

The type of diplomacy Sri Lanka needs at this hour of crisis is neither barking Rottweiler nor liking Pomeranian!
Our quest for a foreign policy, matching 21st century world order.Part II

Keerthi Godayaya

"The interval between the decay of the old and the formation and establishment of the new, constitutes a period of transition, which must always necessarily be one of uncertainty, confusion, error, and wild and fierce fanaticism." John Calboun

Sri Lanka, a victim of the transformation of 21st century capitalism; why they take our freedom as their defeat?

As this writer has mentioned in other occasions, we like it or not, the ground realities of Sri Lankan politics has been changed. The domain of Lankan politics has been shifted from national to international, local to global. The magnitude of this transition of globalizing our space, our national political realm, can better witnessed just in the way those NGOs together with so called 'European' (International) Community and other international agencies influencing and manipulating our collective political consciousness and even micro level political activities in our society. Judging by the influence of the west in our internal affairs, it must be clear by now that Sri Lankan political sphere has become an international playground to a point where we cannot even claim that Pradesiya Sabhas or municipal council elections in Sri Lanka are national issues anymore. The bitter fact that we have to swallow is that they "the neo colonial empire of the west" have just infiltrated our space; the sad fact is that there is no space on this planet that we can clime as ours anymore.

But this condition is not just a Sri Lankan phenomenon; it is a global situation, set in motion during last thirty odd years by the 21st century neo-liberal global agenda of restructuring and reorganizing new regimes and systems of capital accumulation world over encompassing latest technological achievements of man kind in this third phase of capitalism. The motto of this project is weakening the periphery through fragmentation by means of management and manipulation of regional conflicts.

The orthodox diplomacy of the old days has been out matched to handle this different kind of phenomena that has been surfaced in the late 20th and beginning of the 21st century. The very fundamental ideals of mid 20th century world politics do not exist anymore in the 21 century and ironically, the ideals that have been threatened in the 21st century are the ones that had been cherished in the 20th century. For instance, the main challenge before the west in post WW2 era was to ensure the prevalence of democracy (in oppose to the threat of communism at that time) in newly independent countries in the peripheral world and to ensure that smooth function of world economy under the open market principle is maintained there. Therefore, democracy was essential, freedom of press was essential, multi party system was essential, liberal civil society was essential, as far as the open world market principle goes unchallenged; the concepts such as nation state, democracy, universal franchise, sovereignty were highly cherished at the time. But now in 21st century, the situation is different. There is no threat of Communism anymore. The ideals, concepts and institutions of 20th century politics have become barricades limiting the advancement and growth of global capital of the new century. The nation state, national borders, economic boundaries, cultural differences, different systems of justice, has become obstacles for the expansion of trans national capital, which is naturally seeking for new grounds for its escalation of standardized mass production and mass consumption.

All the activities in the management of regional conflicts apparently anticipated to accomplish a smooth transition of existing world toward a new reality termed as 'globalization' in transforming distant lands their people, their cultures and their social relations to accommodate the accumulative cultures of the capital of the west. Uninterrupted flow of raw materials and energy will be fundamental conditions for the smooth function of such enterprise. Above all, re-strengthening the western metropolitan centers, in oppose to the emerging regional power centers such as China and India, destabilizing peripheries (the global south) for the sustainable stability of its control over the globe bringing whole planet under the umbrella of this single logic of Trans national capital.

No matter how it has being sugar coated, it is an open secret that the word 'globalization' means only globalizing resources and markets of periphery not the capital of the center. In reality, when we were asked to open our national boundaries, the west is tightening their own ones limiting access to others.

The intended method of achieving this objective has never been innocent at all. What would be the ideal setting if you want to plunder your neighbors? Ideologically, politically, ethnically, geographically divided neighbors are the ideal targets that can be exploited without any resistance. That is the reason why those western funded NGOs in the third world targeting and undermining mass movement and collective political consciousness and political mobility in those regions. Some NGOs do valuable service to countries no doubt about it. But there are so many other NGOs do the opposite. Giving the impression that they are filling the vacuum created by retreating state, they rob state sovereignty of poor nations from indirect means and reduce third world states to a level of mere observers. In short, western administrations have taken over the regimes of developing world through these intermediate instruments called NGOs. In the case of Sri Lanka, they have constantly undermined our resolve to stand for our unity and territorial integrity.

NGOs operate essentially under the market economy principles of demand and supply. The thugery they use in societies like ours makes us to wonder if they are a latest version of mafia involved in intellectual terrorism. NGOs have become virtually a different community among world nations. Like ethnic Kurds have spread thinly among Middle Eastern countries but bound together by ethic relations, NGOs also are spread around the globe but bound together by their venture; under the commanding centers in the west, have undertaken a business of eroding sovereignty of nations , softening their resistance and fragmenting the globe.

This is the process which has slowly but steadily been deployed in the developing world and which then transforming into such a conflict prone hostile crisis between the civilizations of global south with the global north. Sri Lankan terrorist problem has to be taken within this context to realize how it has been used as a discordant political device in the management of the regional conflicts in the mineral rich 'south Asian circuits.
It is very important that we locate Sri Lankan crisis within this big picture if we need to overcome this crisis.

Decoding and Deconstructing the West.
"West is no longer an arbitrator, but a part of the problem,"

"Suddenly, there is a curve in the road, a turning point. Somewhere, the real scene has been lost, the scene where you had rules for the game and some solid stakes that everybody could rely on."
--Jean Baudrillard

Understanding the behavioral pattern of the west is the key to win the game of the west. But the game has been changed even without our consent. Giving an interview to the Asian Tribune correspondent in USA Mr. Daya Gamage, during HE's tour in the US last year; President Mahinda Rajapakse asked an interesting question. Questioning the inconceivable absurdity in the behavior of the west in their negative reactions towards Sri Lankan resolve to fight terrorism, he asked "what does the west really want?" So, Mr. President already has opened up the discourse of decoding the west. Then, our foreign policy pundits must fulfill this task of deconstructing it.

