Incident at Bamabalapitiya Beach – Letter to Inspector General of Police
Posted on October 31st, 2009

By James Jayalath from Melbourne


Mr. Jayantha Wickramaratna
Inspector General of Police

Dear Mr.Wickramratna,

I am not sure whether this email will reach to you personally but I thought that I should write to you and let you know, how I felt about the incident at Bambalapitiya Beach, which I read and watched in horror in Daily Mirror last Friday. I do not write this letter because the person drowned was a Tamil youth (which highlighted in a certain website), but I was sad and disgusted nobody especially onlookers did not have any guts to stop this carnage. Regardless of his ethnicity he was an innocent human being who needed help from our society not condemnation and hatred especially when he was suffering mentally at the time of the incident. The other main reason was, this small incident give good ammunition to various organisation in Western Countries to discredit our country, and some persons can score points to their advantage especially asylum seekers. Being a Police Officer this person had a duty of care but for every citizen in the country, but abused his power to take advantage from an innocent human being. I know that you are not responsible for oneƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s individual actions, but as an Inspector General of Police you have the power to educate these Officers so that they learn how to value and respect human life. In Australia people with disabilities get special treatments not because they are different because they treat them as a person not their disability. Some Western countries try their best to destroy the image our beautiful country, please do not allow this to occur and take stern action to punish individuals who takes the law into their own hand. Our country has suffered enough because of the terrorism, and now our people need every support to live in peace and harmony so that the country will be prosperous for ever. I know as an individual I cannot change people in our society, but like we won over terrorist hope the healing process will be able to continue, and it will not be marred by this type of incidents in the future.

Yours sincerely,

James Jayalath

Melbourne, Australia

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