Posted on June 1st, 2015

Kanthar P Balanathan, Australia

General Paranoia

We Tamils are inflicted with parochial superiority complex and paranoia. No one understands and agrees that the racial and ethnic confrontation was launched by our so called Malaysian born SJV Chelvanayaka (m), when he floated the Federal Party (FP) in 1949. SJVC could have fought for a federal system from the British, prior to granting independence, however, he did not, and other politicians did not, that cause has not been disclosed. The main reason that could be ascribed to may be: if asked, the British might not grant favours to those Tamil elites who went to UK for studies and settlement. What was most important to the Tamil elites, who were misleading the Tamil mass, was their family growth: economically, educationally, and accumulation of wealth. The minds of the Tamil elites were inflicted with self-centred selfishness, which was dominating their parochial superiority psychoses mind.

Their first phase was Ghandi yam style struggle. FP was creating the government immense governing problem. The details are well known to SriLankans, and need not be detailed here in this article. If the government did not respect the minority issues, they could have enacted by act of parliament to eliminate such anti-government propaganda, hartals and Satyagraha. However, SWRD, DS, and the politicians made efforts to formulate schemes to satisfy the Tamil politician’s power hunger greed.

  1. If one could focus on the country. The British gave independence to the island as CEYLON”. The British did not consider traditional homelands of different ethnic groups in the island to grant independence. It was CEYLON” that received its independence. Can we get this concept through our thick skull?
  2. The second concept was that the country will be governed through DEMOCRACY”.
  3. The British throne will be the ultimate head of state.
  4. Privy Council will be the supreme judiciary.

The Tamils had strong focus for their family advancement and migration to the west.

The weakness of the Tamil’s is their Superiority Complex”, with inborn megalomania.

The second phase was armed struggle.

It is absolutely, with no doubt, we all know that the youngsters Thangathurai and Kuttimani took up arm struggle, and the driver behind them was FP, through a representative in Valvettiturai. The above two youngsters were nothing but smugglers.

With these two Vellupillai Prabakaran who did not even complete his year 9, got involved. Following LTTE, more than 25 armed groups gave birth. Subsequently majority of the groups were aligned to the government. Now we have to apply the democratic principle here, don’t we?

The Vaddukoddai declaration was FP driven, declared on the 14th May 1976 for a Tamil Nation called, Tamil Eelam”. This is an unexpected birth of a young new born baby, creating chaos in the minds of the SriLankans. Not all the Tamils welcomed and cuddled this declaration.

  1. We can concurrently state that the country was in turmoil for 22 years of Ghandi yam disturbances by the FP. (1948-1970)
  2. For 25 years the country’s assets were destroyed and human life sacrificed, not valued, with the murder by LTTE. (1970-1995)
  3. For 14 years LTTE invaded Vanni and conducted their mushroom administration.

Can one SriLankan raise his finger and say that the government did not attempt to solve the issues?

GOSL attempted to bring about a solution through various discussions, Thimbu etc., however, it did not get through the thick skull of neither Vellupillai Prabakaran, nor the Tamil Diaspora & local politicians. For the Tamil Diaspora and the local politics they planned a conspiracy to eliminate VP because they would not accept the caste of VP.  Money making perpetrators wanted the struggle to prolong so that they could accumulate wealth.

SriLankan economy was quite poor, and the government until 2004 did not take any positive measures to impede the terrorist actions, nor improve the economic condition. Only Tamils, were on illegal entry to Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, and Europe. Tamils in these countries established a safe haram and these Tamils were marked as scapegoats” by the elite Tamil Diaspora to destroy SL under various slogans.

After the war against terrorism” that ended in 2009, Tamil refugees flooded various European countries including Australia and New Zealand. It was LTTE’s super plan to send youngsters and even children at the age of 13 or 14, as refugees for their mission to destroy SL. All of LTTE’s terrorist efforts ended in 2009 with the LTTE supporters accumulating wealth through Benami transactions.

Current Paranoia of Tamil Diaspora

Currently, Tamil Diaspora, particularly refugee migrants, and uneducated are being used as scapegoats by mysterious, clandestine, veiled Tamil elites, and these poor peasants are on the run to gain popularity among the Tamils, that they are patriots of Tamil Eelam.

These peasants should remember one key aspect: If they are patriots, then they should go back to SL and contest an election and fight for a solution, rather living on dole, and propagating big lies.

It is dishonouring and disgracing to note Tamil radios have allowed some programmers to talk about people who died 30 years ago, in the pretext that the SL navy killed a girl called, Kumuthini”. These radios frequently talk about the war against terrorism, as freedom fight and about the Tamils killed. These Tamils have not got the guts to talk about the thousands of innocent people, politicians, prime Ministers, and Presidents killed by the LTTE. LTTE is a slaughter group, embracing nil principle, but killed all those who did not agree with them. It is known that the world should know how many thousands of humans, LTTE has slaughtered.

LTTE is no different to AL-Qaeda. LTTE had a group called Black Tigers”. It is the suicide squad. Principally, if a terrorist group embrace suicide squads, killing children as 16/18years, then the group can only be stamped as, RUTHLESS MURDERERS”.

It is all because of the shortfall in the intelligence of the young uneducated youth that were being used as scapegoats by the Tamil Elite politicians.

  1. Currently the talk of the town is that drugs are being sold and used in the North. Who are selling the drugs? Who is buying the drugs? It is the Tamils who are selling and buying the drugs.
  2. Rapes and sex are on the increase among youngsters. Who are these youngsters? It is the Tamils again.
  3. Theft is on the increase in the North. Who are the thieves and burglars? They are Tamil again.
  4. Liquor is being sold in the North, which is blemishing the youngsters. Weren’t there any liquor shops in 1950/1960/1970? Who is selling these liquor? It is the Tamils again.

