Robert Blake finally comes out in support of his spy in Sri Lanka
Posted on February 14th, 2010
Ajit Randeniya
The news last week that Robert Blake summoned the Sri Lankan Ambassador to the US Jaliya Wickremasuriya to the State Department to lodge ‘strong protests’ over the arrest of Sarath Fonseka provides conclusive proof that Blake ‘cultivated’ Fonseka as a US spy over a relatively long period of time, and backed his ‘campaign’.
Blake resisted showing his dirty hand behind this entire ‘operation’ as long as he could. That concern has now been overridden by the fear that Fonseka could ‘crack’ during court martial, and also the impact of this bungling operation might have on other such dirty dealings in countries ranging from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe. Blake has decided to act using, of course, the official US channels and under the pretext of protecting ‘principles of democracy’.
Blake was not the only conspirator that emerged during the week to ‘support’ Fonseka. That other Australian Zionist who infiltrated the UN (thankfully now the ‘former’ UN spokesperson), also emerged from the seering Australian heat to renew his ’40 000 dead’ claims; after being forced to keep his mouth shut in Sri Lanka, he is now on his own ‘campaign’ of revenge!
Now that the puppet thief is in custody and the ‘puppet master’ has revealed his hand, it will be in Fonseka’s interest to fully confess and reveal his connections, instructions he received and the sources of funding and other ‘campaign assistance’ he received from the US, UK and Australian operatives.
Then we have another ‘spokesperson’ Martin Nesirky of the UK who infiltrated the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s office back in November 2008. A card carrying Zionist with credentials such as being a former ‘international correspondent’ (read spy) and editor for Reuters, in Moscow, Berlin, The Hague and last in Seoul, flaming the noth-south tension in order to extend US military occupation there, took over Ban Ki-Moon’s his office back in November. This is a key position that allows him to put words in Ban’s mouth; This is exactly what he did in relation to the Sri Lankan issue. Nesirky gave a different version of what was discussed during the UN Secretary General’s phone conversation with president Rajapakse; more specifically, in the usual ‘double talk’ these parasites are famous for, he was casting aspersions about the Sri Lankan government’s version of the discussion.
These Zionist thieves are so…ooo committed to their mad cause that they will never stop their foolishly transparent and worn-out tactics. They are blinded by their zeal to understand that Fonseka is simply too stupid to be ‘useful’ to them, or to save himself, now that he has been found out. This is the way to read Fonseka’s latest ‘strategy’ (does that ever smack of his election ‘campaign’ strategies!) of his refusal to appear before Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Daya Ratnayake, claiming he was now a civilian. Like in any prosecution let alone a court martial, silence in a situation similar to a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, will inevitably be taken as admission of guilt. If he sticks to this particular strategy, he can look forward to ‘asylum’ at Welikada (where he so haughtily promised to find abode for the Rajapakse family).
The local support to Fonseka from his ‘former’ allies consisted of some of the most ludicrous remarks ever to have been made by any politician who ever laid claim to alternative leadership in the Sri Lankan democracy; that no-hoper Ranil Wickremesinghe demonstrated his woeful ignorance of the principles of civil administration, further confirming that he is a moron. He declared in a media conference that ‘Sri Lanka has no Military law, but only a Military Act’! Most Sri Lankans would have expected even this no-hoper, by virtue of his law degree at least, to be able to understand the basic fact that ‘Acts’ are the basis of law in democracies: But no one needs to worry about him for too long.
That other champion of ‘justice and fair play’, Somawansa Maranasinghe pointed out that ‘a country looses part of its sovereignty when it joins the UN’! While his corrupt ignorance of the basics of human rights is understandable, this murderous robber needs to polish up his knowledge of some of the basics on these issues before he decides to open his mouth on issues such as ‘sovereignty’. Judging by Sri Lankan TV appearances, he seems to have secured the services of another fraudster named Sunil Handunetti who seems to match him in every way. The cracking of his voice during a TV debate on ‘the arrest’ brought tears to our eyes!
Then on the Fonseka arrest itself, they are resorting to the same types of ‘strategies’ aimed at appealing for public ‘sympathy’ that proved so disastrous for them during the election. One such pathetic effort is their ‘strategy’ to leave Fonseka’s, hm… hm… ‘campaign office’, at Rajakeeya Mawatha exactly as it ended up following his attempted resistance to arrest by the Military Police. Again, they have failed to see that the public are unlikely to excuse Fonseka’s use of filthy language against the military officers who were simply carrying out their official duty. (On a personal note, Fonseka should also be charged for soiling the somewhat ‘sacred’ neighbourhood of Rajakeeya Mawatha by locating his spy centre in that area.)
But as was proven so decisively during the election ‘campaign’, Fonseka’s support base would not be completer without the unbowed and unafraid support of Frederica Jansz; she has done it again! In an Editorial stirringly titled ‘Mr. President: Stop This Madness Now!’, Frederica threatens that Fonseka’s arrest ‘begs a question’. She asks: “If indeed the General did commit these offences whilst holding the office of Army Commander, why on earth didnƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t the President apprehend and bring him before the law sooner”? This poor woman who may have been in some other queue when God was handing out brains seems to automatically assume that all these offences were known long ago to president Rajapakse! Nothing is too simple for Frederia Jansz!
Jansz also justifies, again, her newspaper’s ‘conscious decision’ to support the ‘campaign’ of Fonseka, despite deep personal reservations. She also seems to suggest that they were even ready to journalistically prostitute themselves ‘even for the Rajapkses’ when she says:”Of course, at a more personal level Rajapaksa and his government left us with little option, having pushed us up against a brick wall from which there is no turning around.”
Then she moves on to her usual sanctimonious crap like, “The Sunday Leader has been a controversial newspaper because we say it like we see it.” Jansz needs to urgently look up the meaning of the adverb ‘controversial’ when she is free for a moment; that is when she is not destroying Fonseka with her ‘support’. Like all corrupt, disgruntled and ignorant ‘columnists’ at this ‘Burgher slum’ who seem to be now blaming democracy, and the public, for re-electing the government, she concludes with a Shakespearean quote:Lord, what fools these mortals be! Despite its total irrelevance to the particular political situation she has ostensibly sought to colour, Jansz’s choice of the unattributed quote (from ‘A Midsummer Nights Dream’), has unwittingly, proved quite appropriate in explaining her own ‘support’ for Fonseka; it expresses Shakespeare’s judgment that love is a form of madness that prompts the lover to act in very foolish ways. We mean platonic love of course!
Amidst all the cries of persecution over the arrest of the foreign spy, the UNP dropped a bombshell that shatters any remaining doubts about their hypocrisy over matters of democracy; they have now decided to get an oath of allegiance and a letter of resignation from the partyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s candidates contesting the forthcoming general election. Desperate remedies for desperate problems!
Now we come to the interesting anecdote involving a meal at a famous Colombo eatery the same week; a female patron who was asked to pay the full bill for a meal that included ‘ a worm on salad’ who ‘created a scene’ found a large degree of support from all the others who had partaken their meal with a degree of queasiness following the incident. The instant popularity the woman gained prompted the astute remark of the restaurent manager that the good lady needs to get away quickly or Ranil, Mangala and Somawansa will arrive if they hear about her because they are looking for a ‘popular’ candidate to contest the forthcoming general elections!
The news the following day that some opposition parties had suggested fielding Anoma Fonseka, ‘in case her husband is not released’ (they are hoping!) did not contain any surprises: The so-called ‘Opposition’ in Sri Lanka is ‘dead’ for all practical purposes; the Sri Lankan people are too smart to be fooled by these charlatans.
Good riddance to bad rubbish