Open letter to my dear Mr. Sampanthan and other Tamil leaders.
Posted on April 7th, 2010
From Lt Commander (retired) PBS Hemachandra. M.Com, Post Grad Dip in Bus, MACS
I have read with great sadness your comments about Singhalese colonisation of Tamil traditional homeland, mainly to support your political agendas without any respect for basic historical facts. I was also deeply saddened about your decision to contest forthcoming general elections under Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi Party, which means Ceylon Tamil Kingdom Party. This is a clear indication that some of you are still promoting your separatist agenda. Therefore I thought of writing to you with some basic historical facts because what we require today is for Tamil, Muslim and Sinhalese leaders to get together and develop a new vision for Sri Lanka based on these historical facts instead of teaching fiction about past history and creating another generation of our people who hate each other. Our moral duty therefore, is to learn to co-exist with mutual respect for cultural differences, sharing our planet as one world. Peaceful coexistence is the only way forward and Sri Lanka is a classic example which can show the way to the future by proving that it is not separate political entities that create peace, but the willingness and the commitment to share the island as the common property and homeland of all communities. We should be the trustees of mother Lanka, protecting its environment and heritage to be passed on to future generations of all communities. Unfortunately, historical myths, manufactured to support separatist political agendas, have been one of the fundamental causes for misleading our people into a futile war for over 30 years that almost destroyed entire generation of Tamil population in Sri Lanka and turned some of us to undisciplined barbaric murderers. Around 50% of the Sri Lankan Tamil population migrated to affluent countries creating a shortage of professionals in all fields in Sri Lanka as they occupied more places in our professional output from our universities.
I am a retired Lt Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy and worked in the Navy from 1971 to 1986. I worked for about 10 years of this period in shore establishments, Naval ships attached to North and East of Sri Lanka, which are the parts claimed by Tamils leaders to be their traditional homeland without any incontestable historical evidence.
I have had the privilege of travelling extensively in the north and east of Sri Lanka and was fortunate enough to visit every corner in the north and east and have seen many remains of our unique history, partly because I had the Naval transport facilities and partly because my father, who was a history teacher, stimulated a great interest in me to see engineering marvels of our ancient kings. During these visits I have failed to see any historical evidence of a separate independent Tamil Kingdom in Jaffna or traditional Tamil homeland. If anyone can tell me, or show me the places where I could find artefacts, epigraphs, or inscriptions of an ancient Independent Tamil Kingdom in North or East, or a single tank or irrigation system developed by the so-called Tamil kings of an Independent Tamil Kingdom in the North or in the Dry Zone, or where I could find a treaty signed by the so-called Tamil kings with Portuguese, Dutch or English who ruled our country, to assert their sovereignty, I would like to examine them to find out the truth about the claims of an independent Tamil kingdom or traditional Tamil home land in North or East of Sri Lanka,ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ I will be most grateful as such evidence would help to review my understanding of history. I donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t want any one to say it is in black and white. I want exact locations of these evidences. I have found treaties signed with foreign powers only by Kings of Sri Lanka. As far as I know Portuguese historians have recorded that the fiefdom of Jaffna had agreements to pay tribute to the kings of Lanka, like the other chieftains of other regions in Sri Lanka. I have seen historical evidence of Tamil Kings invading and then ruling Sri Lanka including our last king and have seen evidence of all communities living in north and east of Sri Lanka but have so far failed to find evidence of Traditional Tamil homeland or independent Tamil Kingdom in Sri Lanka.
