Posted on February 20th, 2010

Malin Abeyatunge

The Sri Lankan print and electronic media reported on 17/2/2010 that the Australian Government has donated five demining machines to facilitate acceleration of the demining operations in the North of Sri Lanka. The consignment of de-mining equipment including five “Bozena +4” demining machines and spare parts valued at Rs. 272 million was handed over by Australian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Kathy Klugman to Human Rights and Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe on 16/2/2010. The Sri Lankan expatriates community in Australia is very grateful for the Australian Government for their generous donation and BIG Thank YOU.

In fact, had we received such generous donations by way of needed equipments for quick demining process from other countries as well, Sri Lanka would have by now resettled all IDPs created by LTTE mayhem. Yet, it is never too late. Let this be an example for those countries who scream to resettle the IDPs immediately sans any help to that effect. However, I believe that Australia has also a responsibility on her part to help Sri Lanka because the funds raised by LTTE fronts in Australia without any hindrance amounting to millions of dollars annually had gone into the buying of these land mines and other arms illegally. By being naƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚¯ve for not taking action to curb the fund raising by LTTE fronts (well known to AFP and the ASIO), it helped to prolong the war against the LTTE terrorists. The USA, UK and some EU countries and non-EU countries are guilty of this same offense. Unfortunately, the fund raising in Australia wide is still continued under dubious means and the purpose is now not to buy arms as the war against LTTE is over but to buy academics, politicians, print and electronic media personnel etc as spokespersons for the LTTE and to voice anti-Sri Lanka stance.


  1. gdesilva Says:

    When one takes into consideration of all the good and not so good from Australia the overall picture is not that great. As Malin correctly points out by not proscribing LTTE in Australia, it has done enormous amount of damage to Sri Lanka and its people. Also, when one considers the negative media campaign carried out by Oz even today (see Mahindapala’s posts) and also the blatantly biased campaign carried out by State owned Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), people in Sri Lanka and elsewhere may start to wonder whether the Rs. 272 M worth de-mining equipment really worth the damage Australia and its national media have (and continue to) caused.

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