Some thoughts on – “Missing the wood from the trees”
Posted on March 17th, 2010

P.A.Samaraweera, Australia

Dushy Ranetunge’s (DR) in anƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ article ‘Missing the wood from the trees’ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ to an English DailyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ of 14th March,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ supports an investigation for war crimes and bring about accountability andƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ says, “…All that the western powers and the UN are demanding is consistency on our part in investigating war crime allegations…”
We have no qualms about DR’s comment that, “…It was the US which first listed the LTTE as a terrrorist organisation…” But it was only on paper and that was also after immense pressure brought by Sri Lanka that theƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ LTTE as a terrorist outfitƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ is worse than the Al Qaeda against whom the US and theƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ allied forces were fighting.
There is no doubt that theƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ western governments ‘have consistently’ trained our forces but theyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ never armed them. Further, they never expected the Sri Lankan forces to defeat the LTTE and it gave them an absolute shock. Because the west with their most advanced arms and armaments were still not been able to defeat Al Qaeda.
The UK had been training Army cadets since Independence. Subsequently they were sent to India and more recently Army and Air Force officers were trained in Pakistan. The latter got UAV’s which played an important role in the war and other sophisticatedƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ equipment from Pakistan and not from the west.
The west stopped the sale ofƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  military hardware because of the war against the LTTE. Therefore,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ if ChinaƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ had not come to Sri Lanka’s rescue, the story would have been different. China was fore-most, along with other neutral countries, inƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ supportingƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Sri Lanka against the UNƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ resolution brought by the west. If given the choice, would DR prefer Chinese galleons boosting the economy or LTTE arms ships floating around the coasts of Sri Lanka to devour the country?
During the height of the warƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ if Sri Lanka had taken the advise given by the west, which made a hue and cry to stop the war againstƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the terrorists,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the LTTE would have been back on the saddle and weƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ would be under the jackboot of the terrorists. This may ofcourse not matterƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ forƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ terror supporters ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ masquerading as peace nicksƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  or thoseƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ enjoying the luxury of greener pastures.
However, even though the UK was safe from the LTTE it was not from the Al Qaeda!
DR argues that it is the tradition to investigate war crimes. If so why are the war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan by the west and the alliedƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ forcesƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ not investigated. The US and UK invaded Iraq and killed Saddam Hussein accusing him of possessing ‘weapons of mass destruction’ , which were never found. Further, the inhuman treatment and torturing of prisoners at AbuƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay had been swept under the carpet.
The observation that, “… war crimes committed by a few individuals who have betrayed the Sri Lanka Republic is abusing the powers…”ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ is an accusation put forward by LTTE backers and those who are treacherous to the armed forces who valiantly fought to preserve the sovereignity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.
The war in Sri Lanka was against the world’s deadliest terrorists who were supposed to be invincible and not against its citizens as claimed by DR.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The LTTE forcussedƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  on ethnic cleansing, political assassinations, suicide bombings, fund-raising, civilian massacres, child-recruitment etc., and against these the so called Human Rights Activists and the west were onlyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ passive on-lookers. Therefore, it could be argued that the war crimes accusation is only to avenge the defeat of the LTTE.
Finally, with regard to the comment on ‘war crimes and accountability’ DR may note that the 118 member Non-Aligned MovementƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ (NAM) chaired by Amabassador Mageed Abdelaziz of Egypt has expressed deep concern over the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s unilateral decision to appoint an ‘Advisory Panel’ on Accountability issues in Sri Lanka. The NAM has accused him of (a) Attempting to violate the UN Charter (b) Trying to interfere in the domestic affairs of a member state.
He has also condemned selective targetting of individual countries which is contrary to the UN Charter. The NAM has unanimously agreed to protest against the Secretary General’s decision. Ofcourse, Ban Ki-Moon is doing his best to appease the west as his term is coming to a close.

16 Responses to “Some thoughts on – “Missing the wood from the trees””

  1. Chintha Says:

    If anyone thinks UN or any other international body ever cared for any human rights in SL,they are ignorent idiots. The truth is they don’t damn care. They did not do anything for the past 30 years when our people were undergoing terror. The seperatist forces orchestered West know if the MR GOSL stay in power the seperatis agenda could not be materialised. The bogus human rights is the weapon they use to punish our patriotic leaders who oppose to seperatism. Once MR is not thier they can easily achieve thier objectives through puppets traitors like Ranil or SF who are ready to sell the country for power .Thats why they care for SF so much. Becuase of these bunch of idiots who don’t see this and thinks this West,UN care for any damn human rights in SL, our country is in grate danger. Seperatism will not stop at one boundary. Once SL is seperated ,tons of Tamils from TN will flow into SL.Because of these bunch of traitors, and ediots who support them , our future generations will be fighting forever.

