Posted on April 2nd, 2010

ranjit wickremeratne

My Dear countrymen our greatest President ended thirty years of bloodyƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ war with the help of our great fearless worriors in the Armed Forces and the help of our great citizens rich and poor young and old. Lord Buddha who visited our beloved country three times always protected our homeland from evil invaders. Our gallant Sinhalese forces always stood tall and chased out the invadersƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ of portugues,Dutch,English and TamilsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ every time they try to take over my beloved land. The enemies were trying to get hold of our gem of a country from long long time but our country was always protected by our religion and by our citizens who loves our Motherland. Our enemies will not sleep until they get hold of our country and give to their stooges to rule by their book. We Sinhalese have to be watchful and more vigilant if we need to protect our homeland from evil individuals,organizations and foreign Governments who hate us unreasonably for no reason.

We have won the war and peaceful atmosphere prevails in the whole country now and what’s more you need? We saw blood all over for the last thirty years,our loved ones dead and gone,country was devastated by war,ciitizens have left the country in thousands that was then and now we see a different very beautiful picture about our beloevd country with people moving around happily from one corner to another,development all around,new faces ,new Government, new thinking and new approach to take our land of beauty to the future.

Whole world is fighting together to end terrorism in Afganistan,Pakistan,Iraq,and many more countries araound the world.They spend millions of dollars to eradicate this menace from earth but unfortunately world cannot stop this monster but my country thanks to our heros were managed to end the bloodshed permanently by eliminating the terrorists murderers from our soil. Whole credit should go to none other than our greatest President of all time and to our war heros in the Armed Forces.If not for the leadership we wouldnt have won the war at all. We had leaders with no guts or backbone to stand on their feet,they always listened to their white imperialist masters to take action on our affairs because of that the war was dragged for thirty long years. No one should give any credit to those traitors for anything regarding terrorism,even one traitor wanted to take our war heros to the world court for war crimesƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ if he won the Presidential elections but thank God he lost and now sleeping and dreaming in hell like his murderers friend Velupillai Prabakaran.

When the war ended our people from all walks of life celebrated together as one nation but unfortunately the celebration didnt last long because of disunity among our political leaders and some stupids who follow them. The International vultures like Monkey Moon,Pillay’s,Milibans,Kruchners.Browns,Clintons and many who preach day and night to fight terrorismƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ was not happy with us for winning the war against Prabakaran and his goons. Now we know why they dont like us and the current Government because we deny them sellingƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ their arms and ammunition to the terrorists and loot our resources. They were planning to divide and loot that was there intensionsƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ these grave diggers in the western world. Instead of giving a helping hand and enjoy the freedom with us these vultures try every trick in the book to bring misery and division to my beloved country again.

Our enemies in the International community and the traitors of Mother Lanka team together and tried their best to put a puppet of their own as President of Sri Lanka in the past Presidential elections but they failed in their wicked attempt. Thanks to our greatful citizens all the traitors were rejected completely.The wicked International community spend and bribed our traitors in the political opposition parties to remove the current Government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa because he will not bend like other gutless, boneless,stupid politicians in the opposition who betrayed our Motherland in every good thing this Government does for the sake of the country. The opposition always found fault with the Government in all issues concern our citizens they just simply danced to the music of the wicked International community.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Now our citizens will getƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ another chance to prove that we the citizens love our Motherland and we dont need any help or assistance from the enemies of our land within and outside on APRIL 8th 2010. When the current Government of Mahinda Rajapaksa wins and formed the new Government these enemies of our nation should stop harassing unneccessarly our Government and the citizens for the good of the people and the nation. The people of Sri Lanka whether Sinhalese,Tamil,Muslims,Burgher or malays will have their voices heard loud and clearƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ and that will be the final verdict of our peoples therefore no one on earth should interfere in our democratic process and try to destroy our newly got freedom and peace after April 8th. We need to live in peace and build our country with good education and produce citizens worth living in this world and to face all obstacles facing us as a united country.