Historical evidence found in forms of ruins, inscriptions, tanks and irrigation systems, man made canals, fortresses, epigraphs etc provide ample evidence to the claims of all communities sharing Sri Lanka with majority Singhalese as a common homeland. This evidence is available mainly in Anurdhapura, Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Kantalai, Nagadeepa, Mannar, Tiriyaya, Polmodai, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Mulaitivu and many other places in and around Jaffna. There are many ancient inscriptions found in Jaffna such as Vallipuram gold plate inscription found in Point Pedro in Jaffna or Sinhalese inscriptions found at Kandarodai, the ancient Kadurugoda Vihara, a Buddhist Temple in Uduvil or the inscription found at Tunukai in the D.R.O.ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s division of Punakari or the Tiriyaya Sanskrit inscription of Aggabodhi VI or the Tiruketisvaram Pillar inscription of Sena II or the Mannar Kacceri pillar inscription of Kassapa IV or the slab inscription at Kurundanmalai near Mulaitivu orƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the Palmottai slab inscription of VijayabahuƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ or theƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Kantalai stone seat inscription of Nissankamalla will prove that there were Sinhalese people living in the north and east long before Tamils encroached and started living there. Therefore Singhalese people have the same right to live any part of the country similar to any Tamil or Muslim or burger or Indian Tamil or any other citizen of Sri Lanka.
I have copied below information from Portuguese, Dutch, English and Tamil historians to prove that the north or east of Sri Lanka had never been the traditional home land for Tamils but it was the home land for all communities and Singhalese people lived there much before Tamils colonize north and east of Sri Lanka.
This paragraph below is from ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of CeylonƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ by Father Fernao de Queyroz, a much quoted contemporary Portuguese historian. According to Father Fernao de Queyroz, local Tamil leaders had ruled that region not as independent rulers but as vassals of Sinhala kings.
ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-As long as Rajapura (Anuradhapura) was the capital of Ceylon the whole island was subject to one king; but after the inundation of the lowlands and after the city of Cota (Kotte) became the metropolis, there were in the island 15 kinglets, subject to the king of Cota, who therefore was considered to be Emperor, and the same title is in these days claimed by the king of Candea (Kandy). The kinglets were, he of Dinavaca, Uva, Valave, Putelao (Puttalam), Mantota, Tanagama, Muliavali, Triquilimale (Trincomalee), cutiar (Kottiar), Batecalou (Batticaloa), Paneva (Panama), Vintena (Bintenna), Orupala, Mature (Matara), Candae(Kandy) and of the point of the North Jafanapatoa (Jaffna peninsula) which together with the kingdom of Cota makes 16 ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-(De Queyroz I, p.101). ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
The following statement in his book confirms that the official language of Sri Lanka in 1560 was Singhalese and not Tamil during handing over of Jaffnapatam to Portuguese. “These terms written in the Portuguese and Chingala languages were signed and authenticated.” (Queyroz p.371). He further states about the Jaffnapatam that ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-It remained under the Portugezen sway for upwards of 40 years, wrested from the Emperor by Philippo d’Olivero when he defeated the Cingalezen forces near Achiavelli (Achuvely) by the great pagodaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ Which is clear evidence that Jaffnapatam was captured by Portuguese from Sinhalese forces. In fact when the Portuguese marched into Jaffna it was the Sinhala forces led by Mudliyar Atapattu who reconquered Jaffna, though these forces were defeated later.
So by any legal, political and historical assessment it is clear that sovereignty passed to the Portuguese from the hands of the Sinhala king who was the last ruler of Jaffna. It is, therefore, the right of any citizen of Sri Lanka to settle down in any part of Sri Lanka.
This Honidus map of Ceylon below is on page 2 of ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-Fatal History of Portuguese in CeylonƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ by George Davison Winius. This map was a work of CYPRIANO SANCHEZ (c 1560 A.D.). This map indicated that there were nine principalities in Sri Lanka with only one of them indicated as “emperor”- Imperio de Cota or Emperor of Kotte. These nine principalities were; Imperio de Cota (Imperial King of Kotte), Reino de Ceitaabaca (Ruler of Sitawaka), Reino de Candea (Ruler of Kandy), Reino de Jaffnapatnum (Ruler of Jaffna), Reino de Setra Coralas (Ruler of Seven Korales), Chilao Reino (Ruler of Chilaw), Reino de Triquilemale (Ruler of Trincomalee), Reino de Baticalou (Ruler of Batticaloa, Reino de Yala (Ruler of Yala).
This map is supported by the French Cartographer Sieur Sansen’s map of 1652. This is a clear indication that during the Portuguese era, the Jaffna was under the Emperor de Cota.