  2. ranetunge Says:

    Hi Young Samara,
    I wrote that article for people like you and I have failed, as you have missed it again.

    Its NOT “missing the wood from the trees” as you have stated my friend, but “missing the wood for the trees”

    As you can see, you have missed it, from the very start…… least some will understand even if you haven’t….may be in a few


    Dushy Ranetunge who wrote “missing the wood for the trees”

  3. M.S.MUdali Says:

    Destructon of NAM is the priority of USA even today. If anyone follow the histories from the Reagan Era, they will find how many “separatist” or “Islamic” movements were born and continue to destroy their own countries with the guns made in USA or its allies!

    Sri lanka is always a target to be used by super powers during any military conflicts. Catholic Church and USA are not friends of NAM or Communist countries. In Sri Lanka Tamil/UNP politics always in support of USA or the west.

    TAMIL is an excuse and used well by the foreiners to achive their goals. Catholic Church’s involvement with LTTE is not secret. The current POPE is a NAZI and no respect for the religions of Sri Lanka. Vatican is a close ally of USA and CIA.

    Catholic Church is entrusted by foreiners for creating troubles in Sri lanka. Catholic Church’s idea of creating a EAST TIMOR in Sri Lanka went wrong when Chandrika was elected and continued by Mahinda. Catholic Church still continue the agenda against Sri Lanka. Catholic Church is not a religious organization but a contingent of spies who supply information to the WESTERN masters.

    If the source of the CRISP AMERICAN dollar notes in the lockers of Mrs. Tilakratne investigated well, it may endup with a Catholic Church.

    If you see the map of EELAM which cover two-third of the maritime Sri lanka. Easy for Shipping is the major benefit in the EELAM map.

    Catholic priest S.J.Emmanuel heads the World Forum of Tamils from Germany. This man praised the LTTE as the DIVINE SOLDIERS OF CHRIST more than a decade ago. What the hell those DIVINE SOLDIERS OF CHRIST can do for the Tamil population which contains 95% HINDU population?

    But POPE, a NAZI, declared that Hinduism and Buddhism are not religions. So, I hope the Tamils are still under the ERA of PORTUGEUSE.

    Now the WAR CRIMES or HUMAN RIGHTS are used as a weapon to subdue the Sri Lankan victory over the WEST and Catholic CHURCH backed LTTE terror.

  4. Siri Says:

    As far as I can see DR is lost in the wilderness of her own creation. She must be Halucinating and her point of view is not worth considering at the present time. We should leave it to the future generation to ponder at leisure. There is a lot of work to be done in Sri lanka to catch up to 30 years of lost time. Fast Tracking is required right now and Our Great President Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa is the only man who is upto the job. A good saying and a tried and prooven phrase is listen carefully to the smart advice of the US and Western Powers and do the opposite. This is the sure path for success. This is how we won the war.
    If the Western Harvard and Oxford graduates are as smart as they are supposed to be, them why did we get into a financial crisis in the first place and now why are we unable to get out of it? The fact is that they are no better than our locals. Mr Rajapaksa should prevent these busybodies from entering the country. If they think they can help us to solve our so called problems, then they should be told to stay in their countries and help to solve the multitude of problems they are facing. If they are really honest and serious about helping us, should they not first help their own to get out the mess they are in right now.

  5. ranetunge Says:

    How right you are siri, thats why Rajapakse sent his sons to Britain to study. They didn’t have the intellect to get into Oxford, so it was Cardiff Uni in Wales and now to Parliament.

    They are fast tracking Sri Lanka by getting loan after loan at commercial premium rates and even begging the IMF to reconsider and running from country to country collecting “aid”.

  6. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    Dear Dushy Ranetunge, before making a comment, I am interested to ask you a few things to find more about you because I have seen your name in some articles that appeared in the local news papers though I hardly bothered to read. Are you a male, a female or a …? Can you tell me how to pronounce your last name? Is it borrowed from Sinhala word Ranathunga?

    I get a funny feeling when you say that “at least some will understand even if you (writer) haven’t… may be in few years”. How lonely you are as only a few would even bother to read your articles. Do you copy things from someone called Samuel Blythe who seems to suffer from the same disease?

