If LTTE & TNA demands are the same – why is Sri Lanka Government agreeing to implement them?
Posted on March 8th, 2017

Shenali D Waduge

Both LTTE & TNA are demanding a separate Tamil Homeland. LTTE fronts have been echoing the same. Take out their statements, press releases, constitutions, election manifestos, interviews & demands and the comparisons are shocking. LTTE were terrorists and TNA is the political wing created by the LTTE. In 1976 Tamil political leaders came up with Vaddukoddai Resolution the same year Prabakaran formed the LTTE.  ITAK is the leader of the TNA alliance set up by LTTE in 2001. ITAK head has been made the Opposition Leader since August 2015. The supporters of LTTE, TNA & LTTE fronts are now galvanizing their demands into a serious of actions that forces the Government in power to take action simply because of the assurances made before elections to help bring the government to power. Now the Shylocks are demanding their piece of flesh. Requoting Sambanthan’s speech at the ITAK Convention in 2013 The struggle is the same, but the approaches we employ are different. Our aim is the same, but our strategies are different. The players are the same, but the alliances are different. That is the nature of the Tamil people. Although we still have the same aim, the methods we use are now different.” With these ground realities is the GOSL insane to even entertain demands by any of these groups riding on the bogey of reconciliation which is also being funded by the same supporting sources and the new constitution is being drafted by those that supported separatist aims & objectives?

It doesn’t take a whizz kid to notice the similarities and virtual cut and paste statements from Tamil political parties and the Tamil armed militant groups. Essentially there is no difference in what the Tamil political parties are demanding and what the Tamil armed militants demand. So when LTTE remains banned as a terrorist group and were militarily defeated, did it not mean that their ideologies were also rejected and eliminated? If so, why are these same demands being entertained now that they are being championed by Tamil leaders not in LTTE uniform?

These are questions that the public needs answers to. Simply by showing a lovey-dovey picture of reconciliation we cannot keep silent as armed militancy has now being replaced with unruly Tamil public outbursts in demanding removal of military camps in the North and East and this weak government is simply giving in? Will any Western country remove any of its military bases simply because some ISIS or Al Qaeda supporters surround the bases screaming their closure?

TULF formed an alliance with the three Indian backed paramilitary groups, Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front (ENDLF), Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF) and Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO), to contest the 15 February 1989 election.

TNA alliance in 2001 comprised Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), the All Ceylon Tamil Congress (ACTC), the Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO) and the Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF)

Global Tamil Forum (GTF) was established in 2009 – its Policy Advisor is Joan Ryan, Labor MP

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is a political formation to win the freedom of the Tamil people on the basis of their fundamental political principles of Nationhood, Homeland and Right of self-determination.