Dear Monkey Moon,Pillai,Miliband and other problem makers in the world please stay out of our country’s affairs and leave us alone to take care of our own problems as we have a Government elected by our citizens. We can help you parasitres if you need our help and assistance to finish off the wars you started unneccessaraly in countries like Afganistan,Iraq,Pakistan and other countries around the world. You kill in thousands and destroy property in those beautiful countries and no one to blame you but your habbit is always to poke your finger at other tiny nations like us unfairly. Now our country is united and enjoy the freedom in every corner of the country so join us and help us if you are genuine and honest in your dealings in all matters related to our beloved homeland. Our President will be there for ever as the President of Sri Lanka unless he retires himself so help him to build our country to become a showcase of ASIA for all communities to live in Harmony and in Peace. Dont try to play around with our Lion king from Hambantota because you the enemies of Lanka will regret later as the citizens of my homeland is behind him always to safeguard our democracy and the Government.

We sent the most ruthless terrorist Velupillai Prabakaran and his bunch of murderers who killed our innocent citizens for almost thirty years to hell and now hereafter if anyone likes of him started or think to divide our beautiful nation be ready to take the same route to hell like Velupillai Prabakaran. No room for traitors anymore in our land of birth and no enemy can conquer our Sinhala nation again because we Sinhalese are ready to fight to the end to safeguard our beloved Motherland.



12 Responses to “TO HELL WITH OUR ENEMIES”

  1. M.S.MUdali Says:

    Portugeuse were driven out by Dutch and not by Sinhalese. Sinhalese are still proud to have Portugeuse names even after 300 years. Portugeuse got the Sri lankan throne legally from the King of Kotte who was a convert to Catholic religion.

    The same Catholic Church backed LTTE and Sinhalese are still silence over the involvements of Vatican in the Sri Lankan affairs.

    Pereras, Silvas and Fernandos are happy to destroy Hindus/buddhists because their POPE wants to convert Sri Lanka a Catholic country before the end of this century.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    An apt title for a Tele Drama, “” THE GHOSTS OF NANDIKADAL “”

  3. Nihal Fernando Says:

    Mr MUdali,

    All Pereras, Silvas and Fernandos are not Catholics or Cristians but there are many Buddhists among them. Durnig the colonial days Portugeuse forced many Sinhalese Buddhsists to convert to Catholics. All Portugeuse, Dutch and British were cross crusaders and wanted to wipe out Buddhism from then Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). It is still happening in our country. They always try to subjugate Sinhala to the whims and fancies of the Christain/Catholic ideolism and neo colonialism.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    To uplift Lanka, we must on our own first eliminate the ills of our society in Lanka, applying understanding & basic kindness. Also, please take into consideration that:

    (a) Lanka was under Colonial Rule (rule by the gun & other religions) for some 500 yrs.

    (b) Influx of huge numbers of Tamils of low caste into Lanka from Tamil Nadu, seeking relief from caste issues, seeking jobs & education.

    (c) Lanka’s free education, health care and tolerance is very attractive to Tamil Nadu migrants.

    (d) Poverty is understood almost as a Karmic state by many Buddhists & Hindus, and therefore no strong condemnation of
    it or attempts to eradicate it in both India & Lanka, up till now.

    (e) Lots of Sinhala people who were called in for Portuguese Census taking were grouped in Catholic Churches and given the names Perera, Silva, Fernando etc. for the convenience of the Portuguese who could not pronounce the long local names. Almost all these Sinhala people have their local names attached to the Portuguese surname, with the initials in front indicative of it, for instance there could be a Nimal Mudalige Abeywardena Silva, known as Nimal M.A. Silva.

    It is a weakened State that invites Invaders of all sorts to take root. Infighting for power within the country will weaken the
    State and invite Invaders from outside. It was Infighting among the Clans in Scotland that caused Scotland to fall.
    We should from now on learn from Lanka’s history and work together for a better, stronger & more UNITED Nation.

  5. M.S.MUdali Says:

    //(b) Influx of huge numbers of Tamils of low caste into Lanka from Tamil Nadu, seeking relief from caste issues, seeking jobs & education.

