Posted on February 19th, 2021


Unconfirmed reports from India indicated that some people have expressed concern about the news that the BJP is willing to be opened a branch in Sri Lanka, and how it impacts politics in Sri Lanka may be an unexpected change of the nature of political issues in Sri Lanka, and many people have different points of view about the decision of the Bharathiya Janatha Party in India. The operating BJP in Sri Lanka might be a problem for various community groups in Sri Lanka.  The opening of a branch office in other countries may be considered a democratic opportunity by many Western countries. It is a normal adventure as in the UK, the USA, Canada, and other countries where opened branch offices of political parties of other countries. For example, some registered political parties in Sri Lanka maintain branch offices in the UK.  The way of operation usually subject to the country’s intelligence operations and legal provisions, and if the political party believes in democracy and its fundamental process is based on democratic principles it may not be a matter to agitate against such a decision.

What is the legal aspect in Sri Lanka regarding the opening of an office of BJP?  The decision of BJP is subject to the law of Sri Lanka and India cannot violate the law like Mr.Rajiv Gandi did pawing dhal to Jaffna. If any organization wants to do politics in Sri Lanka it needs political and legal clearance from Sri Lanka, as well as India. Such a decision should be under the legal provisions (constitutional, legislative, and judge-made) of Sri Lanka. The Commissioner of Election has legal authority and has power to indicates if any political party wants to participate in an election to elect representatives it needs legal clearance in which the process needs to complete several conditions. For example, Mr.Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who was an American citizen, had to get legal clearance before a contest in the presidential election held in 2019. If BJP can accomplish such conditions it might be able to register as a political party to operate in Sri Lanka.

In the meantime, the Commissioner of Election has expressed his opinion that BJP cannot do and Nepal has rejected the BJP intention, the unconfirmed news reported about the BJP plan has published in print media in the region. News in the Indian sub-continent is covered with the taste of sweet and savor, and this news also may an exaggeration of manipulated opinion. People of Sri Lanka know that a crow did vomit on a person who was resting under a tree, it may publicize as thousand of crows were vomiting on the man. This is how exaggerating a small incident in the Indian sub-continent.   

The most rigid condition for BJP is finding members who actively willing to participate in the political process. Many Sri Lanka individuals without ethnic differences participate in politics to gain personal advantages. India has competitive politics and other political parties than BJP may willing to open branches in Sri Lanka if it works well.  As people fully aware, BJP is not a political party that has been operating since the era of the State Council in Sri Lanka, and if it is a truth that BJP wants to engage in active politics in Sri Lanka it should begin the process now. During the July riots in 1983, Mrs. Indira Gandi expressed that India concerns on issues of the Tamil Community in Sri Lanka as this community has links to South Indian Tamils. Sinhala, Tamil, and Muslim communities in Sri Lanka have links to India not only the basis of the beginning of such communities but also the communities that share the Indian cultural heritage and values.

What is the constitution of the BJP and what are the conditions to be a member of the BJP are other questions associate with the main question  Sinhala people have no idea about these points. The BJP would have investigated these issues before expressed its willingness to operate or participate in politics, and my view is BJP wants to be an unofficial organization to influence politics in Sri Lanka. The major reason is, it may be a factor to attract Tamilnadu voters’ supports in the next election.

Indian political parties had been influenced in Sri Lanka since before independence and to what extend BJP has been an agency in Sri Lanka needed considering many documents.  BJP was a part of the Congress Party until Mr. Lal Bahadul Sastri’s death, and when Mrs. Indira Gandi became the Chairperson of the Congress Party BJP germinated Indian soil encompassing conservative politicians in India and SLFP in Sri Lanka associated with the Congress Party and UNP indirectly associated with BJP.  When Mr.Moraji Desai visited Sri Lanka in the early 1970s, the personal conversation between Mr.Moraji Desai and Mr.J.R. Jayawardane had gone to ears of the Indira Gandi who reacted to the conversation was a public secret in Sri Lanka, and the origin of LTTE was contributed by this story, was gossip in Sri Lanka. 

When BJP and the congress party working together many positive policy decisions were made, the most remarkable action was the nationalization of foreign banks in India. Regarding foreign policy, India aligned with the Soviet Union at that time, and India also played a police role in the Indian ocean, and the transfer of power from Congress to BJP changed the Indian policy toward Sri Lanka. The fundamental friendship between India and Sri Lanka has not been changed despite the savor experience encountered during the past several decades.

Why BJP wants to engage in politics in Sri Lanka? It is a broader question that needs to analyze from different points of view. When Mr.S.Thondaman was doing politics he had a strong association with Indian politics. Political influence and relationship between Indian and Sri Lanka had been at different levels and late professor Paranavithana indicated that King Vijayabahu, who initiated the Polonnaruva kingdom associated with Kalinga Desh in India, and King Parakrama Bahu was a son of Princes Ratnavali and his father was an Indian Prince and King Nissanka Malla was a Son-in-Law of King Parakrama Bahu.

The relationship between India and Sri Lanka generated advantages as well as disadvantages to Sri Lanka.  The style of BJP looking at Sri Lanka seems to be varied and the biggest advantage of BJP is that it is against dividing Sri Lanka and the use of Sri Lanka as a base to create problems in India. Norway and other European countries had a different opinion and  Mr.Rohana Wijeweera stated in the 1970s that Ms. Jean Kerk Patrick stated in Trincomalee that the US had an intention to divide India into four parts.

