20 Desperate UN officials attempt to use Sri Lanka to create a PRECEDENT that UN Members should not allow!
Posted on February 21st, 2021

Some held portfolios during the thick of LTTE terror. Some held portfolios that could have stopped LTTE terror. Some held portfolios but simply watched LTTE carnage in silent. All of them did nothing to end the suffering 20million populace suffered when LTTE bombed and committed acts of terror. All of them woke up only after LTTE was militarily defeated or on the verge of defeat and all of them are now demanding answers for how the war was fought completely erasing their inaction during LTTE terror. What are these desperados’ really up to? What should UN Member States read from these actions? When a UN that did nothing to stop terror suddenly comes out with the rule books AFTER the terror is over, it only showcases the UN system is being used to CREATE A PRECEDENCE with Sri Lanka as a guinea pig. The Third World must rally behind Sri Lanka not for anything else, but to safeguard their own nations from becoming target of UN bullies if their attempt to subjugate Sri Lanka into the UN succeeds.
The laws of war and justice was re-written according to geopolitical demands with 9/11. Thereafter, concepts, formulas and templates took the form of what suited powerful nations & their political agendas. So accountability, justice, human rights, democracy, freedoms etc came to be determined on what suited their agendas. The UN system and NGO network became the mechanisms used to fast forward these objectives.
Those who did nothing to stop Rwanda genocide – where actual dead bodies was seen to count cannot talk about any invisible genocide in Sri Lanka – where accusers have failed to present names of 40,000 dead.
Those who did nothing when the Libyan Leader was killed in front of the whole world and watched by the world’s most powerful nation whose officials simply laughed at his death – cannot talk about justice or accountability.
Those who after destroying Libya went on to destroy Syria, bombing a country to the stone age, with goal to dislodge its leader, cannot send petitions against Sri Lanka, if they simply sat in their official chair and did nothing against it using the powers of their office.
Those that watch the suffering of the Iraqi’s Afghans, Darfur, and those who know how ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda etc are funded and trained cannot just take Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces and demand their penalization and ridicule on the world stage.
Those who are watching Yemen’s humanitarian sorrow, the malnutrition children, the hungry adults and pass the buck because of the countries involved in it are too powerful have no moral right to be only pointing fingers at Sri Lanka because it is a small nation with weak leaders.

Name | Role / Member | Tenure |
1. Juan Manuel Santos | The EldersFormer President of ColombiaNobel Peace Prize Winner | 2010 – 20182016 |
Former UNHRC heads
Name | Role / Member | Tenure |
2. Mary Robinson | The EldersFormer President of IrelandFormer UNHRC Head | 1990 – 19971997 – 2002 |
3. Louise Arbour | Former UNHRC Head | 2004 – 2008 |
4. Navanethem Pillay | Former UNHRC Head | 2008 – 2014 |
5. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein | Former UNHRC Head | 2014 – 2018 |
Former Special Rapporteur mandate-holders
Name | Role / Member | Tenure |
6. Charles Petrie | Former United Nations Assistant Secretary- General, Head, Secretary General’s Internal Review Panel on United Nation’s Actions in Sri Lanka | 2012 |
7. Philip Alston | Former Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions | 2004 – 2010 |
8. Manfred Nowak | Former Special Rapporteur on torture & other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment | 2004 – 2010 |
9. Gay MacDougall | Former Special Rapporteur on minority issues | 2005 – 2011 |
10. Jan Eliasson | Deputy Secretary General UN | 2012 – 2016 |
11. Adama Dieng | Former Special Adviser to UNSG on the Prevention of Genocide | 2012 – 2020 |
12. Christof Heyns | Former Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions | 2010 – 2016 |
13. Juan E. Mendez | Former Special Rapporteur on torture & other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment | 2010 – 2016 |
14. Ben Emmerson | Former Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism | 2011 – 2017 |
15. Maina Kiai | Former Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association | 2011 – 2017 |
16. Pablo de Greiff | Former Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation, and guarantees of non-recurrence | 2012-2018 |
17. David Kaye | Former Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression | 2014 – 2020 |
Privately commissioned Panel by UNSG
18. Marzuki Darusman 19. Steven Ratner 20. Yasmin Sooka | Secretary General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka | 2010-2011 |
Juan Manuel Santos
Leader of Colombia from 2010-2018
Colombia’s conflict began in May 1964 between FARC rebels & Columbian Govt/Army and ended in 2016 the same time Juan Santos was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for bringing to end 50 years of conflict that claimed over 220,000 lives majority civilian and has displaced 5million (almost half being children) – between 1985 and 2012 creating worlds 2ndlargest IDPs.
By 2003, U.S. involvement in Colombia meant 40 U.S. agencies and 4,500 people, including contractors, working from U.S. Embassy in Bogota, the the largest U.S. embassy in the world.
In 2019, UN itself says 85 rebels killed after 2016 Peace Deal https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-46726118

