UNP Interference Towards Government’s Agenda In The Present Climate Unnecessary !
Posted on June 28th, 2009
LankaWeb Weekly Editorial
June 27th 2009 To the UNP MP who has suggested that the majority Sinhalese community should tender an apology in brotherhood to the Tamil minority for the wrongs committed against them in the past, it must be said ” get real” as there is no apology needed by the Sinhalese to the Tamils unless it reflects back to a time when during a previous hegemonistic as well as senseless administration certain UNP marauders carrying household lists of residents went from door to door with a murderous mob behind them attacking innocent Tamils for which heinous crime, atonements have not as yet been made!
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This although not a direct responsibility of the Rajapaksha Administration is something which perhaps needs to be compensated for and could be part of the reconciliation package to the Tamils while remembering the many whose houses and properties were destroyed and the many innocent victims who lost their lives due to a shameful Sinhalese backlash in the not too distant past where most of it is now history!And don’t be misled! the term Sinhalese backlash was not an incorporation of all Sinhalese people but applicable to a minority of dissidents whose actions appeared to be majority mob fury when in reality it wasn’t!
The remarks made during a media briefing at the Opposition Leader’s Office in Colombo on June 26th 2009 seems worthless rhetoric if it is relative to the state of current affairs within the Nation and the overwhelming victory by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces over the terrorists of the LTTE as there were no quarters given and none asked in how the Forces accomplished victory and the only apology if forthcoming plausibly needs to be from the Global Tamil diaspora as well as the obnoxious leaders of Tamil Nadu who continued to foment and fan the fires of LTTE attrocities which continued for more than three decades and almost brought the Sovereign Nation of Sri Lanka to its knees both economically as well as emotionally where the terrorists once held sway in a manner thought impossible to overcome but with utter gratitude to the brave leadership of Mahinda Rajapaksha and the incredibly powerful Armed Forces a situation which was seemingly impossible thwarted for the betterment of all Sri Lankans and their beloved land.
The is absolutely no right for any panhandling disgruntled UNP opposition members to talk about apologizing to the Tamils or suggest that the Tamils would conversely apologize to the Sinhalese for what was termed wrongs as in a time of reconciliation and rebuilding it is the strength of current National Unity which must prevail not namby pamby apologies or crocodile tears shed towards a near catastrophic debacle which in all reality should never have transpired.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ There should be celebration amongst all Sri Lankans that the worst is now over and that the mistakes of the past relative to administrative faux pas’ and neglect should never ever raise their ugly heads as the price paid for them have been heavy.
There is no call for observations that the Government was yet to treat the wounded hearts of the Tamil people at a time when the country rejoices the defeat of terrorism, as the Government within its means is doing everything to compensate for and accommodate the pains of the Tamil people despite all the negative murmurs of disgruntled UNPers which is merely indicative of dank opportunism on their part by a political group which has not given up the aspirations to hold the reins of power again but on a prediactable note this will not transpire in the near future as it is H.E. the President who presently holds the reins of Power and Victory and is a compassionate albeit pragmatic man who envisions a great future for the nation of Sri Lanka which will entail the needs of all her citizens!.
The rhetoric of the UNP at the present time should focus more on a general theme incorporating the needs of all Sri Lankans where everything possible should be done to ensure the welfare of every ethnicity not just the Tamils people all of whom suffered one way or another through LTTE attrocities and exaggerations of untold hardships in displaced camps in the north need to be toned down towards the sanity which needs to prevail for the Administration to continue its tasks ahead not impediments by way of worthless rhetoric.The task of re-settling the displaced is by no means easy, any terrorist infiltrators need to be weeded out and many adjustments made towards facilitating the task and in the end there will be the required satisfactions on the part of everyone concerned as the singlemost disruptive factor the LTTE are no more in the picture!
To highlight people’s hopes for national stability after the war ended as being dashed according to UNP rhetoric is wrong and uncalled for as Government affiliates and ministers accused of making contradictory statements on the 13th constitutional amendment and the All Party Conference appear to have been taken out of context at a time when urgent measures to stabilize the mood of the country with respect to all ~ not only those displaced in redugee camps is imperative and no harbingers of doom needing to be tolerated regardless of whether it is a matter of free speech or expression .They veritably need to be trashed if they are inappropriate towards the right direction being taken by the Administration.
The UNP appears to be making a grave mistake in fomentic panic amongst certain sectors of the country’s communities giving rise to uncalled for speculations about people who value democracy being in a dilemma as to what would happen to their rights, which despite being etched in stone relative to Sri Lankan Government Policy is now facing an attempt by opposition members to hijack it towards their own putrid means of regaining administrative power but a cheap shot which will never have the required effect if this is indeed the case!
After defeating the LTTE militarily, something past Administrations or Militaries could not accomplish effectively the Government has every right to bask in the glory of success while not forgetting the needs of the people who have bee displaced and it seems foolhardy on the part of any UNP opposition member/s to suggest the contrary and make statements which not only sound treasonous but are a typical reflection of the modus operandi of the disgruntled entourage of the UNP which needs to bear in mind that it was under the weak and condescending leaderships of J.R Jayawrdena, R. Premadasa and Ranil Wickremasinghe that the Nation of Sri Lanka was all but betrayed into the hands of her enemies and suffered so much.And that it was the Rajapaksha Administration which recussitated the nation eventually in an unprecedented victory over terrorism!
There is hardly a need for advice by the Opposition to be directed to the Government not to destroy the aspirations of the people, for stability and development of the Nation. which are items foremost on the agenda of the Rajapaksha Administration which is not a miracle working organization where the machinery towards progress and the best interests of the Nation and her people will be made manifest and set in place as a foremost priority which of course will take time with many obstacles to be cleared, foremost of which seems to be the hampering and interference of the UNP Opposition who never seem to give up!!