By Walter Jayawardhana

The photo shows how Buddhist monks were being pushed out of the Kumar
Rupasinghe anti-war rally at Vihara Maha Devi Park (Photo by AP)
The United National Party representative and parliamentarian Rajitha
Senaratne apparently outraged by the pandemonium created at the anti
war rally organized mainly by the UNP and controversial political
activist Kumar Rupasinghe called the Buddhist monks who came to Viharamahadevi
Park to question them as thugs and compared them to Devadattayas.
Equally outraged by the incident was Kumar Rupasinghe who said that
those bhikkus were hiding behind the robe and insulting Buddhism.
Both of them made those statements over the Sandeshaya, the BBCs
Sinhala program after the rally that had less than one thousand participants
at Colombos Vihara Maha Devi Park. The cash for expenses for
the rally was reportedly provided by several foreign funded NGOs
including the one headed by Kumar Rupasinghe.

Making another statement an official of one of the NGOs Rev.
Father Anura Perera, a catholic priest said the intruders were chased
Pandemonium prevailed at the anti-war rally mainly organized under
the guidance of controversial former brother in law of President Chandrika
Kumaratunga , Mr. Kumar Rupasinghe and UNP politician Rajitha Senaratne
who are organizing meetings to pressure government to stop the war
against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
The meeting stopped for a while and fist fights were exchanged after
some Buddhist monks who invaded the platform and tried to ask some
questions and some organizers of the meeting tried to remove the robes
of the Buddhist monks in outrage, eyewitnesses said. The protesting
bhikkus also tried to exhibit a banner. The LTTE controlled Tamil
Net published a photograph showing the meeting organizers and a Buddhist
monk engaged in a heated exchange and Kumar Rupasinghe engaged in
a heated exchange.
The Buddhist monks came and questioned the motive of the meeting
and exhibited a banner protesting against the rally, they said.
The Secretary of the Jathika Bhikku Front (National Buddhist Monks
Front), Venerable Galabbodawatte Gnanasara said that the bhikkus went
to the anti war rally to peacefully question the organizers of their
political motives. He said the organizers had no moral right to speak
against the national effort when the whole country was getting united
under one voice that the terrorism of the brutal uncivilized movement
of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam should be crushed.
He said people like Rajitha Senaratne, Kumar Rupasinghe and Mano
Ganeshan instead of bravely facing the questions were engaged in acrimonious
verbal assaults against them. He said they would continue to go to
those meetings and continue to ask those questions. He called those
who were pretending to be representing peace were actually representing
the war effort of Prabhakaran who is waging war against the country.
He said earlier various peace movements like Sudu Nelum, Thavalama
had crushed many attempts to end a terrorist insurgency and this time
too they were trying to do it. He said the meeting organizers were
ghosts representing Prabhakaran.
One significant factor evident at this rally was that a section of
the Mahinda Rajapaksa government was also represented in the meeting.
People like Deputy Minister Mervyn Silva and Minister Dilan Perera
are close allies of the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga. They
were closely attached with the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga
who was engaged in a secret campaign to unsuccessfully defeat President
Mahinda Rajapaksa at the previous Presidential election. Dilan Perera
freely attacks the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna who supports the government
in the parliament.
Rajitha Senaratne has been getting involved in anti-Buddhist statements
and attacked the Buddhist principles of Dasaraja Dharmaya
a moral code for Buddhist rulers, in the past. Though it has nothing
to do with medieval era politics, he has attacked it as medieval nonsense.
The main organizer of the rally Kumar Rupasinghe had been engaged
in Sri Lanka politics in the sixties using his power being the son
in law of the former Prime Minister Sirima Bandaranaike and husband
of Sunethra Bandaranaike leading a group called Jana Vegaya. With
their unsuccessful marriage that ended in acrimonious allegations
that Sunethra was extremely cruel the political movement crashed.
Living abroad and getting involved in many international controversies
that allegedly prevented him going back to some African countries
Kumar Rupasinghe kept on coming back to Sri Lanka, spending foreign
funds, and speaking supportively of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Additional information Courtesy SinhalaNet

Thugs antiwar lobby who were on the stage started physically and
verbally abusing the Bikkhus, who protested peacefully
Leading Members of the National Movement Against War including Vasudeva
Nanayakkara and Dilan Perera were seen abusing the members of the
Jathika Sangha sammelanaya (JSS) or National Bikkhu Conference who
were staging a peaceful protest against the demands of the anti war
Chamil Jayaneththi A member of the antiwar lobby who were on the
stage started physically and verbally abusing the Bikkhus, who protested
peacefully. Chamil Jayaneththi who was the last presidential election
candidature of the New Left Front.

after the attack to the Maha Sangha the rally was 100% unsuccessful
with the minor participants. All the peace loving participants were
escaped from the ground with the attack to the innocent Maha Sangha
by the so called peace activists. 

So called human rights lawyer Nimalka Fernando, age 51, denied that
she was verbally abusing the bikkhus