Posted on November 21st, 2020


The Central Intelligence Agency of the USA, the CIA has several front organizations, said critics. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was one of them. NED is a grant-making foundation, distributing funds to private non-governmental organizations for promoting democracy abroad in around 90 countries, said Wikipedia.  NED played a role in supporting the Arab Spring of 2011.[1]

This Organization has listed its grants to Sri Lanka for 2018. I have down loaded it from Here is the list.

Citizen Participation in Monitoring Economic Development

Centre for Environmental Justice (Guarantee) Limited


To promote good governance, adherence to regulations for transparency and accountability, and the rule of law in Sri Lanka’s development sector and strengthen legal protection for communities adversely affected by severe environmental degradation as a result of irresponsible development. The center will work to ensure that environmental protection laws and procedures are enforced by conducting a series of meetings with government officials as well as organizing paralegal trainings and carrying out strategic litigation.

Civic Engagement for Sustained Collective Action

Janawaboda Kendraya


To build knowledge and create opportunities for citizens to become more engaged in the political process at the local level. The organization will strengthen and sustain the work of its volunteer structures in eleven districts through programming that incorporates leadership development and community training on democracy, human rights, and good governance, moderated discussions, and street theater in an effort to engage citizens and government officials in the political life of their communities.

Community Mobilization and Political Participation

Human Rights


To build the capacity of human rights defenders to support victims in the pursuit of justice, accountability, and truth. The project will train human rights defenders in the concepts of democracy, civic engagement, and international human rights mechanisms and support their efforts to mobilize victims around prevailing concerns and violations and the ongoing reform process.

Enhancing Civic Education for High School Students

Social Scientists’ Association


To build knowledge and encourage dialogue around issues of democracy, peacebuilding, and reconciliation among high school teachers and students. The organization will develop student-friendly videos to supplement existing materials on the topics of democracy and human rights, justice, conflict resolution, and local government. It will also train high school civics teachers on integrating the supplemental videos into the existing curriculum and discuss ways to introduce difficult, more controversial topics with students. The grantee will organize seminars for teachers to discuss civics curricula in the current political context.

Human Rights Documentation and Advocacy

Human Rights


To document human rights violations committed during the war and post-war periods and advocate for justice and accountability. The project will systematically gather information about atrocities in the north and east, catalog and analyze it, and distribute it to interested entities. It will provide feedback to individuals and bodies that solicit ideas on the development of a transitional justice mechanism.

Improving Legal Literacy on Land Rights

Law and Society Trust


To facilitate coordination between civil society and government authorities for the implementation and reform of existing laws and ordinances on land rights. The organization will manage a nationwide network of organizations focused on land rights, convene government officials and citizens on land laws and policies, document land disputes, and advocate for new, equitable laws.

Jumpstarting Democratic Reforms Through Increased Access to Information

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)


To improve public knowledge of the government’s economic reform efforts, and to enhance private sector demand for government transparency in economic decision making. The center will support a range of activities, including federal budget monitoring, economic policy analysis, engagement with regional business organizations on access to information, and private sector advocacy to catalyze action on the government’s good governance” agenda and meaningfully move forward on Sri Lanka’s democratization.

Leadership Development for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

Centre for Justice and Change


To support the development of community leaders and advocate for the promotion and protection of human rights in eastern Sri Lanka. The organization will undertake a multi-faceted program in Trincomalee district aimed at strengthening the capacity of village leaders, including youth, to raise awareness about the needs of their communities and advocate on their behalf. It will also facilitate the engagement of its network members, many of whom are victims of human rights abuses, in the transitional justice process.

Mobilize Families of the Disappeared in Support of Reconciliation and Justice

Families of the Disappeared


To mobilize families of the disappeared,” in support of reconciliation and transitional justice. The association will highlight the systematic nature of disappearances, impunity in past cases, and efforts by victims’ families to seek redress. It will raise awareness of human rights violations experienced in the context of the ethnic conflict and leftist insurrections and commemorate the lives of disappeared citizens. It will also build support for transitional justice mechanisms and broader democratic values and reform efforts.

