380 Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Telephone 691695 Fax 688517
-The first petal of the flower of the ‘Paramithas’ is dana paramitha, the practice of giving.What you give is what you receive, more quickly than the signals sent by satellite. Whether you give your presence, your understanding or your gift, it can work a miracle. Dana paramitha is the practice of love.-
All Ceylon Buddhist Students’ Federation is an organisation which was established to coincide with the commemoration of the 2500th Buddha Jayanthi Celebrations.
All Ceylon Buddhist Students’ Societies in Sri Lanka whether it be at a school or at a University is incorporated into this foundation under the Act No.96 of 1957.
Throughout the years students’ societies have served the Buddhist student community in Sri Lanka in many ways with a view to safeguarding and restoring the rights and privileges of the Buddhist students.
Through the Federation has a history of 43 years, to date we have existed on meagre income generated from various fund raising activities such as conducting of annual flag days. Federation headquarter is located at the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress premises.
Our social service activities with the prime participation of students entail inter-alia;
Already, your regular support for your sponsored student is starting to make a tremendous difference to people in one of the poorest regions in the world.
Your helping hand can turn despair to hope.
It is hard for you, living in a prosperous country, to imagine what it is like to grow up in a third world country.
Because you are sponsoring one particular student, you will have the joy of seeing the difference your help makes. You will see your student growing up, learning, developing and gaining in strength and confidence over the years, through letters, photographs and regular progress reports.
For further details, contact jayw@slt.lk
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