Pro-LTTE statements

  • ITAK remembers the ‘Tamil youth who sacrificed their lives in armed struggle’ (Sampanthan’s speech at the 14th Annual ITAK convention in 2012 Batticoloa) – the only Tamil youth who sacrificed their lives in armed struggle were the LTTE!
  • TULF Manifesto 1977 also stated that Eelam would be ultimately established either by peaceful means or by direct action or struggle.”
  • Even after the adoption of the Vaddukoddai resolution, and even after the commencement of an armed struggle… the armed struggle gained in strength, and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam came to occupy a paramount position, and play a pivotal role in the struggle of the Tamil nationality to win their rights. It would be futile not to recognize this reality” – TNA manifesto 2001
  • seriously flawed policies of the Sri Lankan State in the past six years, of claiming to ‘conduct a war for peace’ and claiming ‘that the war is being conducted against the LTTE and not against the Tamil people’ has aggravated the situation and made a just solution to the Tamil national question even more complex” – TNA manifesto 2001
  • The immediate commencement of the process of negotiations with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ( LTTE) with international third party involvement.” – TNA manifesto demand 2001
  • This Alliance also states that unless meaningful negotiations are held with the L.T.T.E. no just solution can be found to the Tamil national question and that such negotiations should be held immediately only with the LTTE.” – TNA manifesto 2001
  • lift the proscription imposed on the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka” – TNA manifesto 2001
  • participation of the LTTE at such negotiations on behalf of the Tamil nationality.” – TNA manifesto 2001
  • in order to safeguard the life and liberty of the Tamil race and to establish its birthright for self-determination, the Tamil Nation having been pushed to the unavoidable state of armed conflict as the only way, the war not only broadened but advanced under the generalship of the Tigers’ leader Hon. Pirapaharan” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • the legendary bravery, sacrifices and exploits of our heroes and fighters.” – TNA manifesto 2004 clearly refers to Tamil militants and not to Sri Lankan soldiers!
  • LTTE put forward the proposal that an interim self-governing authority be set up for the regions of the Tamil nation” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • The LTTE has for the past two years put up with the violent, surly behaviour of the armed forces without impairing the conditions for peace and observing the cease-fire and acting steadfastly and firmly towards the path of peace” – TNA manifesto 2004 (then why did SLMM record over 3000 violations by LTTE?)
  • LTTE, the authentic sole representatives of the Tamil people” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • LTTE not only has fully 70 regions in the Tamil people’s traditional homeland under its complete control and is managing an administrative set up with characteristic features of a state government but also has a functioning government.” TNA manifesto 2004
  • The Sinhala nation should accept in to the ideas developed in the ISGA document put forward by the LTTE which contains excellent proposals in regard to rebuilding the Tamil country devastated and Tamil lives ravaged in the twenty-year long war, to solve the day to day problems encountered by the Tamil people and to establish normalcy in the lives of the Tamil people, centred on their welfare, respecting human rights and conforming to the rule of law, and proceed to hold talks with the LTTE and set up the ISGA committee” – one of 10 resolutions of TNA manifesto 2004
  • Accepting LTTE’s leadership as the national leadership of the Tamil Eelam Tamils and the Liberation Tigers as the sole and authentic representatives of the Tamil people, let us devote our full cooperation for the ideals of the Liberation Tigers’ struggle with honesty and steadfastness” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • . Let us work side by side with the LTTE, who are fighting for the protection and autonomous life of the Tamil speaking people” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • In 2014 Anandasangaree writes to Indian PM Modi and says TNA is a LTTE proxy – http://www.mfa.gov.lk/index.php/en/news-from-other-media/5352-mr-modi-tna-is-a-lttes-proxy-anandasangaree-
  • TULF MP Mavai Senathirajah who is in the process of reviving the Federal Party (ITAK) visited Killinochchi had meetings with the LTTE Deputy Political Commissar Thangan on 14-10-2003. The revival of the Federal party is being undertaken at the behest of the LTTE” – Anandasangaree letter to Modi 2014
  • The TNA was started by four parties of which TULF was one. The TULF was replaced by ITAK without any reference to anybody or to the party concerned. All concerned parties should now accept that both the TNA and the ITAK had been revived by dishonest means on the instigation of the LTTE to look after their interest. It is this TNA that nominated candidates for all electoral districts in the North and in the East for the 2004 elections, Mr. Tamilselvan retaining half the number of slots in each one of the electoral districts. Of all the members elected to the 2004 Parliament, majority belonged to the LTTE.” Anandasangaree letter to Modi 2014
  • the secretaries of the ITAK, ACTC, Telo & EPRLF endorsedAccepting the leadership of the LTTE as the National Leadership of the Tamil people and also accepting the LTTE as the real sole – representatives of the Tamil people, we honestly and firmly pledge to give our full support for the struggle the LTTE had undertaken on behalf of the Tamil Nation”. Anandasangaree letter to Modi 2014

Post-LTTE defeat – ITAK taking over political leadership of the ‘cause’ to separate Sri Lanka

  • ITAK is now the ‘legitimate representative of the Tamil people’ – ITAK convention 2014

Indian involvement with LTTE & Tamil politicians

  • ‘India will never welcome a political solution in Sri Lanka that does not accord with the interests of India’ – Sambanthan at ITAK convention in 2014

Tamil Nation / Tamil Eelam / Against unitary constitution / federal constitution / maximum devolution / full implementation of Indo-Lanka Accord / autonomous rule in North East based on self-determination / shared sovereignty within an united Sri Lanka