    Then again you try to say that those who have the intellect get into Oxford and that getting loans from IMF as begging. Are you having difficulty in using English words or have you taken the exclusive rights to use English? Do you think that repetition, the fundamental premises of English education produces intellectuals like you who repeat the same forever. Another of your type (DJ) does the same.

    Why you take so much interest in essentially local Sinhala issues knowing very well that none give a damn about what you say. Probably, you will never understand that you are made to pay the price for betrayal of the very people that gave you life. Your inability to get over the old baggage and adjust yourself to the life with your new-found masters is nothing but a curse of your own making. Can you tell what you did to earn such a pitiful life as only you may know the secret to your consistent anti-Sinhala apathy? There are a few others like you. One of them is gone and hopefully, all of you will be gone soon. I feel sorry for your Karma as it is the punishment you get for insulting Sinhala people. Your masters are about to see the downside of their past glory quite contrary to your belief, which will make you more miserable. Then you will be lost in the woods forever.

  7. ranetunge Says:

    my dear abeywickrema,
    request for gender, personal information etc is somewhat primitive is it not? lack of refinement is obvious. stick to the issues old boy.

    You want to know about the few who understand ? its like good wine old boy, how many of your lot can identify a good wine from a bad wine? its an acquired taste and only a few acquire it while most are ignorant.

    As to essentially local issues and caring a damn, no one forced you to read and murder the queens language here.

    now, how can we be gone, when the maharajano’s son is a graduate from Cardiff Uni in Wales and everywhere in the mau bima they are going broke trying to learn Singlish?

    I am not insulting Sinhala people, I am merely ensuring that the yako’s don’t have a monopoly over the sinhala mind.

  8. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    Thank you Ranett (It is a misdemeanour to call you ranetunge) for your reply as anticipated. You can not take it. Isn’t it?

    You seems to be the judge, the owner and the caretaker of her majesty’s language. Do you have the title documents to prove it or did you assume it like many others of your ilk? By the way, I am not a pathetic scribbler trying to make a living, but using your mother language to the best of my ability to tell you something more important. I do not think that you should try to be the smart ass as I have met the true English people to know more about English than your mixed bag of usage that I picked up from your own writing. By the way, I am ashamed to say that I have also added a very popular set of words to your mother … language.

    If asking gender is primitive and lacks refinement, whatever you mean, you must be made of gold (or clay). I asked it because I came across using “he” and “she” by some people to identify you, may be a result of your strange first name. I know what an English would have told if you do not identify your gender. If you can’t tell that, I can fill the blank space created by me with the right word as English are yet to find that third word to use alongside “he” and “she”. It is funny that you do not know how important your gender is to your refined language (or is it a garbage tip filled to the brim with words borrowed from almost every other language?), but one of the most primitive languages spoken by the stone age barbarians with only twenty six letters limited to twenty six generic combinations.

    You do not have to force me to read and murder your mother’s language as you use that garbage language to talk about matters that got nothing to do with your mother’s family. If it is about your mother and her entourage, I would not give a damn about what you say.

    What I do not understand is the relationship between Sinhala people and those trying to learn English. Do you think mother language of Sinhala people is English? This is where I want to make my point. These people, whoever want to learn English, are children of Englishmen who fathered illegitimate children during occupation. Isn’t it unfair to deny them the chance that you got as one of them? My concern is that people like you try to paint your problems as Sinhala problems bringing disrepute to Sinhala people who got nothing to do with your kitchen fights, which could have solved by going home than becoming a pain in the back. MR is more of your cousin than mine if you have a few of the original English skills to analyse visually.

    Are you addicted to wine? Obviously, some of these products smell like test products sent for the urinalysis. You are the expert. Please tell me whether wine tastes like those test products. I know about the few who understand your garbage. That newspaper used to be the judge and the executioner on all matters related to Sinhala people until I wrote a few emails. Now I see nothing of that sort except the garbage produced by the likes of you. It is a good opportunity to meet you here at Lanka web, where you do not have the protection that you had when you were among your erstwhile family. I hope you would not insult wine tasters by your silly comparison. What you people write and what original English people write definitely satisfy my comparison.

  9. ranetunge Says:

    my dear abeywickrema,
    how much you are like a champion of mau bima. you first request gender and personal information in a land where gender, racial, caste, discrimination is rife. then you hurl personal insults on me by editing my name. then you bring my 82 year old mother into it. a true champion of the mau-bima.

    Since you dont drink wine, go and have some casippu old boy and cheer up you miserable git and sing “hela jathika abhimane” and wave that flag with an English Lion.

