the sinhalese buddhists is immoral. We cannot expect that from the Catholic church as the writer says it reperesents the geopolitical interests of the west.
August 21st, 2011 at 4:51 am
Please don’t fall into a the trick again. Be smart and ask a smart question: there have been on and off attempt by West to add Muslim into this since 1983. However, more than 99% of Sri lanka Muslim with Sri lanka.There were some one or two Muslim leaders who have been going to West saying Sinhalese are not good for them. Who are good for them? Israelis, Indian, West! or Asked Taliban, Asked Pakistan, Ask Iraq, ask Afghanistan, and Libyans, Ask Gujarati Muslim, Ask Bosnian Muslim and finally ask Tiger leader and his Sinhalese Catholic Supporter.
August 21st, 2011 at 5:43 am
Very good analysis Mr. Dilrook Kannangara. You have struck the nail on the head.
Devamitta Thera has also given very valuable input. Politics is no place for religious dignitaries. The clergy should keep away from getting involved in politics and giving political opinions. I am referring to clergy of all faiths. We can see the turmoil in countries ruled by the clergy and should keep the clergy away from politics.
August 21st, 2011 at 7:24 am
Additionally, theses small number of Muslim who are not happy with Sri lanka is not limited to Sri lanka. It is global phenomenon: They all go to Europe and America for human rights advice, and they love them and give them refugee status. Egypt govt questioned West for years before 9/11 saying “why you guys West supporting and providing refugee status who are have nothing in common with West”, but Egypt govt knew this secret. Here is the secret: “that’s how 9/11 “INSIDE JOB” in done in USA” and named them as “Al Qaeda” to help and reason a 20 year planed invasion of Muslim and potentially non Muslim countries. And if investigate right now by a coordinated Islamic countries and non Islamic countries with smart intelligent people, you will establish excellent solid evidence of West link to western made Al Qaeda and as well as to Taliban with a proof of video tape. So why they killed Osma? It is because they used him to do enough damages done to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Second, section of American public who came very close to charging Bush teem for being behind the 9/11 attack began to question again about sincerity of CIA and other agencies who says “We are fighting Al Qaeda.
Therefor, Sri lanka have to question why this Catholic leader who change color weekly and have sudden love for Muslim and that poor girl Rinza Nafeek in Saudi Arabia
August 21st, 2011 at 10:29 am
You all are right, I suppose, almost 100%.
Yet, see Christianity is a political religion. Jesus sdid noit preach politics though, the Romans who later adopted it made it political. Al Qaeda is US made entity and tghe name was given by the west. Some say, even the present Al Qaeda leaders work for the west.
Present cold war is with Islam b’cos they are sperading and competing. Each claim about 2 billion believers.
Buddhism is the greatest enemy they have. B’cos Buddhism does not have an almighty god and it promotes free thinking. So, that will stops domination of people by the church.
That is why they are mad at Buddhism. Sinhala civilization is intertwined with Buddhism. that is why they don’t have any mercy on Sinhala Buddhists.
Both religion convert key people b’cos that help coinverting others. That is why they love politicians, supporting monks, politicians, writers etc., etc.,
Remember, Islam is silent. They know their position. They do every thing in silence. They are the people who almost eradicated Buddhism in India.
They are against statues.
But, buddhist monks can change all that if they go to the very roots and act the way how Buddha made North India a buddhist country while the Brahmins and contemporary religions were very hostile.
August 21st, 2011 at 11:02 am
I agree that racism should play any part in religion. I did not know that a Tamil Bishop could not become the Archbishop of Colombo, and I cannot see any reason why being a Tamil should be a bar or hindrance to achieve this higher position in the Church hierarchy. If it is then there needs to be a change.