India massively influenced Tamil Political Parties not only to Mr.Thondaman’s party but also to other Tamil parties in North and East. The congress party influenced Sinhala political parties.  The provincial council system introduced in the late 1980s was a clear reflection that Indian attitudes and influences are working in Sri Lanka.  India wants to use foreign aids to make political influences on Sri Lanka, however, it has no economic power to pour a massive sum of foreign money in Sri Lanka as in the way China is doing.        

Another significant point is if China wants to open a branch of the Chinese Communist Party in line with BJP, the government of Sri Lanka should allow it if it opens to BJP for playing politics in Sri Lanka. Politics in the Indian region is a complicated mechanism that many people have difficulty to understanding and many times playing politics is disgusted matter to many people. BJP has been playing politics in Sri Lanka since the 1970s and the best example was the presidential election in 2015.


  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Indian bully boy rash all over Mother Lanka to keep the Chinese away from us. Bully boy wants to decimate the Sinhalese, promote tamils and eventually annex Mother Lanka to india. The Chinese has been our true friends since the 1950s. The Chinese are the best antibiotic to stop Indian bully boy rash and for the long term survival and security of the Sinhalese. Get the Chinese involved more and more!

  2. Gunasinghe Says:

    Big no to parasite indians to open political office in Sri Lanka. Nothing good can come out of this. All Srilankn must wake up and kick them out of our mother land before too late.

  3. Nihal Perera Says:

    I AGREE with both comments….

    India is a bully and NEVER to be trusted. Their agenda is to dominate its neighbors by hook or crook, mostly by crook.

    Sri Lanka should NEVER give into Indian demands or agree to sell SL assets to them. It will be a disaster for Sri Lanka and Sinhalese in the long run, guaranteed.

  4. aloy Says:

    “The Commissioner of Election has legal authority and has power to indicates if any political party wants to participate in an election to elect representatives it needs legal clearance in which the process needs to complete several conditions.”

    This is an absurd statement by the writer.

    Aren’t all the big powers playing a game of chess on SL?.

    Clearly the Prez was elected by 6.9 million Sinhalese voters.

    But how about the parliamentary election?.
    Do you still have faith on that Mako?. Has nobody challenged it?. The leader of the previous ruling party who polled highest number of votes in the country in that election could not even retain his seat and in addition nobody has been sent to the parliament by their party. The postal votes were only around 50% of those registered due to voter apathy in the last parliamentary election, if the report we got after its conclusion was right. But in the end it turned out to be around 99.9%. Even the polling day results were a mystery to me and all are talking about a 2/3rd mandate given by the voters.
    And those firebrands like Amith Weerasinhe, who may have won a seat (including the pious guy of bond scam fame Mr. Handunetty) don’t say a word about the flowed election.

    Clearly the situation will go out of our control and if the muradewathawos ( or guardians of the nation) do not wake up immediately SL which has survives as an independent nation all along will be shared by Indians, Arabs and Chinese and lost for eve for its citizens.

    Why SL ( Sinhale/ Ceylon/Ceylao/Taprobane / Serendip) has been so important to the naval powers throughout its history can be understood if one looks at the weather broadcast of BBC every hour each day: have a good look, you will see all the wind streams starting from Japan up to Middle East shown as live arrows either coming from North East or South West pass trough our NCP, NP and southern areas of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. So, these areas must have been receiving an abundance of rain fall and sun shine making it one of the most prosperous regions on earth and in addition attracted shipping from Western countries as well as Arabia and far East for trade using the wind power.
    This pattern would have been the result of the magnetic field which has not changed for many thousands of years. According to the latest discoveries the last time the earth’s magnetic field has flipped was about 45,000 years ago. And Sri Lanka has been enjoying this unique position including the god given natural resources all the while and has shed rivers of blood trying to save it. Listen to the song: “Mulleriya welehi wahtura …”. But, ever since the traitor JR came to power the Sinhalas have lost control of it.
    I wonder whether the venerable monks who brought these people to power since ’77 understand the significance of these facts. If not the 26000 souls whose names have been etched on stone at the Diyawanna cenotaph will curse those who are not doing anything to prevent our corrupt politicos giving away what they fought for and lost their lives, on a platter to various foreign powers. They fought for thirty long years so that their next generations would live a dignified life and also inherit it.

  5. Nimal Says:

    It is a hard fact to follow or swollow.We can’t have double standards where I was able to be a member of the SLFP in London,where I was free to demonstrate out side No 10 Downing street against the LTTE events in the island.Sadly that freedom should be offered to foreign ploitical parties and they will make much inroads to the lives of the people of Indian decent if the latter is not absorbed into our national politics. We must do every thing not to elianate them or they will look for shelter in India.It is dangerous to to have dounble standards.We are doing the same with set standards by the HR and UN conventions.These are there for our own protection and well-being.
    Sometimes countries like US seem to have double standards with respect UN human rights and we could do our part to attempt to put them right by various means like recalling the Ambassador and replacing with the cleaner of the embassy.This is one way of showing our contempt.
    We claim to be a country with a great history and culture must demonstrate in every occation that we hold on to those values without allowing or contributing to the law of the jungle which will harm us more than the powerful countries.
    We must do our best to have the estate tamils and the Tamils in the north to our side and one such gesture will be equally distribute the Covid Vaccine to these minorities in a fair manner so that they could feel wanted.

  6. aloy Says:

    Here’s the proof about the reversal of earths magnetic field that appeared just yesterday. Hope it is not s difficult one!.


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