Drones are a Crime against Humanity and Responsible for Worst Human Rights Violations
Posted on March 21st, 2014

Dilrook Kannangara

Global human rights violators have found a large loophole in International Law and International Humanitarian Law. Exploiting this loophole they have developed armed drones to kill civilians with impunity. For the sake of the continuation of the human race, these vile killers must be condemned and stopped.
UNHRC must be moved against drones. A resolution must be brought to UNHRC preferably by Pakistan (suffers heavily due to drone attacks on civilians) to condemn, investigate, compensate for and put an end to drone attacks.
Thousands of civilians have been killed in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and a few other places from drone attacks. Wedding houses, schools, hospitals and mosques have been favourite targets of drones. Due to this deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian structures, drones have earned the notoriety of being the worst tools in human rights violation.
Having lost the war in Afghanistan, US troops are pulling out in defeat by the end of 2014. However, they still want to kill Afghan civilians using drones. Afghan president rightfully rejected any agreement to deploy drones after 2014. No democratically elected government can continue in Afghanistan if drones keep killing voters. Preventing drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan is therefore strategically important for world peace. A resurgent and triumphant Afghan rebel group will go after and hunt down those who killed their brethren. The only hope the perpetrators have is drones to eliminate their leaders. Once this option is taken out, they are exposed. For this reason all attempts must be made to prevent further drone attacks.
The potential for drones is enormous. Undemocratic countries can use drones to eliminate peaceful political opponents, destroy minority groups, disrupt shipping/transport lanes and wipe out political movements. It is foolhardy to wait till such time to take action.
UNHRC must be moved this year to prevent drone attacks.

10 Responses to “Drones are a Crime against Humanity and Responsible for Worst Human Rights Violations”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    Drone Obama says that drone attacks are accurate and results in less collateral damage – less civilian deaths. I wonder if he would carry out a drone attack to apprehend a fugitive if one of his daughters are in the vicinity, let alone a kilometer radius. This shows his sheer hypocrisy and how much he values human lives. The depth of depravity of the American psyche is seen by the very word they use for civilian deaths – collateral damage, as if civilians are not human beings and just inanimate matter. The idiots of the Nobel Peace Price committee must have their heads examined for giving the Nobel Prize for Peace to this mass murderer.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    As I said before Russian action is WRONG on principle. This is NOT GOOD DEAR PUTIN. Stop it now.

    “Reuters) – Russia signaled concern on Wednesday at Estonia’s treatment of its large ethnic Russian minority, comparing language policy in the Baltic state with what it said was a call in Ukraine to prevent the use of Russian.

    Russia has defended its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula by arguing it has the right to protect Russian-speakers outside its borders, so the reference to linguistic tensions in another former Soviet republic comes at a highly sensitive moment.”

  3. Sooriarachi Says:

    I respectfully disagree with Dilrook Kannangara. I am quite convinced that the worst form of human rights violation is applying trade sanctions against helpless nations, or any nations for that matter, knowingly, unless too stupid to realise, that it would hurt innocent civilians. A good very recent example is Iraq, where millions died, especially babies and the poor people who didn’t have the means to obtain the bare necessities to survive, due to the trade embargo enforced on Iraq, by the so called human rights defender nations supported by their NGOs and media stooges. All nations that even vote in favour of such sanctions, to allow the big bullies to commit this crime, should be ashamed.

    However, these very same do gooders who shed crocodile tears for those involved in terrorism and the civilians trapped under them, not receiving sufficient food supplies during the Sri Lankan conflict, when in fact Sri Lanka did their best with the help of ICRC and supplied food and essentials to enemy regions, but the terrorists plundered this food and sold at exorbitant prices, which only the richer citizens could afford and the rest was destroyed to deliberately starve the poor for propaganda purposes of the terrorists and supporting NGOs. Today some western leaders and human rights activists are help bent on supporting these very same human rights violators. What a world we live in. Some say human beings could behave worse than animals.

