

Tamil Tiger Terrorism and Propaganda Terrorism

S. Akurugoda

Human rights violations, free media, discrimination, ethnic cleansing, self determination, homeland, Sinhala army, Sinhala government, Sinhala chauvinists etc are among several terminologies used by the Tamil separatists in order to win the sympathy of the world community through their media network during the last 3-4 decades. The frequency of the use of these phrases comes to its peak whenever the outfit is in trouble.

What is happening today is exactly what some thieves do by joining the pursuers in an attempt to fend off suspicion against them by crying "Thief, Thief".

The government of Sri Lanka and the President had to fight against two war fronts, one is LTTE terrorism and the other is the propaganda terrorism. The conspiracy propaganda machinery favorable to the LTTE led by the frustrated power hungry politicians of the South and their henchmen are appeared to be active to an extent unseen in our recent history.

The most recent documentary film telecasted in ABC TV of Australia under the program titled "Foreign Correspondent" is a case in point. According to this documentary, human rights violations are happening only in the South and the East of Sri Lanka. Colombo district MP Mano Ganestan tells New Delhi correspondent Peter Lloyd that in the past 18 months two thousand, mainly Tamil civilians have been kidnapped and killed and is convinced that the government is responsible - but making such accusations is a risky business in Colombo. He travels no where without his ten man security detail.

While the documentary film did not utter a word against the LTTE or atrocities committed during the past 18 months by the outfit, dead bodies of the TNA MP Raviraj and Pararajasingham were shown and accused the government, directly or indirectly, for the killing of the two MPs. The film also accused the government for the patronage extended to the Karuna faction for forcibly recruiting Tamil child soldiers and showed dead bodies all around to implicit the viewers a completely different story without any proof or evidence whatsoever.

The programme, in effect, gave the impression to the viewers that it is the government who is terrorising while the LTTE is involved in the 'Tamil Struggle', the very same usual message the treacherous opposition leader and his henchmen, foreign funded bogus Peace Councils, Policy Alternatives, Free Media Movements, 'bahus' and other NGOs and INGOs looking after the interest of the outfit attempting to spread to retard or to stop military action at a time when the terrorists have lost its control on many fronts including the East. It is learnt that ABC TV is going to repeat this programme again.

This type of misleading one-sided propaganda through foreign media is evident when most of our foreign diplomats are limited their service to what is called 'protocol' and looking after their own business while a section of the High Commissioners and Ambassadors in Sri Lanka are not only looking after the business of their own countries, but bluntly interfering with internal affairs of our country. While our diplomats appear to have failed to issue at least a press release clarifying the actual situation to minimise the damage caused to the country by this type of misinformation, some foreign diplomats in Sri Lanka have no hesitation, what soever, to issue statements, press-releases, warnings, condemnations etc directing our government to how to run our own business.

Although the overall destruction caused by this type of one-sided propaganda carrying throughout the world may not be immediately visible similar to the atrocities committed by the outfit by blasting bombs, killing VIPs, eliminating political opponents, ethnic cleansing and mass murder causing damages to life and property, the long-term effect of the propaganda terrorism could be disastrous to a country fighting against the most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world.
Thus it is imperative that the authorities concerned take necessary actions, as a priority, to prevent further damages to the image of the country.

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