Ranil Wickremasinghe’s crimes against Sri Lanka and its people for forty years
Posted on July 16th, 2020

An Anguished Citizen

Recently Ranil has been going around the country doing Pooja’s and celebrating his 40 years in politics. As far as I can see he was a miserable failure as a politician. It was like 40 years of mayhem. He failed to win elections 29 times, tried to win in 2010 with Sarath Fonseka in front and failed. Then in 2014 he and CBK started a campaign of lies via social media against incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa with funding from foreign NGOs. He promised cars for all, WiFi for the youth and free cell phones. Our idiotic voters fell for it and elected My3 the SLFP traitor who had hoppers with MR and then left him to contest as President of a joint front. They had secret talks with TNA and the Tamil diaspora attended by Mangala Samaraweera in Singapore and at the elections had 94% turn out of Tamils for the joint party. In spite of all these efforts, they won by a very small margin (449,072 votes). There was a lot of cheating as was shown by Dilrook Kanangara and Ravi Randeniya. 

See: http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2015/08/14/cheating-at-the-election/

See Maithripala then and now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvntVXWtoII

My3 broke the law when he appointed RW as the Prime Minister while the Parliament already had D. M. Jayaratna. The reason he gave was that “the West wanted it so”. I assume the West was Britain/USA nexus. In turn, Ranil changed the Cabinet when there was an existing cabinet and appointed his own henchmen. He brought the Finance Ministry under his control and then appointed Arjun Mahendran as head of Central Bank while he was still a Singaporean citizen. He also appointed Paskaralingam whose bad reputation is well known by all Sri Lankans, as head of Treasury. Arjun then did the Rs. 5,000 Million insider trading bond scam. Very little has been done to investigate this matter and bring the miscreants to justice. Ranil is the chief perpetrator since he appointed Arjun Mahendran. My3 could have prevented the gigantic second bond scam that took place in 2016 if he had removed Arjun Mahendran. He is too weak to say no to Ranil.

See: http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2017/02/07/bond-scam/



See: බැදුම්කර ඩීල් එක කරපු විදිය


මහබැංකු බැදුම්කර වංචාව පිළිබද හිටපු මහබැංකු අධිපතිතුමන්ගේ පැහැදිලි කිරීම Former CBSL Governor

See: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/arjuna-mahendran-is-innocent-another-betrayal-by-yahapalanaya/

Even in the August Parliamentary election, My3 broke the law. First, My3 brought a court action to prevent the CC of UPFA from a meeting. Then he got information from National Intelligence that UPFA is going to win 113 seats. According to his own words in order to prevent his own party SLFP/UPFA from winning and to ensure that UNP wins, he wrote a 5-page letter to MR telling him that he will not be appointed as Prime Minister under any circumstances. He then went on tv and read it out to the public to reinforce his letter. He then removed the General Secretaries of both parties (UPFA & SLFP) and appointed his own. He removed the 13 members of the CC and appoints his own. All this was done during the period where the Election commissioner has said there should be no electioneering.  Was this not electioneering by My3 for the UNP during that period? All these actions confused our voting public. On top of that many have pointed out false ballot papers, counting errors etc. Democracy is a laugh in Sri Lanka. Nowhere else in the world will the party leader work for the opposition so strenuously. The election in January was flawed due to an unbelievable number of voter increase in North, East and Nuwara Eliya. As far as I can see both elections have been cheated. After the elections, the members of the gazetted National List were removed and My3 appointed people who had lost the vote to the National List. 

See:  http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2015/08/25/i-wrote-that-letters-sacked-secretaries-because-i-received-intelligence-reports-that-upfa-is-on-the-verge-of-winning-president-%E0%B6%BD%E0%B7%92%E0%B6%BA%E0%B7%94%E0%B6%B8%E0%B7%8A-%E0%B6%BD/

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX_RF6_jQzw

ආප්පයක් කා තාප්පයෙන් පැනගිය හැටි විස්තර කරන පාදඩ සිරා 1

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53Z2fwfgC8s

Prof. Nalin de Silva proves that My3 only got 40% of the Sinhala vote. See:  http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2016/01/14/press-conference-of-chinthana-parshadaya-held-on-13th-january-2016-on-the-new-constitution-and-theravada-kathikavatha/

Some of the crimes against the Sinhalese committed by CBK, My3 and Ranil are as follows:

  • When 1000 soldiers were cut off without water at Elephant Pass, CBK and her nephew Rohan Daluwatte who was the army commander, did nothing to help those men who died of thirst. She could have done so many things to help these men. Instead as Chief Commander, she did nothing !! When the LTTE blew up 11 air Lanka planes the insurance money is supposed to have gone straight into her personal account. This is unforgivable. Also read about CBK’s robbery. http://www.sundaytimes.lk/081012/News/sundaytimesnews_20.html With all this money she gathered she was able to go abroad and live in U.K. for 10 years and educate her children. She is a member of Club de Madrid which is an international group with ex-leaders from all over the world. You can read a full account of her crooked activities in Victor Ivans brilliant book “Rogue Queen”.
  • RW kept trying to hand over the North and East to appease Prabhakaran. He even stopped a crucial military operation in 2001 where the army knew the exact location of Prabhakaran and was ready to take him out. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZWO5fWDikQ  See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjmw8kxbMPU
  • Between him and CBK they prolonged the war by listening to the so called mediators from Norway who were brought in by CBK. The Norwegians were more interested in making the LTTE win than bringing a peaceful resolution. Under their direction container loads of equipment and may be even armaments were brought in through the customs without inspection on Ranils instructions and send directly to the LTTE. Ranil demoralized the army be limiting them to the barracks and ensuring that they were not given enough money to even maintain the vehicles and munitions. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxbGojMb1xc
  • Ranil tried to give 2/3 of the land to LTTE along with the Norwegians on a bogus Peace deal which was used by the LTTE to strengthen their defense systems. Entire container loads of equipment were allowed to go to the Wanni to LTTE on Ranil’s instructions. See: http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-details&page=article-details&code_title=1146733. 
  • He was involved in the release of the names of the 80 odd long range Military Intelligence group to the Parliament which resulted in the names going public. The LTTE then hunted them down and killed every one of them. Some of them were captured and tortured by them to get more names. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_City_incident
  • Gonawela Sunil was in jail for 10 years for rape of a doctor’s daughter. As soon as JR came into power, on the advice of RW, he released G’Sunil. After that wherever RW went Gonawela Sunil went too as his “body guard”. Sunil was collecting “kappam” from the bagging plant operators at the Fertilizer manufacturing plant. Was he sharing this with RW? Since he was protected by RW he must have, at least to buy voters? Gonawela Sunil also managed to drill into a pipeline from the refinery which was sending gasoline to Kolonnawa. He was sucking it up and selling it on the black market. Again who protected him from prosecution? !!  Finally, a rival gang member shot him. That was the end of the strange relationship between Gonawela Sunil and RW. 
  •  During the uprising of the JVP both in the 1970’s and the 1988-90 period it is estimated at almost 80-90,000 youth was killed most of them who were innocent. Most of the killing was done by the UNP regime while Ranil was one of the Ministers who was in charge of bringing the JVP uprising under control. He is supposed to have set up the Batalanda torture chamber under one Douglas Pieris. It is estimated that at least 15,000 youth were tortured in the most bestial manner and then killed supposedly under the direction of Ranil Wickremasinghe. The commission which was set up to inquire into these crimes recommended that Ranil’s civic rights be removed. This was not implemented by CBK. Why? All these innocent Sinhala children are crying out for justice. There are no UNHRC officials to inquire into these crimes by the UNP and Ranil. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9t4Tv9cy60
  • He was also involved with Batalanda murders of mostly JVP lawyers, I believe, from what I heard. At the Fertilizer plant housing scheme one of the houses was acquired by RW for interrogating suspected JVP members. Many people apparently heard the screams from this house in the middle of the night when people were tortured. People also used to see bodies floating down Kelani river. The Batalanda Commission report recommended that RW’s civil rights be removed. As usual, in Sri Lanka, nothing happens to Colombians and those with memberships in International Organizations like the International Democratic Union of which Ranil is a member. 

See Maithri talking against RW in 1994:  http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2016/01/10/batalanda/











  • Ranil has been insulting to Buddhism. He pretends to be Buddhist but is actually neither Buddhist or Christian when one looks at his actions at Batalanda. Anyone with an iota of humanity would not have what he is supposed to have done. 

