Cardinal Ranjith at Tewatte church today.. Disappointingly Continuing To Raise Allegations In Face of Now Known FACTS
Posted on January 15th, 2022

Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM

Dear Editor ,

It is disappointing and frustrating to see the respected Cardinal, continuing to raise doubts of a underlying conspiracy ” despite the  clear facts identified by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Easter Sunday Bombings, not finding any underlyingcnspiracy .  

To raise these doubts  he uses a. concern raised by an earlier appointed and later discredited parliamentary select committee, ( PSC) appointed by then PM RW, primarily with a view to deflecting any suspicion away from him,.The select committee  included those  well known to be close to Muslim Wahabi Extremism , like Rauf Hakeem.It had no credibility even with those who appointed it. The concern raised by this discredited commission’s superseded and un corroborated subsequently  by the findings of the Presidential Committee of inquiry ,  is now a fact ,for the cardinal. Sadly , this is seriously  reflecting on his judgement.

This PSC committee has the same credibility as the RW ’s commission appointed committee of three lawyer friends of his to investigate the then alleged Central Bank Robbery”, that cleared him and anyone of any wrong doing. We know how the subsequently appointed Presidential Committeee overturned these, found tremendous wrong doing, filed action against many including against his close fried form CB governor, Mahendran, who continues to abscond and evade deportation from Singapore to face trial, while the ultimate  culprit who appointed Mahendran, to steal these funds , to use tham for subsequent political undermining of Sri Lanka as is happening now, RW, rubs his hands in glee.  

Similarly, the subsequently appointed Presidential Committee of Inquiry  (PCI)  into the easter Bombings has not found any truth in these allegations of the PSC.

In fact, as revealed by Prof Rohan Gunaratne  on Ada Deran TV Hyde Park program on 1/12/21 available on the net, killer leader Zaharan , clearly states that they carried out these bombings using their own hands, using only muslim funds and help and not with any non Muslim help, which to them would be Haram

He calls intelligence Dogs” and has never acknowledged any help or cover up from them

In the face of these , it is deeply disappointing to see the respected Cardinal , continuing to raise doubts in the ongoing court process and so undermine it and with it undermining healing.

Please find some excerpts from a video message recorded by Zaharan, the day before the bombings  from a safe house in Ratmalana.This was  to be used as encouragement by his brothers led Mujahidine bombers who were to follow the Easter Sunday attacks , with an ongoing program of bombings  including bombing the Esala Perehera. In August 2019. On discovery of this conspiracy by the intelligence services this whole cell committed suicide including Zaharan’s brothers. The only one to leave this before the suicide was Zahan’s wife and daughter . Zaharan’s wife, from a Zufi muslim family, was staunchly opposed to Zharans  ideology and is now a key witness , in the inquiry and court cases.

All these were revealed by Prof Rohan Gunaratne terrorism expert and key investigator  that helped  in the  Presidential committee inquiry and in the ongoing court cases. I urge every reader to view this Ada Derana Hyde Park interview of 1/12/21

I would also urge that in the face of these facts, the respected Caridnal protects this respect and desists from on going allegations, that will only undermine every genuine cause including healing of those affected .

One Response to “Cardinal Ranjith at Tewatte church today.. Disappointingly Continuing To Raise Allegations In Face of Now Known FACTS”

  1. Ratanapala Says:

    Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith was almost there when he understood, that there is no protection to any in a Sri Lanka devoid of the protection of Sinhala Buddhism and the Sinhala Buddhists.

    This was proven time and again in history. Sri Lankan Muslims were protected from the blood thirsty Catholic Portuguese by the Sinhala Kings. This is the reason for their domicile in the Kandayan provinces today. Thereafter the Protestant and equally murderous Dutch prosecuted the Catholics and they were found safe harbour in and around Kandy by the Sinhala Kings. The community of Catholics at Wahakotte bears testimony for this episode. If not for this kindly intervention there won’t be any Catholics left in Sri Lanka let alone a St Joseph Vaz!

    Wikipedia records this happening as follows: “Vaz arrived in Ceylon during the Dutch occupation, when the Dutch were imposing Calvinism as the official religion after taking over from the Portuguese Empire. He travelled throughout the island bringing the Eucharist and the Sacraments to clandestine groups of crypto-Catholics. Later in his mission, he found shelter in the Kingdom of Kandy where he was able to work freely. By the time of his death, Vaz had managed to rebuild the Catholic Church on the island.”

    “As a result of his labors, Vaz is known as the Apostle of Ceylon. On 21 January 1995, he was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Colombo. He was canonized on 14 January 2015 by Pope Francis in an open-air Mass ceremony at the Galle Face Green in Colombo.”

    In all these occassions they were settling old animosities firstly for trade matters between the Portuguese and Arab Muslims and in the second occassion based on the going battles between Catholics and Protestants at the time in Europe. However all this is conveniently forgotten by the Catholics as well as by the Muslims.

    The Buddhist establishment as well as the Sinhala Buddhist Culture is the bedrock on which peace in Sri Lanka rests. Any ungrateful who harms this foundation do so at their own peril and committing harakiri! The fact that the Cardinal is now on a different tack is clearly an embarrasement not only to those who expected much from him in the Buddhist Community, but also to the current administration.

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