    (c) Lanka’s free education, health care and tolerance is very attractive to Tamil Nadu migrants.//

    From where you got this information?

    Your comments on CASTE is the same propaganda from Catholic /Christian Churches in India for conversion. THONDAMANS are not low caste!

    If you have chances, better go to Lisbon and find the number of people from Kerala ( No Tamils) brought to Sri Lanka as labourers and Lascarines (mercenary sodiers). They were all baptized before sailing to Sri lanka from the PORT OF COCHI(N). Even Jaffna peninsula was colonised by people from MALABAR, Kerala under Portugeuse rule. They are the current day TAMIL HIGH CASTES including the Bishops of Tamil areas.

    J.R. Jayawardene and many more Pereras, Silvas, and other Portugese name holders are the descendants of those MALAYALEES and not Tamils from Tamil Nadu.

    Before/Later many Tamils and Malayalees came to Sri lanka under many circumstances. They became TAMIL and SINHALES according to the areas they lived. MARAPAN(A), Pathiran(a) and TENNAKONES are few examples!

    Bandaranayakes, Senanaykes or Wijayawardenes cannot trace their ancestry beyond South India.

    Presence of Tamils in Sri lanka is natural for more than 3000 years. Most of the Sinhala Kings went to South India to get help and to solve their problems with the armies from South India. Those armies never left but integrated in the Lankan society.

    After the Colonial rule only Lankans and South Indians needed passports.

    The language based divisions created by the same Christian colonial rulers. That is why Catholic Church tells one thing in Sinhala and just opposite in Tamil.

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    I am writing with offense to none. I am writing on sensitive issues that have to be faced & addressed if we are move forward
    as One Nation & discard ideas of a Federal State for Tamils or Eelam for Tamils.

    In my personal view, Caste in any ethnic group is a man made event, not a ‘God made event’, and therefore unnatural, and should be discarded. However, if one is pragmatic, one has to acknowledge that there will be a lingering presence of caste in Lanka, at least till Tamil Nadu gets rid of its caste issues.

    I am again addressing the issue of how the Tamil population in Lanka grew to such large numbers and why Lanka became such an important place for Tamil people, important enough to demand a separate state here.

    (1) The huge numbers of Tamils who came to Lanka as indentured labor to work in the tea & tobacco plantations of the British & the Dutch respectively, number over One & Half Million together with descendants. They came into Lanka in massive numbers to lose caste (crossing water was enough at that time to lose caste), and also to earn some wages. We do not grudge these acts, as any one under the same circumstances, would do the same. Yes, after Independence, Lanka was even more attractive as it offered free education & health care.

    (2) After Independence, a fair number of Tamil people also came in as illegal migrants.

    (3) Genetically, Lankans are a very mixed group from India (South & North), European, Middle Eastern, African, etc. Lanka was an important Port for shipping, even in the ancient times, and attracted foreigners to settle down here.

    (4) Prior to these events, there were also the the indigenous Tamils, those who were in Lanka for centuries. I have no idea which caste a Tamil person comes from – I can only judge anyone by the way they behave. Those born in Lanka are Sri Lankans now, and all Tamils in Lanka are officially Sri Lankans. But recorded History is there, showing how it all happened. These are recorded facts in many documents & books, and cannot be disputed & discarded by mere whims and wishes of some. However, we can all chose to go beyond past events and move forward as one Nation, after we acknowledge the past.

    The Buddha stated that “a person is low born or high born only by his or her conduct”. I think this is absolutely true.

  7. Andare Says:

    In response to M. S. Mudali’s comment on April 2nd, he obviously has no idea how so many people got the names De Silva, Perera, De Alwis, Fernando, etc. (all Portuguese names, of course). The first census in Sri Lanka was done by the Portuguese who sent their own army people along the coast from village to village. Each army officer who went to the villages named all the villagers after their own names. Therefore, almost all the members of a particular village were recorded in the census as De Silva, or Perera or Fernando, depending on the name of the army officer. These people are not Catholic by religion. Many of them are good Buddhists and are not out to destroy Sri Lanka or the Buddhists in Sri Lanka. I suspect you are a Tamil person writing as a Sinhalese and as a result do not know many Sinhalese with these names who are Buddhists, otherwise you would not have written like this. Otherwise, you are a Tamil person possibly trying to divide the Sinhalese so that they fight with each other !