  • LTTE aims to create a separate homeland for the Tamils known as the Tamil Eelam (State) in the Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka.
  • recognition of the Tamils of Ceylon as a nation” – LTTE demand at Thimpu Talks 1985
  • recognition of the right of self determination of the Tamil nation” – LTTE demand at Thimpu Talks in 1985
  • Unitary Government with present composition of legislature and structure of executive totally una­acceptable to the Tamils. In the absence of a satisfactory alternative we demand the right of self-determination for the Tamil people.” (Telegram sent by President of the Tamil Congress through the Governors Office to the Secretary of State for the Colonies on 20th November 1947)
  • ‘Our expectation for a solution to the ethnic problem of the sovereignty of the Tamil people is based on a political structure OUTSIDE that of a UNITARY GOVERNMENT, in a UNITED SRI LANKA in which Tamil people have all the powers of government needed to live with self-respect and self sufficiency’ – Sambanthan at ITAK convention 2014
  • Federal constitution – maximum devolution & full implementation of 13a – one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed in 2014 & one of Vaddukoddai Resolutions 6 demands in 1976
  • Recognition of the Tamils of Sri Lanka as a distinct nationality” – Demands made by Tamil delegation (LTTE, EPRLF, EROS, PLOTE, TELO, TULF) at the India organized Thimpu Talks in 1985
  • recognition of the inalienable right of self-determination of the Tamil nation.” – TNA manifesto 2001
  • Tamil organizations got together and resolved on May 14, 1976 to establish a sovereign independent Tamil Eelam based on our inalienable right to selfdetermination.” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • Independent Thamil Eelam received its mandate as a result of the overwhelming support given to the TULF by the Tamil speaking people of NorthEast in the general elections of July 1977” – TNA manifesto 2004
  • ITAK and the other Tamil parties came together under a banner called Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF), and in 1976 passed a resolution calling for a restoration of our lost sovereignty in the background of the continued denial of the right of the Tamil People to self determination” – TNA manifesto 2010
  • Tamil People are entitled to the right of self determination” – TNA manifesto 2010
  • Devolution of powers should be over land, law and order, socioeconomic development including health and education, resources and fiscal powers” – TNA manifesto 2010
  • Direct foreign investment in the North and East will be facilitated” – TNA manifesto 2010
  • legitimate and inalienable right of the Tamil Speaking Peoples to charter their own destiny in the areas historically inhabited by them within a united country.” – TNA manifesto 2010
  • Tamil People are entitled to the right to self-determination” – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections
  • Devolution of power on the basis of shared sovereignty shall necessarily be over land, law and order, socio-economic development including health and education, resources and fiscal powers” – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections
  • our right to determine our destiny to ensure self-government in the Tamil Speaking North-East of the country within a united and undivided Sri Lanka.” – TNA manifesto 2015
  • Tamil Speaking Northern and Eastern provinces is the historical habitation of the Tamil People and the Tamil Speaking Peoples” – TNA 2015 manifesto
  • Tamil People are entitled to the right to self-determination in keeping with United Nations International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, both of which Sri Lanka has accepted and acceded to” – TNA manifesto 2015
  • Devolution of power on the basis of shared sovereignty shall be over land, law and order, enforcement of the law so as to ensure the safety and security of the Tamil People, socio-economic development including inter-alia health, education, higher and vocational education, agriculture, fisheries, industries, livestock development, cultural affairs, mustering of resources, both domestic and foreign and fiscal powers.” – TNA manifesto 2015 (basically means running a separate state)
  • meaningful de-militarization resulting in the return to the pre-war situation as it existed in 1983 before the commencement of hostilities by the removal of armed forces, military apparatuses and High Security/Restricted Zones from the Northern and Eastern Provinces.” – TNA manifesto 2015
  • ‘meaningful devolution should go beyond the 13thAmendment to the Constitution passed in 1987’ – Sambanthan ITAK Convention 2014
  • ‘Tamil United Liberation Front, of which our party was a member took the historical decision to establish the separate government of Tamil Eelam in 1976’ – Sambanthan at ITAK convention 2014
  • Uniting all Tamil entities and elements who subscribe to the fundamental tenets of Tamil political aspirations proclaimed in the Vaddukoddai Resolution, which was subsequently endorsed and mandated in the general election of 1977 and in the Thimbu Principles in 1985.” – TGTE mission statement
  • support and advocate for the realization of the Tamils’ legitimate political aspirations to regain their sovereignty and the right to self-determination” – TGTE mission statement
  • Starting the process of writing the Constitution of Tamil Eelam, based on the principles enunciated in 1976 Vaddukottai Resolution, Interim Self-Governing Proposal (ISGA), and the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter and involving Tamils all around the world” – TGTE Dec 2015
  • feasibility and modalities of launching a new Tamil Eelam currency” – TGTE Dec 2015
  • Ilankai Thamil Arasu Katchi, which has become the political symbol of the Tamil Nation” – Sambanthan Speech at ITAK 14th Convention 2012