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RddXfSU0aSE

  • Ranil has always been trying to sell Sri Lanka to foreigners. Every time he got some power into his hands he set about trying to convert our economy to a capitalist economy not withstanding the fact that Sri Lanka is designated as a Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. When he was elected as the PM he started privatizing almost 991 profit making state enterprises. Some places like the Sevanagala Sugar factory was privatized and the new owners removed the assets and ran it to the ground. Then when MR came into power he brought most of them back to being state enterprises. Now before Ranil leaves he wants to sell the most important strategically important ports to Chinese and Indians. As soon as he came into power the first step he took was to change the law which prohibited the sale of land to foreigners so that foreigners could buy large acreages of land. 
  • Pure Capitalism does not work. There are many top economists who have written on the topic. One of the most outspoken has been Dr. Richard Wolf. His famous talk Capitalism hits the fan is given below. His solution for ills of pure capitalism is to have democracy in the work place. The Mondragon Corporation in Spain is actually a large number of Co-operatives under the umbrella of Mondragon. This was set up with the blessings of the Catholic Church. In the USA there are many companies which are run as co-operatives where the employees participate in the decision making of the company affairs by being on the board. In Germany which has been very successful any company with over 2000 employees have to have at least 50% of employees on the board. This is why unlike USA Germany is very successful. In 2008 when the recession hit many companies in the USA laid off people in millions. In Germany, the Govt informed the companies not to lay off any one. They suggested that they can reduce the number of hours of employees but keep all employed. In return, the German Govt paid the wages of the companies who had reduced the number of hours of employees so that no one lost any money. The net result was that the people had money in the pocket and were spending it thereby keeping the economy rolling. They hardly felt the recession, unlike the stupid USA Corporations.

Please watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZU3wfjtIJY ( Capitalism Hits the Fan – Richard Wolff)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WhZXhRS3F4 ( Austerity and Neoliberalism in Greece with Richard Wolff and Barry Herman | The New School)

  • Ranil is supposed to have agreed to a bridge to Sri Lanka from India in 2002. We can be sure it is on his agenda if he remains as PM. In an export-oriented economy which is what Ranil wants one of the main requirements is cheap labor. In order to do that, he has destroyed the agrarian economy and impoverished the rural folk. MR was trying to make the country self-sufficient in food and most commodities. In fact, before the Yahapalanaya came into power Sri Lanka was self-sufficient in rice. Now we are importing rice from Thailand, Burma, and even Bangladesh. How pathetic. 


  • The UN has become just a puppet of powerful countries to bully small defenseless countries. Sri Lanka has been pummelled by the UN and the UNHRC on bogus War crimes charges without any proof. Please see this excellent article on this subject: http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2016/09/06/who-monitors-the-monitors-iii/ On his instructions presumably, Mangla Samaraweera co-sponsored a resolution against Sri Lanka. 
  • It is very obvious that Ranil Wickremasinghe has no love for the country or the people. He has been a stooge of the powerful countries right from the beginning. He came into power as the PM illegally on Jan 8’15 after the Presidential election when the spineless My3 was elected as President and he then appointed RW as PM when there were an existing PM and a Parliament with a cabinet. 
  • Ranil then caused the Central Bank bond scam by appointing a foreigner as the Governor of Central Bank who proceeded to do a bond scam which has cost Sri Lanka a massive amount of money. Part of this money was used by him for the General Election in Aug 2015 which the UNP won only narrowly. Again the spineless My3 created a so-called National Govt as a coalition of the UNP and all the MPs who were rejected by the people who were brought in under the National List by the spineless My3. 
  •  The current Parliament is a comedy since the TNA which got only 16 seats is the Opposition while the 52 SLFP members who did not join the coalition are in the wilderness without any official recognition. All the JO group members are harassed at every turn by another illegal group called the FCID created by RW. He seems to get all these brilliant ideas which are obviously coming from the think tanks of the powerful countries. 
  •  Ranil is supposed to be trying to bankrupt the country so that we are helpless like Greece and he is also supposed to be trying to lease out 5000 acre lots of land to foreigners for 100-year leases. This will enable the Tamil diaspora to lease out most of the North and East for exclusive use by the Tamils thereby creating a separate state. He has already given 15,000 acres on a 99-year lease to a Chinese company based in Hong Kong presumably with British interests. This is a great crime against the country since if it was managed the way MR was doing it would have paid for itself in about 5 years. In the days of the King of Kandy traitors like this were pulled apart to pieces by elephants which is what he deserves.

