Posted on March 26th, 2010


After 30 years all Sri Lankans from south to north east to west get the opportunity to cast their vote freely and peacefully. We need to thank from the bottom of our hearts to the President of Sri Lanka and his Govermnet for creating this peacefull enviroment all over the country to enable each and everyone who is eligable to go and cast his or her vote as they wish. President as the Commandering Chief of the Armed Forces and his brother as the Defence secretary together they build a strong Armed Forces who is capable to defend our Motherland in any situation after defeating the most ruthless terror organization in the world L.T.T.E. led by barbaric killer Velupillai Prabakaran.

Now they were all sleeping in hell with bad dreams while our Motherland is blooming like a sunflower with all the excitement,peace and harmony and getting ready for the big day on April 8th to decide who will be sent to the house of democracy to represent us on issues related to you and to our Motherland.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We saw, we listened and we heard the President during the Presidential election time and we believed in him and gave him another term to continue his good work. He didnt sling mud at anyone but talk about our future the country’s future and the children’s future. He told he wants to make our beautiful land of birth a prosperous nation for all of us irrespective of race,color,or religion to live in harmony and in peace. When he spoke we saw the picture of our Motherland in front of our eyes and we felt proud and happy about our country.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We can surely see a difference from then and now about our beloved nation. We sincerely request from the President in this election to make our country a just society without harasment,violence,intimidations etc to enable every citizen to live in respect to each other. We know the current president has done so many good things to the country where no other leader has done in the past. For me I need only to live in peace as a free person without harming others nothing else.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ I prayed each and everyday in my life for the last thirty years and cried seeing dead bodies of our children,fathers mothers sons and daughters. I got mad with politicians when the terrorists were killing our war heros in thousands and destroying our properties, grabing our land inch by inch and nothing was done to avoid all the carnage and mayhem in the country until our saviour came to power in 2004. Those politicians in the past held peace talks with the terrorists, armed them and allowed them to walk freely in and out from the country. Many of our citizens suffered mentally due to the bloody war which almost destroyed our land of birth.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ April 8th will be a historic day for all of us Sri Lankans.Whole world is watching us specially the criminal International community. Our enemies are plannng and funding the Opposition parties these days and spreading false rumors around the country. They want to create unneccessary scenes and show the world like the one incident happened few days back regarding Sirasa organization. We should not allow any news paper or T.V. channel to tarnish our reputation and good name in the sake of democracy.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Our President should be more tough on these people if he is going to make our Motherland a just society. We cannot allow these kind of media outlets to carry out their false propaganda regarding the Government activities or to paint a bad picture about our Motherland. They do things according to the cruel International community because their voice can be heard only through these kind of vulger media outlets. They dont respect our culture or youth and always try to take our children on the wrong path by organizing vulger musical shows disrespectful to our society. The Government should take stern action against these type of media outlets in the future.

Everyone knows that the owner of this purticular organization is not a person who loves our Motherland.They are the traitors who dislike this man from the south who freed our nation. They were the kings when that joker Ranil was in power and they very well know they cannot do things easily with our greatest President of all time Mahinda Rajapaksa. Venezuela,Iran,China and so many countries around the world has sealed and closed media and T.V. outlets like Sirasa because of their behaviour towards their own countries spreading lies and work as per the instructions of the wicked International community. If any newspaper or magazine or T.V.channel,any individual or organization who defamed our Lord Buddha by any means should be not tolerated at any cost.

Let the International crooks or any organization hew and cry Mr.President close down every newspaper or T.V.channel who dosent respect the rules and regulations of the Government for the sake of our country otherwise they will continue tarnishing our image abroad at this critical time of our history. These outlets are working and funded by our enemies they dont love us or our country. They want to have HIS MASTERS VOICE Government run by a coat and tie puppet who can dance to their music. So dont be late to remove all the evils from our land Mr.President if you want us to have a peaceful country to live with our families in harmony. Enemies of our land who write lies about our country to satisfy their white masters in the wicked International community gets international awards for their services. Tissanayagam, Wickremetunga, Janz were few of them and now this Sirasa organization run by some L.T.T.E. sympathyzers.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Dear voters when you go to vote on April 8th just remember to vote for people whom do you think can do something to the country and to your constitution. We dont need thugs or corrupted people running our country.Yes we know the President is a good man and he keeps his promises as a leader of high calibre. I will vote for him and pray for him as long as I live for one thing that is for ending the WAR and eliminating the L.T.T.E leader and his murderers from this earth. No one thought that the invincible terrorist Prabakaran could be eliminated because some said that he was having 250 well armed body guards to protect him from anyone, some said that he was hiding in underground bunker with latest communication equipment where he can contact anyone in the world.Some said he was like Saddam Hussain having so many disguises to fool the enemy. Thanks to our leader,his brother and the war heros on ground,sea and Air who killed those rats and got rid of terrorism from our Motherland.