I know that some Bishops and Priests of Tamil origin took part in terrorism related activity, but now that that has no place in the civil society, maybe it is time to forgive and forget. I do accept that the Global Tamil Forum should not have access to church property to carry on their vile activities
August 21st, 2011 at 11:34 am
Negroid African, Chinese or Tamil never be a pop. Western hypocrite love to preach to others that what they do not or cannot practice, then, they can get other countries open door for espionage
August 21st, 2011 at 1:30 pm
What is quite interesting here is the writer says, that Cardinal ‘must understand that in a democratic society, the ethnicity does not play a role’ in sharing with minorities etc. Cardinal may not have named all the minority groups in Sri Lanka but it is obvious it applies to all minorities while those two groups makes up major groups. As a matter of fact the ethnicity plays a role in a democratic society! Unless ‘Sri Lankan democracy’ is different from the democracy.
The writer must know that Cardinal has his democratic rights to express his views, not just as a Sinhalese Christian but as an individual. As a minister whose duty is also to stand for basic human rights people as Christians believe everyone is equal before God. The ministers of Christianity have played a great role in human rights. writer picked up some numerical figures of percentage of religious groups and trying to tell that Cardinal is insignificant because he is a religious minority. (I also wonder how conveniently they pick these %).
Like he states if ethnicity do not play a role, then why he tries to show that Malcom Ranjith is a religious minority in Sri Lanka.
Cardinal’s views are not fanatical or racial but the writer’s opinion are. I wonder when will our journalists will come out of this narrow and fanatical world of their and merge with our modern world today. Hypocrisy is beyond one’s imagination! I like to see the day when Sri Lanka will rise above where they are in this 21st century.
August 21st, 2011 at 2:11 pm
Oswald Gomis and his predecessors were doing a good job. They didn’t get involved in Tamil-Sinhala politics.
Malcolm Ranjith was made a Cardinal and then he succeeded Oswald Gomis. A plan to destabilize SL?
Anyway most SLs have put Malcolm Ranjith’s Tamil-Sinhala views in the rubbish bin already. They have no room for this Tamil-Sinhala talk.
Cardinal, humanity has only one race!
August 21st, 2011 at 2:14 pm
Dear AnuD,
what happened in ancient medieval time is different. In modern time, Since 1948, all Islamic countries were peaceful. no Muslim countries promoted terrorism against any country. And who have been promoting terrorism by Christian West who have centuries of experience of hiring Islamic groups to maintain their colonies. Creation of Israel did by purposefully by US and Europe to trigger to stir up Arab and Islamic patriotism and terrorism to force Islamic and non Islamic states to negotiate multi-billion dollar arm, constructional and oil industry, and black market arm explosion sale for pro Palestinian global Islamic fighters, Al Qaeda and Taliban is billion dollar industry. And Here is some eg of this trigger: Pres Qaddafi is a sole product of creation of Israel. His full aim was to create United African with gold coin and liberate Palestine and West suddenly discovered it and decided immediately invade Libya. It was not oil. Qaddafi already have given contract to US and EU oil companies. That’s why Western public began to question about secret of invading Libya.
Second, Saddam Hussein is sole product of creation of Israel. In fact, West were behind him and set him up against Iran and got oil profit and when he was about to liberate Palestine, turn immediately back against him and invaded Iraq with false WMD.
Osman Bin Laden and Taliban. They were friends of the West. West gave them false promises to liberate Palestine and in return to fight ex-Soviet. This also done by purpose to make Osma angry and trigger him to attack NEW York.
Presently, West began to deceit Taliban again prez Musharraf and Miss Bhutto and got Bhutto killed and overthrew Musharraf, created anarchy in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, sell black-market weapon to Taliban, more Taliban attack the buildings, more building construction industry and the more construction workers there, more construction spies.
Now can you imagine how can anybody trust these Western govts with full of spies whose hand are sustained with blood of millions of innocent children and the women. Plus they killed their own soldiers by tricking them into
Taliban or other groups More Recent US navy Seal attack not done by Taliban on their own. This is work of somebody within the
US Army or somebody operating out of Western embassies in Pakistan. This is very clear indication that some people in the US want to get US govt to launch nuclear poison attack On Pakistan and Afghanistan. Can Israel win anything from this? Of course, if it was Sinhalese, Israeli win because Sinhalese have nobody else, but Muslim are around the globe and can’t use nuclear weapon against Muslim Canda, US EU, West Asia,China south America and Africa and are capable building biological weapon within days. And If Israeli or America do it on the need of Israelis. the end of Jews in the west will take place within days and Israel will last within 6 months.