This map below is from ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-A true and Exact description of great island CeylonƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ written by the Dutch priest Baldaeus in 1672. He accompanied the Dutch forces, which took over Jaffna from the Portuguese, and worked as a missionary. He did a lot of work for the people living in Jaffna. Fortunately he has left details of Jafnapatnam complete with a map
According to Priest Baldaeus, Jafnapatnam had four provinces. Look at the names of these provinces which were Tamilised later. How can these places have Sinhalese names if Tamils lived there???
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Beligamme or Weligama (now Valikamam)
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Tenmarache (now Tenmaradchi)
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Waddemarache (now Vadamaradchi) and
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Patchiarapalle (now Pachchilaippali)
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This is what Captain Robert Percival wrote about the people who lived in Jaffna as late as 1805 A.D. in his book entitled an ‘An Account of the Island of Ceylon’ (1805). Even as late as 1805 A.D. the Tamils and the other minority communities who had settled in the Jaffna peninsula have been referred to as ‘foreigners’.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ While giving an account of the population of Jaffna he states that ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-the inhabitants of Jaffna consist of a collection of various races. The greatest number are Malabars of Moorish extraction, and are divided into several tribes known by the names of Lubbahs, Belalas, Mopleys, Chittys, Choliars and a few Brahmins; they are distinguished by wearing a little round cap on their close shaven heads. There is also a race of Malabars found here somewhat differing in their appearance from those of the continent. These different tribes of foreign settlers greatly exceed in number the native Ceylonese in the District of JaffnaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ (pp. 71).
ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-An Historical Relation of CeylonƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ by Robert Knox confirmed the authority of the Sinhalese King in Kottiar bay in the east of Sri Lanka where he says that he and his companions were taken into custody by men of Sinhalese King and not by men of Jaffna ruler.( pp.189-192).ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
This is what the inscription found in Medavala Rajamaha Vihara in Kandy district indicates about a treaty between the king, Vickramabahu III, and an Aryacakravarti named Martanda (Sin ai Ariyan) of Jaffna.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In this inscription while Vikramabahu III is referred to there as “Cakravarti Swaminvahanse’ (the Universal Lord), the Ariyacakravarti is referred to as ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”Perumalun vahanseƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ only. This fact and the fact that it is dated not in the regnal year of Ariyacakravarti but in that of Vikramabahu III indicate that the dejure right of that king to the sovereignty over the whole island is recognised by Martanda Singai Ariyan by this treaty.
Further, these extracts are from page 382 of a well-biased “Ancient Jaffna” by Mudaliyar C Rasanayagam (1926) to prove that Singhalese lived in Jaffna and many Tamils are descendants of Singhalese. Sankili was a chieftain in Jaffna who disobeyed the King of Sri Lanka.
“After the massacre of the Christians, Sankili’s insane fury longed for more victims and he fell upon the Buddhists of Jaffna who were all Sinhalese. He expelled them beyond the limits of the country and destroyed their numerous places of worship. Most of them betook themselves to the Vanni’s and the Kandyan territories, and those who were unable to do so became the slaves of the Tamil chieftains and are now known as ‘Kovia’, a corruption of the Sinhalese word ‘ Goviya’ or ‘Goiya’ and that their original status was equal to that of the Vellalas can be inferred from customs which are still in Vogue in Jaffna. The ‘Tanakaras’ and the ‘Nalavas’ of Jaffna should also be considered Sinhalese remnants in spite of the fanciful derivation of the word ‘Nalava’ given by the author of the Vaipava Malai. The Nalavas were perhaps originally the Sinhalese climbers and received the Tamil name on account of their peculiar way of climbing trees. They too became the slaves of the Tamil chieftains. The Tanakaras were the ancient elephant keepers and those who supplied the necessary fodder to the stables of the king. ( Sinhalese: Tana=grass). They perhaps on account of the service rendered by them were not expelled from the country and later became inseparably mixed with the Tamils among whom they had to remain………the fact that the Kovias, Tanakaras and Nalavas were originally Sinhalese can be seen from the peculiar dress of their women who wear the inner end of their cloth over the shoulders in a manner quite strange to the genuine Tamils.ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ You could see this difference even in late 70s.