    You didn’t know? Here, let me educate your little mind.

    The Sinhala Lion is a makara lion, that you get standing around old DS in Independence square. Those ugly Lions are from Yapahuwa and before that they were from Tamil land in Pallava’s country.

    So without using a South Indian Ugly pallava Lion in the flag of the Mau Bima, you have a European Lion from England, drawn by an Englishman and brought to Sri Lanka by a top hat and tails wearing good Kalu Suddha before Independence.

    The Lion in the flag is not to be found in the ruins of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, Yapahuwa, Dambadeniya, Kurunegala, Kandy, Seethawaka or Kotte as its an English Lion.

    Go to Gota’s war memorial and see the Lion copied from the Dambulla temple, said to be of the Lion flag carried by Dutugemunu. Its actually a european Lion, because intelligent ones who studied at Ananda did not realise that that fresco in Dambulla was painted after the arrival of the Europeans and the European Lion in Sri Lanka and that there is no historical or archeological evidence to prove that Dutu Gemunu carried any lion flag. In fact even Paranavithana quietly left that flag blank in his book, the Sinhalayo, because he was educated in England and knew it was a European and not a Sinhala lion.

    There, wave that Lion flag, lie back and think of England while enjoying your casippu.

  10. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    Dear Ranett (You proved yourself that you never deserve to be called by your surname stolen from Sinhala people), thank you for revealing yourself. You forgot that Lankaweb is not your local ghetto type web and many of those visiting this site are not even living in Sri Lanka. You are a silly person who opened your bad mouth to tell exactly who you are behind your nice cloak. For that matter, I have been living with natural English speakers as an insider for the last two decades, not like one of you enjoying the Sinhala goodwill while laughing at yourself from the other end.

    Did you call me a miserable git assuming that I am living in Sri Lanka, though I deserve to be one of your club members for living in one of your homelands? Now I understand you gender because of your bitching. You should try to be more English than you are when someone asks your gender as it is a must to know to make a comment using third person. I am yet to find a form in English without that as a formal request. You claim about discrimination in Sri Lanka and you are still alive. We know how your masters do it who are the world leaders in discrimination. I wonder how long you will survive among English if you choose to right anti-English concocted hubris the way you do to Sinhala people.

    I cannot stop laughing at your comment about European Lion and the other historical hubris. You should try to read one of my comments at this website under ancient Sri Lankan History forum (go to home page and find the link on the right hand in Sinhala). Though it comes from an idiot of your calibre, there is some significance in the reference to the English Lion (In fact they got three). Amazingly, there were lions in the cold caves of England that were used as their symbol of heroism. When it comes to Sinhala history, you are definitely “missing the wood for the trees”. Like many others, experts who told you that silly garbage are just misguided by the manipulations of ancient Buddhist missionaries of Indian descent. Those pathetic idiots, essentially of your kind, did not know the meaning of the word Sinhala and assumed that it got to do with Sinha (lion), and even went to the extent of insulting by insinuation of incest to purify the word. Alas, you forget that many of the kings were of mixed Dravidian origin since Vijay Kumar’s time, who carried on this silly myth.

    Let me tell you something more interesting. It is true that the word Sinhala is made of two words and the first part is Sinha (lion). But I could be the only one who could offer the correct meaning for this very ancient Sinhala word. It is an irony that I also know the original meaning of the word “English” and how they came to use lion as part of their flag. The way you talk about Sinhala and English is more like telling that you were born before your own mother.

    I am not surprised by your pathetic skills in English language that made you to misunderstood my comment. How silly you are to construe that I made a reference to your own mother, the person who gave you birth. Unless you pick up the meaning within the context you are definitely “missing the wood for the trees”. The more you write, the more you will reveal to readers about your dark side that you try to gloss over. I am not sure how you could live with Sinhala people with your despicable mindset. I wish you take the next flight out of that country, and do not wish to see your kind when I return home soon.

    You said “… think of England …”. I rather choose to think of hell because I feel better then. Though you called me an old boy, I am confident of guestimating your age to call you an old witch instead. I would choose water, not wine or Kassipu as you said. I hope your simple mind would let you to compare the Sinhala word “Wathura” and English word “Water”” for a change with a stone age linguistic tinge, something that tells more about modern human life at its earliest part of evolution.

    Interestingly, you did not answer the most important question I Asked. Let me repeat it. “Do you copy things from someone called Samuel Blythe who seems to suffer from the same disease?”

