Prof. Hudson McLean
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Your Eminence
As a Catholic, with a deep respect and a feeling of patriotism towards Sri Lanka, I respectfully address the issue, with regret,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ on the behaviour of Bishop of Mannar Dr. Rayappu Joseph, acting as a racist and openly supporting anti-Sri Lankan sentiments, supporting Division & Terrorism.
Furthermore, as a Tamil Nadu immigrant, Bishop Rayappu Joseph is demonstrating exactly the opposite of Catholic principles, setting a poor example to Catholics in his Diocese. The fact that the visiting Catholic delegations from Tamil Nadu, turned their religious pilgrimage into a Racist Rally on Sri Lankan soil, under the patronage of the Tamil Nadu Bishop, was tolerated by the Sri Lankan Hosts, showed the difference in mentality.
The past two years have aptly demonstrated that the Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL), headed by HE President Mahinda Rajapaksa has maintained and delivered his promise to the Sri Lankans of Tamil ethnicity. As a Sinhalese yourself, Your Eminence, you know in your innermost heart, the kind generous attitude of the Sinhala soul.
Your Eminence, as the leader of the Catholics in Sri Lanka, irrespective of the ethnicity, after Your subservience and allegiance to the Church in Rome, would you consider it is ethical that a Catholic leader such as Bishop Rajappu Joseph, should he be setting an example of the teachings of pacifist Jesus Christ or blindly follow a defunct dead Terrorist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran?
The Doctrine of Catholicism, A question of Peace or Terrorism!
Currently as an independent observer, my personal reaction towards Bishop Rayappu Joseph, is that he is trying to recreate a new generation of Tamil Terrorists within Sri Lanka. Bishop Rayappu Joseph is not preaching the doctrine of reconciliation, where the compassionate Sinhala Leadership has clearly demonstrated that they were not against the Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka, but the GoSL was only attempting to unite the Island for the benefit of all Sri Lankans.
As the Cardinal, a resident in the Capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, you must observe with your very own eyes that there is a vast community of Tamils resident and engaged in commerce in Colombo, living in harmony with the Sinhala.
Would your conscience, as the Leader of the Sri Lankan Catholics, accept that, due to the racist activity of Bishop Rayappu Joseph, if some of the Sinhala were to respond equally against the Tamil population in the South, and create unrest and even bloodshed?
In your own philosophy, where should the Line of Division stand between the Religion, Citizenship and Ethnicity?
By maintaining a silence, without responding to Bishop Rayappu Joseph, Your Eminence, you are displaying lack of leadeship, and even stooping to the level of supporting racism and terrorism!ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
I have been a keen supporter of distribution of Sri Lankan soil in the same proportion as of the ethnicity, if necessary by legislation. Which may mean, that some of the Tamil population may be redistributed outside the confines of Colombo. And the North and the East may have a Sinhala majority, supported by government financial aid withƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Military security.
After over three decades of bloodshed, HE President Rajapaksa and his three brothers have brought Peace and Reconciliation to Sri Lanka. There is no need for “independent volunteer amateur spin-doctors” to write condescending books, since the entire world can see for themselves that the Island is gradually being”resurrected” from the dead and progressing in a positive direction.
The Catholic Church of Sri Lanka should rejoice the religious harmony between the inter-faith denominations, without trying to crucify the Sinhala.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
You are well aware that the Catholic Church is currently undergoing a Period of Crucifiction by the Catholics themselves, due to sex scandals initiated by priests and even Bishops, and assets are being used to support compensation of victims. And seriously Your Eminence, the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka does not need the likes of Bishop Rayappu Joseph to exaeerbate the delicate balance further.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
You are perhaps aware that His Holiness Pope Benedict XV1 is promoting the leadership of Clergy from within the Sovereign States and replacing the “imported” Bishops.
As the Leader of the Catholics in Sri Lanka, perhaps you might consider sending strict orders to Bishop Rayappu Joseph either to “Shut-up & Put-up” or a choice of De-robing or Relocating to Tamil Nadu.
In my opinion, whatever one’s religious belief maybe, one should place the Country (Sri Lanka) first!
Yours in Blessings of Christ
Prof. Hudson McLean
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March 8th, 2012 at 2:30 pm
If His Eminence Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith is not taking any action agaist Bishop Rayappu Joseph then we have to consider that Cardinal Ranjith also indirectly supporting this Bishop & his supporters.
