Posted on May 21st, 2009
ole sƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚¸rensen
The Tamil Diaspora will now work together with international organisations as well as countries and politicians, in order to persecute H.E. president Rajapaksha for warcrimes.
Would it not be a good idea to clear out certain things first?
Who kept the war in SL going on for such a long time? Was Tamil Diaspora involved? Did they participate in worldwide moneycollecting for LTTE? involved in armsdealing? involved in supporting a terroristgroup, the most rutheless the world have ever seen, killing tamil politicians opposed to Prabhakaran, shooting civilians who was against them, recruitement of children to fight for Prabhakarans case, blackmail and drugtrafficing and creditcardfraud and much more?
Can anybody, politicians or civilians accept any kind of calls from such a group?
With false propoganda, edited news, historical fraud, etc. –do they really believe in their cause?
ow it is the time, that such a wellorganized organisation step in andsupport those civilian tamils they seems to be so worried about. If it was possible to colect money for weapons to LTTE, it should also be possble to collect great funds to help their sisters and brothers in Sri Lanka.
How could anybody who have supported a terroristgroup for years, find it appropiate to accuse anybody for warcrimes???
If the internationally community hereafter take any step at all, to accuse the democratic elected president of Sri Lanka for having iberated his country for terrorism, certain things must be remembered. It was US and Uk among others who blacklisted LTTE as a terroristgroup. If these same countries buy the tamil story, and go for president Rajapaksha, in order to maintain credability, they should first go for the western leaders who found it ok. to fight terrorism in foreign countries, which they also found ok. to invade—–we allknow today, that Bush was responsible for removing Saddam Hussein, although no weapons of massdestructions were ever found. The same Bush promised to find and arrest Osama Bin Laden and hold him accountable for terror against the US.
For the above mentioned reasons:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ If we see or hear the voice of US or UK in this matter, it must be demanded by the International Community, that before we accuse Mr. Rajapaksha, we accuse Mr. Bush, and Mr. Blair, and their allied.
The democratic elected president of Sri Lanka, did what he was elected for, to safeguard his people and his country, never interfeering in other countries internal affairs.
The different is that he succeeded, while U and UK never achieved anything, exept earningƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ money for weaponproducers within their own countries.
War can be a good business, and these two countries know that.
We dont need comments from any of those countries regarding Sri Lanka, because if their deepest concern is civilian casualties, they just have to look back and see what they did themselves on foreign soil. Iraq and Afghanistan.
When it happens, they just regret—and then that i over, but when Mr. Rajapaksha achieved what none of them could do, he is a warcriminal.
Big question:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Who put US or UK in charge of the world????ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Do the really think, that if some countries agree about something, they can hold a meeting and make rules and regulations for the rest of the world???
Anothe thing: the truth is, —-if not UK had found it ok. to invade other countries and create colonies, this srilankan problem would never have occurred.
Let us repeat. The war is ove. Now it is time for everybody to help Sri Lanka to get back to normal. The US should be able to afford it. The UK has a duty, since they are responsible very deeply. Last but not least, the tamil community worldwide has the biggest duty, for it was them who cried for the desperate situation for tamil civilians, a situation they themselves at first hand financed. If it is so easy to collect money for weapons———-it should be much easier to finance aid to tamil civilians—-that is of cause, if not hypocracy is involved.
The world will watch:ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the tamils living abroad, will they help their sisters and brothers the same way they financed a mad man who killed everybody who disagreed with him, tamils or sinhalese?
The president has stretched out his hands……..
Any interference from western countries must be dealt with————–trust me, we will start in Norway.
In this part of the world we have a saying: the dealer is as good as the stealer.——wonder what could be Eric Solheims opinion, a man who through his threason, made his country famous for terroristsupport.
By the way, all the troule in UK——–politicians receiving bribes, perhps it would be a good idea to make some research of amateur Milibands role and involvement with the LTTE.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ A newly elected minister, proving himself incompetent, allthough the UK-role in fighting terrorism, is taking the site of terrorists——-exiting,,,,how much did he receive, or if not, what was his motive?
Could it be incompetence????
Try to even think of warcrimetribunal to Mr. Rajapaksha……………….then heads will role.