Parliamentary Tracking Tool for Accountability and Good Governance

Verite Research Pvt. Ltd.


To promote accountability and good governance through the application of a web-based parliamentary tracking tool. The organization will maintain and refine an online platform that documents the biographical information and political activities of Members of Parliament and conduct outreach to promote its usage by the media and civil society. Using its data, the organization will contribute, through articles and other media, to the political debate around the development and implementation of governmental policies and legislation.

Promoting Citizen Participation and Local Government Accountability in Estate Tamil Communities

Uva Shakthi Foundation


To promote citizen participation and local government accountability in Sri Lanka’s estate Tamil communities. The organization will conduct trainings on governance and democracy to raise awareness among Indian Origin Tamils working in the estate sector of their roles and responsibilities as citizens and encourage their full participation in Sri Lankan society.

Promoting Political Participation and National Reconciliation



To increase youth participation in the political process and involvement in national reconciliation. Through political and civic education as well as skills development trainings, the organization’s youth network members will deepen their involvement in the civic life of their communities. The organization will also consolidate the support of civil society in southern Sri Lanka to ensure lasting peace and a political solution to ethnic conflict.

Promoting Youth Involvement in Reconciliation

The Social Architects


To deepen understanding of transitional justice mechanisms, right to information, and the multiple experiences and perspectives in conflict-affected areas. In parallel with the government’s truth and reconciliation process, the organization will work to bridge the gap between ethnic communities weakened by deep-rooted suspicion and competing political narratives. It will also work with government officers to ensure transitional justice mechanisms are enforced and work with communities to reflect on varying war experiences and perspectives across ethnic groups.

Seeking Redress for Victims of Human Rights Violations

Centre for Human Rights and Development


To raise awareness of and seek redress for victims of human rights violations. The organization will provide legal aid in cases of human rights violations, including rape, torture, and detention under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA), provisions of which are contrary to international human rights standards. In addition, the organization will conduct advocacy and public awareness campaigns supporting a more transparent judicial system and repealing the PTA and other policies that infringe on civil liberties and human rights.

Seeking Transitional Justice, Reform, and Reconciliation in Post-War Sri Lanka

The International Working Group on Sri Lanka Ltd.


To support post-war transitional justice, reform, and reconciliation. The organization will coordinate a series of capacity building training workshops, roundtable discussion to formulate advocacy strategies, and consultation meetings with elected representatives, policy advisors, and bureaucrats in conjunction with Sri Lankan civil society activists to mobilize domestic and international support for meaningful transitional justice efforts.

Seeking Transitional Justice, Reform, and Reconciliation in Post-War Sri Lanka

The International Working Group on Sri Lanka Ltd.

Supplement: $50,000

To support post-war transitional justice, reform, and reconciliation. The organization will coordinate a series of capacity-building, strategy, and advocacy-related activities in conjunction with Sri Lankan and international civil society activists to mobilize domestic and international support for meaningful transitional justice efforts. The organization will work with a broad base of civil society actors to ensure that a multiplicity of viewpoints is represented.

Strengthening Civil Society Networks for Active Political Participation

Viluthu, Ltd.


To raise awareness of political, social, and economic rights, provide a venue for reflection and discussion, and empower participants to take action on issues of concern. The grantee will organize a series of community discussions and learning workshops aimed at engaging youth, including university students, and women’s network leaders on democracy, good governance, and transitional justice.

Strengthening Youth Leadership and Civic Participation in Eastern Sri Lanka

Trincomalee District Youth Development – AHAM


To strengthen the capacity of youth to participate effectively in the civic life of their communities. The organization will train youth in leadership development skills and basic principles of democracy and human rights to prepare them for involvement in civic life and to assume leadership roles in their communities in Trincomalee and Batticaloa districts.

Youth Leadership Development

Alliance Development Trust


To promote democratic values among youth leaders. The organization will equip youth involved in civic-oriented networks or who have assumed leadership roles in their communities with a deeper understanding of democratic principles and values, responsible citizenship, and rule of law. Youth will subsequently share the knowledge gained with their networks. End of list. (continued)

[1] wikipedia

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