Tamil homeland claim (without any historical, archaeological, anthropological evidence)

  • recognition of the existence of an identified homeland for the Tamils of Ceylon” – LTTE demand at Thimpu Talks in 1985
  • Vaddukoddai Resolution of 1976 falsely claims existence of a ‘Tamil Nation’ overthrown by the Portuguese however it was the Kandyan King who sent his envoy Mudaliyar Atappattu to defend the kings territory against the Portuguese. North was a kinglet and tributary of the Kandyan Kingdom as was East.
  • Tamil Nation claim made in TULF General Election Manifesto of 1977 and the ITAK Conventions of 2012 and 2014.
  • Recognition of an identified Tamil homeland and guarantee of its territorial integrity.” – Demands made by Tamil delegation (LTTE, EPRLF, EROS, PLOTE, TELO, TULF) at the India organized Thimpu Talks in 1985
  • political solution to the Tamil national problem based on the acceptance of the fundamental proposals regarding (Tamil Nation’s) Tamil homeland, Tamil Nation, Tamils’ right to self-government (autonomy). – one of 10 resolutions made by TNA manifesto 2004
  • Tamil Speaking Northern and Eastern provinces is the historical habitation of the Tamil Speaking Peoples” – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections
  • Mobilise Tamils globally for drafting a new Constitution for Tamil Eelam” – TGTE Dec 2015
  • Start e-government services for the people of Tamil Eelam” – TGTE Dec 2015

Tamil official language in Tamil Eelam

  • One of 6 demands made in Vaddukoddai Resolution of 1976


  • meaningful de-militarization resulting in the return to the pre- war situation as it existed in 1983 by the removal of armed forces, military apparatuses and High Security Zones from the Northern and Eastern Provinces’ – TNA manifesto 2010
  • meaningful de-militarization resulting in the return to the pre-war situation as it existed in 1983 before the commencement of hostilities by the removal of armed forces, military apparatuses and High Security/Restricted Zones from the Northern and Eastern Provinces” – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections
  • demilitarisation of Tamil areas and the restoration of complete civil administration to all militarised government departments and national institutions – Global Tamil Forum demand
  • Sri Lankan military be withdrawn as a precondition to the creation of the civil space in the Tamil homeland” – TGTE press release 2015

War crimes international investigations

  • one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed at Convention in 2014
  • ‘our victory in the passage of the recent Resolution at UN Human Rights Council’ – Sambanthan at ITAK Convention in 2014
  • An Independant International Investigation must be conducted into the allegations of violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws made against both the Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE during the last stages of the war” – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections

War widows

  • The war has left behind over 50,000 widows in the Northern Province alone” – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections
  • The war has left behind almost 90,000 widows in the North-East.” – TNA manifesto 2015

Genocide claims

  • one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed at Convention in 2014
  • bring to justice those who have committed genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.” – TGTE mission statement
  • An international investigation into the Sri Lankan Government’s Genocide of the Tamil people” – TGTE press release 2015

Colonization claims

  • one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed at Convention in 2014
  • Vaddukoddai Resolution on 1976
  • State aided colonization of the Tamil homeland with Sinhala people, from the time of independence has continued unabated – TNA manifesto 2001
  • end of the Sinhalisation of Tamil majority areas, with immediate effect” – Global Tamil Forum key objective

Repeal of Prevention of Terrorism Act

  • one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed at Convention in 2014

Abolition of Executive Presidency

  • one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed at Convention in 2014

Re-merger of North & East

  • Power sharing arrangements must be established in a unit of merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure, in a manner also accptable to the Tamil Speaking Muslim people.” – TNA manifesto 2010
  • Power sharing arrangements must be established in a unit of a merged Northern and Eastern Provinces based on a Federal structure – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections
  • one of ITAK’s 15 resolutions passed at Convention in 2014
  • One of 6 demands made in Vaddukoddai Resolution of 1976 (claim that Tamil Eelam covers North & East)
  • ‘North and East of Sri Lanka are the areas of historical habitation of the Tamil speaking people’ – Sambanthan at ITAK Convention 2014

Discrimination by Sinhalese

  • Vaddokoddai Resolution lies about denial of Tamil language as Tamil was never used as an official language before colonial rule or even after. How can a language that was never in official/administrative use be turned into a right denied just because Sinhala was made the official language?
  • Vaddukoddai Resolution also lies on denial of equal opportunities – produce evidence of such inequalities after independence?