The biggest problem Sri Lanka has is that the entire Colombo group is more or less very Westernized. They are so Westernized that they are more Western than the Westerners themselves! They talk with a big accent and if you go to any of the clubs you find the men and the women are like from another age of the West. They drink only whiskey, brandy, and imported liquor. You see girls dancing and with girls and kissing each other trying to emulate the West. They travel in luxury limousines like BMWs and Benzes. The children are sent to International Schools, as a result, they are completely divorced from the realities of Sri Lanka. The poor go to the middle east to make the foreign exchange which is used by these Colombians to maintain their lifestyle at the expense of the development in the country. If you look at the number of luxury vehicles you cannot imagine that the country is paying 94% of its earning to pay the foreign debts. These parasites are the biggest supporters of the UNP and Ranil. 

The other groups are the Christian Catholic groups who want to convert the entire island to their religion (which is mythology) as has been done in South Korea, etc. The foreign companies who have now put deep roots in Sri Lanka also want to make sure they are secure so they support the UNP and Ranil. One of these days the dominoes will fall and when that happens there will be a massive upheaval hopefully for the better for all who are truly patriotic and love Sri Lanka. 

Any other Govt which comes into power after this ridiculous puppet Govt must carry out a plan to correct all the mistakes that have been done over the years by successive Govts. We must rename the country as “Sinhale” which was the name of the country in the Treaty the British signed with the Chieftains of Sri Lanka in 1815 when they handed over the country to them.  They must have an inquiry into the activities of Ranil Wickremasinghe over the years and prosecute him. When the Batalanda commission found him guilty and removed his civic rights how did he manage to run for PM? Why is that no one raised any arguments against him? 

3 Responses to “Ranil Wickremasinghe’s crimes against Sri Lanka and its people for forty years”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Header should’ve been Batalande wa(n)dakaya’s crimes against Sinhalese Buddhists, Sri Lanka and Buddhism.
    Sinhalese Buddhists have been like nayata andukola for Batalande wa(n)dakaya! But its die hard catholic token
    Buddhist wolf in sheep’s clothing (that’s catholic wolf in Buddhist clothing) gave the traitor chief to do the
    destruction, mass murders (Sinhalese Buddhists only of course) to the delight of traitor tamils, mussies and

    Only thing traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist mega thief mega thakkadiya bay gal karaya Batalande
    wa(n)dakaya Pol Pot r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala killer had to do was wear a national dress, raise the pirith nool
    clad right hand and a lot of Sinhala modayas become hypnotised. To this day, a lot of Sinhala Buddhist modayas
    think Batalande wa(n)dakaya is a Buddhist. When the traitor life was named with the Sinhala sounding name,
    Sinhala Buddhists’ fate was sealed. If it had been named ronald or david or something wa(n)dakaya would’ve
    had a bit of trouble fooling the modayas.

    Batalande wa(n)dakaya brutally massacred Buddhist jaathidhrohee vermins’ party aka jvp with its top catholic
    police brass and top catholic deshapaluwas. They all had English first names apart from the wa(n)dakaya. Yet
    no Sinhala modayas ever noticed it since all the GooandPee aka UNPatriotic_rats controlled media made sure
    to keep Sinhala modayas in the dark. In the process, wa(n)dakaya and GooandPee murderers (Sinhalese
    Buddhists only) got rid of 60,000+ Sinhalese Buddhsits. Sinhalese cull !. No terras were rehabilitated, unlike Sirima
    B. Rehabilitation? Are you mad? They are Buddhists! So the cull went on. To this date wa(n)dakaya and Co
    free. No UN, no AI, no AB, no AC, CD etc. etc. since they were Buddhists.

    It was totally different when the real terras, catholic tigers of tamil
    drealam headed by its catholic buddy hitler mala paharan. Wa(n)dakaya and catholic-controlled GooandPee
    gave all the support to barrel man to start a catholic country in the N&E. Wa(n)dakaya and its catholic buddies
    karunkaya etc. etc. tried to convince people the war was unwinnable and ridiculed the army in order to divide
    the country. When the drealam project still didn’t take off, wa(n)dakaya sent all the Millennium City intelligent
    officers to the barrel man’s bullet. MR came, so called invincible terras were running for their lives. In the
    process wa(n)dakay & GooandPee sacrified 100,000+, mainly Sinhalese Buddhists. Sinhalese cull 2!

