World Leaders must stop humiliating Sri Lanka
Posted on October 26th, 2011

Shenali Waduge

It has become a tedious effort ever since the fall of the LTTE to continuously embarrass Sri Lanka internationally by front organizations of the LTTE living abroad who have through the power of the money they possess the ability to purchase foreign parliamentarians & representatives of international bodies to point fingers at the Sri Lankan Government on allegations of war crimes. Farcical as this call is when the LTTE is declared a banned terrorist organization it is the LTTE that should have been investigated by international bodies ever since it first started its crusade of suicide killings which would have put an end to 30 years of LTTE terror. That the world kept silent never initiating crimes against humanity by the LTTE, makes good grounds for the families of all those who lost their lives to LTTE to demand why the world kept silent? This practice of humiliating a nation that has been the only country to have defeated terrorism needs to stop forthwith. If accountability has been of concern it is for these nations to wonder what they did to stop the LTTE from killing year in & year out for 3 decades when the entire world went after the Al Qaeda for just one targeted killing.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The President of Sri Lanka is in Australia attending the Commonwealth of Heads Summit where a war crimes indictment has been lodged against President Rajapakse. The Australian Government is unlikely to embarrass the President however these & similar propaganda that is taking place to tarnish Sri Lanka globally is uncalled for & totally unjust & unfair. In this instance we remind the powerful nations of the world that all these nations allowed the LTTE to prevail by turning a blind eye to all the atrocities committed by the LTTE & now when the LTTE has been militarily defeated these nations are allowing calls for war crimes against Sri Lanka blocking the momentum in Sri Lanka where a nation is learning to live without the shadow of the LTTE & fears of bombs going off every time people walk out of their homes.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Let us all view things rationally. We know IndiaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s role in creating, supporting, training & assisting the LTTE over the years. We also know that it was this same terror group that assassinated Rajiv Gandhi & that it was nothing but a contract killing & we also know that India continued to support the LTTE inspite of RajivƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s killing until the last stage of the war when India realized that the LTTE was now a spent force & India would do better without it. We also know that countries like Norway, UK provided bases for the LTTE even allowing their countries to function as international offices & even providing technical assistance to carry out terror strikes. There are enough of examples that will cover why Sri Lanka had to weather 30 years of terror & warfare. If people think that the LTTE was terrorizing Sri Lanka in a movement that was anti-Sinhala they are sadly mistaken. A closer look at LTTEƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s string of killings & assassinations will reveal that practically all of the respected Tamil leaders over the years were brutally wiped out by the LTTE including Sri LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadiragamar & A. Amirthalingam who even called the LTTE ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-our boysƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. Now, if the LTTE is supposedly a party claiming self-determination for the Tamil people why did they kill Tamils? Why did the LTTE target the Tamil social strata which castigated the low caste Tamils? Moreover, anyone going to the North would realize how intertwined with LTTE terrorism has been the movement to Christianize Sri Lanka where practically all of the NGOs operating in the North while LTTE was ruling the North were carrying out a campaign to convert innocent Tamils to Christianity/Catholism. This is evident by the increase in Churches & the rise in the number of converts!

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Speaking to most Tamils in the North who belong to the upper class & caste now openly denounce the LTTE & it was out of fear that they had to remain silent proponents of LTTE terrorism. LTTE was no messiah to the Tamils & that is a fact & that is something that Tamils themselves need to be largehearted enough to accept. Appreciating LTTE terrorism so that some Tamils could apply as refugees & live abroad is no reason to support the LTTE now.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Ridding the country of a movement that had blessings of the West & India & support by illicit entities functioning globally has meant that the challenge to wipe out terrorism in an exercise that began with the liberation of the East was no small victory.