The Vaddukoddai Convention called upon Tamil youth to throw themselves towards the fight for freedom to create Tamil Eelam (months later Prabakaran formed his terror group)

The GOSL (whatever party is in power) cannot ignore these ground realities. The mistake of the past has been to ignore the constitutions of ITAK, Vaddukoddai Resolution of 1976, TULF manifestos, ITAK election manifestos and the demands by LTTE and LTTE Diaspora fronts and understanding & countering their overall aims and objectives before agreeing to negotiate on them. Why should any government negotiate to divide or separate the nation with those who initially carried out an armed struggle and when that has failed is continuing with the political alternatives.

Shenali D Waduge

http://www.sangam.org/FB_HIST_DOCS/vaddukod.htm – Vadukoddai Resolution 1976

http://www.sangam.org/FB_HIST_DOCS/TULFManifesto77.htm – TULF General Election manifesto 1977

http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2010/03/TNA_Election_Manifesto_2001.pdf – TNA manifesto 2001

https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2010/03/TNA_Election_Manifesto_2004pdf.pdf – TNA manifesto 2004

http://transcurrents.com/tc/2010/03/full_text_general_election_201.html  – TNA manifesto 2010

https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/full-text-tnas-northern-provincial-council-election-manifesto-2013/  – TNA manifesto for 2013 NPC elections

https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/tna-manifesto-full-text/ – TNA manifesto 2015

https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/the-struggle-for-the-political-rights-of-the-tamil-nation-has-now-entered-an-entirely-new-chapter/ – Sambanthan speech at 14th ITAK Convention 2012

http://www.tamilcanadian.com/article/6255 – ITAK Convention 2012

https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/full-text-of-the-itak-15-resolutions-including-merger-of-the-north-and-east-provinces/  – ITAK Convention 2014

Global Tamil Forum – http://www.globaltamilforum.org/about-us.aspx

http://www.tgte-us.org/about.html – Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam


19 Responses to “If LTTE & TNA demands are the same – why is Sri Lanka Government agreeing to implement them?”

  1. ranjit Says:

    Shenali we all thought war was over and we came down back to our motherland having full of hopes and a decent living for us and to our children but what happened, all our hopes were shattered after few years of peace and harmony. Who was to be blamed isn’t our own stupid people who was hoodwinked by the uneducated bunch of political hooligans.

  2. ranjit Says:

    Shenali we all thought war was over and we came down back to our motherland having full of hopes and a decent living for us and to our children but what happened, all our hopes were shattered after few years of peace and harmony. Who was to be blamed isn’t our own stupid people who was hoodwinked by the uneducated bunch of political hooligans.How many times patriots like you advised MR govt on various issues. Patriots all over the world joined our forum and gave good advises regarding important issues but nobody listened and MR lost. Now what happened three blind mice took over on Jan 8th and took our country to stone age with their stupid ideas and plans exported by India and America and the west.They know very well the situation but they stay deaf and blind because they are paid for it by foreign powers who brought this Govt in to power. Opposition should do more to get rid of this evil Govt sooner than ever. If we don’t move fast we will witness the second blood bath soon orchestrated by Tamil and Muslim extremists. Get united to save Motherland.

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    Sri Lanka is the aerecanut (puwak gediya) caught in a ‘giraya’ – I am adding : has been so since 1505. I am told that this similinum has been projected by a recent Daily Mirror editorial.
    Ranil wanted to celebrate the event of the Colonial Portuguese landing in Sri Lanka in 1505 – and he is the Exec PM today, as the ‘west wants it so’ (per Pres MS).

    There we are : not a truly free Nation, no, not at all. That is why the MR govt could not proceed forward in Socio-Economics or remove the 13-A to help bring in a lasting peace. The 13-A must be removed first of all as it is an illegal piece of legislation imposed under Duress on the JRJ govt by INDIA during the Cold War times in 1987. I think the true born Tamils of Lanka will be more secure if the 13-A is removed. PATRIOTISM from all will be the most welcome feature to move forward to Peace & Prosperity.