These paragraphs below are from the thesis by Dr Indrapalan, a Tamil professor of History in Jaffna University, submitted to the University of London in 1962 (Unpublished S.O. 15.1. 84) about Tamil invasion of Sinhalese area in the North, which they claim to be their homeland. This is very true and you can still see some of them. I can take you around Jaffna and show them.
ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-But monumental remains of a different type attest to the destruction wrought by the invaders and the conversion of Buddhist institutions into places of saiva (Tamil) worship, effected by the new settlers, thus confirming the statements in the Sinhala sources. The many scattered ruins of Buddhist monasteries and temples all over the vanni region preserve the memory of the Sinhalese Buddhist settlements that once covered these parts. Several of the pilimages (image houses) attached to the monasteries in places like Kovilkadu, Malikai, Omantai, Kanakarayan-kulam, Iracentiran-kulam, Cinnappuvaracankulam and Madukanda were converted into Saiva temples, often dedicated to Ganesa.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Buddha images or inscribed slabs from the Buddhist structures were used to make the Ganesa statuesƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚
ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-We refer to the toponymic evidence, which unmistakably points to the presence of Sinhala settlers in the peninsula before Tamils settled there. In an area of only about nine hundred square miles covered by this peninsula, there occur over a thousand Sinhalese place names, which have survived in a Tamil garb.ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ (pageƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 270)
According to all the historical evidence available to me that we are a well mixed up nation and there is no doubt that a fair amount of Tamil and Mohammedans were brought into Sri Lanka from various parts of South India by the Portuguese for pearl fishing, by Dutch for tobacco cultivation and by English for tea cultivation. Jaffna Tamils also take advantage of the Thesavalami law (codified by the Dutch in 1707 to protect Mohammedans in Jaffna). The right of pre-emption among co-owners is derived from Muslim customary law personal to Mohammedans in India and unknown to Hindu customary law.
Please find below paragraph 172 to 176 from Soulsbury Commission report publish in 1944 to remind all Tamil leaders what their past leaders represented to Soulsbury Commission about education and public appointments and responses when Ceylon Tamils occupied a disproportionate number of posts in the public services and education.
172. “Jaffna has benefited for over a century from first-rate secondary schools founded and endowed by missionary effort of various denominations. But the complaint was made to us that despite the immense increase in the education vote since 1931, a negligible provision of State schools had been made for those parts of the Jaffna district which did not enjoy the benefit of English elementary and secondary education”.
173. “… as in the case of agriculture and health, we are more disposed to attribute the discrepancies in expenditure and disproportionate allocation of public funds of which complaint is made, to the government’s desire to redeem certain localities and communities from the neglect of past years than to any deliberate partiality towards racial interests. Education among the Muslims, for instance, has in the past, for various reasons, been relatively backward. We were much impressed by the efforts of the minister for education, himself a Sinhalese and a Buddhist, to promote the educational advance of this community”.
Public Appointments
174. “We received from the All-Ceylon Tamil Congress complaints of discrimination against the members of their community in regard to appointments in the Public Services. This matter provides a common source of dissension between majority and minority communities.
But in this case the complaint did not, as might have been expected, disclose that the proportion of posts held by the Ceylon Tamils was smaller than the size of their community would justify. On the contrary, the Ceylon Tamils appear, at any rate as late as 1938, to have occupied a disproportionate number of posts in the public services”.