August 21st, 2011 at 3:04 pm
you expressed number of things which are assuptions. I believe that your views or opinions are assumptions. you can express your opinions but must state as such. But if you want to state a fact then you must back them with accurate information, evidences, historical data facts etc.
First of all you are out of the subject in this column. Let me point just a couple things where your assumptions are wrong. Israel belongs to Jewish people historically. That’s their land! They have more right to live in Israel than even Muslims. Why? because there was no Muslim until 622 A.D (until after Christ) when Muhammad came. The U.S or Europeans have no right to place them any where than in their own home land which was taken over by Muslim invaders. This is history!
Now, if you read Islam religious history you will never find a time when Muslims were a peaceful nation or country. They have been invading, and killing Jews and and other tribal people of their own that exited during the time Muhammad. Then during the very short period of Islamist supremacy under the ‘Ottoman Empire’ they killed and massacred millions who wouldn’t accept the Islam. The Afghanistan, Indonesia, (Bali) for example were Buddhist/Hindu countries and they were invaded by Muslim and forced Islam killing those who rejected.
August 21st, 2011 at 4:11 pm
So how can i buy your story. this is the first time I heard your history. so that is the reason that native European Jews who have been in Europe for 2000 years go and drive Palastinian out of their homes and settle in Palestinian Homes. I have no augment if European Jews go there and settle down in an area where they were. Jews have write live like everybody else and I have no argument about. it. So if we give European right to introduce this kind of law, then Sinhalese have to accept European propaganda history for Sri lanka. That’s why European supported tigers to drive Sinhalese out of Sri lanka. American Already claimed that Sinhalese cannot live anywhere they want their own country while Tamil or South Indian Tamil can live anywhere they want. Do you need historical data to prove this?
Second, So what you want from Sinhalese? Today Muslim are not responsible what Muslim did in medieval time and if you want us to go kill Muslims for what they did in the history, then we have to kill all British and European for what they did in colonial time and what they have been doing to Sri lanka and other countries then and now . Is it correct?
August 21st, 2011 at 4:22 pm
“Israel belongs to Jewish people historically. That’s their land! They have more right to live in Israel than even Muslims.”
With this type of attitude how can there be peace in the Middle East?
No one has more right to live anywhere than other citizens.
I don’t agree with Jayt either. Both countries should remain. Not one or the other.
What do you mean by,
“Of course, if it was Sinhalese, Israeli win because Sinhalese have nobody else, but Muslim are around the globe and can’t use nuclear weapon against Muslim Canda, US EU, West Asia,China south America and Africa and are capable building biological weapon within days.”
Sinhalese are not part of this. SL is friendly with both Israel and Palestine.
August 21st, 2011 at 7:45 pm
Tamils say Sinhalese were once immigrated to Sri Lanka from India, and the Tamils were the origins of Sri Lanka.
Unfortunately, now Sinhalese are dominating in every fields and sidelining the Tamils.
Sinhalese say that the Tamils were gypsies, chased by the then Cholar kings of Tamil Nadu. Hela Urumaya too confirms this.
Nowadays, many proclaim that Sri Lanka belongs to Yonakar. Not to Tamils and Sinhalese. Yonakar was a different ethnic group which not applies to Muslims then.
As a Sinhalese, you should be ashamed yourself, talking history of Israelis and Muslims without knowing Sinhalese history in Sri Lanka.