    If the Lanka Constitution has an Amendment that the Ports of Lanka are for PEACEFUL PURPOSES ONLY, then we may be more of a truly independent and stable Nation.

  4. Christie Says:

    in 1927 Mohandas Karamchand visited the island invited by Marxist Indian Colonial Parasites.

    Mohandas Karamchand is the most celebrated Indian Colonial Parasite from South Africa.

    That was the start of the nonviolent decimation of Sinhalese.

  5. Lorenzo Says:

    TNA MPs were in parliament for MANY REGIMES including MR. They did NOTHING to control these racists. NO ONE ever will.

    This is why a MILITARY-SANGHA takeover is the ONLY solution.


    Hermann Kallenbach was a Jewish-German bodybuilder and the lover of Mohandas Karamchand.

  6. Hiranthe Says:

    Thank you Shenali,

    It is sad to read all these again and to see what is happening to our cherished motherland in front of our eyes.

    Ranjit was right, despite so much advices and warning given by the patriots, even MR government did not act on them properly.

    I really like Gota and MR for liberating our motherland. Specially for Gota it is an unshaken faithfulness.. But my love towards mother Lanka is more deep and unbiased. In that respect I regret to think that MR did not deliver his full duty to Mother Lanka by not removing the illegal 13A and by not eliminating the separatism potential…

    Even now he does not tell what his plans are. Just for the sake that we do not have a better option, should we get him on board and then keep on complaining about the illegal 13A as Ranjith says what we had been doing since 2009…??

    I think we should demand MR for his serious commitment on this issue and getting rid of the potential threats towards separatism. If not met, we should groom a better one from now on without wasting time on MR. Sarath Weerasekara is a good option but he needs good power base.. I think it can be done if things are started now….

    Are there any better options in the forum patriots?? At least as LankaWeb community, we should have a common goal. It is a responsibility!!! Otherwise we are just wasting time by commenting on articles and so on… but things will go out of hand in front of our eyes….

  7. Dilrook Says:

    TNA is more dangerous than LTTE. TNA is backed by expert Tamil lawyers and they have cleverly avoided violating the law. Tamil people do have the right of self-determination. That cannot be denied. However, it must be kept under check by Sri Lankans’ right of self-determination.

    The coming TNA compromise is the most dangerous. Sri Lankan government should not agree to a compromise. A referendum (despite its evils) is better than a TNA compromise. At least the referendum will put it to rest. If TNA wants it can always show election results as Tamil people’s desire for Independence even today. A referendum is not needed for that purpose.

    With no politician agreeing to remove Provincial Councils, Sri Lankans must think of a Plan B. Otherwise TNA and others slowly change the constitution and ground realities to achieve what they want. Unless we have a definitive time frame to remove the 13A, the Indian Model is far better than Sri Lanka today (and for the foreseeable future until 13A is ultimately removed). Otherwise we lose both the north and the rest.

  8. Cerberus Says:

    Shenali, Thank you for this eye opening article. You are really a wonderful one woman fighter for truth and justice for the downtrodden Sinhala people. Ever since 1992 when I think Rogue Queen became President and then the Batalanda Ranil then became Prime Minister the Sinhalese were given the second place by these two traitors. These are both very sick people. So long as they are kept in power by the Western powers who want to recolonize Sri Lanka we are going down. CBK stopped the teaching of Sinhala history to children and also wanted to stop the teaching of Buddhism in schools as per guidance from the Catholic Church probably. Recently our FM Mangala is supposed to have said that Sri Lanka is a failed state! Can you imagine a Foreign Minister denigrating his own country at the UNHRC? Why do we still keep him as the Foreign Minister after he co-sponsored a resolution against the country?

  9. Ananda-USA Says:


    I agree that the TNA does not need the results of a referendum to support their case; election results will do.

    But, a negative referendum result will settle the issue for Sri Lanka as a whole, and will DITCH any New Constitution.

    The DANGER is whether the vote count will be RIGGED, as I suspect it may have been in the last election. I would not TRUST either the Yamapalanaya or the EELAMISTS!

