Muslim Affairs Circle of the Sri Lanka National Congress launches Kharithathu Ththareeq Road Map
Posted on March 18th, 2010

Press ReleaseƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Media Secretary- 18/03/2010

Kharithathu Ththareeq, a Road Map to address issues affecting the Muslim community in Sri Lanka was presented to the President of the All Ceylon Jammayathul Ulama, AlHaj M.I.M. Rizwe Mufthi, by Minister Milinda Moragoda, Leader of the Sri Lanka National Congress (SLNC) amidst a large gathering of Muslim community leaders at Marine Grand hotel, Marine Drive, Wellawatte. This roadmap was developed by the Muslim Affairs Circle of the SLNC.

Alhaj Rizwe Mufthi speaking on the occasion, praised Mr. Moragoda for the support he has extended to the Muslim community in strengthening social and educational institutions. He pointed out that by improving the quality of peopleƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s lives, harmony and understanding between different communities can be achieved.

The Muslim Affairs Circle of the Sri Lanka National Congress under the leadership of Mr. Milinda Moragoda has assisted in the release of two mosques (in the Batticola district, and in Trincomalee) from the Security Forces. Minister Milinda Moragoda together with the Defense Secretary Mr. Gothabaya Rajapaksha, and other relevant authorities, has had extensive discussions regarding the use of the Tamil language in police stations and other government institutions in areas predominantly inhabited by Tamil-speaking populations. The Kharithathu Ththareeq is an extension to the above and will help address issues affecting the Muslim community in a more systematic manner.

Picture shows Mr. Milinda Moragoda presenting the Road Map to Alhaj Rizwe Mufthi President All Ceylon Jammayathul Ulama.

Kharithathu Ththareeq
Road Map to address issues affecting the Muslim CommunityƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 

Sri Lanka belongs to all of us: Diversity is Our Strength:

1. Help create a Political Culture which leads to mutual respect between all Communities.

2. Educate other communities on Muslim culture and the Muslim way of life.

3. Enhance the standards of Muslim National schools and also make available Vocational Training for those who do not wish to pursue academics.

4. Support the All Ceylon Jammayathul Ulama to obtain authority in all matters related to Halal Certification.

5. Assist in the Resettlement of Muslims in the Northern and Eastern Provinces and the restoration of Normal Life with Housing and Economic Activity.

6. Assist in the Return and Restoration of Mosques, Schools, etc., in the Northern and Eastern Provinces for the benefit of all.

7. Assist in arranging a monthly meeting with the Security Forces and the Police to discuss and resolve on-going issues and problems faced by the Muslim Community.

8. Assist in obtaining Prayer facilities in Public and other Institutions.

9. Ensure the implementation of the Government circular, which permits the wearing of the Muslim Dress (Hijab) in Schools, Hospitals, and other Government Institutions.

10. Assist in addressing the Drugs & Narcotics related issues faced by the community.

11. Assist in the training of staff in Tamil Language proficiency in Government Institutions where the General Public will interact.

12. Facilitate and address grievances faced by Muslim Tsunami victims.

For Further Information Contact: Reza Sulaiman on 0777 486 299 (m), reza_sulaiman (email)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Sri Lanka National Congress, Muslim Affairs Circle

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Gamini Sarath Godakanda
Media Secretary


2 Responses to “Muslim Affairs Circle of the Sri Lanka National Congress launches Kharithathu Ththareeq Road Map”

  1. anura seneviratna Says:

    Obviously, no one will comment here due to political naivety (political correctness) another negative conditioning the Hela/Sinhela nation suffered at the hands of past pseudo national politicos. Rather than getting the non indigenous minorities to merge and unite with the Hela/Sinhela Nation within Heladiva (SL), offering further illegal enhancements to Hela-Muslims (SL-Muslims) will be further violations of the Hela National Sovereignty and setting up a time-bomb within the island country.

    How Muslim national countries defend their sovereignties should be a lesson to us who do not even allow immigration to their countries.

    “Sri Lanka belongs to all of us: Diversity is Our Strength:”

    This is the bane of our Nation & Country in not clarifying the meaning of “SL belongs to all”. Sri Lankan is the later words for Helas or Sinhelas, hence all are Sri Lankans inclusive of minorites like in every other country. Here, the minoritiy identity is only a private matter and they are not entitled to be recognised as “separate legal entities”. So SL belongs to all means, ALL Sri Lankans (Helas/Sinhelas) and not in separate minority statuses.

    Every National Society has diverse communities but every diverse community is not offered separate legal status. Of course, diversity can enhance the Nation of a Country with careful absorption of what is beneficial to the nation and keep away from what is detrimental to the National Sovereignty.

    The Island Country liberated at the cost of so many lives is bound to run the same risk again with the implementation of such mindlessness due to lack of simple wisdom in the concept of Nationhood.

  2. Kit Athul Says:

    A reply from a Sinhala Buddhist
    1. In the Kaluthara district do you have mutual respect to Sinhala Buddhists? Before HE MR became the president, even the Police could not go to villages like Aluthgama, Kadiyawattha etc. Milinda Moragoda when he was minister in Ranil goverenment created it.

    2. That is a NO NO. This is what the muslim culture is: If you cannot convert to Islam, then kill him. In Iraq woman cannot buy cucumbers because it is regarded as a sex toy for woman. Do you want Sinhala framers not to grow cucumbers? In Turkey woman cannot wear head scarfs,when they enter government buildings. So the best place for Haji Baba M.I.M Rizwe is go back to Soudi Arabia with Moragoda.

    3. There must not be Muslim only schools. They must at least have 40% Sinhala Buddhits.

    4. Halal Certification? You muslims slash the throat of an animal and tourture it before killing them because Koran states it. This must be banned. Muslims must not be allowed to talk about Hahal meat in public or shops must not be allowed to sell meat as Halal meat.

    5. Resettlemet must be carefully planned. Muslim villages must have a sizeable Sinhala comunity that should include Cathlics and they must have PIG farms.

    6. No Mosques should be restored if the muslim population is less than 200. They must go by bus to the nearest Mosque.

    7. No monthly meeting are required by Police and security forces because this will create extra work load for them and will be an easy target for disinformation for Muslim media.

    8. No prayer meetings in public or in government buildings. Do you want convert Sri Lanka to Iran? Praying in public parks must be bannd.

    9. No muslim dresses are allowed in UK and French Schools. So why Sri Lanka a Buddhist country should allow them? Wearing the Muslim dress in the Northern and Eastern provinves must be banned.

    10. Drugs and Narcotics are produced in Afganistan and distributed by Muslims in Sri Lanka! So what do you want to do about it?

    11. That is another NO NO. Every school must teach Sinhala and Tamil must be an optional subject. Next any Muslims defacing and damaging Sinhala Buddhist archtecture must be delt severly with prison sentances up 20 years. Musilm tenage gangs must be rounded up and be educated in the law of the land.

    12. Do Muslims have Tsunami victims? This is a covert way to get money to build Mosques.

    13. I would add this to Moragoda clown’s proposal. Round up the muslims and go and protest when the Israeli trade deligation comes to Colombo in April. This will put your name in all the Muslim news media around the world. OOPS don’t forget the Sinhala buddhist backlash, it will be larger than the Tsunami. I hope the Moragoda clown or Haji Baba M.I.M Rizwe reads this and reply.

    Thuosends of Sinhala Buddhits died to liberate the two provinces. Now do you think Prime Minister Wickramanayake and Minister Ranawake is going to sleep while you create muslim no go villages in the Eastern and Northern Provinces?

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