Chief Monk of Malwaththe and few of those towing his line will never be respected by a majority of the Singhalese
Posted on February 14th, 2010

Nimal R Melbourne Australia

Chief Monk of Malwaththe and few of those towing his line will never be respected by a majority of the Singhalese

Chief monk of Malwaththe chapter Thibbotuwave Sri Sumangala did not utter a word against retired General Sarath FonsekaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s recent statement to the BBC Sinhala Service stating that he was willing to give evidence as a witness at a War Crime Tribunal and he will not defend any one who committed war crimes and would definitely expose all those who have done so. However this chief priest along with few others is now making a huge noise after the arrest of retired General Sarath Fonseka. IsnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t this ludicrous?

As many citizens in Sri Lanka are aware, chief priest Thibbotuwave Sri Sumangala has always been a good supporter of Ranil Wickramasinghe and has never supported any activities in the past to counter separatist LTTE activities or helped the poor Singhalese in the East who used to suffer from atrocities of the LTTE. However after seeing the strong wave of support for the President Mahinda Rajapakse upon defeat of the LTTE in last MayƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢09, he made a statement that Hon Mahinda Rajapakse should rule the country for the rest of his life.

I would like to ask Ven Thibbotuwave Sumangala and few of his colleagues whether a President and his government should act like deaf and dumb when some one who has commanded the armed forces of the country openly makes treacherous statements against the great soldiers who sacrificed their lives and limbs to protect their motherland. Do these monks love their political parties or individuals than their motherland? If so, ordinary laymen who voted the President during the last election are much more superior in their qualities than these monks.

Many Sri Lankans are aware that although these leading monks of the Malwaththe chapter are rich and doing business (Maiwaththe Chief Monk owns a leasing car business too and many who visit Sri Lanka lease cars through him), they have never supported the national cause financially.

When great monks of the Jathika Hela Urumaya were in the forefront with President Mahinda Rajapakse to defeat the LTTE, I doubt whether they at least supported them by words.

People in Sri Lanka who have given a clear mandate to President to Mr Mahinda Rajapakse at the last general election should send a strong a message to this chief monk and the others who tow his line that in this 21^st century, Singhalese people in Sri Lankan cannot be deceived by a few just because they don the yellow robe. As lord Buddha has preached one can be superior only by their actions but not their positions.

4 Responses to “Chief Monk of Malwaththe and few of those towing his line will never be respected by a majority of the Singhalese”

  1. aravinda Says:

    The main problem for the opposition and Mr.Fonseka is that main stream Sri Lankan population is stunchly behind Mr.Rajapaksa. By now, the opposition should realise that Mr.Fonseka is an electoral liability. they know that. The reason to flog this dead horse is no opposition leader is willing to take on Mahinda in present circumstances. they would rather wait till next election and make a reasonable attempt to win the election. Mr.Fonseka is the mouse chosen to “Bell the Cat.” Mr.Fonseka is brave but foolish. He certainly not fit to be President.

    If Mr.Fonseka is man enough to accept defeat and prevent discord in the nation, matters may have been different. His vengeful personality and lack of vision has made it very difficult to reason with him. He need wise councel, but Those around him are thieves and traitors. He is an actors who had played his part, and now its his time to move on.

  2. gemgem Says:

    Arvinda – you say that Mr. Fonseka should be man enough to accept defeat. Could you please explain the reasons behind two simple events that took place , which have many people questioning the legitimacy of the election results.

    1. For the first time since TV was introduced to Sri Lanka , the final official result of the election was released as a RECORDED statement. The Election Commissioner’s speech was recorded at the Rupavahini studio with
    the participation of the government controlled media and some “Government-friendly” media. Why was the government scared of airing the Elections Commissioner live? Which parts of the Election Commissioner’s speech did the Government edit?

    2. While the recorded message of the Elections Commissioner was being aired in all media, the main Opposition Candidate and most of his front-line people were surrounded by the military and not allowed access to the media, let alone be physically present during the Election Commissioner’s message. Should not all Candidates be present when the official results are being announced?

    Are these the actions of a candidate who claims to have a landslide victory? I am sorry to say but this is the knid of democracy that we now have in Sri Lanka. I am happy that the Buddhist Leaders are finally taking a stand but I will not put it beyond this goverment to show any mercy for the opposition, even for the clergy.

  3. aravinda Says:

    Gemgem, The election results was a forgone conclusion. I have been a keen observer of Sri Lankan elections for 40 years, my predictions were never wrong. My election surveys are always informal. I never use questions to obtain yes/no answers. Many season election observers were predicting 60/40 split since October 2009. I was one of them. You need not go far, please refer following articles in LANKAWEB.

    In this article, Please read the comments by Aravinda. Two hours before the voting started I predicted the results as following. Mahinda 59 %, Sarath 40 %, Others 1%. Final results was Mahinda 58%, Sarath 40%, Others 2%.

    I can not explain why minor candidates obtained 1% more votes than I predicted. It may have been that some voters were disheartned that UNP was not fielding a candidate. The survey and how I predict correctly is analysed in following articles.

    “LANKAWEB ELECTION FORCAST ” by MDP Dissanayake on 29/01/2010, read Aravinda comments.
    “PAWNSEKA NEED TO BE SENT TO AN ASYLUM” on 31/01/2010 by Ajith Randeniya, read Aravinda comments.

    As you live in Melbourne, you will not understand the in depth gratitude to Mahinda in the hearts of Sri Lankans. If the elections were held in June/July 2010, Mahinda would have scored between 65-67% of the votes. If it was held first week of February 2010, he would have obtained 61% of the votes. Millions of dollars spend in misinformation by Fonseka camp, indeed cost Mahinda some votes. Whole Fonseka strategy was planned outside Sri Lanka. Some advisers were from Australia. They may have well known that Fonseka would loose. But the idea was to create chaos in Colombo and other main cities. Iran election was the blueprint used by Fonseka clan. It once again failed. Now the next strategy will be to spread misinformation about Sri Lanka, with intention of destroying the economy. That too will fail. There are many reasons why these actions are taken up against Sri Lanka. China leasing Hambantota harbour, suspected Uraniam deposits in North East, Off-shore oil/gas drilling, intentions to create instability in India, idea of breaking up India and Sri Lanka’s close ties with asian nations are some of them.

  4. Chintha Says:

    It is a fact that reps of all major candidates were present at the counting. They signed each counted reults. So it is not rocket science. Get a calculator and ADD all the results they signed and see if the addition tally with the numbers announced by election commisioner. If they differ they can chalange the figure based on the signed papers they have. They have NOT done this, but say bogus stories.
    SF had access to media. We saw him making bogus statements as to why he did not vote that day(HE IS A LIER) to International media. It is known that he did not want to be present at the announcement because he could not take the defeat. He was planning to topple the govt illegally with his private army of army desserters.
    SF is a great threat to SL NOW. He is funded promoted and protected by all Anti Sri Lankan forces, the evidents pouring in now.(read the Asian tribune article in Lankaweb if you care) The anti Sri Lankan forces try to achieve thier objectives through SF. SF is trying to achieve his selfish motivs through betraying the country. If a terrorist CHANGED and poses NO THREAT TO the country NOW he should be accepted . But SF is great threat to the country NOW. Who wants to Charge the great leaders who dawned peace to our country with war crimes???? Not People of SL. If as a Sri Lankan you justify that you deserve no country.

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