  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    Fact sheet :

    – INDIA imposed the 13-A ILLEGALLY on the pro-west JRJ govt in 1987 (Cold War times).
    – INDIA also trained the LTTE in Tamil Nadu.
    – INDIA allowed/forced the 1983 Riots (J.N. Dixit, Indian Envoy in Lanka, also called the Vice Roy of Lanka at that time) to take place which event allowed about a million Tamils to go west as Refugees and form the Tamil Diaspora which funded the LTTE with $$s and arms for the 30 yr war, and continues to agitate in the west for Tamil Eelam in Lanka, even after the LTTE was defeated.
    – The LTTE killed off the then UNP top layer leaders plus the able, moderate Tamil leaders too.

    INDIA also used Lanka to contain the breakaway leader sub-state of Tamil Nadu.

    Questions :

    – What would INDIA have done to the MR govt leaders if the 13-A was removed by the MR govt even though the Cold War was officially over in 1991 ?

    – Has INDIA given Lanka permission to remove the ILLEGAL 13-A ?

    If the answer is ‘yes’, then any govt of Lanka can do it, especially the present Yahap govt people which is led by Ranil led pro-west UNP, as the west/INDIA people rule Lanka at present.

  11. AnuD Says:

    We can not blame India which Is looking after India. SWRD talked but did not do. If he made Sinhala the only language, Sinhale is equal with any other western country which has only one national alnguage.

    Then the home maker, Mrs. B came and destroyed the attached we had to Britain making way for the direct influence of India.

    JRJ changed every for the worst. Now, it is a fight for exitence every five years. It is the same old 225 being recycled who destroy the country.

    Lot of talk, but no action plan or any implementation.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:


    You asked whether “India has given persimission for Sri Lanka to remove the 13A”.

    Wrong question!

    Sri Lanka DOES NOT NEED India’s PERMISSION to look after itself!

    Exercise OUR SOVEREIGNTY and REPEAL the 13A! That is what SOVEREIGNTY means: the RIGHT to do things in our own interest as we decide!

  13. Fran Diaz Says:


    How I wish you are correct, but I have some misgivings.
    Here it is a matter of the Cold War/s (real or concocted), and INDIAN fear of being re-colonised, one way or another, whenever the UNP comes in full force. What we have had in the past due a real Cold War mostly is lost Sovereignty, lost Democracy, and lost Independence.

    If we do not need INDIA to give any ok on this matter, then let us move forward and find MPs who are willing to remove the 13-A. May be the time has come to do so.

    Let us wish ourselves Good Luck.

  14. Dilrook Says:

    @Ananda and others

    The international community needs no further convincing that Tamils want Tamil Eelam. Referendum or not, they are convinced. The following are more than sufficient to convince even the biggest fool that Tamils have made it clear beyond all doubt that they always wanted Tamil Eelam (if not a structure that would take them closer – the “bus-halt-strategy”).

    – Election results from 1947 to 1970.

    – Election results particularly from 1977 (except 1989 and 1994). Tamils in the north and east overwhelmingly voted for Tamil Eelam. TULF and TNA manifestoes very clearly state this and these manifestoes were presented to the international community.

    – The 2012 EPC and 2013 NPC elections indicated close to 90% of north and east Tamil votes going to TNA (and in the east to a LTTE breakaway).

    – In 2002 foreign minister GL Pieris addressed the deputy LTTE leader Balasingham “your excellency” at an international forum. Obviously the learned professor (and the internal media present) knew very well it’s a title reserved to a head of state.

    – TNA contested 2010 and 2015 general elections on a platform of Tamil right of self determination and won convincingly.

    Therefore, it doesn’t matter how the north and east would vote in a referendum. The international community and locals are already convinced that Tamils in the north and the east want Tamil Eelam. If not, a model that would take them towards it.

    Dayan, inventing the referendum fear, wrote another article targeting the TNA. In that he challenges TNA to face a referendum saying “bring it on baby” (his own words) and correctly argues that the new constitution will be defeated in a referendum and for that reason TNA must not push for a referendum. Doesn’t TNA know that a referendum though losing will relay the signal of federalism or Tamil Eelam to the world! And don’t the patriots know that the referendum will be defeated and that will bury the openly federal constitution!

    What Dayan (and Sirisena) plans to do is to discourage both parties from going for a referendum (for contradictory reasons) and get them to agree to a tweak of 13A within the madhouse called the parliament to worsen federalism piecemeal. Even 13A didn’t require a referendum. In other words, 13A became law because it was not put to a referendum.