A politicians made a statement that liquor is being consumed by young boys of age as 16. Whose fault is this? Where are the parents? Why don’t they address this issue? Why is a politician talking about this on a foreign soil?

The key issue is: Tamils in the North are flooded with cash from their relatives overseas. They do not know how the poor uneducated peasant refugee, sacrifices his life to earn the money and send it to his/her parent/brother/sister in Jaffna. Tamils in Jaffna enjoy. Why don’t the politicians visit villages and towns to study the pattern?

One agenda that is being signalled around, over the Tamil radio is: Although the terrorist war has ended, have the Tamil’s got what they wanted? What! NPC was given, elections held in 2013. Tamils are still woofing. Why? It is because Tamils will never be contended. We are megalomaniac and suffer from superiority complex.

Here Tamil Diaspora peasants have forgot a term called, Democracy”, majority rule, minority rights”. Well, the minority cannot have everything. Rule and governance goes by the democratic principles. The country cannot shovel the majority to a side, and give everything to the minority, which is undemocratic.

In the case of Tamils, Tamils tell the lower caste, that elites are being elected democratically. Elites hold all leading positions and allow the lower caste to do menial work only. Mentally how does this project to an educated person? The elite Tamils and politicians contradict to whatever they say.

According to a gentleman’s view who had returned from SL is that Tamils are on a spree of building temples in the North, giving business to the Indians. Have the Tamil Diaspora thought whether this is a good act for Tamil’s future?

Jaffna has an array of jewellery and finance shops. This means that Tamils in Jaffna have abundance of wealth to purchase jewellery, and abundance of assets to borrow. Why groan about widows? Why cannot the Tamil Diaspora who swindle money, help these poor widows? Radios waste more time talking about martyrs and widows, why not talk about helping widows, rather building temples.


  1. A challenge to those Tamil Diaspora hillbillies: Don’t howl, growl, and woof on foreign soil and via Tamil radios. If you have the guts, then go back to SriLanka and contest an election to see if you can win.
  2. If a family loses its breadwinner, the family does not go on woofing for ever. They shut up and find ways and means of growing to meet the challenge in life.
  3. Just because the microphone in the Tamil broadcasting radio station is in your hands, don’t think that whatever you say is the right opinion, and whatever listeners say is wrong. That’s identified as a character of megalomania”.
  4. Carrying tiger flags on foreign soil may pose a threat to the country’s national sovereignty. Tigers, whatever, people say, were identified as terrorists, even by USA.
  5. Think to yourselves that LTTE’ wealth accumulation was out of drug dealing & wheeling only.
  6. If a military person farts on the roads of Jaffna, Tamils woof that its human rights violation. Think that Tamils are on the run of drug dealing and wheeling, rapes and murder, thefts, and all of ill felt acts in the North.
  7. Tell the parents to look after their children, and manage the family well.
  8. Understand that liquor shops were in Jaffna for donkey years. NPC should address if there are illegal shops, and those that violates the law and the culture.
  9. Drug dealers were doing business in Valvettiturai even before the 1950s. That’s how VVT man became rich. NPC should address the drug dealing and wheeling, and take this up with the PM.
  10. Remember, the war against terrorism was not invited by the majority or the government of SriLanka, but it is the Tamil politicians, with shortfall in intelligence, perception and competence, invited and launched the terrorist war. Where are the children and grandchildren of those politicians?
  11. Where did terrorism give birth? It is in Valvettiturai”. Think why?
  12. Remember 49% of the Tamils in SriLanka live outside the North & East. What do you want to do with them? Why not the Tamil radios talk about it?
  13. Why is Tamil Nadu using Tamils in SL as scapegoats?
  14. Why are Tamil elites using lower caste Tamil refugees as scapegoats for anti-government propaganda?

We know that only a few Tamils are now engaged in an attempt of indoctrination through radio & Internet, of the Tamils, to wage war against GOSL and the Sinhalese people. The 19th May incident in Jaffna is a typical paradigm. The refugee peasants who have invaded countries should endeavour to study the country’s language, and make use of the country’s facilities. They should not use the country’s freedom and facilities to wage terrorist war against SriLanka through sleeping cells in the North. Any country will tolerate up to its sovereignty not being threatened.


  1. Ratanapala Says:

    Thank you Kanthar. You are a great patriot. You have spared no time and effort to expose the hypocrisy of the bigoted Racist Tamils. In life it is great to be grateful.

    They had the best of education and jobs to boot during and after colonial times.

    What a country we could have had if not for the ungrateful Racist Tamils? Sri Lanka lost all opportunities to become a rich middle income country during the late seventies up to 2009 due to Racist Tamil selfishness. Never happy, never satisfied. There are millions in Sri Lanka who are far worse off than the Tamils and yet the Racist Tamils can only think of themselves. They live among the Sinhalese in the South, work and have businesses in the South and yet they will not allow Sinhalese to live in the North.

    The Racist Tamil mindset is not different anywhere else in the world either. They are involved in thievery, money laundering, human smuggling and financial fraud. Dishonesty is like mother’s milk to their psyche.

    This is not to say there aren’t honest, law abiding and Tamils who wish well for the other. We are greatly indebted to Kanthar and his expose’s.

  2. stanley perera Says:

    It is nice to come from Kanthar. Thank you for revealing the true nature of the Racist Tamil’s thinking pattern. Why can’t they list out the grievances they are clammering for? There is no difference between SHYLOCK AND THE SRI LANKAN TAMILS EXCEPT FOR A HANDFULL OF DECENT TAMILS. PERHAPS,

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