LTTE Terrorism-Church Links – Can someone explain these photos?
Posted on September 26th, 2016

Shenali D Waduge

The following photos are alarming and raises more questions than answers. Who can explain the connection?

There were many Church-based NGOs operating in the North and East throughout the conflict. Many of them had their offices virtually next door to LTTE offices.

Audit the monies sent to these organizations throughout 30 years and evaluate against what they had done against what their websites and reports claimed they did. What were they really upto in the North and East when LTTE was running a defacto state using LTTE police, LTTE judiciary, LTTE courts, LTTE schools, LTTE teachers, LTTE curency…? Who can answer?


Father Emmanuel of GTF – whats the flag at the podium? LTTE flag

He and his diaspora organization were banned under UNSC Resolution 1373 but has since change of government been deproscribed under reconciliation. He is on record saying he is first a Tamil and then a Christian. He called Prabhakaran ‘Jesus Christ’, the LTTE ‘soldiers of Christ’, the suicide bombers ‘martyrs of the Catholic Church’ to whom the Church provided a Catholic burial, and proclaimed himself as ‘the Moses’ who would lead the Tamil nation from the bondage of Sinhalese-Buddhists to the land chosen for them by God: Eelam.

Fr. Jegath Gasper Raj main link for Tigers in India Tamil Tigers and the Church consider Fr. Gaspar Raj as their latest pop priest.”

LTTE Voice of Tigers tied up with Radio Veritas, a Catholic broadcasting station run by the Asian Catholic Bishops Conference based in The Philippines. The Tamil Service of the Radio Veritas is run by the Tamil Catholics of Tamil Nadu. Voice of Tigers had a “coordinating office” inside St. Sebastian’s Church in Mallavi, Wanni; the office was opened by the pro-LTTE Bishop of Mannar Fr. Rayappu Joseph.

Incidentally, Jaffna Mayor and MP of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, Alfred Duraiappa, Prabhakaran’s first assassination, had got off at the Madhu Church before proceeding to Jaffna. Many believe it was a tip off from the Church that informed Prabhakaran of Duraiappah’s arrival in Jaffna, leading to his death.

 World Council of Churches has been promoting the concept of traditional homeland theory in 1994 at the UNHRC in Geneva.

The power of the Church is such that the present Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu even repealed the anti-conversion law (in 2004) implemented by her own Government. For this she was rewarded with the Golden Star for Dignity and Honor from the International Human Rights Defense Committee, a Christian body funded by USAID. She was also awarded with the Bharath Jyothi in 2005 and evangelist KA Paul presented Rs. 1 crore for tsunami relief. In 2003, Sri Lanka’s Buddhist and Hindu leaders also drafted an anti-conversion bill, but heavy Church influence upon the Government has ensured reluctance to implement it.

There are some 3000 Churches/para-churches in and around Chennai, 46 Bible colleges, 23 Christian media centers, 122 Christian magazines in English and Tamil, 114 church planting missions. The Church sponsors rallies, posters, conventions etc. Christianity is broadcast via national Doordarshan, satellite/cable channels of GOD TV, CBN, TBN, MiracleNet, Daystar TV, Raj TV, Zee TV, Vijay TV, Blessing TV, Angel TV, Shalom TV, Jeevan TV and web-based telecasts like Jesus Calls, Num.TV. These Christian channels are relayed to 216 cities across India to an audience of 21million.

The church also had played a role in these activities in Norway with the involvement of the World Council of Churches to which the National Christian Council (NCC) in Sri Lanka headed by Rev. Kenneth Fernando is affiliated. The National Peace Council, of which Mr. Jehan Perera is the secretary, has been established by the NCC. A Christian priest by the name Devus had campaigned that the Norwegian government should take steps to pressurise the Sri Lankan government to stop military operations in Jaffna. These are only few of the involvements of the LTTE and its front organisations in Norway. A fuller account is given in the above-mentioned article in the “Irida Divaina”. These criticisms on the hierarchy of the Church should not be considered as an attack on the Christians in general. The ordinary Christian, especially the Sinhala Christian has nothing to do with these activities and, in fact, I know of many Sinhala Christians who are against these members of the hierarchy but are not in a position to take any action against them.”

Lankan church helps ‘despairing’ Tamil Tigers  Sri Lanka church workers are trying to help former Tamil Tiger rebels, who are said to be living in the blackest of despair,” claiming many should be released.