  8. M.S.MUdali Says:

    Fran Diaz comfortably excluded the people and their desendants brought to Sri Lanka by PORTUGEUSE. Those people are of KERALA origin and colonised all over the coastal areas under their control. Dutch chased out the Portugeuse and banned CATHOLIC RELIGION too. That is why FERNANDOS, PERERAS and DE… vanished in Jaffna.

    But why the so called BUDDHISTS still carry the PORTUGEUSE names? For proud?

    Further I am MUDALI. If any one knows the History of MUDALIS, tell me. As far as I am concerned I have relatives from both sides. Even I have evidence to show GAJAMON NONA too my distant relative. Not only that the author of MAHAVAMSA Bhikku Mahanama too my ancesteral relative. Now I am TRI-LINGUAL. I do not know to which language group I belong!

  9. Priyantha Abeywickrama Says:

    For Tamils, it is easy to modify their names and surnames as the father’s name becomes child’s surname. For Sinhala, surname is fixed no matter what, unless they go through a tedious legal process. But it is worth tot get rid of the waste that humiliate them. Refer last comment by M. S. MUdali, it is a confirmation of one of my early comments. Just like us becoming English, Portuguese and Dutch subjects, there were a few Sinhala of northern part of the country who became Tamil subjects during occupation. Unfortunately, skin colour did not help them much to call themselves Sinhala though they spoke Tamil just the way we speak English, a heritage of occupation.

    It is silly to suggest that people of mixed origin can survive more than a few generations. Why not follow the trail of a few couples made of people coming from mixed origin to find something horrible that will drive nuts to those promoting multiculturalism. Many mixed people left the country and merged in the west.

    I wish MUdali avoid referring to names/surnames to judge ethnic identity by learning from our exchange some time ago. It is the same story in Tami Nadu itself. None of the ethnics in the region escaped the brutality of the Western occupation. I wonder how some of those in Tamil Nadu dare to call themselves Tamil, just like some in Lanka calling themselves Sinhala by creating their own laws to hide the definition of ethnicity. BUT, if anyone want to become Sinhala, it is achievable by committing themselves to the objective. Within twenty generations (200 years), they can shed all the contamination naturally, but for some by themselves within their life time using the methods I adopted. Unfortunately for some, genetic clean up takes only with the new birth. But it is worth considering the fact that we are going to be born for infinite times. MUdali can do a better service to many by telling what makes a Tamil belonging to Tamil ethnicity than talking about what makes a Sinhala because even some who claim to be Sinhala do not know what makes them Sinhala.

    A child is a product of a man and a woman, but essentially a different entity, which seems to be more a dictator than a lovely kinda getting back what it left in the custody of poor hapless parents. So what comes out if one of the parents is Sinhala and the other is Tamil. Which one decides the true characteristics of the child? Answer could be fascinating? Instead of insulting/degrading people who survived the slaughter by changing names and conversions, something must be done to regain their lost identity.

    By the way, six billion of humans (all of them are different) are originally coming from a tribe of 2000 people according to your English masters. I do agree on the fundamentals, but not on the number and location. Any thoughts on what made us ethnic? We all were animlas not long ago.

  10. Fran Diaz Says:

    Some people find it easy to assess & accept or reject a person just by hearing their surname. The old way of asking for ‘nama & gama’ & judging a person on those factors is fast vanishing. Judging a person on family connections is also fast vanishing. In a small island like Lanka, it may be difficult to lose ones identity easily in society.

    Usually, people are accepted & judged on the way they conduct themselves in society. As a stepping stone to gain acceptance, self respect is essential. For if we do not respect ourselves & accept ourselves for what we are, other people will FEEL it, and not respect us.

    It does not matter whether the name is Perera, Silva etc. & whether their ancestors came from Kerala, Tamil Nadu or North India – if that person is essentially one who respects himself & accepts himself & is basically life supportive, he or she will succeed in life in Lanka or elsewhere.