175. “… The Tamil witnesses maintained that in order to improve the chances of Sinhalese candidates, various small changes in examination syllabuses and conditions of entry have been made as a result of the intervention of Sinhalese Ministers, who have also endeavoured in various ways to use their influence, e.g. with Selection Boards, to favour candidates of their own race…”
176. “It appears to us that there have been minor instances of this kind of discriminatory action by the Sinhalese… but it would not in our opinion be right to regard the Sinhalese challenge to the predominant position of the Tamils in public appointments as based on such small acts of discrimination; rather it is the natural effect of the spread of education and of the effects being made to bring other portions of the island up to the intellectual level of one portion of it…”
ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-In this connection, we cannot help recalling a period in our own history when, as a result of the superior educational facilities and better teaching prevalent in Scotland, a minority was enabled to secure a larger share of administrative and executive posts in the United Kingdom than could have been justified on any proportional allocation. Since then the English have made strenuous and not altogether unsuccessful endeavours to redress the deficiencies of their past“.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
Unfortunately Tamil leaders mislead the Tamil youth and adopted the Vadukkodai resolution in 1976 to wage armed struggle for an independent Tamil homeland in north and east of Sri Lanka. Further TULF contested the 1977 general election to seek a mandate from Tamil people to ask for a separate Tamil state. Although TULF won 18 seats they did not get a simple majority from Tamil people to ask or wage an armed struggle for a separate state. TULF polled only 47% of the votes in 1977 General election (Source: Election Department).
I have not heard any Singhalese leader calling to stop Tamil colonisation of Wellawatte or any other part of Sri Lanka, when Tamils migrate to south of Sri Lanka or to boycott Tamil businesses. When Tamils come to Australia or Canada in boatloads these governments never call to stop Tamil colonisation of those countries.
Therefore I want to appeal to all Tamil leaders to set an example and preach every one about Peaceful coexistence wherever our people want to live in Sri Lanka, which is the only way forward for all communities. Please help those Singhalese and Muslims who lived in the north to come back and restarted their lively hood.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Please win the hearts of the people in the south and create peace by our willingness and the commitment to share the island as the common property and homeland of all communities. Please educate Tamils living in affluent western countries to send their money to help poor Tamil children get an education and have a decent life but not to take arms against the democratically elected government of Sri Lanka.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Please donƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢t forget how Tamil leaders including your selves agitated the Tamil youth to take up arms and how the same youth murdered most of those leaders.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
We have a brave President who freed our country from terrorism.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Please help the President to free our country from poverty, which is the root course for most of our problems.
Finally I have a dream. That is to see one day there will be a Tamil leader who will win the hearts of Singhalese people and be loved by the majority of Sri Lankans becoming the President of Sri Lanka. Please remember Singhalese people did not hesitate in the past to select Tamils or descendants of other nationalities who integrated into our society as their leader. Our last king was a Tamil. Mr SWRD Bandaranayake is a descendant of a Tamil and MR. JR Jayawardana is a descendent of Colombo Chetty. (ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚
April 7th, 2010 at 7:33 pm
Very Fine Article! This is Excellent. Very good Research. All Patriots must circulate this widely.
I hope that people like Priyantha Abey and Mudali etc will not come and spoil these correct factual findings.
Thank you Mr Hemachandra so much for successfully rebutting the Tamil lie that there was an ancient Tamil Kingdom in ancient Sri Lanka. Our Sinhala Modayas have accepted this (that there was an ancient Tamil Kingdom).
Please keep writing on the topic.
April 8th, 2010 at 6:15 am
Great article – very thoughtful and sobering and without doubt (in my mind at least) one of the better contributions to these columns. As the writer says, let us be objective about things and learn to live and let live, free of rancour and suspicion but with genuine respect and consideration for each other.
April 8th, 2010 at 6:32 am
Lanka puthra says
Lt Commander (retired) PBS Hemachandra, For years you and others with knowledge and understanding of the issue have spoken and written about it. However Mr. Sampanthan and other Tamil leaders who are nothing but tamil terrorist supporters will just keep on advocating and promoting their separatist agenda.
What is needed now is action – President MR should ban the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi Party, which means Ceylon Tamil Kingdom Party, and all parties that have ethnic or religious affiliations. Every political party should be made to be representative all Sri Lankans, failure they should be not be registerd as a political party. Constructive criticism of other parties and individuals should be allowed as per democratic norms. All MP’s or those who aspire to be politicians must take the oath of allegiance to the nation. However if anyone speaks or casts any , deragotory, defamatory words, about seperations and division etc detrimental to Sri Lanka, they should be banned from public and political life. If it is done in India, why can’t we!