As everyone will acknowledge the diplomatic war that the President singlehandedly took was far more complicated & serious than the ground & air attacks carried out by the armed forces. If we look back the President was inundated with foreign delegations & calls to allow the LTTE to prevail. All these nations that attempted to push for a further ceasefire are guilty of being party to terror for none of these nations cared to stop any of the LTTE atrocities that took place over the years. These were no innocent self-determination bids ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” these were all calculated killings targeting mostly innocent civilians & children.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ What did the world do when children were butchered while asleep? What did the world do when women & men in villages were cut to pieces? What did the world do when Buddhist priests were butchered one after another & places of worship were attacked? What did the world do when suicide bombers began to target civilians, dressed up as ordinary citizens with suicide jackets that eventually tore innocent people to bits & pieces? These incidents number over 200 over 30 years. If the world went after the Al Qaeda just for killing 3000 or so Americans in a single incident in 2001 why did the world keep silent about the LTTE when they have killed much more in more brutal manner? What good has been to just ban the LTTE & call it a terrorist organization while allowing it to prevail giving safe haven in western countries where world leaders were well aware of the fact that the LTTE acquired USD300m annually? How has the LTTE thanked these nations? They have indulged in nefarious activities in these vary nations? Is not the LTTE guilty of thefts, credit card scams, gang violence, human smuggling, narcotics etc which are taking place in these very nations? Allowing the LTTE has led to oneƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s own citizens becoming victims of LTTE scams? Foreign parliamentarians have become prey to being purchased for money triggering an ugly practice in politics where just to come into power for the promise of votes politicians are openly siding with terrorist organizations! Keeping silent over LTTE atrocities in Sri Lanka is one thing but allowing oneƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s citizens to be fleeced is something UK, Australian & EU citizens must demand from their governments! Fleecing foreign citizens is certainly not punishing Sri Lanka & thatƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s for sure!

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Moreoever, LTTE is an organization that is today able to carry out contract killings & when their notoriety needs a prop they will not hesitate to carry out contract killings as they did to Rajiv Gandhi. With the WestƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s actions building strings of Islamic enemies all over the world & with their links to the LTTE & since LTTE has a safe haven in these western nations it is only time that will show the true stripes of the LTTE. The Western countries may think they have tight inland security measures in place however, penetrating these is nothing new to the LTTE. If we recall the LTTE had even attempted to bribe the FBI to remove it from the US terror list!

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Sri LankanƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s no doubt care little of how LTTE wishes to function overseas. All countries that have played poodle with the LTTE can continue to allow LTTE to prevail. As far as Sri LankanƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s are concerned the LTTE is now militarily defeated, it is a movement that the Tamils that suffered from the LTTE are happy to be rid of & Sri Lanka is slowly picking up the pieces to start life afresh in peace. Of course the remnants of the LTTE seen through the Tamil political parties whose leaders like to think keeping alive the LTTE will sustain their party forever will soon find themselves in disarray when younger Tamil politicians begin to emerge with time articulating the real needs of the populace without any racial & ethnic bias. This will certainly be a new beginning the country will look forward to.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ However, it is now time that the West put an end to the campaign to tarnish the image of Sri Lanka. As far as Sri Lankans are concerned the LTTE can carry out whatever tarnishing campaigns they like & spend the money they have illicitly gained but it is morally incorrect & ethically wrong for foreign governments to continue to partner with these campaigns when they know the truth about LTTE atrocities over 30 years which is why it is not too late for these nations to dissociate themselves from the LTTE & begin to build better relations with Sri Lanka & help the nation to recover from 30 years of biased western policy. The LTTE as far as Sri Lankans are concerned is a terror movement now dead & buried & we are not interested nor care little for the futile cries & calls that it is making from overseas. What we are concerned about is when foreign nations that did little when the LTTE was carrying out terror strikes is seen now calling for war crimes against an elected government which is unethical & unjust & it is a good time to stop this improper practice ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…” starting with Australia.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Shenali Waduge

14 Responses to “World Leaders must stop humiliating Sri Lanka”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:




  2. sarath Says:

    Racism is not among Sinhala, tamil or muslim people in Sri Lanka. There are racist politician’s among all communities. LTTE is an outcome of racist politics of Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, the educated people (Most of our leaders were Western educated, convertees from Buddhist to Christianity to Buddhist or Hindu to Christianity. (SWRD, Don Stephen Senanayake,Dudley Shelton Senanayake,Junius Richard Jayewardene, Samuel James Veluppillai Chelvanayakam, Percy Mahendra “Mahinda” Rajapaksa). If we look at their names you find they are not true buddhists or true representatives of majority Sinhala and tamil people. They are from the high class westernised elites using the race and relegious differences of the people. Unfortunately the relegious leaders and highly educated professionals also fall into their trap and they politicised the relegion. So it is time to recognise that we all are responsible for the current state and the country needs a revolution. I found a good example of the true tamil-sinhala relationship from the web. Please see below the extracts:

    “President JR Jayawardena in his Address delivered on the life and work of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan at the Vivekananda Society Colombo on November 30, 1991, reminded the audience that ‘Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan was even called the Tamil who was the foster parent of the Sinhalese’.

    JRJ said that ‘In the riots of 1915, the Sinhalese who were Buddhists were jailed and heavy fines imposed before they were released, if they were released at all. Some of them were shot without a judicial trial, the most notorious being the shooting of Pedris’. ‘D.S. Senanayake, the first Prime Minister of Free Ceylon was not even permitted to perform his ablutions or change his clothes. He was bundled into a vehicle and taken away’.

    JRJ lamented that ‘no foreign leader or country came to our aid. The Press was silent’ and he said that ‘one voice and one alone was heard in the Legislature and outside it, that of Ponnambalam Ramanathan. Ramanathan read over 120 petitions from the heart-broken relatives of the murdered and the jailed. His tone never faltered: his writings conveyed his feelings of horror and despair’.”

    I agree with Sri491 on the following:”I think educated writter like shenali should write in a responsible manner which which promote peace,justice,equality instead of aggrevating hatred by adding fuel to fire.”

    If our country wants to become a true democratic nation with peace and love, the educated professionals should play a key role in educating the people true values of humanity, law and order and peace and love between communities. Right or Wrong we need to recognise that we all are the sons and daughters of Srilankan island. We have different ethnicities, relegious groups, and political ideologies, but we are Sri Lankans. We didn’t have relegion before. All the relegions were imported and then mixed. We need to recognise that each individual has their own faith and we should respect them. Similarly we have differences in languages and we should respect them. We should recognise that tamils live in the North East of Sri Lanka for a long period of time. There is some misunderstandings between tamils and Sinhalese and that brought our country into the play ground for all and we lost everything. It is time for us to build up the relationship and truse between communities and each one should feel that Sri Lanka is ours (Whether it is LTTE or JVP or SLFP or UNP). You cannot force the people to bring peace. It can be done through dialougue, making changes to the political system. We should have done this long time ago. Now it is time for professionals from all sides give up racial comments, start discussing the path for a reasonable political administrative system recognising the differences and devolving necessary power under a united (not unitary) country.

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    SL has peace today. There is no need for “better” peace.

    And there is no need for dialogue with the enemies of SL. Dialogue has proven to be a time waster whereas military action has PROVEN to be effective in bringing peace. Right throughout history this was the case.

    Just because one old retired politician made some comments FOR THE MOMENT it does not make any difference. It didn’t anyway!!

    SL must always remain a UNITARY nation or war which is winnable.

    Racists of SL are:

    1. TAMIL national alliance
    2. illankai TAMIL arse kachchi
    3. all ceylon TAMIL congress
    4. TAMIL united liberation front
    5. sri lanka MUSLIM congress
    6. SIHALA urumaya

    #6 is the weakest as the smallest vote whereas #1 is the strongest with MOST racists. Their talk is always racist and is about:

    1. TAMIL homolands
    2. TAMIL grievances
    3. TAMIL aspirations
    4. racist vadakundi resolution

    All these racist parties and their racist talk must be banned.
    Ethnicity of the north should be changed to reflect the national SL population.
    Tamil Nadu illegal immigrants coming to SL should be imprisoned and deported.
    PTA should be implemented to the letter.