March 8th, 2012 at 3:57 pm
If Jayalalitha is openlyworking against Sri Lanka why not GOSL deport Rayappu Joseph to Tamil Nadoo. If Cardinal Dr. Malcolm Ranjith organised the NCP Bishop to protest the arrest of the nun who was engaged in criminal activities of child smmugling racket why is he allowing the Tamil Nadoo citizen to campaign agaist Sri Lanka? Cardinal must be fully aware that the racist behaviour of Rayappu joseph is dividing the catholics and creating a religious tention in Sri Lanka. Cardinal also politely informed that the behaviour of Rayappu Joseph is not tolerated in India where catholics are murdered by Hindus of India. Catholics are widely and openly discriminated in India. One question is asked: has there been any anti catholic activity by the buddhists of Sri Lanka ever been observed in the past? Arent the buddhists and catholicks living in peace and harmony. Aren’t the buddhists a tolerent society? Have the buddhists ever discriminated the catholicks? Isn’t the first lady of Sri Lanka a catholick? The racist behaviour of Bishop Rayappu Joseph warrants derobing and excommunicadoed and expelled from the church. Can a Sri Lankan buddhist priest conduct anti Indian campaign in Indian soil? Is Bishop Rayappu Joseph not a racist and anti Sri Lankan? Dear Cardinal when you organised a campaign to pressure Sri Lanka government to rescue the nun from the rimand prison why are you silent on Bishop Rayappu Joseph’s racist behaviour? Isn’t it a provocative behaviour creating an atmosphere for racial and religious violence? Before it is too late take immediate action to shut the racist Bishop and return him to where he came from. Sri Lankans want to live in peace and harmony with all Sri Lankans.
March 8th, 2012 at 4:33 pm
If Joseph Rayappu is Indian, why Sri Lanka does not deport him for his anti-lankan activities as well as activities that promote social dis harmony ?
March 8th, 2012 at 4:51 pm
If GoSL did not take suitable action against Bishop Rayappu, some organisation could rise up against the racists. This is a dangerous situation GoSL must take into consideration. Lifeless, careless and spineless attitude will bring serious repercussions. How much longer can the tolerant buddihst society put up with the anti Lankan racists Indians? The writer’s blood is boiling.
March 8th, 2012 at 5:17 pm
Essentialy the Catholic church is corrupt . It has nothing to do with catholocism. If Prabahakaran a catholic who was involved with Human trafficking the church aparently has been involved in illicit immigration if not how did this Bishop Rayappu born in India become a sri lankan citizen. He should be stripped of his citizenship and packed back to TN with all the other illicit immigrants who cannot respect the soverignity of SL.
March 8th, 2012 at 8:56 pm
I remember its same His Eminence Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith who went into LLRC and request not to encourage Sinhales and Muslims settlements in North area. I may be wrong if so please correct. That means even Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith is indirectly supporting Paripuwa or Kasippuwa [Rayappu] Joseph action. Why SL need any Tamil Nadoo citizen as Catholic Priest, there are many others who are much better than this Rayappu.
March 8th, 2012 at 10:14 pm
It’s an open secret that the Catholic Church supported the LTTE. Apart from Tamil Nadu the inivisible hand behind the Tigers was the Catholic Church. Sri Lanka is one of the pillars of Buddhism. And one way of dismembering Buddhism was supporting a break up of Sri Lanka. Therefore, the Church continuously gave underhand support to the Tigers. As such, in the back of his mind Rayappah Joseph must be a hero to the Church and it is very unlikely that the Cardinal would do anything to Terror supporter Bishop Joseph.
P..A.Samaraweera, Australia.
March 9th, 2012 at 7:24 am
Our thanks to Prof. for this article, and presenting the truth of the situation.
We think we should always examine the Root Causes of any Problem in order to find lasting solutions.
It is our misfortune that Lanka is a small island and geographically located so near Tamil Nadu, but fortunately separated by a narrow strip of sea. Many hundreds of thousands of Tamils are who are/were unhappy & angry with the Caste Structure of Tamil Nadu crosses/crossed over the Palk Straights into Lanka to lose Caste/poverty and leave the past behind. They were also brought in vast numbers as indentured labor by the Dutch & British – around one and half million people were brought in. The Dutch introduced the Thesavalami Law to induce Tamil labor to stay on in Lanka.