Mary Robinson
First woman President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights days before LTTE blew up MV Cordiality ship killing 5 Chinese crew members. What did she do against LTTE? Chair of The Elders, member of Club Madrid, Has links to Eric Solheim who appointed her Chairman of Development Assistance Committee in 2016. In December 1997 after her visit to Rwanda as UNHRC head the Rwandan govt accused her of ‘blatant distortions’ https://www.irishtimes.com/news/robinson-accused-of-distortions-1.135772
Louise Arbour
Appointed Chief Prosecutor for Rwanda & Yugoslavia. Her indictment of a sitting head – Serbian Leader Milosevic made history though he was exonerated of war crimes only after his controversial death in a prison. As UNHRC head she visited Sri Lanka in 2007 October. Since 2009 she was President of International Crisis Group. It was during her period as UNHRC head that LTTE increased recruitment of child soldiers and even assassinated Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister – Lakshman Kadiragamar all during an internationally mediate cease fire agreement. What did she do to question LTTE accountability?
Navanethem Pillay
As an ethnic Tamil, it was only right that she recused herself from handing Sri Lanka, which she did not. Her statements foretell the biased nature of her actions against Sri Lanka during her tenure as UNHRC head. When she appears on Mullaiwaikkal Memorials distorting her on statements, this proves the case.
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
Violated Article 2.7 of UN Charter by interfering in domestic jurisdiction of Sri Lanka – asking to demilitarize and commenting on Sri Lanka’s judiciary.

Charles Petrie
Another report leaked like the Darusman Report, attempting to shed crocodile tears of UN failing to stop a non-existent carnage, whereas UN actually failed to bring peace to Sri Lanka over 30 years. Petrie should have written about the UN failure to stop LTTE terrorism. Petrie was a UN Official in Rwanda when UN simply abandoned Rwanda. Ironically, he was made UN envoy to Burma! Petrie also headed a Norwegian funded project Myanmar Peace Support Initiative”All hotspots for Western geopolitics!
Petrie resigned from the UN at the end of 2010 but in March 2012 appointed by Ban Ki Moon to do an internal review of UN’s action in Sri Lanka. This report was leaked probably because it was shedding crocodile tears about UN failing the civilians in the final phase without crying over UN failure over 30 years to prevent LTTE terror.
Philip Alston
Ban Ki Moon private panel included only one source for alleging ‘executions’by GoSL troops presented by C4 and Alston’s report attaching 3 technical expert reports – from an US forensic analyst Jeff Spiyack who says that there is no way to confirm solely from recordings the identity of the victims or shooters.
Manfred Nowak
Visited Sri Lanka 1 to 8 October 2007.
Gay MacDougall
American lawyer and Board Member of George Soros Open Society
Jan Eliasson
UN Deputy Secretary-General http://www.eyesrilanka.com/2013/12/20/jan-eliasson-even-the-un-security-council-unsc-failed-on-the-sri-lankan-issue/
Adama Dieng
This expert on genocide may like to redefine what genocide is as per political agenda. Where do you have mass murders in this modern era similar to the atrocities committed during colonial times?
Christof Heyns
Joined Alston in claiming C4 videos were authentic but did not provide evidence to prove so.
Juan E. Mendez
Arrived in SL in 2016 and voiced concern over arrests of LTTE.
Handled case by Lasantha Wickrematunga’s daughter against Gotabaya Rajapakse filed in US. https://cja.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/49-2-Declaration-of-Juan-E-Mendez.pdf
Ben Emmerson
Another UN official overstepping mandate & violating Article 2.7 of UN Charter – demanding repealing of PTA, release of hardcore LTTE, Emmerson defended Ramush Haradinaj, the former leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army.
Maina Kiai
a Kenyan lawyer and member of HRW since 2018 was also in Amnesty International in 2001. Regular recipient of letters from LTTE fronts
Pablo de Greiff
Columbian lawyer but dual citizen of US. Joined International Centre for Transitional Justice in 2001. Delivered a lecture on Transitional Justice” on 20 October 2017 at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute and when Pablo speaks at a TGTE webinar what else is there to say! https://www.srilankacampaign.org/live-webinar-sri-lanka-quest-for-justice-rule-of-law-democratic-rights/
David Kaye
Was one of the 5 signatories to seek justice for Dharisha Bastian & her computer! http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/70310