    Knowing wa(n)dakaya stood no chance winning it fronted puppet the vairapala sorry sena and got into the driving
    seat again. While vairapala touring the world, having the time of its life, wa(n)dakaya and went on a destruction
    spree. Traitor alugosuwa (to Sinhalese Buddhists only of course) who started all the destruction of the Sinhalese race, Sri Lanka and Buddhism thambi mudiyanelage jr@ taught the GooandPee how to carry on for 20/30 years
    without doing any work, without elections. Murder Sinhalese Buddhists and burn the country! GooandPee used
    catholic tigers of tamil drealam to murder Sinhalese Buddhists and burn the country for 30 years.

    As soon as wa(n)dakaya got into the driving seat, it planted its catholic buddy maha horandran to the CB and
    got away with Rs 5585 billion. To this day, wa(n)dakay or the gang of thieves hasn’t been punished at all.
    Meanwhile Sinhala modayas revere the monsters. Sinhalayas called modayas for a reason. Wa(n)dakaya
    and the murderous thieves tried to murder Sinhalese Buddhist this time using mussies. The traitor thieves
    kept quiet about the halal bombs thinking it will start the murder campaign and burn the country for 20/30
    years. All the thieves held a press conference grinning ear to ear thinking part time going to start soon.
    Unfortunately it didn’t take off and the wa(n)dakaya and co lost the way. Now traitor murder thieves have got
    together with tamil nadu alliance aka TNA and ISIS extremists to trying to get into driving seat. Who will bet
    against the traitor thieves? Only thing traitor murderous thieves have to do is promise something very very
    big and Sinhala modayas will vote for the murderous thieves. If these anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka, anti Sinhalese
    traitor murderous thieves get into the driving seat again, it will be the end of the Sinhalese race, Sri Lanka and
    Buddhism. Dump the traitor low lives for good along with its back licking church acolyte A K de Lapaya’s
    jaathiedhrohee vermins’ party aka jvp.

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Please click the following links to see why die hard catholic token Buddhist Batanade wa(n)dakaya and
    GooandPee brutally massacred Buddhist jaathidhrohee vermins’ party aka jvpers and gave half the country on a plate to its catholic buddy barrel man hitler mala paharan. GooandPee also created every Mother Lanka dismembering, every Mother Lanka hating diasporats all over the world (developed countries only of course). You can’t see these in so called Buddhist Sri Lanka (on paper) where all the media are controlled by GooandPee aka UNPatriotic_rats henchmen.