Let us find what west is really expecting to achieve by imposing sanctions at a moment when one of their fellow democracies pleading for merciful assistance to survive in the fighting against terrorism. Why western countries want to destroy an already weakened economy of SL knowing the fact that the end result will only serve the terrorists? Is that a mistake of the west or is this due to the failure of their diplomacy? Are they miss guided… or all these events are a part of the grandiose design?

On one hand west perform the role of prosecutor by leveling charges against Sri Lanka through their own institutions, and then on the other hand they prepare evidence to prove their case by their own witnesses of western funded NGOs, and their media statements, their human right organizations etc. The west performs all other roles in this case against Sri Lanka accept the role of the accused, the west want us to play that. They play the role of the arbitrator, the prosecutor, the witness, the jury and the judge. But actually, in the genuine case of crimes against humanity, we all know that west becomes the accused; this is the most disturbing fact regarding the west, the criminal and the accused of the world history has taken the role of the judge.

Can somebody explain why our foreign policy must disregard these fundamental facts when we deal with the west? Why they want us to treat west as an honest arbitrator while all evidence prove us otherwise, that the west is the real perpetrator of our problem? As far as this playing field of deception of fooling each other exists, the west can maintain its Janus face. Is there any reason why must we play this game with the west, instead of exposing the whole design of the game before the real international community?

Let us make our diplomacy as simple as possible. If a well known criminal accuses us for a crime we've never committed in our day today life what we do? Definitely we deal with it in a les complicated manner, with open and direct engagement. That is the way our diplomacy should be. That is the way Dr. Jayathilaka works, that is the way Prof. Wijesinghe works. What's wrong with it? The good news is that Prof. Rajeewa Wijesinghe and Dr. Dayan Jayathilake, by their own way and initiative, have been occupied in the project of deconstructing the west in resent past under so many odds, especially coming from the bourgeoisie compradors of our society for not paying enough homage to the west. But as a matter of fact, to the scale of the ambivalence that prevails in the western diplomacy proves again and again that the proposed substitute brand, the "silent diplomacy" can never handle the complexities of our time.

Summing up our foreign policy priorities Dr. Dayan Jayathilake says that our priorities should be,
"The defense of independence and national sovereignty and the restoration of territorial integrity and unity, which in concrete and contemporary terms translates itself into the eradication of the LTTE as a military enemy, and the obtaining of maximum external support for as well as the blocking of external intervention and interference against, that objective…"

Facts are written on the wall, it is clear that the decline of LTTE threat on the one hand and the rise of a new threat emerging from the international community through pressure, threats, intimidations and interference on the other. In such scenario, at present a greater threat to our national security is not coming from the LTTE but coming from the so-called international community or the west. In the past, IC was behind the scene undermining our sovereignty and national security as far as LTTE was doing what they desired in the forefront limiting their direct intervention only to the background diplomatic maneuverings. But now when the LTTE is getting weakened as a military tool or political leverage, west seem to be left without options other than taking the rains into their own hands openly.

What the west eventually achieve through their diplomacy and sanctions will curiously be similar to what LTTE was desired to achieve militarily; LTTE's desire was to paralyze the state economically disabling to make any military move. Therefore, it is pretty clear that the motive of the west in their economic sanctions is nothing but to achieve the failed military objective of the LTTE, through their campaign of destroying economic targets such as Central bank or the Colombo world trade center weakening the economy of the island, through a mere diplomatic gimmick and blunder.In these shifting realities, our safety can never be ensured even after the defeat of separatism which symbolically represented by LTTE right now, but generates in the western metropolitan centers.

Why the west needs LTTE so badly? Given the fact that LTTE's increasing role in the south Asian region accomplishing the western neo liberal global agenda, according to which destabilizing Indian subcontinent, primarily through prevailing regional tendencies of separatism of the region, seem to be pivotal and central. The most capable force which can be useful in accomplishing this most brutal desire of neo liberals of the west is none but the LTTE.However, in such venture it is understandable the reason behind the anxieties of the west about the fate of the LTTE in this on going military operations in the north. Now let us be realistic.

The million dollar question is "what is the source of the greatest threat to our national security is coming from, LTTE or the west? Ever since LTTE's separatist campaign was born in Sri Lanka, the LTTE has become an 'artifact' in the hands of policy makers of the foreign offices in western administrations. Although we know this reality, no body dares to raise this issue straight in diplomatic level. Such statement could be immediately condemned as a taboo in existing diplomatic traditions of paying homage to the west. In addition, it might be branded as a type of diplomacy as 'Rottweiler' or like "waving a club violently from a cave." We need to recognize that west is a 'part of our problem' or to put more precisely, west itself is the problem.

When it has become a public secret that west is not an honest arbitrator to handle our national issue even though they try to pretend themselves as one, what would be the reason not to use more direct diplomacy? Why can't we openly discuss and expose the western hypocritical agenda in our affairs in forums such as NAM or Group of 77? Why can't we share our experience with the rest of the nations in the global south? Why can't we establish a new school of international relations in parallel to Bandaranayake Institute of International Relations, to train and equip the future diplomats of the global south with the knowledge of this new phenomena of the 21st century trans national capital and our expertise in handling its neo colonial attack? How they use regional conflicts and terrorism as a tool? Is this move for the best interest of us all in the south? The nations in the global south can survive only if they work collectively.

Because the threat for our sovereignty will never disappear in post LTTE politics since epicenter of the real threat is originating somewhere else.

To be continued…




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