    SL has WON the war and there is no need to bend to BS political solutions demands anymore!

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    Who got humiliated in Australia?

    Natikadal losers, once again!
    Stateless fools!

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    [TamilNet, Wednesday, 26 October 2011, 13:44 GMT]
    An Eezham Tamil asylum seeker, already accepted as a refugee in Australia, but waiting for long to get ‘security clearance’ from the Australian intelligence to come out of his ‘detention,’ killed himself Tuesday night. Earlier on that day, which was also the Deepaavali festival day, his request to go out to visit a friend for the festival was turned down by the authorities. When asked by the media, whether the government takes any responsibility, the Australian Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen said “We take responsibility for ensuring that people have the chance to make their claims and for ensuring that national security is taken into account. We cannot and will not compromise on matters of national security.

    A good lesson for SL.

  6. Rohan8 Says:

    Sri Lanka should tell these so call western world leaders to go straight to hell where they belong! These western countries decimated a sovereign independent nation Libya in the name of their so called blood soaked democracy. Like in Iraq they interfered in a sovereign countries affairs with disastrous consequences. There is evidence the West backed Evil Al qaida brigades in Libya responsible for the atrocities committed there with the full backing of these western govts. Disgusting.
    A few days ago these western backed Al Qaida vermin captured Libya’s leader. They didn’t hand him over to the proper authorities nothing. They just tortured and murdered him in cold blood. The lack of respect for a country’s leader was absolutely disgusting! How about if Bush, Obama, Cameron, Sarkosy and Blair were captured and murdered by rebels for their crimes in Iraq, afghan and Libya for example.
    These are the leaders who are lecturing Sri Lanka! Sri Lanka should tell them to go to hell firmly.

  7. sarath Says:

    This are two headlines from Daily Mirror.

    1. “There are instances where separatist movements have filed cases against Sri Lankan leaders. They are also looking for evidence to bring them before international tribunals on war crime charges. If government politicians act like thugs and associate with the underworld it will serve the purpose of those who are hell bent on damaging the image of Sri Lanka, Minister Weerawansa said.

    Minister Weerawansa added that the Mulleriyawa incident was a black mark not only to the government but to the entire country as both parties who shot at each other were members of the government.
    Sunday Leader
    2. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa that Australia wants to see his country deal with the alleged human rights abuses committed during the civil war.

    During talks with Mr Rajapaksa last night, Ms Gillard underlined Australia’s view of the need to deal with the issue through the reconciliation process.

    3. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today reiterated the importance of dealing with accountability issues as Sri Lanka continues to work towards national reconciliation following its long-running civil war.

    It is great we won the war with LTTE. But I do not agree that there is a peace in all parts of Sri Lanka. Peace is associated with justice as well. As Minister Wimalasena pointed out the victory in the war should not lead to the rule of thugs and under world criminals. What is the message from the arrest of war hero Sarath Fonseka who has to fight for his basic rights within the prison and the palace life enjoyed by war criminals like KP and Karuna.

    Further the comments made by Australian PM and the UN Sec Ban hi Moon about human right allegations highlights that the West is prepared to use that against Sri Lanka if we turn against to them. Particularly, India is watching us with caution. It is very dangerous for us to make the WEst and INdia as our enemies. They are utterly wrong and biased but they are powerful and has the capability to do whatever they want. We must be tactful and rational.