Sri Lankan Tamils, the ‘Cats Paw’ of the Church the World Council of Churches that sponsored the LTTE office in London which commenced its operation from 1984 denigrating the SL Government in general and the Sinhalese Buddhist in particular. The heads of the different Christian denominations in SL issue press statements from time to time, on the ongoing conflict, blaming mostly both parties to the Sri Lankan conflict, quite oblivious to the fact that on the one hand you have the legitimate Government of the country bending over backwards for peace and on the other the intransigent, ruthless and a totalitarian terrorist organization. They also make pilgrimages to Kilinochchi and eulogize the most ruthless terror leader and his activities. These are mostly done for the consumption of the Tamil Diaspora and the LTTE sympathizing Governments in the west.”

Unrepentant alliance of National Christian Council of Sri Lanka …..

main objectives of the NCCSL and its affiliates seem to be the creation of space for the LTTE and strengthening of the separatist agenda. National Christian Councils in other Western countries who are continually fed with information from NCCSL have constantly adopted a stance to brush aside the realities facing Sri Lanka, a sovereign country, and, her people. Their past and present actions compel one to conclude that they prefer Sri Lanka to be Balkanized and LTTE to hold sway in the North and the East of Sri Lanka.”

LTTE abducts 16 children from Catholic Church run orphanage – Dharmapuram

Why would the Catholic clergy train youth to enact cultural events to build resentment against the Sri Lankan Government (3 dramas held on 16 Dec 2012 by children from Jaffna Central College, Hindu College and Vembadi Girls College enacted that Eelam cause was not over / a drama staged on 27 Jul 2013 depicted 13th amendment the clergy involved were M V E Ravichandran (In Charge), Justin Gnanaprakasham (Committee Coordinator), Anton Jeyamsnadan (Pullopalai East Church)

why would Catholic clery from Vavuniya, Mannar, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna join TNA and TNPF politicians on 27 Aug 2013 to conduct anti-Government protests in front of the UN office during Navi Pillai’s visit.

Church calls for an international investigation into war crimes in Sri Lanka

Christian Clergy from North and East Want UN Human Rights Council to Pass Strong Action-Oriented Resolution on Sri Lanka. Over a hundrd members of the Christian Clergy serving in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka have appealed to the United Nations Human Rights Council that a strong and action oriented resolution in relation to accountability, reconciliation and human rights in Sri Lanka going beyond the resolution adopted at the 19th session of the Council should be passed at the forthcoming sessions in Geneva. The full text of the letter and list of signatories led by the Catholic Bishop of Mannar Diocese Most Rev Dr.Joseph Rayappu are posted here)

Shenali D Waduge



15 Responses to “LTTE Terrorism-Church Links – Can someone explain these photos?”

  1. Nimal Says:

    You also get stupids who are christians,mislead who are christians.Some are Christians by name.

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Hats off to Shenali for being so brave to expose these activities of the catholic church. Sinhalaya famous for
    being modayas tremendously helped their cause. One lie from these catholic-run UNPatriotic party traitor
    low lives enough for the Sinhala modayas to worship them. Perhapas traitor chief die hard catholic token
    Buddhist pol pot ponil wickramaSinhalakiller can explain. He was in love with his catholic buddies hitler
    pira(mala)paharan. Hope he will suffer in this life for the sins he committed/committing against the Sinhalese,
    Sri Lanka and Buddhism. Nobody dares in Sri Lanka to punish Batalande Wadakaya. Hope nature will punish
    him. Punish him severely. Why can’t the Batalande Wadakayas victims do something? Where is the justice for
    murdered Sinhalese by catholic-run UNPatriotic party?

  3. Sarath W Says:

    We all know the Catholic church will do anything to strengthen it’s financial empire, just like Judas did for thirty shillings.

  4. Dilrook Says:

    As one Tamil Catholic priest said, he is first a Tamil and next a Christian. None of this represents the Church!

    They don’t represent the church as they are a minute minority of the Christian commuity.

    These are some Tamil Catholic priests displaying their political views. Tamil Christians are about 2.5% of the population. Sinhala Christians are about 5% of the population. If Tamil Eelam is created, Tamils can become Arch Bishops. As it is now, it is nearly impossible for this to happen.