  4. Sooriarachi Says:

    Lorenzo I believe there is valid point you have missed, which makes Crimea different.
    Russia did say they want to protect Russian speaking people, but they emphasised even more on the fact that Crimea was a part of Russia, which was given to Ukraine without the consent of Crimeans, when Ukraine was still a part of the Soviet Union. Today the Soviet Union is no more and Russia’s neighbour, Ukraine under the unelected interim Government, has taken the first step to join the EU, whose NATO forces have already, sort of encircled Russia with their so called “Missile Defence Shield”, and this resulted in Crimeans, who are mostly Russians, instead wanting to return to the Russian camp. They believe they are righting a wrong, similar to the re-unification of Germany, Vietnam etc.

    Even if Russia is “wrong”, we need to applaud Russia simply for holding ground against the NATO juggernaut marching across the middle east and Europe and now trying to neutralise Russia, which along with China are the only two independent nations left, who could give a semblance of a match to the Western alliance.

    Though, Western Nations are perfectly correct to state, it is illegal to dismember another nation and it is even worse to annex even a part of it, the West themselves have not set a good example. Some examples of Western double standards are “Kosovo violently ripped off Yugoslavia, violating even a UN resolution. Then I believe they have annexed Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Hawaii, Diego Garcia etc.

  5. Mr. Bernard Wijeyasingha Says:

    The use of Drones to kill goes well beyond human rights violations. They rank along with the use of chemical weapons, and other methods of murder that the Geneva convention has banned. This is an extremely important issue since the drones are unmanned and controlled by someone using a computer in a distant land. It has already gone viral as other nations are willingly participating in the us of Drone technology.

    Just as in the case of banning the use of chemical weapons during war or peace. Weapons ranging from Agent Orange to Napalm to nerve gas, Drones are the start of a technology of machines being used to kill humans without the direct interaction of humans in the act. In this regard satellites which can also kill have developed to the stage where the impersonal act of murder will become routine, be it in a war situation or an assassination. Unless the Geneva Convention bans such practices the age of unmanned weapons will determine the fate of mankind in the not so distant future.

    Here in the US Drones are now a regular method used by the NSA to spy upon the citizenry. As I write this comment it will be also viewed by the NSA. The days when Americans had the right of the freedom of speech and expression is practically dead with the rise of the NSA and the tools they use to either spy or kill. Right now it is Drones and satellites

  6. Lorenzo Says:


    My ONLY concern is this becomes a TREND against SL by Endia.

    “they emphasised even more on the fact that Crimea was a part of Russia, which was given to Ukraine without the consent of Crimeans, when Ukraine was still a part of the Soviet Union”

    This is NO excuse. Tamilians (including other Endians) say the same thing. They say in 1833 “Tamil traditional homolands” were GIVEN AWAY to Ceylon. Now they want them back!

    But if they go further to the past they can see SL was one piece.

    Crimea has a history LONGER than Soviet Union. Russia LOST the famous Crimean War. Crimea was NOT a Russian majority area until Soviet Union FORCEFULLY settled Russians and chased away Tartars.

    This is EXACTLY what happened in SL. Sinhalese chased away by Endians from the north and settled kallathonis.

    This is where I AGREE with you.

    “Even if Russia is “wrong”, we need to applaud Russia simply for holding ground against the NATO juggernaut marching across the middle east and Europe and now trying to neutralise Russia, which along with China are the only two independent nations left, who could give a semblance of a match to the Western alliance.”

    MIGHT IS RIGHT. Without might the TRUTH becomes useless. I wish Russia and China become the MIGHTIEST (not necessarily the RIGHTEOUS) nations on earth just to bust up the US-EU-Endia-Japan axis of evil.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Now EAST UKRAINE (Russian majority area) wants a referendum to join Russia!!

    “A tense blockade of the Belbek air base base that has endured for more than a week looked set for an inevitable culmination following the seizure of one Ukrainian-held military facility after another in recent days.

    It was the last major Ukrainian military facility in Crimea to fall into the hands of pro-Russian forces. The Ukrainian Defence Ministry hasn’t provided details of how many bases it still controls on the peninsula.”



  8. Nanda Says:

    We need HOSENT alliance with a powerful nation, either Russia or China. URGENT, URGENT, URGENT.

    BLOODY FOOLS DO NOT HEAR. They still wash the feet of ENdians and Kallathonis.

  9. Nanda Says:

    Sorry “HONEST” is the word. We are cheating China. WE MUST STOP cheating.

  10. gsosbee Says:


    Seek not to align with the enemy of mankind, the United States of America:




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