  11. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    Dear Ranett (You proved yourself that you never deserve to be called by your surname stolen from Sinhala people), thank you for revealing yourself. You forgot that Lankaweb is not your local ghetto type web and many of those visiting this site are not even living in Sri Lanka. You are a silly person who opened your bad mouth to tell exactly who you are behind your nice cloak. For that matter, I have been living with natural English speakers as an insider for the last two decades, not like one of you enjoying the Sinhala goodwill while laughing at yourself from the other end.

    Did you call me a miserable g.. assuming that I am living in Sri Lanka, though I deserve to be one of your club members for living in one of your homelands? Now I understand you gender because of your style. You should try to be more English than you are when someone asks your gender as it is a must to know to make a comment using third person. I am yet to find a form in English without that as a formal request. You claim about discrimination in Sri Lanka and you are still alive. We know how your masters do it who are the world leaders in discrimination. I wonder how long you will survive among English if you choose to right anti-English concocted hubris the way you do to Sinhala people.

    I cannot stop laughing at your comment about European Lion and the other historical hubris. You should try to read one of my comments at this website under ancient Sri Lankan History forum (go to home page and find the link on the right hand in Sinhala). Though it comes from an idiot of your calibre, there is some significance in the reference to the English Lion (In fact they got three). Amazingly, there were lions in the cold caves of England that were used as their symbol of heroism. When it comes to Sinhala history, you are definitely “missing the wood for the trees”. Like many others, experts who told you that silly garbage are just misguided by the manipulations of ancient Buddhist missionaries of Indian descent. Those pathetic idiots, essentially of your kind, did not know the meaning of the word Sinhala and assumed that it got to do with Sinha (lion), and even went to the extent of insulting by insinuation of incest to purify the word. Alas, you forget that many of the kings were of mixed Dravidian origin since Vijay Kumar’s time, who carried on this silly myth.

    Let me tell you something more interesting. It is true that the word Sinhala is made of two words and the first part is Sinha (lion). But I could be the only one who could offer the correct meaning for this very ancient Sinhala word. It is an irony that I also know the original meaning of the word “English” and how they came to use lion as part of their flag. The way you talk about Sinhala and English is more like telling that you were born before your own mother.

    I am not surprised by your pathetic skills in English language that made you to misunderstood my comment. How silly you are to construe that I made a reference to your own mother, the person who gave you birth. Unless you pick up the meaning within the context you are definitely “missing the wood for the trees”. The more you write, the more you will reveal to readers about your dark side that you try to gloss over. I am not sure how you could live with Sinhala people with your despicable mindset. I wish you take the next flight out of that country, and do not wish to see your kind when I return home soon.

    You said “… think of England …”. I rather choose to think of hell because I feel better then. I would choose water, not wine or Kassipu as you said. I hope your simple mind would let you to compare the Sinhala word “Wathura” and English word “Water”” for a change with a stone age linguistic tinge, something that tells more about modern human life at its earliest part of evolution.

    Interestingly, you did not answer the most important question I Asked. Let me repeat it. “Do you copy things from someone called Samuel Blythe who seems to suffer from the same disease?”

  12. ranetunge Says:

    I am glad you got all that off your chest old boy, keeping waving that flag with the english lion. dont forget to take those lithium tablets.

    The sinhalese are protesting outside the human rights commission in Geneva with black flags so I am glad at least you are laughing.

  13. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    Dear Ranett, you cut a very pathetic lonely figure, the true original face. Since you continue to sidestep my main question, I am going to take the answer as a “Yes”. By borrowing content from someone else that referred to a totally irrelevant case and presenting the concocted version as your own creation to reflect Sri Lankan situation, you do not become anybody, never a journalist, but a worthless scum bag. In fact, the original had the objectivity and the original English stench to say the least. I even doubt your ability to understand the original meaning of the title you picked up.

    I do not think that you have any future having revealed yourself who you are and hope you will keep us posted about your predicament. You do not have a clue about Sinhala people, English, lion, flag or anything that matters to Sinhala people. You just let what goes through your ears to come out through your mouth. Unfortunately, you even let what you put through your mouth to come out after final stage of digestion when talking about Sinhala people (ref. Your original comment “I am not insulting Sinhala people, I am merely ensuring that the yako’s don’t have a monopoly over the sinhala mind.”) . You are just a descendent of the pathetic migrant scum who came to Sinhale’ (Lanka) during their hey days. Being Sinhalised by fraud, you do not become Sinhala or carry any Sinhala virtues. As it looks your Sinhalaness is as good as my Englishness.