    At elections, it is the other way around. Tamil Christians oppose Tamil Eelam and vote mainly for the SLFP (in the north and east) and UNP elsewhere. Almost all Tamils that oppose Tamil Eelam and in military achievements list are Christians, not Hindus. Distancing all Christians (and Muslims) from Buddhists is the surest way to help Tamil Eelam and a patriotic defeat.

    Similarly, photos that circulate around the world of BBS don’t represent Buddhism or the views of the Buddha Sasana.

  5. Ratanapala Says:

    These are not some Christians by name. They are anointed princes of the Catholic / Christian Churches. It is a known fact that the Christian / Catholic Church alwasy ” Run with the hares in the South and hunt with the hounds and Tigers in the North”. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is running with the hares – He is only one side of the Catholic Coin!

    Shenali, you have forgotten to mention about Duleep Chickera another Bishop of the Anglican Church and Tiger sympathizer who did all he can to make Eelam.

    Through Eelam Christian / Church wants to bring Sri Lanka to Jesus – This is killing two birds with one stone – Evangelization and Eelam in another name balkanization of Sri Lanka for the benefit of the Church and of the Christian West. We cannot forget Pope John Paul II’s call that 21st Century is for the evangelizing of Asia. They have sucked the lifeblood from the Americas, then Africa where people are walking like zombies oblivious to their miseries. The Church is now eyeing Asia.

    This is the very reason that China should lead the fight against evangelization – which is another word for making slaves for the rich Christian West. China is most vulnerable because there is a spiritual vacuum there which can easily be filled with Christianity on the one hand and Islam on the other. For the Chinese it is better to be Buddhist and retain their culture and national heritage than be Christian / Islamist and loose all of 5000 years of achievements and culture.

    Then not to forget barbaric, cancerous Islamization the other arm of the Abrahamic invasion!


    In 1999 the Catholic Church was publicly seeking forgiveness for the errors, injustices and human rights offences it committed in the past. The Church asked pardon for the sins and weaknesses of Catholics down the ages. The Pope was seeking pardon for “the failure to respect and defend human rights.” Disregarding this undertaking Catholic priests cointinued to participate in functions organized by racist terrorist LTTE Tamils, continued to assist them in their savage terrorist activities, even after 1999.

  7. Vaisrawana Says:

    Violent religious fanatics, like those shown in the pictures who are prominent and influential figures among terrorist sympathizers, and among the international community and ‘diaspora’ Tamils, have this advantage: the pious faithful will say they do not represent real Christianity and that they do not count because they are an insignificant minority. But the truth is that they are likely to have or do have the power to deliver whatever that is that the murderous terrorists fought for in the of the community that they claimed to represent with or without that community’s concurrence. So these cassocked criminals are saved the trouble of having to face any effective challenge or condign punishment for their crime.

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    Nothing will happen because ALL our LEADING politicians (EXCEPT Sirisena) are PART CHRISTIANS or their KIDS are Christians.

    e.g. MR, BR’s kids, Run-nil, CBK’S KIDS, Sajith, Ravi, Anura Kumara’s kids

    Sirisena is the ONLY Buddhist LEADERSHIP family but the people who CONDEMN Christians HATE Sirisena too!!

    When MR was in VATICAN (inviting POPE to SL), My3 was in Anuradhapura.
    When NR, YR and RR were studying at ST THOMAS, Chathurikka was studying at Buddhist RATNAWALI.

    Vote wisely. Don’t be fooled by election day Buddhists. When they give you cheap Sil redda they agree to give expensive LUXURIES to the pope and his 100+ VVIPs!!

  9. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    It is disugsting to see a paathili kissing the hand of a mega murderer. Can you ever imagine Buddhist monk kissing a man’s hand? Never. Because Buddhism is the only true religion in the world. No gods, no nonsense. It’s all
    truth. No bending of rules to suit your welfare. Shame on you religion of conveniences
    followers. Go to any museum in the world, and you see how these two legged creatures came to being. Still these
    people who follow these religions of conveniences, which don’t regard killing, stealing, lying, etc. etc sins while
    all the honest people in the world do. Not just that, courts the world over accept them to be sins, hence punish
    people who commit those. Then those are religions of conveniences or what? These hypocrites only cheating
    themselves and commit a lot of sins thinking they are living exemplary lives (while murdering, stealing etc of
    course). With religions of conveniences that’s not a problem at all. In the end, those hypocrites going to pay for
    those in their next lives by not becoming two legged creatures.

