Ranil Wickremasinghe’s New UNP
Posted on May 27th, 2016
Courtesy WWW.savethesinhalese.org
Dangerous Prospects expected arrival of Eelamists and ISIS
The objectives of the founding fathers of the United National Party launched on the 6th September 1946 was to establish national unity through construction. The subjugation and exploitation of the Sinhalese Buddhists of Sri Lanka by the colonial powers was to be replaced by progressive economic and social reforms preserving the Buddhist cultural heritage for the benefit of all Sri Lankans.
This was in order to strike a blow to the foundations of a social hierarchy established benefiting the colonial masters and based on wealth, favouritism and punitive acts against the ‘natives’.

These same colonial powers bestowed great privileges on those that betrayed their own and served the colonial masters faithfully like the Jayawardenas and Bandaranayakes who acted against Sinhalese Buddhists. They had also adopted the Christian faith of the colonial masters. However these immoral, unjust and illegal practices were to cease with the birth of the new nation with a patriotic and righteous leadership. It was a time for rejoicing for the dawning of a new age promoting a just and equitable life for all.
JPW UNP Killers of Young Buddhists” 1989 Insurgency
The process of effective good governance is dependent on the consent of the governed, with the authority of the government resting with a sovereign people. Appointments were made on merit rather than personal friendships, love affairs, favouritism and party donations. These fundamental principles underpinned their policies. This party was led by inspired benevolent leaders collectively creating a strong constructive force that strengthened the foundation of the nation.
The founding fathers could not foresee the terrible fate that awaited the UNP and the nation. There emerged a cruel, malevolent predatory leadership that subjugated the nation as the colonial predators did. The untimely death of our great and beloved iconic Sinhalese Buddhist leader Mr Dudley S. Senanayake paved the way for the Jayawardena Premadasa clan to become the leaders of this great political party.
Before 1977 members of parliament and cabinet ministers were not paid any salaries, they needed tobe financially independent. Great civilized benevolent human beings of great and good calibre dedicated themselves to the service of their beloved country.
The anti-Budhist, anti-Senanayake Jayawardena Premadasa Wickremasinghe led UNP wiped the benevolent legacy of just rule and created a hostile executive presidency that brought despotism and a reign of terror to Buddhist Lanka. This new UNP was instrumental in discriminating against the Buddhists and the poor rural youth all Buddhists. The atrocities committed were worse than those committed by foreign invaders. The disintegration of political, social and moral high standards was absolute.
The dignity and stability of the nation was destroyed. An evil doctrine was promoted espousing the abuse of power accompanied by unbridled ambition, whilst facilitating the stripping of national resources in order to increase the material gain of the new UNP party faithful. The new UNP promoted under achievement in the Sinhalese Buddhists. instead of training and educating the masses into a formidable workforce they exploited the poor encouraging them to become a subservient under class. A modern slave trade was established sending the unskilled and semi-skilled to the Middle East to serve the Arabs where they are humiliated, degraded, bullied and sometimes their dead bodies are sent home.
The new UNP was also responsible for the growth in Tamil terrorism and their crimes against humanity during this period (1977-!994). There was no effective counter terrorist mechanism in place or any structured protocols for combating the worldwide false propaganda carried out by some treacherous Tamils living abroad.
Selected Tamils and the Sinhalese insurgents were tortured to death in Buddhist Lanka. Some Tamil terrorist were entertained in sumptuous five star hotels, some were given money and weapons as stated by witnesses. It was alleged that the current Tamil advisor to Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe Mr Paskaralingam was given a large sum of money by the Tamil terrorists of the liberation Tamil terrorist organisation to be handed to Mr Wickremasinghe, to date there has been no investigations regarding this allegation. If true what was the purpose of this secret gift of money?
The new UNP kicked the noble eight fold path of Buddhism out of Sri Lanka as it introduced the notorious prevention of terrorism act which enabled the security forces and some new UNP members to dispose of the their opponents and the Sinhalese Buddhist insurgents without inquests(Rule55).
The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna in 1987 having moved away from the Buddhist philosophy just like the new UNP launched a savage insurgency. The barbaric savagery of the response of the security forces is unparalleled in the history of Sri Lanka. Torture chambers were constructed, torture mechanisms, tools used were similar to those used in Russia under the rule of the psychopath Joseph Stalin with further improvements by Mossad agents.. Buddhist Lanka became a centre for inhumanity. The extreme cruelty and barbarism of the new UNP administration and the duplicity of the armed forces shocked the civilized world but no action was taken to terminate this reign of terror. The New UNP and Mossad agency managed to throw out the Buddhist doctrine there was no effective opposition from the Buddhists, Buddhist clergy or the Buddhist institutions.
