Archive for June 1st, 2009

The Murdoch stable is uniting to help the Times Online debacle

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Ajit Randeniya Rarely has an attempt by the Western media to throw mud at a developing country vanished to thin air in the manner the Times Online “ƒ”¹…”expose’ of the 20000 civilian casualties in the Sri Lankan war went limp. Upon the exposure of the “ƒ”¹…”creative’ calculation method used to reach the 20000 figure, the […]

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Was there a plot against Mahinda Rajapakse, to stop him from being the President of Sri Lanka ?

Monday, June 1st, 2009

By Charles.S.Perera ƒ”š‚ Was there a plot against Mahinda Rajapakse by the International Community lead by Norway ? ƒ”š‚ A plot, if there was one, would not have worked without local players taking part in it. Further more they should have their “puppet” to take the place of the one they want to toss overboard . ƒ”š‚ Therefore, […]

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“Stand up for others, they stand up for you…’’

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka told LAKBIMAnEWS in an e-mail interview that the world is no longer Euro-centric. Ambassador Jayatilleka was part of the Sri Lankan delegation that secured a notable diplomatic victory at […]

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Monday, June 1st, 2009

Malin Abeyatunge The Anglo Saxons or the Gang of White Supremos (GOWS) tried all avenues, used all financial and logistical resources to get the Sri Lankan Government to agree for a ceasefire to give oxygen to LTTE and save megalomaniac Prabhakaran who may be rotting in hell now for the brutal murders he and his […]

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War Crimes investigations and Sri Lanka

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Ira de Silva London, Ontario, Canada Ms. Navanetham Pillay United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva, Switzerland CC: UN Secretary General Dear Madam: I read a news report which states that even though the vote at the meeting in Geneva on May 27,2009 was in favour of no war crimes investigation against Sri Lanka […]

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Ms. Navanetham Pillay

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada May 31, 2009 Ms. Navanetham Pillay United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Palais Wilson 52 rue des Paquis CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland Dear Ms. Pillay: Your insistence of going after the Sri Lankan Government even after the United Nations Human Rights Council had its […]

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Time to move on….

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Jaliya Wickremarachchi CSLAT [Canadian Sri Lankans Against Terrorism] Now that Sri Lanka has defeated the Tiger terrorists, it is the right time to start the healing process, and look forward to the future by reaching out to our friends and foes alike. Also, Sri Lanka needs all the help it can get to re-settle nearly […]

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