    Tamils found a novel way to fight discrimination by majority hindus. First a lot of them became catholics, with english names! Very cool! Kalu sudda! ha. Suddenly they were a different breed! Then start fighting the government. More points! High caste guys are scared of them now. That’s what the barrel man hitler mala paharan did with his catholic buddies tamil sellan, poosei, kasippu joseph, em manure, bala sinyo etc. etc. This is the background to these foreigners eternal problem. They
    can’t shake off this caste system. Even if they get their drealam while living all over the country comfortably, they
    still won’t be happy since they can never have enough, never loyal, never happy. This is all down to
    religions of conveniences. These guys should practise a true religion which is not based on a mythical god. There
    is only one such religion in the world, it is Buddhism. Relgions to be true, they have to pass the science test. We all
    know two legged creatures evolved from chimps. Then the big bang created the universe. All these religions of conveniences miserably fail the science test!

  10. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Still a lot of Sinhala modayas support this anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lankan, anti Sinhalese traitor catholic run
    UNPatriotic party. When traitor alugosuwa (to Sinhalese only) thambi mudiyanselage jr@ had the chance to nip
    the real terrorists in the bud, traitor turned a blind eye. But the traitor alugosuwas jr@ and lk r@ porisada didn’t
    hesitate to burn jvp terrorists in tyres in town centres, headless corpses in rivers etc. etc.

    Sri Maha Bodhi attack,
    Sri Dalada Maligawa attack, Aranthalawa Bikku massacre still no action. Wonder why? Any clues Sinhala modayas?
    Lk r@ porisada sent 600 policemen to the tigers bullet. Even gave arms to kill our own soldiers. Traitor chief die hard
    catholic token Buddhist Mega Thief Mega Thakkadiya Bay Gal Karaya Pol Pot r@nil wickrama Sinhala killer sent
    all millennium city intelligent officers to catholic tigers of tamil drealam bullet to expedite the creation of a
    catholic country in Sri Lanka. Then defence sec. austin fdo went to see his catholic buddy tamil sellan with grapes
    and apples. Sinhala modayas meanwhile? They were day dreaming what a wonderful job these UNPatriotics were
    doing! Still some Sinhala modayas revere the monster! Sinhalaya modayas? Only a
    Sinhala modaya will dispute.

    Traitor UNPatriotics dragged the war for 30 years and got rid of 100,000+, mainly
    Sinhalese. A Sinhalese cull! Then during BHEESHANA SAMAYA got rid of another 60,000+ Sinhalese. Another
    Sinhalese culll! Sinhala modayas never learn, never understand! All staunchly catholic countries in the world inc.
    us, uk, france, sweden, brazil, argentina, spain, italy etc. etc were supporters of the catholic tigers. Even archbishop
    two three of south africa, convent educated j lalitha from tn were die hard supporters. Wonder why? Catholic west’s
    paw UNHCR wants to punish our amred forces, MR & co for stopping the creation of a catholic country in Sri Lanka.
    Wonder why? Can’t find any answers in Sri Lankan media. Wonder why? I have to look up in www.

  11. Christie Says:

    What India did was get Christian Clergy to support Indian terrorists and portray them as rebels against the Sinhalese Chauvinists. The trick worked well when lots of Church leaders in the West supported the Indian terrorists. This trick also helped Tamils and other Indians to seek asylum in the West.

  12. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Hats off to Shenali for being so brave to disclose the true colours of these rogues. We all know we can never
    see this sort of articles in Sri Lankan press due to it is run by the catholic run UNPatriotic party henchmen. Is there
    any chance you can publish these articles in any of the newspapers? If you can do that, a lot of people who don’t
    visit LW, will come to know about these UNPatriotic party rogues’ true colours. I list some more of those articles,
    you can never see in Sri Lankan media, in the following links.

  13. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    At least the first link for Sinhala modayas who still support anti Buddhist, anti Sinhalese, anti Sri Lankan traitor
    UNPatriotic party deshadhrohee deshapaluwans.