After the second Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna insurrection (1987-1989) all opposition was crushed with brutal force whilst a favoured few of all communities profited. The majority Buddhist Sinhalese suffered in silence. Furthermore the treasonous activities of the new UNP, violation of human rights and abuse of power by the administration and law enforcement agencies were accepted as the norm. The legacy of institutionalised terror was perpetuated. According to witnesses the present the leader of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna Rohana Wijeweera was cremated alive! Throughout history barbaric acts by the Muslims and Christians have been recorded but never in a Buddhist country where Theravada Buddhism has been established. Sri Lanka became the first such state hopefully the last.
Death Squads and the underworld triumphed as Buddhism disappeared from the traditional home of the Sinhalese. Death Squads in Buddhist Lanka (Initiative of the JPW-New UNP). PRRA, Green cats, Black Cats, Scorpions (white vans) roamed in our our great land turning toxic by the efforts of this new UNP (1977-1994). This party therefore should be shunned by the civilized world and Buddhists of Sri Lanka. This party is guilty of treason and crimes against humanity.
JPW- New UNP has no remorse, no plans to to bring the perpetrators, the criminals to justice for the crimes committed against the Sinhalese Buddhists (1987-1994). No adequate compensation initiated for the grieving families. The new UNP presumes it has the god given right to dispose of the Sinhalese Buddhists and their traditional homeland any way they wish.
An accelerated Decline of Buddhism began with the Jayawardena Premadasa Wickremasinghe new UNP policies (1977-2015). Buddhist Lanka was transformed into an island of terror, it is alleged that Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe in support of his uncle president Jayawardena became an active participant in the proceedings and processes of state terrorism culminating in the death of eighty thousand young Buddhists.
- Total Betrayal and Absolute Treachery to the nation’-Presidential Commission Nov.2003.
- The Sinhalese Buddhist of Sri Lanka are preparing to sacrifice Sri Lanka again, getting ready to hand over our beloved motherland to a proven traitor. a gift to a traitor with the blessings of President Maithripala Sirisena. This is making a statement that the Sinhalese are dispensable and do not deserve a home land. Let them be slaves forever.
- Mr Ranil Wickremasinghe was one of several that was blamed by the presidential commission implicated, blamed and held responsible for the betrayal of the Officers of the Army’s top-secret Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol(LRRP) in 2002 Athurugiriya by the Sri Lankan Presidential Commission. He was the Prime Minister (Hindustan Times)
- Ranl Wickremasinghe was a senior minister allegedly involved with the inhumane illegal barbaric activities of the security forces and death squads, the infliction of torture on Buddhist youngsters. Commissions Report 12-04-1998 on Batalanda torture chamber killings (1987-1992) under JPW New UNP administration.
A glance at Ranil Wickreasinghe’s documented ancestry helps to understand his conduct and that of his uncle. JR Jayawardena who was a descendent of Don Adrian whose ancestor emigrated to Sri Lanka from the Coromandel coast in Tamil Nadu. He married a Sinhalese, Miss Jayawardena and took her name,called himself Mr Jayawardena.
Don Adrian was a spy helping the Dutch to exploit Sri Lanka. Captured by the British he became a British spy and distinguished himself as a dedicated , faithful servant of the British. Systematically he carried out activities of betrayal against the Sinhalese. Allegations have been that information given by him helped the British to capture the great iconic Sinhalese Buddhist patriot Monarawela Kappetipola and Shastri King Sri Wickrema Rajasinghe. Don Adrian was the best spy the British had. He continued to betray the Sinhalese, the indigenous inhabitants of Sri Lanka. He was made the guide headman, chief spy the Tombi Mudliyar the most trusted aid of the invaders, became the aide to Sir John D’Oyly the enemy of the Sinhalese. He did everything to undermine the Sinhalese Buddhists kingdom. The British rewarded him and gave permission to take any land anywhere in Sri Lanka. Ranil is JR Jayawardena’s nephew. Thus the betrayal of the Sinhalese is a family affair. The approach therefore is to use the the cunning but gullible Buddhists to realize his dreams, ambitions and help him and his cronies to satisfy their insatiable appetites. Treachery and betrayal seem to be the natural course of action in the journey to the summit. Sinhalese like the elephants, other mammal, birds, insects, the forests, the rivers, the sea and Sri Lanka to be used and disposed of at will. Hope springs eternal that one day perhaps Ranil will return to his uncles traditional homeland in Tamil Nadu.
The great tragedy is the attitude of the armed forces and law enforcement offices, it is beyond belief that they protect the criminals in parliament and punish the poor for petty crimes, all Buddhists. They have become the defenders of the worst criminals in the country. It is their failure that has brought this country to the brink. There is no rule of law, anarchy prevails. Perhaps they can learn lessons from Oliver Cromwell.