  8. Fran Diaz Says:

    First let us thank Shenali for her article. In this instance, she write on the “humiliation of Sri Lanka”. We question how this came about, when earlier Lanka was highly respected in the whole world as the oldest democracy in SE Asia. Here is a quick take on the past history regarding the point in question :

    Going briefly into our history, we can trace the beginning of the troubles to 500 yrs of foreign domination and after Independence in 1948, some of our leaders losing touch with the masses of Lanka due to over admiration for western systems (after WWI&II). Indentured Tamil labor brought in from Tamil Nadu by the Dutch & the British upset the ethnic balance in the country. Over 1 1/2 Million Tamils were brought in by the Dutch & British to work in the plantations sector for tobacco & tea. Meantime, Jaffna maintained its strongly Vellalah Caste based political structure with the down trodden Tamil others, but with the rapid democratisation of Jaffna society, started losing their Caste based Vellalah power. The Tamil Vellalah leaders of that time enacted the Vaddukoddai Resolution (1976) advocating VIOLENCE as means to achieve a separate state for Tamils, creating a COMMON GOAL for Tamil people, using VIOLENCE against the GoSL & the rest of Lanka.

    The Caste based anger of the Low Caste Tamils was turned on to the GoSLs & Southern Sinhala people and others very successfully (deflected anger). When successive GoSLs sent in the army to quell the Northern Tamil violence, which was the way pointed by the V’koddai Resoln., Caste based anger was even greater toward the GoSL. The planned 1983 Riots ‘sealed the deal’ for Vellalah Tamil leaders, and hundreds and thousands of Tamil people were accepted into the West as Refugees, Since then, a concerted effort has been made through the violence of the ltte and bribing of foreign politicians with money & votes by the Tamil Diaspora, lies, cheat & deceit, to achieve a separate state for Tamils only. Even after the defeat of the ltte in May 2008, this effort is continuing, now in the guise of ‘humiliating Sri Lanka’, false ‘war crimes’ charges, CH-4 false videos, demands made by various Human Rights bodies, etc. The different Christian churches have been used extensively, from time to time, to achieve the separatist goals.

    What can we do to correct this situation from within Lanka ? For we have to correct it from within Lanka, to bring maximum security & well being to all Lankans.

    In my view, we could :

    * stop the ‘anney pauw’ or ‘gahapiya-marapiya’ attitudes which get us no where, except create more troubles, and start using logic & rationale to solve the problem, once and for all.

    * Round up all ILLEGAL MIGRANTS AND DEPORT THEM, not withstanding any foreign advice. This should be top priority, as all low Caste Tamil people from Tamil Nadu see Lanka as a place to migrate to. (America recently deported some 40,000 Mexicans who were illegal migrants). The rest of Lanka must be embraced and looked after as One Nation, taking an Oath of Allegiance swearing loyalty to Lanka. School children and the armed forces especially, and all Parliamentarians should take this Oath at least once a week.

    * Ban all political parties based on ethnicity. Alternatively, take up Dr Sudath Gunasekara’s idea of a Democracy sans politcal parties.

    * Have an island wide Referendum on Separatism and put it down once and for all.

    * DEVELOPMENT of Lanka must take place at an even pace all over the island, with top priority for job creation and an Education System geared for Jobs.

    * The Law of Land must be upheld without political interference. For instance, have one Law for all religions re building of Temples, Churches & Mosques, beating of drums, use of loud speakers, etc. No one should be allowed to put religious symbols on govt. held land. Archeological sites must be protected by Law, and not in an ad hoc manner.

    * Religion & State must be separate, as far as is possible.

    * Sinhala language be given the foremost place, with all other languages as secondary languages.

    * Teaching of Science & Technology be given high importance in Education.

    Please add other points of importance.

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    Correction: America has deported 400,000 Mexican illegal migrants in 2011.

  10. Raju Says:


    Part of he problem is the mindset of Sinhalese best encapsulated by the likes of sarath who has commented prior to yours. It is one ripe with subservience and slave mentality.

