Ranaviru Contributions by Australians
Posted on September 23rd, 2009

Kithsiri de SilvaƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  SpokespersonƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Western Australian Society for Peace, Unity & Rehabilitation in Sri Lanka (WASPUR) Inc

Ranaviru Sevana 2 (2)

23 September 2009

Editor Lankaweb
Dear Sir,

Patriotic Sri Lankans in Australia, through WASPUR in Perth have contributed over SLRs 25 lakhs for the welfare of our Ranaviruwan and their families in the last two years. Their latest contribution of SLrs 13 lakhs is presently being utilized for contributions to deserving families of fallen heroes, artificial prosthesis for disabled soldiers and Special Medical equipment for Army Hospital Colombo. The previous contributions were used to by mattresses for the front line in Mannarama, equipments for Army Hospital Colombo, facility upgrade at Ranaviru Sevana at Ragama and artificial prosthesis for disabled Ranaviruwan. Contributions were also made to acknowledge exceptional service to the MOTHERLAND by Ranaviru A.M.G Dissanayake, ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-the Nikaveratiya HeroƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ who averted a major catastrophe and to the family of Late Col Lalith Jayasinghe, who made the supreme sacrifice so our Ranaviruwan could go forward in Wanni.

WASPUR provided these funds through SUCCESS Colombo (Jayagrahanaya) so that the funds could be directed to the right places and personnel through the close liason with the defense establishment maintained by Dr Anula Wijesundera and the team.

WASPUR and the Patriotic Diaspora acknowledge that it is no one else but The Gallant Ranaviruwan, both men and women of SIHALE who made it possible to wipe out the cruel LTTE Terrorism from our SWARNA BOOMIYA. We wish to inform all in Hela, especially those disabled Ranaviruwan and the families of those who made the supreme sacrifice that the Helayan in Australia will continue to remember their blood line and will generously contribute and fight the evil propaganda of the Eelamists.

Yours Sincerely

Kithsiri de Silva


One Response to “Ranaviru Contributions by Australians”

  1. polsambola Says:

    Well done WASPUR.
    We appreciate your generosity & goodwill.

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