    You say “The sinhalese are protesting outside the human rights commission in Geneva with black flags so I am glad at least you are laughing.” The sinhalese???. Let me tell you something more interesting. Anyone going shopping for English and their values, whether living in Sinhale’ or overseas, can never be Sinhala because English are their worst enemy by natural design. You said human rights. Did you mean animal rights championed by criminals to unsettle more civilised people by using their own sensitivities. I say to hell with your version of human rights.

    You asked me to take Lithium tablets. What for? By the way, it is an interesting point to make that you speak for yourself. Do you take a cocktail of chemicals to keep you alive? I may have the solution and have saved a few from near disaster. For that matter, I did not even have to take a pain killer for a long time after realising the truth about your folk and finding some interesting ancient Sinhala knowledge. Though you call me an old boy, I am old enough to call you Grandma.

    Do you think I am laughing? Your jokes make me cry as you sound so insensitive and inane just like the cattle caught up in the battlefields of WW2 who did not give a damn about what was going around them. If you had the wisdom to see outside your box, you will find that your fate is already sealed by the contributions made by people like us.

  14. ranetunge Says:

    Hi Abeywickrema,

    did you hear that dog barking. the fellow barks all the time, making me curious as to what makes it bark.

    anyway enough about dogs, I am now sad that you say that you are crying. last time you were laughing and I was so happy for you.

    Whats this sinhale, old chap? never heard of it. No such thing. Mahavamsa hardly even mentions the word Sinhala as it always states lanka.

    Is this Sinhalese a vaddha thing? may be from the yakkahs or is it the yako’s that other tribe?

    Old boy, I have a medical background, so please, please, please, take some lithium tablets as I know its good for your condition.

  15. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    Thanks Ranett for your latest comment. Your questions are very good though they come out like the waste hitting the fan. If you visited this site before, you could have found the answers. Please make it a habit to visit this website. Unfortunately I am not a politician to answer your questions since your intellect, the thing you referred to before, is too much to go to Oxford. In fact, it is more than enough to settle down in the Oxland that you may find after walking across Oxford during the dry season.

    You said you heard a dog barking. Please take it as a serious warning as I do. I hope you heard about events taking place near your water hole. You know what. I heard a tiny rat who popped out of the sewer pipe, thumping its paws on the mat, mimicking the little white ant who is trying its best to relieve itself next to it, to claim that it is the mightiest creature born to rule the galaxy, reminding me the cartoon “Pinky and the Brain”. Sorry, I got rid of it by just keeping my foot over it and it was kaput. Unfortunately, I have to put up with the next door alley cat making a big fuss to claim moral high ground while covering its own waste by her front end paws, the same that she uses to appease me. But it is worse. You know, this time, alley cat who swallowed its own waste to hide the stench is mumbling like my good doctor while writing the prescriptions.

    Since you mentioned several times, I went to see my doctor. Who knows what could have happened to me given what my English friends endure these days. My doctor is a wonderful English gentleman called Harry Shipman (some say Freddy Shipman), an expert treating oldies like you and me. Sorry he wanted me to take Morphine, not Lithium as it would destroy battery manufacturers, and said that double the dose better the feel. I had two jabs to my other end and feel great as it is also the very end of politicians kissed and embraced every time by many popular journalists including your editors. Since you had noticed my problem, I told him about you. As he advised, I want you to try two or more jabs of Morphine to your thinking end. If you can, please convey this message to all your friends and relatives, some call as Sinhala speaking burghers, to contact my great doctor who is also the world champion for relieving pain of aging.

    Since it is our common interest to talk about dogs, the most lovable creature adopted by my English friends, I though of naming my little puppy by your fascinating first name though I have no idea of its gender. By law, it was de-sexed by the time it came to me. Please forgive me if I am rude as I wish to add t before y to make any sense to the name of my little noisy puppy. Please don’t worry any more as I will be laughing all the way to my resting place thanks to Morphine, the one and only medicine that can cure all your ills. I am afraid times is running out. I have to make a comment on a more important article now. Please feel free to read my comments made occasionally, only at this website, as it will not affect your intellect in anyway.

  16. ranetunge Says:

    “walking across oxford during the dry season” ?

    I did not realise that oxford had a wet and a dry season? Is that oxford in hambanthota? You remind me of all that garbage you hear when you switch in Sinhala TV in Sri Lanka and you get a Sinhala politician talking rubbish to con the peasants.

    You should consider politics in Sri Lanka as you will be good at conning the peasants.

    Now go and take two tablets and wave that flag with the english lion.

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