If not for them our citizens were still dying from suicide bombs,claymore bombs etc. Everyone complain that our country is run by a family but my dear voters think wisely without taking sides as human beings and as citizens for a moment. The president you all know what he is doing to our country and for the peoples because of him we can live in dignity and as proud citizens of our Motherland today. His brother the defence secretary whom we never heard much untill he became the defence secretary is the person who helped his brother to build a strong Armed Forces to fight terrorism and to liberate our country. His other brother Basil was instrumental in uplifting the living standard of the peoples in north and east and resettling the displaced persons after the war.

He was doing a great job which everyone of us should appreciate irrespective of party politics and the other brother Chamal too was a very hard working politician who loves the Motherland and work always for the people and for their betterment. Thiy are not an ordinary family they work hard for our country to uplift the standard of our peoples and for our freedom.Our enemies like Ranil,Sarath Fonseka who were puppets of white masters were fighting to safegurd their own interests only but not us ordinary citizens of the country.So dear voters think wisely and use your valuable vote to bring a strong Government to help the President to change the outdated laws of white imperialists and make tough laws suited for our own democracy.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We the people of Sri Lanka should show the world that we Sinhalese are very kind and loveable people who loves freedom and wants to live with all the races in our land in harmony and dignity. We will never sell our country and who ever wants to sell or tarnish my beloved homeland should think twise hereafter because we will never ever allow terrorism or any bad elements to raise their UGLY heads again at all in my beautiful paradise island of SRI LANKA the Serendib of ASIA. If the President have a strong Government he can fight the enemies of our land inside and outside.You all know that the International vultures are waiiting to see the election results this time with their big eyes open thinking that their stooges will win and they can do things as they wish in my homeland.

Sorry you Golubellas we will never ever bow down to you or listen to your garbage because we are a sovereign nation with a real democracy run by a democratic Government suited for our land. Those who support,talk,encourage terrorism should be brought to justice without giving time to organize. Any individual or organization does anything to harm our nation should be brought to justice whether he or she is very powerful because we cannot go forward with such elements in our society. To have a just society as the President promised we should have a diciplined team of politicians who works for the people not work for themselves. The politicians of today should understand that we the people cannot be fooled like in the past. We expect the politicians of today to work for the betterment of the people and the country and not to waste money and do things not suitable or valuable to the society. We need to respect each other whether Sinhalese,Tamil,Muslim,Malay or Burgher as we all are the children of Motherlanka.

Our country is for all, not only for one ethnic population and we need to live together in every corner of our land as one family. Nobody can say this country is only for Sinhalese or Tamils or Muslims and divide into sections or areas. We Sinhalese have the right to live in anywhere we like and the same goes to other ethnic populations. Anyone who talks about division should be put behind bars for good.We cannot allow such talks hereafter. If the Tamils and Muslims can live among the majority Sinhalese why cant we the Sinhalese live with them in so called their areas? Those Tamil politicians who had close connections with the terrorist L.T.T.E. organization in the past shouldnt try to divide our peoples by saying that this is Tamil area and this Muslim area and so on. The President of Sri Lanka said my country is belongs to all and we have to live together as Sri Lankns therefore my dear voters please vote for the right person whether he or she is Sinhalese,Tamil or Muslim.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Lets help the President by giving him two thirds majority this time to change the electoral system and to go forward in his MAHINDA CHINTANAYA programme. Wake up early on 8th of April and pray to your Gods and go with a clean heart and cast your vote for someone who loves and care our country and the peoples. Think of your future and your children’s education,jobs,etc and dont be misled by bogus promises of the opposition who are traitors to our Motherland. The opposition we had those days have gone to dogs, nowadays we cannot see any individual from the opposition who can deliver anything to us or the country.

All were stooges of the west and they all get funds for their activities from abroad and they sing and dance according to their tunes. Dont send your children to the streets for any propaganda or protests organised by these traitors to the land. UNPers and JVPers all have blood on their hands from 1970’s and still they continue their destructive methods to sabotage our forward march by using innocent civillians as scapegoats to organize protests unneccessaraly and destroy Government and private properties in the city and suburbs. Mr.President bring tough laws to combat Terrorism, Violence, Underworld, Corruptions, Money Landering, Aids and aganst those who talk or giving false information of our country and the Government to the outside world specially to the western countries who paid in millions of dollars to distrupt our forward march.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We all hope and pray the day of April 8th will be a peaceful one and hope for a better future under the leadership of our greatest President of the peoples Hon Mahinda Rajapaksa. Thank you for saving my beautiful homeland and we worship you for giving us the freedom to live as human beings together for ever.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ May Lord Buddha look upon our beloved country and help to build a just soceity for all to live in PEACE and HARMONY.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ God bless every citizen of my Motherland

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Peace be upon you all



  1. Ariya Says:

    The all told % of votes that show solidarity with MR will be ~76%

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