Channel 4 video:
Posted on September 17th, 2009

BY Dr. U. B. Gunasinghe

These days you can not find any news on Sri Lanka without hearing even little bit of Channel 4 faked video. I have seen this on many news outlets and I can not understand why the West can not see the truth. I may be wrong but I want highlight few things on this clip. For me, it was sure at first glance this was fabricated one. I highlight two major points any one can see without any high-tech analysis.

1) Look at the victim who was seen in the video. His complexion is fair and to me he is almost a white man.

2) Look at the person with the gun tying to kill the victim. He has very dark complexion and long hair. I have never seen our heroic SL solders like that. Our solders have short crop and uniform is very different.

By observing this two simple points I can see why LTTE supporters did this. I think they want show the dumb European that Tamils sort of white like Europeans and Sinhalese are like savages. The victim in this video could be a mercenary from Norway or some other European country.

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