Buddhists from Sri Lanka open campaign to propagate Buddhism in Germany in 1957
Posted on May 3rd, 2016

Public Meeting at Ananda College, Colombo on May 30, 1953


The main purpose of this meeting was to make public the findings of the survey carried out by Asoka Weeraratna on the current state of Buddhist activities in Germany and the prospects for a Buddhist Mission to Germany before the Buddha Jayanthi celebrations in 1956, and to embark on a membership drive.

Hon. C.W.W. Kannangara, Minister of Local Government presided at the Meeting, which was largely attended and comprised a very representative gathering of leading Buddhists. 

Ven. Baddegama Piyaratana Maha Nayake Thera, Principal of Vidyodaya Pirivena, administered ‘ Pansil’.   

Mr. Asoka Weeraratna in welcoming those present explained the object of the meeting  and presented a detailed account of his survey of the present state of Buddhism in Germany made during his recent visit. He pointed out the importance of Germany and the unique contribution it has made towards the enrichment of European thought, culture and science. He stated that Germany was the pulse of the European continent, and that the largest number of Theravada Buddhists of Europe was at present found in Germany. 

At the end of Asoka’s detailed presentation, Hon. C.W.W. Kannangara moved the following Motion:

  This House is of the opinion that the public of Ceylon should fully support the efforts of the Lanka Dhammaduta Society for the establishment of the Sambuddhasasana in Germany and propagate Buddhism in Europe ”

 Ven. Pandit D. Revata Thera seconded the Motion, which was unanimously adopted by the House.

Next, Mr. C.D.A. Gunawardena moved the following Motion:

  This House is of the opinion that the Lanka Dhammaduta Society should take immediate steps to send a Buddhist Mission to Germany before 1956 in order to commemorate the 2500th year of the birth of the Buddha and further that the Society should take immediate steps to establish a permanent Buddhist Centre in Germany comprising a Vihara, Preaching Hall, Library, and Settlement for Upasakas ”.

 Ven. Pandit Akuretiye Amarawansa Thero seconded the Motion, which was unanimously adopted by the House.

 Ven. Baddegama Piyaratana Maha Nayake Thera, Principal of Vidyodaya Pirivena, Ven. Kirivattaduwa Pannasara Nayaka Thera, Principal of Vidyalankara Pirivena, Ven. Nyanatiloka Maha Thera (the German monk) and Mudaliyar P.D. Ratnatunga and Mr. H.L. Caldera all spoke in support of the work of the Society and the great importance of sending a Buddhist Mission to Germany before the Buddha Jayanthi celebrations in B.E. 2500 (1956 AD).

 Ven. Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Maha Thera added that one of the greatest services that one can do to the Sasana is to help the Society to establish the Buddhist Dispensation in Europe with Germany as its center. 

Hon. C.W.W. Kannangara, Minister of Local Government, speaking from the Chair said that he had known the Hon. Secretary of the Society, Mr. Asoka Weeraratna from his boyhood and that he could vouch for his integrity. The Hon. Minister added that the Society was going to serve one of the greatest causes of Buddhism launched after the Great Emperor Asoka of India. He therefore urged that all Buddhists should back the Society in every way in order to help it to establish the Buddhasasana firmly in Germany before the Buddha Jayanthi of 1956. 

Public Meeting at Colombo Town Hall on September 06, 1954


A well attended public meeting was held at the Colombo Town Hall on September 06, 1954 sponsored by the German Dharmaduta Society to raise funds ( One Million Rupees – Dasa Laksha Aramudala ) to sponsor a Buddhist Mission to Germany. Mr. Dudley Senanayake presided at this meeting. 

Top Picture – Mr. Dudley Senanayake is seen addressing the gathering.

Middle Picture –  The German Ambassador Dr. Georg Ahrens is seen speaking.

Bottom Picture – Left to Right Dr. G.P. Malalasekera, Hon. J.R. Jayewardene, Hon. C.W.W. Kannangara, Hon. R.G. Senanayake, Dr. Georg Ahrens ( German Ambassador ) and Hon. U Ba Lwin ( Burmese Ambassador).


Laying of the Foundation Stone

This photo was taken on December 9, 1955 on the occasion of the laying of the Foundation Stone to construct the headquarters of the German Dhramaduta Society at No. 417, Bullers Road (later known as Bauddhaloka Mawatha), Colombo 7.

Walther Schmits participated in this event in laying a foundation stone together with several other dignitaries.

Names of the individuals in the picture are as follows:

Right to left:

Hon. Arnold Ratnayake ( Minister of Home Affairs)

J.L.E. Fernando, CCS ( President, Lanka Dhammaduta Society later known as German Dharmaduta Society)

The first West German Ambassador to Ceylon, Dr. Georg Ahrens

Hon. Dudley Senanayake ( former Prime Minister of Ceylon)

Asoka Weeraratna (Founder and Hony Secretary of GDS )

Hema Basnayake, QC ( Attorney – General)

Nelson Soysa

Opening of the Headquarters of the German Dharmaduta Society on August 07, 1956

berlinTemple05The Headquarters of the German Dharmaduta Society at No. 417, Bullers Road ( later Bauddhaloka Mawatha), Colombo 07It was declared open by Hon. S..W. R.D. Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Ceylon, on August 7, 1956

berlinTemple06Hon. S..W. R.D. Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Ceylon, ( centre ) is being escorted to the site of the public meeting by Asoka Weeraratna (left) and J.L.E. Fernando, CCS,

First President of the Lanka Dhammaduta Society ( later known as German Dharmaduta Society) on August 7, 1956. The head quarters of the GDS was declared open on this day.
Young Asoka Weeraratna delivering his speech


See http://asokaweeraratna.org/gds.htm


  • Deutsche buddhistische Gesellschaft 1957
  • Beschreibung: Fotographie der Repräsentanten der deutschen buddhistischen Gesellschaften, die in München 15.-16. September 1957


Photo: A section of the large crowd present to witness the opening ceremony of the new Headquarters of the German Dharmaduta Society and Sanghavasa at 417, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, on August 07, 1956.