  14. Nimal Says:

    I have been critical of stupid Christian clergy stupidly getting involved with the terrorists as they are too naïve to understand the complexities of this cruel world and that goes for our equally bad politicians who gave a diplomatic passport to a terrorist who murdered over 700 surrendered police officers.
    Religious stake holders like the clergy of any religion should never get involved in day to day politics neither should be taken serious buy our stupid roughish politicians, who seem to play a double game.
    I am glad that the visa of the Bishop of Colombo was denied, perhaps a wakeup call to them. I would like the British government deny visa to any clergy of any denomination.
    I must say that the Christians in the Western countries are doing a splendid job collecting aid and volunteering aid projects in the poorest parts of the world. Hope the Buddhist people would do the same,perhas in their own countries.Sudas created the first Dansalas for the Wesak,which I saw to my self in Mirihasna where people came out into the streets with their families, visiting many sights of pandols and shows set up by the business people. Some people are trying to rubbish the high standards left behind by them by running them down, like shooting the messenger.

  15. Fran Diaz Says:


    Dansalas were common in ANCIENT Lanka, as the article below states. There is plenty of proof that Dansalas existed long before ‘Sudas’ came to Lanka as colonists!
    Friendship now with those countries/groups is a separate item, with the Law of the Land intact and not thrown out as when others want.


    Let us make a Balance Sheet of Colonial Times and see for ourselves the good, the bad and the ugly & very ugly, of those colonial times.


    A Season for Giving: Dansals of Sri Lanka

    By Buddhistdoor International Sean Mós Buddhistdoor Global | 2014-06-10 |

    The mood was lighthearted, jovial, and enthusiastic on the night of Buddha Purnima in Kandy. The aromatic grain had been cooked and was ready to be served to the eager children and their laughing parents. They watched the charity workers lifting up the tubs of multicolored curries, and the guests knew that dinner was served. By seven at night, long lines of visitors had gathered at the dansal to enjoy the fragrant rice and scrumptious curry sauces. “Each season we serve around five thousand visitors and we cook over 350 kilos of rice with additional curries,” comments H. M. Priyawansa of the coordinating committee, with a smile.

    The festivities for Vesak (or Buddha Purnima) have concluded around the world, and one would have assumed that this dampened the Buddhist mood in Sri Lanka. In reality, the island’s Buddhists faithfully continue to give alms and donate even after the season of celebrations is over. One way this is being accomplished is through the dansal movement. One of the most important virtues of Buddhism is the idea of giving and sharing. The mention of dansal can be found in the earliest Buddhist writings. In both ancient languages and the contemporary Sri Lankan, dansal indicates a place which gives freely without any obligation.

    In ancient Buddhist India as well as Sri Lanka, a dansala denoted where the king and the affluent donated food for the less fortunate. In the Mahavamsa, the Sri Lankan chronicle which records written history for over 2000 years, mentions dansals in operation during the reign of King Devanam Piyatissa (247 – 207 BCE). In later times, it is mentioned that the consequent kings would order a dansal to be open throughout the year, offering free food for the poor and the needy of the day. This practice was considered to be of great merit and that belief continues to the present day.

    A significant rise of movements like the dansal was recorded as the British colonial occupation eased the rules for the practice of Buddhism in the island. One such dansal in the district of Matale boasts a history of over 130 years. The Wembley Cinema Dansal has operated during each Buddha Purnima since 1978. “This dansala is a unified effort of people from all religions. Our Katukele United Youth Society includes among its ranks Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims. Each Vesak, we organize this dansal for the benefit of our community which enhances the communal bond,” says Mr. Priyawansa.

    “Each year we would visit this dansal in Kandy. After worshiping the Temple of the Tooth we come with friends to eat at the dansal. So on the Wesak day we never have dinner at home,” Dr. S. B. Bothota commented jovially while standing in the queue with his group of friends.

    The dansal movement does not only concern itself with giving away cooked rice and curry. In some instances dansals give away beverages like tea, coffee or iced coffee and occasionally desserts, like ice cream or cakes. The Past School Prefects Society of Kandy district had organized a coffee dansal with the collaboration of the public relations office of the Kandy police station. “We have been organizing this for ten years,” comments Thisum Wijethunga of the Prefects’ Society.

    In the context of a multiethnic society like Sri Lanka, caring about each other and sharing what we have as a community promotes harmony and co-existence. Vesak day, which celebrates the birth, enlightenment and the passing of the Buddha, gives an opportune moment to practice giving while we remind ourselves that he spent his life working for the benefit of all beings. In that aspect, the dansal movement prepares the ground for individuals and communities to come together for the benefit of the poor and the needy of all society.

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