    All Democracies in the west are full of people of mixed heritage. They just attempt to go for a good education & good life values through whatever religion they belong to. The higher teachings of Hinduism through the Four great Yogas viz. Gnana Yoga pursuance of God through the Intellect), Bhakthi Yoga (pursuance of God through Devotion), Kriya Yoga (Pursuance of God through Action) & Raja yoga (the highest of the Yogas, pursuance of God through Meditation), is a good guide, and has to be embraced by the Hindus of Lanka. The equivalent of Yogas in Buddhism is the Noble Eightfold Path & Dhana, Seela, Bhavana. In India, Mother Theresa, a Catholic, did wonderful work with the dying poor. Wasn’t this Kriya Yoga in action ? The Buddha said ‘Truth is within You’ & Christ said ‘the Kingdom of Heaven is within You’. Hindu Yogas indicate that God dwells within. This one fact glorifies each one of us.

    We ought to ask ourselves the question: what will make me respect & accept myself ? It is not necessary to put others down to accept oneself. We have to undertake then noble task of healing ourselves first & then helping others to heal themselves.

  11. M.S.MUdali Says:

    //For Tamils, it is easy to modify their names and surnames as the father’s name becomes child’s surname. For Sinhala, surname is fixed no matter what, unless they go through a tedious legal process. But it is worth tot get rid of the waste that humiliate them. Refer last comment by M. S. MUdali, it is a confirmation of one of my early comments. Just like us becoming English, Portuguese and Dutch subjects, there were a few Sinhala of northern part of the country who became Tamil subjects during occupation. Unfortunately, skin colour did not help them//

    The same “TEDIOUS” procedure is the option for every Sri Lankan Citizen when they like to change their names.

    Sinhalese and Tamils got some “color” by Portugeuse, Dutch, and English. In Tamil areas too green eyes, brown skins are still visible. If Sinhalese claims COLOR like Portugeuse, really they have problems. I noticed the coastal areas have a “colored” people but Indian estate Tamils have a different color.

    Further MUDALI is a common name in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. If you go to Madras, you can see 50% of the street names are “MUDALI STREET”.

    Sinhalese became Tamil and Tamils became Sinhalese. Then how the Sinhala Arya theory can work?

    All the Jaffna Kings had their name Seka Raja Sekara …….. Sinha Araya(n) or Para Raja Sekara …..Sinha Arya(n).
    The last Jaffna King’s name was Para Nirupa Sinha Mudali.

    In Sanskrit Arya means EDUCATED or person to be a teacher. Brahmins is the group fulltime dedicated for learning and teaching from old days. Sinhala Buddhist kings too had Brahmins in their Royal Courts. Spread of Sanskrit all over India and far east due to HINDU religion. There is no COLOR coded system to identify people in Hindu/Buddhist religion.

    The Germans defined the ARYANS as BLOND HAIR and WHITE SKIN. If this theory is the key for the SINHALA ARYA, all the Kings, Queens, and Sinhalese of Sri Lanka disqualified to call themselves ARYANS. Only the the MIXED Parangiyas and their descendants will be ARYANS.

    I never say anything to claim TAMIL/SINHALA ethnicity but many claimed the “COLOR” as a tool to identify Sinhala and Tamil speakers. I disagree with them always.

    If Sinhalese claims their ETHNICITY based on the NAZI definitions, it is a matter for research and for laughing!

  12. Fran Diaz Says:

    Human life, scientifically speaking, is supposed to have started in Africa. So whether we are Sinhala, Tamil, Burgher, or Middle Eastern, all our ancestors are supposed to have come out of Africa – a common beginning. We in Lanka have a healthy gene pool from all over the world for which we must be thankful.
    Time & energy have been spent on various points to argue. From now on we must use our time to Move Forward as one Nation. I read Geethanjana’s latest article on the Lankaweb today – he gives an exciting new direction to think about. Let us all stop arguing on pointless matters & think creatively on things that really matter.

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