S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike, Hon. Prime Minister, delivering his speech after declaring open the new Headquarters of the German Dharmaduta Society and Sanghavasa at 417, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, on August 07, 1956.


Asoka Weeraratna delivering a speech on Buddhism to a German audience in Munich on Sept. 15 – 16, 1957      

  • Asoka Weeraratna 1957 München
  • Beschreibung: Asoka Weeraratna (Gründer & Sekretär, German Dharmaduta Society), spricht auf einer Sitzung der Repräsentanten der deutschen buddhistischen Gesellschaften in München im September 1957


A Training Centre for Buddhist Missionary work in Germany was opened in Dalugama, Kelaniya in 1953

Left to Right: Mr. Simpson Wijeratne; Ven. Galle Anuruddha; Ven. Ñânaponika; Ven. Ñyânatiloka; Upâsaka Friedrich Möller ( later known as Ven. Polgasduwe Nyanawimala), Ven. Kudawella Vangissa and Mr. Asoka Weeraratna ( Founder and Hon. Secretary of the German Dharmaduta Society)


Ven. Nyanaponika Thera handing over a Buddha Statue and Ola Leaf Book to Asoka Weeraratna ( Founder and Hony. Secretary of the Lanka Dhammaduta Society – later known as the German Dharmaduta Society) at the Ratmalana Airport on Feb. 20, 1953 prior to his departure to Germany to assess the situation in that country for Buddhist Missionary  work from Sri Lanka. Ven, Pandit Akuretiya Amarawansa Nayake Thera can be seen in the middle of the photo. Next to Ven. Amarawansa on his left is Dr. R.P. Wijeratne ( Hony. Treasurer of the Society) and first Sri Lankan to obtain the MD . He is the father of Dr. Jayantha Wijeratne ( an old Anandian) now residing in London.


Left to Right

J.L.E. Fernando, CCS ( President , Lanka Dhammaduta Society )

Asoka Weeraratna ( Founder, Lanka Dhammaduta Society later known as German Dharmaduta Society)

Ven. Nyanaponika Thero ( German monk )

At the Ratmalana Airport (near Colombo) on February 20, 1953 on the occasion of the departure of Asoka Weeraratna to Germany

to investigate the potential of sending a Buddhist mission from Ceylon to Germany., and setting up a fully fledged Buddhist Vihara in Germany.


Ven. Nyanatiloka Maha Thera and Samanera Friedrich Muller ( later known as Ven. Polgasduwe Nyanawimala Maha Thera) – circa 1955 at Polgasduwa.


Das Buddhistische Haus (Berlin Vihara) Das Buddhistische Haus (Berlin Vihara)




The German Dharmaduta Society to celebrate 60th anniversary

by Janaka Perera



One Response to “Buddhists from Sri Lanka open campaign to propagate Buddhism in Germany in 1957”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Germany is a good place at the moment as the Yama pallange yama palanaya reinging in Sri Lanka.

    UNPatriotic party has been the best Buddhist killing party for over 50 years. Even the monks haven’t been
    safe under them.

    They killed over 60,000 Buddhist jvpers. They were brutal in putting them down when they rebelled.
    There was no rehabilitation like Sirima B did. She rounded them all up rehabilitate and released them back to
    the society. But the Buddhist killer UNPatriotic party tortured and killed and killed for several years.
    What rehabilitation?

    When catholic tigers of tamil drealam rebelled, it was of course different since hitler pira(mala)paharan, tamil
    selvan, anton balasinyo, kasippu joseph, em manure etc. etc. were/are catholics plus the UNPatriotic party
    had to please catholic west. Staunchly catholic countries like norway, italy, uk, us etc. etc. were more
    than willing to help the catholic tigers in order to break up Sri Lanka and create a catholic country.

    Even after attacking Sri Maha Bodhi and Sri Dalada Maligawa and killing pilgrims, UNPatriotic party didn’t
    want to take action. They knew Sinhala modayas will never figure out why. So they dragged the war on for over
    30 years since the catholic tigers were mainly killing Buddhist civilians, Buddhist tri forces personnel. Even
    scores of Buddhist monks were massacred. Still no action. Catholic tigers never harmed a single priest.
    Never damaged a church while they attacked the most sacred places for the Buddhists. Being famous for
    modayas, Sinhalese never paused for a moment and wondered why.

    UNPatriotics always rules with pathalayin in the background to silence any opposition. Thambi mudiyanse jr
    had gonawila sunil. Lk porisada had soththi upali. Then alugosu pol pot ponil had gonawila sunil. Always pathalyin
    in their pockets. Opposition? What opposition? With these YAMA PALLAN, Buddhism is the last thing they have
    in their minds. But there are enough Sinhala modayas to believe these murderous gang. So mayhem and
    robbery is the order of the day. Work? What work? We never done any work! Tell some lies and Sinhala modays
    will believe every word!

    Some of pathala man pol pot ponil recent pachas.


    (This is a shameless man who said he would scrap port city when they win as it was a waste of money.
    Then he crawled to China in all four with the begging bowl.)

    Sinhalaya are modayas?
    Of course they are!

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