Peace and prosperity in our time
Posted on May 19th, 2009


Peace and prosperity in our time

It is the dawn of a new era. We the Hela have asserted our inalienable right of sovereignty over our Island, Heladiva (‘Sri Lanka’). Our land is one and we the people are one – ONE NATION: the Hela nation of Heladiva. We can now look forward to peace and prosperity in our time. In respecting the inalienable sovereignty of our Hela culture, its values and traditions; and in defending the territorial integrity of Heladiva we shall re-birth our Nation. United we shall now move forward as one people of many faces.

The way forward…

Indigenous to Heladiva, we the Hela have an uninterrupted historical tradition on our Island. We the Hela have a legitimate and inalienable right of sovereignty and self-determination over our sacred Island. The LTTE’s violent struggle to set up a second Tamil country in our land was grossly misguided. It was misguided for the simple fact that Tamils already have a country of their own (i.e Tamil Nadu) with over 62 million Tamils. When one has a country of their own and then tries to set up a second country in someone else’s land, this ignoble action amounts to an invasion. Thanks to the many who gave their lives in the name of our sovereignty and freedom, the north and east of the Island is now liberated from the scourge of terrorism and a surreptitious invasion.

This conflict was sustained by less than truthful and illegitimate claims on the account of organised individuals of the Tamil Diaspora and their subsequent laundering of money to support acts of terrorism. It is self-evident, (based on average annual income), the population in the north and east of the Island could not by themselves fund acts of terrorism on a military scale and for such a prolonged duration. Any new attempts by organised individuals of the Tamil Diaspora to further mislead the international community with their propaganda should be a cause for great concern to all nations. We remain optimistic that such individuals of the Tamil Diaspora will walk with us as one for the good of the country and not pursue, fund or promote a new and equally illegitimate agenda of ‘Tamil self-governance’ (i.e. ‘a mono-ethnic Tamil administration’) for the north and east of the Island. Such overt or covert attempts to lobby for a second Tamil country in Heladiva, will always be an illegitimate proposition.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 


Reconciliation is an important first step towards peace and prosperity in our Island. (See more on reconciliation). An important part of the reconciliation process is to apply the rule of law to those who committed crimes and to those who provided material support to acts of terrorism.

We now call for the indictment of key LTTE supporters for providing material support to terrorism, crimes against humanity and enslaving thousands of innocent children as child soldiers. The LTTE is responsible for killing of over 85,000 people, including democratically elected leaders (both local and foreign) as well as depriving the people of the north and east of the Island of their civic and human rights. For these and other crimes including damage to infrastructure such as oil refineries and passenger air liners those who provided material support to the LTTE and any remaining members of the LTTE should be brought to justice without delay.

SOCIAL, POLITICAL and ECONOMIC Solution to lasting peace and prosperity…

The solution to lasting peace and prosperity on the Island is to address the causes that gave rise to this conflict; i.e. the need for poverty alleviation, education and self-governance at a very local level (See Community Councils) for all communities; as well as the need for sovereignty for the indigenous Hela Culture. These social, political and economic problems require solutions through leadership and vision. We call upon all expatriates to channel their resources to help rebuild Heladiva and help improve the lives of all people on the Island and be part of the solution for peace and universal prosperity.


  • DEMOCRACY: Local governance (See proposed constitution); empowering communities to self govern at a local level, alleviate poverty and invest in their future

  • EQUITY: Bill of universal rights and a Bill of universal responsibilities – Social justice; equal opportunity to education, employment and government services etc. as well as equal civil liberties and civil responsibilities

  • SOVEREIGNTY: Sovereignty for the indigenous Hela Culture: its language, values and traditions.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 


  1. A grand comprehensive plan for reconstruction of infrastructure and services in all areas of Heladiva be conceived in the spirit of inclusiveness and fairness (equity) with an absolute commitment to transparency, at every stage of the plan

  2. An unprecedented global appeal for capital (i.e. grants) to support the plan. The plan to be headed and executed by the President

  3. Re-establish the rule of law especially in the North & East with necessary instruments andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ infrastructure. This includes a Coast watch of the territorial waters.

  4. All sons and daughters of Heladiva to work together, nationally and internationally to alleviate poverty and improve facilities for education, especially in impoverished communities. (Imagine how much better off we all would be, if the money spent on warfare in the last 25 years was used for the benefit of the people, rather than against)

  5. Implement a new constitution that enables self-governance at a very local level and at the same time effectively safeguards the sovereignty of the Hela Culture and territorial integrity of Heladiva. (See proposed constitution)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

We also call for the sullied name of ‘Sri Lanka’ (and the long winded, silly and contradictory label of ‘Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka’) to be changed to Heladiva. Heladiva is the legitimate name of our Island. This name change should have occurred in 1948 with independence. We have paid a heavy price in not asserting our rightful sovereignty. Never again will we allow this to happen to us. Our sovereignty is not negotiable. It cannot be reduced to a word that means ‘resplendent’ (‘Sri Lanka‘). A new era has dawned. Let us unite as Heladivians, Helayao or (simply) as the Hela and go forward. A one people of many faces. The Hela of Heladiva.

A lesson worth learning

The Hela who are guided by the practice of the noble eight-fold path have met this challenge against all odds and achieved a historic and unprecedented victory. Unlike the ‘Road to Basra’, the West’s feared ‘blood bath’ never eventuated. It is a lesson the West could well learn. Locked in their neo-colonial mindset and in pursuit of their geo-political interests the West would prefer to see the Island divided and conquered. If the International Community embraces new thinking and makes the effort to learn rather than preach, it won’t be long before they see our Hela way of doing things has merit and power.

On behalf of a grateful Nation:

We offer our heartfelt thanks and blessings of the triple gem to the men and women of our defence forces, some of whom who made the ultimate sacrifice for our sovereignty and territorial integrity. Our defence forces have been hailed as the best in the world for their precision, compassion and success in vanquishing the most ruthless terrorist group the world has ever known. Mission Accomplished. We salute you!

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