The new JPW-UNP has proved that it it is an unacceptable monstrous political machine that would destroy the traditional homeland of the Sinhalese forever and easily due to many terrible weaknesses of the Sinhalese race.
If the Muslim or Christian youngsters were tortured to death the world would have convulsed and brought the perpetrators to justice as they did bringing the Nazi war criminals to justice after the war (1945-1949). Any other man with self respect and dignity would have left Sri Lanka as Sir John Kotalawela did. Ranil cannot leave as he appears to be the darling of all communities.
Do the Sinhalese have grass included in their diet? Surely the time has come for the Sinhalese to take the finger off the self destruct button and unite with temporary cessation of hostilities, jealousy and treasonous activities?.
- Reasons for the imminent fall of the Sinhalese-A perspective.
- Mediocre leadership with a tendency to commit treason
- The unity, loyalty and integrity of the Tamil speaking communities.
May 28th, 2016 at 2:57 am
Not surprisingly 0 comments about the article. For a lot of traitor Sinhalese this catholic traitor chief pol pot
ponil wickramasinhalakiller is a hero, a devout Buddhist, economic osthar etc. etc. But to Sinhalese with an
iota of patriotism in them, he is the biggest traitor ever probably only second to his murderous, alugosuwa (to
Sinhalese only) uncle thambi mudiyanse.
Alugosu thambi mudiyanse put foundations to break up Sri Lanka by signing 13 while torturing and killing 1000s
Sinhalese Buddhists. But when it came to real terrorists, alugosuwa was impotent since catholic tigers of tamil
drealam was backed up by the catholic west. Then came another alugosuwa, lk porisada. He was more brutal
than thambi mudiyanse. Again impotent against the real terrorists. Then came the craftiest of them all, pot pot
ponil wickramasinhalakiller, the token Buddhist, die hard catholic who quickly gave half the country to his
catholic buddy hitler pira(mala)paharan. if it was not enough, he quickly grassed the millennium city intelligent
officers to ltte aka catholic tigers of tamil drealam to expedite the cause. Pol pot ponil wickramasinhala killer was
the architect of Batalande torture camps. He ran this camp with his catholic buddy policemen. Google the names
of those police.
Nobody read the Batalande Commission Report which concluded pol pot ponil wickramasinhalakiller was responsible
for mass murder. Jvpers were killed since they were 99% Buddhists, 1% jvp. They weren’t rehabilitated like Sirima
B did. Catholic run UNPatriotic party quickly took action to eradicate large chunk of Buddhist population by terrorising and murdering more than 50,000 Buddhist jvpers. But the UNPatriotics didn’t want to hurt the real terroirsts since they were killing mainly Buddhist tri forces personnel, Buddhist civilians and Buddhist police.
So they dragged the war on for 30 years giving an air of bogus invincibility to catholic tigers of tamil drealam and
got rid of more than 100,000 Buddhist lives. Not bad for the catholic-run UNPatriotic party. A lot of Sinhala modayas
were clueless so they still worship this Buddhism destroying, Sinhalese killing, Sri Lanka destroying murderous gang.
Those Sinhala modayas never wondered why staunchly catholic countries like norway, us, uk, italy, germany,
france etc. etc. fully supported catholic tigers of tamil drealam. They never paused for a moment and wondered
why catholic tigers never attacked a church or hurt a priest while killing scores of pilgrims including Buddhist monks in Sri Maha Bodhi, Sri Dalada Maligawa and Aranthalawa. Still no action from catholic run UNPatriotic party. Those
traitor Sinhala donkeys never wondered how and who killed Soma Thero when the whole story was on www. That’s
how pathetic those Sinhala donkeys who supports this murderous gang. These traitor donkeys never wondered why
UNHCR so busy trying to punish MR who stopped formation of a catholic country in Sri Lanka while turning a blind
eye to catholic tigers of tamil drealam who killed more than 100,000 Sinhalese Buddhists. Sinhalese donkeys who
support this murderous gang where are your brains? Where are your eyes? Where are your ears? Is there a limit
to your treachery to your motherland? Traitors to the core!
Interesting links to read for traitor Sinhala modayas who support this murderous gang who never did anything who never does anything to Sri Lanka, Sinhalese or Buddhism. Still one big lie from this murderous tom pachayas, traitor lot will vote with their feet. If they ever did anything it was for the minorities who will always vote for them
no matter what.
Please Google Sri Lanka’s underworld leaders. You will see all UNPatriotic party pathalayin.
Google ltte christian connections.
Google who and how Soma Thero was killed.
Read also Batalanda Report.
Google to see one IP from Batalanda camp now saying how Sinhalese youth were tortured and murdered.