  3. Cerberus Says:

    The Yahapalanaya came into being in 2015 based on lies told to the people about the MR govt. The Bond scam, the importation of luxury vehicles for all the uneducated people in their party & backers in the parliament, lavish spending on jaunts abroad for the Prime Minister and his ‘40 thieves’ like the trip to Davos, etc. The excessive indebtedness was caused by the Yahapalanaya taking loans from big lenders abroad and appears to have been deliberately done to impoverish the country as a prelude to the take over by their masters. However, thanks to the many wonderful people who watch over the country and inform the people, those things did not go according to their plans. 
    Yahapalanaya is waiting for the economy to crash completely and they are also deliberately provoking the poorer sections of the public who have to bear dire poverty. The idea is to have another uprising similar to what happened in 88-90 and then they will unleash the forces against the people as the UNP cabinet did earlier. The UNP murderous thugs killed thousands of innocent Sinhala youth and the International watchdogs kept quiet. No UN, UNHRC, or Amnesty International came to the rescue of these hapless people as they did for the terrorist LTTE. This time if such diabolical leaders are given a chance they will do their worst before the leaders depart to foreign climes.  Such thinking behind the Yahapalanaya must go if the country is to prosper.  Such Agents must go or reform as they are used by the negative foreign powers to divide up the country and break it up as they destroyed Borneo which is now a wasteland. 
    Furthermore, the value of the rupee has gone down from 130 to a US Dollar to almost 190 in the 5 years of Yahapalanaya. Thanks to these heartless people who will do the bidding of the big lenders and their masters to stay in power. The net result is that the cost of living has shot up for the average citizen. The goods from Sri Lanka have become cheaper for the countries who import our products. We lose both ways, we pay more for imports and get less for exports. Traitors such as these, if they were in the olden days, would have been publicly exposed and disposed of for their crimes against the people of Sri Lanka. Now instead they are lauded and treated as if they are heroes. This is real Kali Yuga.  
    Once more we see as in 2015 certain party leaders are making dreamy, impossible to keep promises to some of our forgetful Sinhalese who may still vote for these miserable leaders after all the damage they have done to our country in the years of Yahapalanaya. They have stated that they will get the funding for all the freebies they are promising the people by going to the IMF and the western countries. Unfortunately, during this time, Yahapalanaya was able to give the Hambantota harbor to a foreign company on a long 99 yr lease. This is a huge security issue for the country and no one can account for the money received from the harbor deal.
    Even now at this late stage, our people MUST realize that there is no free lunch. If the IMF gives money, it will be done for profit.  As it happened in Greece, the IMF gave many loans to them and then forced the country to sell all the airports, hospitals, and remove all social security for its people, remove their pensions, etc. In the end, the western banks swooped in bought up the assets of the country for a few cents on the dollar. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WhZXhRS3F4
    Is this what we want to happen in Sri Lanka? See what happened in Borneo which adopted pure capitalism.  https://e360.yale.edu/features/vanishing-borneo-saving-one-of-worlds-last-great-places-palm-oil#:~:text=Vanishing%20Borneo%3A%20Saving%20One%20of%20the%20World's%20Last%20Great%20Places,-By%20Alex%20Shoumatoff&text=Borneo's%20magnificent%20rain%20forest%20is,most%20ancient%20forest%20on%20earth.    The only way to progress is by SELF RELIANCE. Yahapalanaya tried to destroy the farmers during the 5 years from 2015 to 2019. They removed the fertilizer subsidy, imported chemical weedicides such as Glyphosate to make foreign markets happy and caused Kidney disease for thousands of farmers. In India, thousands of farmers who were forced to buy the Gene modified seeds from Monsanto committed suicide. The West tried to Patent the Indian Neem tree and the Basmati rice seeds. Thanks to the efforts of patriotic Indians such as  Mrs. Vandana Shiva, such unpatriotic actions were prevented. She said “This victory is the result of extremely long solidarity. It is a victory of committed citizens over commercial interests and big powers.” They managed to prevent all these crimes from happening.  Lanka’s hour for PATRIOTISM has come!
    We all have a short life on this planet and let us not try to attain the Western-style luxury life by pandering to our senses and instead grow and develop ourselves spiritually within, and by serving the motherland as much as possible to save it from the vultures who are waiting to prey on our land and the people. We can see that the western philosophy of PURE capitalism, dog eat dog philosophy, has led to the rise of leaders who like the Yahapalanaya leaders who lie, promising the sun the moon to the people and after they came into power started demolishing the environment, and the few social benefits the ordinary folk had, to satisfy the big business types who wanted nothing other than to make profits at the expense of the people and the land. The COVID 19 pandemic has exposed their true loyalties to the people and they are beginning to see what pure capitalism does to a country and its people. Today thanks to the lack of caring by the US President the richest country in the world has the most number of people dying of the pandemic. In order to improve his polls he has ordered all the hospitals in the USA to send reports of COVID 19 infections, and deaths to his office instead of the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) which was handling the data earlier. Now no one knows how many are dying or sick. He also is forcing the schools to reopen without taking into consideration the danger to the school children. Some people who have got the disease are feeling the debilitating effects for months and are unfit to work.
    Remember also why Singapore is a success story! Lee Kuan Yew governed Singapore for a long time with a combination of an iron fist and absolute integrity. Here in Sri Lanka, we detest both qualities. We want to have Singapore type success yet we do not like discipline and integrity in all matters. Sri Lankans will have to make up their mind as to what they want. There is always a price to pay for anything. 
    The UNP was called the “Grand Old Party” after independence. They had the right mix of capitalism and socialism with integrity and discipline. There is no reason why the UNP cannot again become what it was long ago if the right leadership takes over the party.
    Here in Sri Lanka, we are extremely fortunate that we have President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, a true Patriot in power when COVID 19 happened. His quick decisive actions have limited the number of deaths to 11 and prevented bad a situation like in some highly developed countries.  When Lanka goes into vote in August this year, we hope the voters remember these lessons from the past.  Remember that some tough measures have to be taken to set the country right again. 

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