    This is why the (well-planned) coming TNA compromise is much worse than the referendum. This is the same game Tamil separatists played since 1958 and Chelvanagam called it the “little-now-more-later” strategy.

    The slide to extreme federalism is so subtle that most Sinhalese are blissfully unaware of it. Some even think they are living in a unitary country because the constitution says so. In reality, Sri Lanka is a federal country since 1987 with shared sovereignty between the parliament and provincial councils. One cannot overstep the other (a perfect federal model, worse than India). Supreme Court reminded us twice (2012 and 2016) that we are a federal country where the parliament cannot step into provincial powers. If unitary, the parliament can do whatever.

  15. Ananda-USA Says:


    The problem is that WE Sinhala Buddhists ARE MUCH TOO TOLERANT and try to accommodate EXTREME DEMANDS of minority communities when WE DON’T NEED TO!

    NONE of the Western Powers criticizing Sri Lanka accommodate their minorities in the same way!

    For example, in Britain the STATE RELIGION is Anglican Christianity and the Monarch – the Queen – is the Head of the Church of England and the Defender of the Faith!

    Why is BUDDHISM NOT the STATE RELIGION of Sri Lanka, and why is the President NOT empowered as the DEFENDER OF THE BUDDHIST FAITH?

    What is good for the British GOOSE should be good for the Sri Lankan GANDER as well!


    – REPEAL the 13A and DISSOLVE the PCs.

    – MAINTAIN a STRONG EXECUTIVE PRESIDENCY with a Single National Parliament without REGIONAL Governments!

    – Make SINHALA the SOLE OFFICIAL STATE Language, Tamil an optional minority language, and English a COMPULSORY link language.

    – Make BUDDHISM the SOLE OFFICIAL STATE RELIGION, but guarantee Freedom of Worship to Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. Ban ALL Foreign Missionaries from operating within Sri Lanka.

    Take HOLD of OUR SOVEREIGNTY and DO AS THE West Does to Defend and Protect it SOLELY in the interest of Sri Lanka’s interest!

    The British did a BREXIT to preserve their Sovereignty!

    The Americans are doing USEXIT under Trump to preserve their Sovereignty!

    Many more EU countries will EXIT the EU in 2017 to preserve their Sovereignty!

    Let Sri Lanka EXIT the 13A, the looming ETCA agreements, the UN, and the “Crash & Sell” program of Ranil Wikunanasinghe to preserve our Sovereignty!


  16. Dilrook Says:

    I agree with AnuD. In fact, I’m discussing this in another forum.

    However, that too is unpopular. Sinhalese are going after labels and dreams and are disconnected from reality. As a result they keep losing.

    The plight of Sri Lanka would be much better had it not become a republic. It was partly driven by Indian insistence and Sirima’s grudge against the Privy Council. Far more nationalist leaders ruled the country before her and they had no problem with it.

  17. Sunil Mahattaya Says:

    This theme reminds one of flogging a dead horse.Was it not blatantly obvious that the TNA were ardent and dedicated supporters of the LTTE even in their heyday.This man Sambandan is a real chameleon( bodiliya) that changes colours cleverly and takes on the guise of a leader who responds in pretence to the shots called by the Govermnent. Not so ! he is a snake under grass,The TNA are not representatives of all Tamils- perhaps the militant ones more likely and should never have been granted access to parliament on the singlemost important criterion that they were surreptitious Tamil Tiger supporters at times unrelenting and bold!. The Tamils need true leadership that will lead them into peaceful integration with all of Sri Lanka.The TNA are also trying to pave the way for Tamil Nadu to get involved in Lankan affairs which is a no no! from any perspective.

  18. Ananda-USA Says:

    Sunil Mahattaya,

    Yes INDEED, the TNA was universally acknowledged to be the LTTE’s servile proxy and political arm in Colombo!

    We are indeed FLOGGING A DEAD HORSE!

  19. Dilrook Says:

    And we helped it enormously by replacing Velupillai with Vigneswaran in 2013.

    Even TNA considers Vigneswaran to be far more extremist than Sambandan.

    I consider Vigneswaran to be far more dangerous than Velupillai. The latter was foolish with no legal knowledge and long-term planning. He thought he could win it all ‘someday’ with total disregard to reality. The former is very clever and is a legal expert. He knows the power of compromise and manipulation.

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