August 21st, 2011 at 8:20 pm
I never said that Sinhalese are part of that. what I said was my opinion in respond to some extreme US Jews who are threatening Muslim in Afghanistan and Pakistan with nuclear attack because Pakistanis or Afghanistan do not accept it. American and Eu invasion of these two countries are solely product of result of occupation Palestine. Jews or West have no one single right to invade Islamic country or nuclear attack, all they have to do is give up occupation of Palestinian land and peace is right there.
My respond to neutrality of Sri lanka: West and Israel destroyed SRi lanka neutrality in 1983 using Tigers and brought huge destruction to Sinhalese and still trying to intimidate with war crime and lately American war plane in Sl airspace to frighten sl to get sl to be part of Western invasion plan. These not my own made.
August 21st, 2011 at 8:33 pm
Catholic priests were and are programmed by christian imperialists to destablise the non-christian nations. Actually, Malcom Ranjith’s agenda is not to help tamils and muslims. He wants the annihilation of tamils and muslims – then only the christian colonialists could easily creep into Sri Lankan politics to divide and rule. They work to suit their masters. We should sideline those traitors cautiously.
August 21st, 2011 at 8:54 pm
Libya is almost fallen according to CNN. NATO bombardment has increased to take it soon. All Gadafi’s sons are either dead or captured.
When USA, France, UK , etc. rob Libyan oil, their economic problems will be over soon.
Obama, Sarkosy, etc. will win their next elections.
A world of thieves! Libya is the next Iraq. After capturing it, they will turn it into a killing field. The 3 most stable African Muslim countries are now in shatters and Sudan is divided so that the Muslim Northern Sudan has no oil! Pakistan and Afghanistan are turned to hell holes.
Celebrations in the west, misery in the middle east. Now there is little doubt the next target will be Iran.
Why can’t the other countries stop this? May be they too like it this way!
August 22nd, 2011 at 3:30 am
I do not have much time to write now, But there will be a deference form of war that will burn India, middle -east and Africa if they continue this.
Just a few words about latest US report that says US like to restore original SRi lanka friendship. IT is not a Problem at all but condition apply! I wish US follow their true ideals is peace and establishment and act independent of European colonialism, They can have excellent friendship with any country.
I get back to this with more detail later in the day.
August 22nd, 2011 at 8:25 am
Some observations of present times :
(1) The Churches when asked to help, generally help themselves.
(2) Strange that ‘grease devils’ and lawlessness happens in present times right after oil exploration starts off the coast of Mannar ! Mannar has also been route into Lanka for Tamil Nadu illegal migrants.
August 22nd, 2011 at 12:51 pm
This is regarding peace. Peace cannot be achieved just Sri lanka. It has to be the world.human rights also part of peace and cannot only for Tamil people. It has to be for every body in the world. Everybody talks about peace and Human rights only for Tamil. It has to start where peace and human rights problem spread or exported to the the world
The two problems is exported the the world is right in Israel and Palestine and it is own and operated by US and EU who are the main peace and human rights advocate for Sri lanka to the world.
But everybody see that leaving the world major problem that threaten the world peace there, US and EU is going to somebody else small problem and trying to make it a world problem or trying to make it look like it a big world problem.
How about first settle this problem first and Sri lanka recognize both countries-Israel and Palestine and pull out Western armies from Afghanistan, pull out thousand of US spies from american embassy in Pakistan and release all Pakistanis, Afghanistan and Arab prisoners who products of invasion these countries under false WMD and false Al Qaeda.
Once these condition are achieved, Peace automatically return to Pakistan and Afghanistan which is important Sri lanka and the region.
If these condition are not met US or Eu can’t never be an ally in Sri lanka like before because when there is a war direct or indirect terrorist war against Pakistan operated by Indian or Western spies like now. Sri lanka will never be part of West or India war against Pakistan. This easily can connect China into Sri lanka.
That’s why I said condition apply. and if these above mentioned conditions are met, then there is peace in the region and US can by an ally like before.
August 22nd, 2011 at 1:03 pm
no ordinary people is hungry for blood and world is yawning for peace. This is the dream of ordinary Muslim, Hindus, Buddhists, Christian, Jews and others