Marzuki Darusman
Head of the privately commissioned UNSG panel of experts that declared LTTE a ‘disciplined outfit’
Darusman was also appointed by Ban Ki to report on the assassination of Benazir Bhutto – that too ended up a pass the buck report.
Steven Ratner
Also a member of the privately commissioned UNSG panel of experts. TGTE extensively quotes Ratner https://issuu.com/tgte/docs/chogm_2013_booklet_by_tgte
Yasmin Sooka
Also a member of the privately commissioned UNSG panel of experts and thereafter became the ‘comrade’ of LTTE fronts appearing at their events. Though paid by EU to look into affairs of South Africa/Africans she is preoccupied with Sri Lanka and its military. Her reports churned out for UN sessions are all without evidence and hype only.
Thus 20 personalities linked to the UN system have put aside all other conflicts, all other human rights or humanitarian issues and is only bothered about Sri Lanka. We want to know why? We want to know what propels them to be so obsessed with Sri Lanka ONLY AFTER they all watched Sri Lanka suffer 30 years of terrorism & DID NOTHING TO STOP LTTE TERROR?
How dare they talk about justice & accountability when they ignored 30 years people suffered under LTTE.
Out of the blue, when the Sri Lanka Armed Forces ended 30 years of terror, how dare they enter holding the rules of war when they chose to ignore all laws that LTTE flouted when they committed pre-meditated murder. They cannot simply brush 30years of terror aside and demand truth and justice for a period they wish to control and dictate to governments.
The fact that their very claim for 40,000 dead has fallen flat with their setting of the Missing Persons Commission which has not got any 40,000 dead names!
This looks nothing but a desperate attempt by UN officials (serving & former) to cover up their follies and biases. When they single out only Sri Lanka where not a bomb has gone off or LTTE suicide attempt occurring since LTTE defeat in May 2009, it baffles all of us as to why these officials are so obsessed with Sri Lanka. This needs serious attention. None of the allegations made have concrete evidence to prove anything beyond doubt.
What are they all up to?
Why are they using Sri Lanka to try to create a precedent?
This is why the third world UN membership should not allow such a precedence to be created using Sri Lanka as a guinea pig.
Shenali D Waduge
February 21st, 2021 at 6:08 am
Very good article where the last bit says much about the double standards of the powerful countries where they intervened in countries resulting in deaths of thousands but they did nothing to help the suffering in Ruwanda and now in Yemen.
February 21st, 2021 at 6:50 am
Impotent, deaf and blind in Syria, Yemen etc where millions died/dying. Like a rampaging rapists in Sri Lanka since we don’t have arms deals/not toeing the bully boys club line and not enough Sinhalese diaspora votes. UNHCRapists!
Shameless and disgraceful!
February 21st, 2021 at 6:53 am
SW, start the petition please. These are like beeri aliyanta veena gayana. These UNHCRapists won’t take any notice.
February 21st, 2021 at 4:35 pm
Govt. of SL is sleeping while paid UN agitators are creating havoc. All comes to extremely bad foreign relation exercise and MR’s lack of understanding of how to tackle experienced colonials that are good at creating wars for their economical benefit.
Read Lord Nasty article and when I want to take ch4 to courts MR’s uneducated hacks sabotage that as well. Our family will defend our forces but not crooks.
Siri Hewawitharana