    This is what he has to say elsewhere too:

    sarath Says:
    October 27th, 2011 at 2:03 am

    “Particularly, India is watching us with caution. It is very dangerous for us to make the WEst and INdia as our enemies. They are utterly wrong and biased but they are powerful and has the capability to do whatever they want.”

    Tremble! Tremble! They will never be our friends, such do not exist. Nations do not have permanent friends or permanent enemies. They have permanent interests. Bowed head syndrome and mental enslavement is not the answer. We must work on ways to overcome such hostile peoples/nations. Not live in fear of them, otherwise we do not deserve a State.

    I suppose that is a result of 500 years of brutal oppression at the hands of the West where they did their best to crush and destroy our independence and strong will when our people continually fought against their domination. Tamils were not inflicted with this. But the most damning thing is that when Sinhalese emerge trying to destroy this mentality and propose one of strength and strong will power they are brutally attacked, insulted, degraded, character assassinated, demonised, mocked, humiliated, labelled and eventually “exiled” in some form by other Sinhalese seemingly content with their lives of mental slavery and white worshipping. It is what befell Anagarika Dharmapala. Until Sinhalese mentality changes and this worshipping all things foreign Sinhala people will always be crushed in some form.

  11. Raju Says:

    Woops! Wrong place for that comment.

  12. Lorenzo Says:



    Do to the north what DS Senanayaka and JR Jayawardana did to the east.

    That is the biggest thing SL should do now.

    Why is the west and Dalits creating trouble to SL?
    That’s because there is a Tamil Nadu in northern SL. If they try hard they think they can merge it with Tamil Nadu. If the north becomes like the east, this plan fails and the west/Dalits will have no option but to give up and leave.

  13. ranjith Says:

    Fran Diaz,

    As long as no Visa restrictions for Indians, we can’t control illegal immigrant from suspicious India.

    From Tamil terror sympathizers to Raw agents land at Colombo Airport daily basis.

    No one cares about that.

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    Lorenzo: We agree. North must become like East and have highly mixed population forever.

    ranjith: You are exactly right. The visa restrictions to Indians a MUST, whatever India says. (Sorry, India, personally I love certain aspects of your country, but your low caste (esp Dalits) folk from Tamil Nadu are causing too much trouble by wanting to migrate to Lanka).
    However, the new Visa Regulations which come into effect in Jan 2012 will no longer have ‘visa on arrival’. According to the new regulations, I think there will be Visa on Line, with a charge of $50 on arrival at the port, by air or sea. Please check up on this. Lanka’s emphasis on Tourism allows illegals to access Lanka too easily. To counter this, coastlines must be watched by our Coast Guards as well as the various ports. The various Christian Churches and other religious & non-religious bodies especially will have to follow these regulations to the letter.

    Other points to note :

    * Tamil Nadu low caste people become “Indians” when convenient, and they become also ‘Christians’ or ‘Hindus’ when convenient to do so.

    * By doing what they do, these low caste folk become important to their global Tamil community. It’s a case of COME TO LANKA AND LOSE CASTE ! In the early 19th century, Tamils lost caste merely by crossing the sea waters of the Palk Straits. Caste was reinstated if they returned to Tamil Nadu, ensuring that these Tamil people never returned. While I sympathise with India’s Dalits in general, I do not think Lanka GoSL can ever afford/allow offloading of them into Lanka. It’s like creating Eelam for them without openly saying so, isn’t it ?

    * Dalit problems should be solved in India & Tamil Nadu, not in Sri Lanka.

    * Fiji has a total ban on Indian (Tamil) entry there for migration purposes.

    * Get smart, Lankans, or lose our island home ! Ordinary people of Lanka should report every illegal migrant they suspect to the proper authorities, via the Police or Armed forces.

    * To know the sad reality of life for Dalits of India & Tamil Nadu, read websites on the topic. Most Lankans turn a blind eye to what is going on in Tamil Nadu & the rest of India. Sri Lankans ought to help Dalits of India wherever possible, but while KEEPING THEM IN INDIA.

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