A Prison Commissioner gets monetary gifts from Makandure Madush in Dubai
Posted on September 26th, 2020

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Underworld figure ‘Kosgoda Tharaka’, who is remand custody has made a statement to the Criminal Investigation Department that a Prison Commissioner had allegedly received monetary gifts from notorious underworld criminal Makandure Madush, while Madush was staying in Dubai, Deputy Solicitor General Dileepa Peiris said.

Deputy Solicitor General made this statement before the Galle Magistrate Harshana Kekunawela yesterday when the case in relation to posing death threats on prison officials was taken up yesterday.

Accordingly, the DSG said they hoped to record statements from the relevant Prison Commissioner and the notorious criminal Makandure Madush in order to verify the credibility of the statement.

Deputy Solicitor General further said that ‘Kosgoda Tharaka’, who had been named as the first suspect regarding the making of death threats on Prison officials, is currently being interrogated by the CID.

2 Responses to “A Prison Commissioner gets monetary gifts from Makandure Madush in Dubai”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    Simplest thing without so much investigations is for ordinary citizens to be informed and show how these individuals and similar including this Prisom Commissioner have been living beyond their means. It is easy to see if they have built palatial buildings having luxury vehicles. doing exclusive shopping and their wives frequently flying off to exclusive shopping destinations. The second line is to observe are their close relatives coming into possession of unearned wealth.

    The judiciary process is a big and extremely expensive circus catererd to make the lawyers rich, which produce results only after the accused have left this world on thier own accord and the victims the people have already so miserably forgotten even what they have been accused of – being naturally moving on with their lives.

    It is easy to see the brand of democracy, human rights and bogus reconciliation that has been practiced has not brought the intended dividends, but only disenchantment. The cries that the Parliaments should be bombed, that it should sink into the Diyawannawa and all inmates should drown are only the cries in the dark of lost hope and despondency!

    The people who are supposed to be sovereign, who funded so many Commissions of Inquiry have not even had the simplel joy of reading these exalted COI reports. Some have been put in dark vaults not to see the light of day in living memory! This is the state of affairs people want changed and it is for that they have given the current government a 2/3 majority!

  2. Nimal Says:

    Truly disgusting.

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