

Some friendly advice to General Janaka Perera

Douglas Wickramaratne

I consider Gen. Janaka Perera as a very dedicated military leader. One should not dismiss lightly his achievements in the battle field. I had the privelege of meeting with him in London soon after he was appointed , High Commisioner to Australia. The discussion took place soon after the Elephant Pass debacle. He said that he had warned the establishment of the dangers of an ill prepared military campaign.

The General criticised the role of the politicians and some top brass in the Army. He appeared frustrated that he was not given the command. His frustration and dissapoinment seem to have been taken full advantage by Mr Ranil Wickramasinghe. I wish to remind Gen. Janaka Perera of a similar soldier who fell victim to the guiles of Ranil.

Late General Lucky Algama was more than a brother to me and whose death I still mourn. Gen. Lucky Algama saved the country from JVP terror and later President D. B. Wijetunga sent him to the East. Lucky liberated the East from LTTE terrorists. Soon after that President DB asked him at a security meeting whether elections could be held in the East. DB expected Lucky to list the difficulties but without any hesitation that assuarance was given. DB then said " General what if you fail" to which in his inimitable style Lucky said " in that case your excellency bring me to Galle Face and shoot me in public".

We all know how successfully the elections were held. Soon after that DB wanted to make Gen. Lucky the Commander but this was opposed by Ranil. Next came the General elections won by Chandrika. Ravaya newspaper in banner headlines said that Gen. Lucky was planning to arrest Chandrika and Yuktiya ,not to be outdone, said that he was planning a coup against DB. This was all a part of a plot to stop his appointment as Commander. I remember Gen. Lucky saying how Chandrika summoned him and said " I hear General that you were planning to arrest me". Quick as a flash he said " Madam we are here to protect Democracy and not to destroy it". Chandrika extended the period of Army Commander Gerry Silva thus forcing Gen. Lucky to retire and the country is still paying a heavy price for that folly.

Gen. Lucky's frustration that he was not allowed to finish the job was taken advantage by Ranil who floated the idea that in the next UNP govrnment he would be made Defence Minister. I repeatedly warned Lucky and reminded him how Ranil had opposed his appointment during DB's time and even got him to London to keep him away from the devious tactics of politicians. Unfortunately soon as he returned to Sri Lanka presidential elections were announced.

I learnt from a friend with whom late Tyronne Fernando was staying in London had said that Ranil was playing his usual tricks and that Gen. Lucky would not even be nominated to Parliament. I immediately phoned Gen. Lucky and asked him to withdraw from the election campaign but sadly he ignored my request. Two days later under very suspicious circumstances he was assasinated.

My advice to Gen. Janaka Perera is to be aware of these political leaders who have hidden agendas.
Douglas Wickramaratne

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