I suspect that people like Rev. Reyappu Joseph wants to make this cross over a possibility for millions of Tamils of low caste/Dalit origins from Tamil Nadu on a permanent basis by forming a separate state for Tamils only from the N&E of Lanka. That appears to us his prime motive for ‘going against Sri Lanka’. Whilst his sentiments may be good for low caste/Dalit origin Tamils of Tamil Nadu, it is a virtual death knell for the rest of Lanka. The newly discovered Mannar oil is an added attraction to the plot for a separate state.
The whole idea is to discredit the GoSL, particularly at international fora such as the UNHRC, to gain maximum attention to justify a separate state. However much is done for Tamil people all over Lanka, Rev. Joseph is openly hostile to the state of Lanka.
Using these lies, cheat & deceit, Lanka GoSL is being harassed beyond belief by various organisations & countries, to the cost of the well being of all citizens of Lanka, whether they are in Lanka or even abroad. Added to this, Separatism demanded by Tamil leaders, only creates more problems for Tamil people, here and abroad. It is therefore imperative that Rev. Joseph discards his ideas of Separatism and turns to the teachings of Jesus Christ. He is usually seen by Lankans as a person creating mayhem & disharmony and being disloyal to the country that supports him. After all, he has left his country and state of birth, India & Tamil Nadu, to come to Lanka, legally or illegally, for a better life, and he owes it to himself, the Catholic Church, all the rest of us that he conducts himself in a manner showing loyalty to Lanka, and integrity to the Teachings of Jesus Christ.
We have to also note the Failures on the part of administrators of Lanka down the years since Independence. For various reasons, they have been lax or not wanting to recognise the real problem, i.e. Caste/poverty issues of Tamil Nadu, and setting up Laws and follow through action to deport illegal migrants. There has been so much neglect in facing the real problem, that for Tamil people of low caste/Dalit origin, Lanka has become the main venue for ‘crossing sea water’ and for Conversions to other religions to lose caste. The other factors administrators have ignored is the spread abroad of lies, cheat & deceit by various Tamil leaders to gain slices off Lanka to set up a permanent base here for dissidents from Tamil Nadu. We in Lanka have invited this problem by not putting the proper Laws in place with follow through, and now we are crying over split milk.
We suggest that the 3,000 yr old Caste system of India be brought into the open, be examined thoroughly and presented at the Parliament with understanding and compassion. This is must be followed through with strict Laws on preventing illegal migration which have to be adhered to the letter. The general Public of Lanka must be made aware of the real issues, and we must never hide the facts under the table. As matters are, Lankans are trying to play ‘God’ to dismantle this intractable Caste/poverty system tied to the Hindu religion. The Laws of Caste (Laws of Manu) are man made and may have suited ancient times, but not now. If we do not face the reality of matters, Lanka will pay dearly in terms of losses
unsurmountable ….
After all, all religions teach the same Truth. Truth/God/Allah is WITHIN YOU, accessed through true Meditation. India’s moto is : “Satyameva Jayate” (Truth stands Invincible). We plead to India, all the Churches & other religions of the world : Help us in Lanka in an open and fair manner to save our land and all its people !
March 9th, 2012 at 11:49 am
If LTTE,Catholics,or Hindus from Tamil community says we are Tamils all them are Humanrights violeters.
LTTE Destroyed all Political Leaders and their Parties and other Armed movements among Tamils
Hindusiam don´t alllow other than Brahmin to work as Priest all over the world
Catholics Bishop Positions are allways and only for High Cast Tamils.
They want to keep the 3000 yr old cast system as Franz Dias says.
Never respect their own community.
March 10th, 2012 at 3:38 am
Prof McLean has brought outa new insight into the strategy this religious community has brought into the equation. Historically from the days of Conquistadores Europeans with their support of religioussects have been quick to focus on the stratifications of the societies they preyed on; in some countries it was a outright massacres; in others it was distributing germ impregnated blankets; some went as introducers of modern thinking, that is a bit of euclidean geometry they introduced in the time of rennaissance but minus the Astronomy, biology, or geology to fit with the BIble.
INtelligent folks in the West or East consider religiou zealots as laughable idiots. Yet in Jaffna theyfound a fertile ground in the minds of LTTE high command; Piripaharan named his children in the names of saints, Anton Balasingham married an Australian woman and received blessing from the church to put on the cyanide garland around the necks of brainwashed youth. I am not aware of a murmer of dissent that came from priesthood.
Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, Bishop Rayappu Joseph along with their TNA comorts should come clean confess and seek penance for this shameful behaviour – rest of the Sri Lankans are not ina position to sell them indulgences.