The Human rights Groups Guilty of Irreparable Damage to the Good Name of UN
Posted on May 28th, 2009

Dr D. Chandraratna Western Australia

Now that the clamour of the Human rights watchers terror campaign against the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka is history for all intents and purposes it is time to evaluate the outcomes. I submit to the readers that the trial is over, the verdict of the bystander jury against the UN circus is ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”Guilty on all counts’ for aiding and abetting. The reasons proffered by the jury, briefly, are as follows

1 Unimpeded access to the Camps.-Disallowed

You must remember these are a human group subjected to utter cruelty and terror by the LTTE for 30 odd years. Naturally many of them are malnourished, injured and mostly traumatized. They cannot be exposed to every outsider as an exhibit. They are not for display. The Sri Lankans are best known after the tsunami, as capable of looking after its own people. They do it as a meritorious deed sometimes voluntarily. It is a travesty of natural justice for people to exploit them through indecent salaries which we as tax payers in the West wholeheartedly allocate for the people. The Human rights people ought to be ashamed of lining their pockets in places like Sri Lanka, Timor and other places from where they earn their keep which many of them are unable to earn in their respective vocations. So please send the money (you created this problem by mollycoddling the terrorists) and no purpose will be served by you going there.

2. Unprofessional conduct—-we find you guilty Officials such as Nambiar, Pillay, Kumaraswamy and others who are Tamils and others, who may have a harboured a grudge ought to have kept out. That is professionalism. In professional life there is a sacred duty on the part of professionals to understand the principle of conflict of interest. In our professions as academics we keep way from activities where outsiders have a doubt as to our integrity when issues, persons and activities are close to our heart either though kinship, friendship and/ or ethnicity. You have debased that sense of integrity. Of late many of the UN agencies seem colonised by people who have ulterior motives who use the office to further those vested interests. Since you have not abided by the conflict of interest principle you have brought the supra national organisation to disrepute. When the South Indian politicians implored the Central state to invade the sovereign state of Sri Lanka willy-nilly we called them jokers, for lack of a better description. For you the same epithet is applicable but I resist the temptation.

3. By being partisan and guilty of misconduct you have besmirched the UN as a neutral agency which is supposedly the neutral mediator, facilitator and arbitrator in disputes. You have done untold harm to an organisation which was brought into being after years of turmoil in the world by being a perpetrator. By your callous conduct you have virtually fractionated the UN into camps, the very thing that the world wanted to avoid as in the cold war days. Unless you change your conduct this is going to reverberate throughout the world to our despair. Please step aside and hand over the reins to suitable, qualified people and enjoy your retirement at home. I am at a loss to comprehend how officials are chosen to the high unelected positions to guard human rights in the world assemblies without scrutiny. It is time that we have the same rigour as in the appointment of Supreme Court judges in most countries.

4. Tarnishing the principle of limited sovereignty of the Sri Lanka as proposed by the Westphalia treaty— guilty. One must remember that the violation of the sovereignty of a nation is a grave issue. We are aware of the limits of sovereignty. It cannot be violated lightly. You have been guided by fabricated news sources which are taken at face value and besmirched the good name of my country. Any country which has regular elections where people can cast their vote, a free media, a representative democracy including a Proxy LTTE, access to international journalists cannot be tried in vain. South Africa was a different issue as the majority had no vote to express their voice. Sri Lanka is not the same. You took the LTTE as another legitimate government and treated our President as an equal to the murderous Mr Prabhakaran. It is shameful to the UN and the countries which wanted us tried to talk of either terrorism, or human rights when their past and present track record is blood stained. Of all things for you to support a resolution proposed by Israel is funny indeed, if the matter was not so serious. Disgraceful behaviour against a member nation of the UN is virtual blasphemy and you stand guilty.

6 For breaking our longstanding links with the countries that Sri Lankans were fond of I find you guilty. Countries such as United Kingdom, France, and USA we took as the friends of Sri Lanka. By serving them with concocted, doctored and fabricated evidence taken virtually out of LTTE propaganda sources you did not do these countries any favour. The current abhorrence manifest in the street marches in Colombo is evidence that our erstwhile links are broken. Sri Lankans cannot forget them though we will forgive. I am astonished by the media reports that you are guided by, when they tell the world that Seruvila and Polonnaruwa were Tamil villages. Being professionals these men and women ought to be a little more educated. Now we think that this must be the way the so called giants of the media such as BBC say of other places outside Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. Listening to the BBC at least for the Asians is a waste of time. The so called research scientist from HRW had the audacity to interrogate a few in the camps, snaking there with a fraudulent visa and spit out gossip is uncanny to say the least. Where did this woman learn her research ethics?

7. The Human Rights Groups including Amnesty International have demonstrated to the world that they are a bunch of partisan propagandists. For the fraudulent way in which funds are utilised you stand guilty. In the way these funds are disbursed you have showed no qualms of violating the basic principles of decent conduct. You stand guilty in the minds of the bystanders to world terrorism. While you have done some good work in the past, that reputation you blemished in supporting terrorism against nearly 18 million people like us who had no life after our university days. You showed no mercy. The West showed no mercy. They set up shop in these countries, bought illegal arms from the very same countries and killed over 80,000 innocent people. They told us that they are powerless being guided by the hallowed principles of liberty and freedom. Why the Taliban cannot set up shop in Europe, I wonder. Two generations of people in Sri Lanka are debilitated now. The scars are hard to erase. Even at this late stage our President has saved us from a curse thrown at us by the Western world. I wish it had come two decades earlier so that by now we could have proved to the world that we are an intelligent, peace loving, utterly principled progressive nation. We will still do it in the name of justice and I am sure-We Can.

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