April 8th, 2010 at 7:22 pm
I agree with the above comments of Lanka Peiriis and fully endorse it. Now that the Presidents party is winning the election, he should without delay pass laws banning all political parties that are religious, Ethnic or Caste based and make it a punishable offense to publicly preach these ideas. Sri Lanka is the home of all Sri Lankans who should have the right to live anywhere in the country without hindrance and with equal rights. Then we will have a harmonious society.
April 9th, 2010 at 1:31 am
I have read the whole article and I am happy about the last few paras. But this navy man tried the same pro-Sinhala stories to be believed.
He questions about the artieffects in Tamil areas. What are the arteffects or inscriptions available in “SINHALA” areas to prove them as SINHALA?
Author dont know Sinhala is different from Buddhism. His Sinhala Buddhism mix is the usual talk of the RACISTS. He cited the lines of Mudaliyar Rasanayagam to tell the TAMIL converts from Sinhalese but nowhere he mentions the Sinhala converts from TAMILS.
An inscription found in GALLE and it was written in TAMIL, Sanskrit and CHINESE. Can Tamil racists claim Galle is theirs?
Buddhist Monuments cannot be identified as Sinhala settlements. Upto 9 BC Tamils were Buddhists in India and Sri lanka. The last Pallava King was BUDDHA VARMA(N).
He failed to explain KANDY which is a word used by Sri Lankans and Malayalees only in the world. How? When the Sinhala Racists found KANDY is not a SINHALA word, they hurried to change it to Maha Nuwara! Erasing evidences cannot bring peace any where.
Another city SENKADAGALA or NALLURUVA in Panadura. Are the people there descended from Tamils? What about the North West? Can the Tamils cry it as a TAMIL area because of those Tamil speaking WARNAKULASURIYAS or the existence of Munneswaram Hindu shrine?
Is he telling Kataragama or Bentara as Tamil areas because of the existence of oldest HINDU temples?
Further WELLAWATTE is not an STATE AID colonization. But Trinco suburbs are colonised with STATE support. If the educated author or the readers know the meaning of COLONIZATION.
//Beligamme or Weligama (now Valikamam)//
VALI GAMA =Sand village. MANATRI in Tamil.
More Tamilised Names of villages available in Jaffna.
The gold plate inscription was not written in Sinhala but in Brahmi. Brahmi was used by the South Indian kings as well! After the agreement of Wickrambahu and Jaffna King, Jaffna king got the right to collect taxes in Kurunagal. If Hemachandra argues that Jaffna King was a vassal to King Wickramabahu, how can the vassal get the rights to collect taxes in Sinhala area? In my view both kings respected each other and the agreement was an MOU for TRADE relations.
Further Buddha is now used as Sinhala Racist symbol. But Hindus dont have any enemity towards Buddha because he was the reformer of Hindu religion like Sri Narayana Guru of Kerala or Ramakrishna Parama hamsa of Bengal!
To a peaceful life we have to accept the facts and not the pro- Tamil or pro-Sinhala stories. We cannot accept or understand the old Hitorical evidences at the current context.
April 9th, 2010 at 2:36 am
Hi Sita Perera, you said that I should not spoil … So it is your turn to dispel the myths and lies spread by MUdali. I will give the answer to the first one. Sinhala people never destroy nature and are never going to have artefacts because they are the only civilisation that was born and live with the nature. That is why we hate anyone destroying nature. The lack of any artefacts is also a proof just like having artefacts. The artefacts left in Lanka are signs of invaders of all sorts only. If someone is looking for a live civilisation, why bother digging graves. What is Sinhala area is determined by what lies in our conscience by being there since the time we were in the wild. The proof is that we would never give away what is ours. Did someone hear Sinhala people claiming ownership to TAMIL Nadu? The truth is this Nadu was Sinhala land before becoming TAMIL Nadu.
I leave the rest to Sita. If you cannot counter the decorated lies spread by MUdali in response to a very ordinary set of arguments used in this article, I wish you let that to people who know it better.
Brahmi, Sanskrit, Pali are languages developed by scholars, not ethnic languages. How silly to argue using such languages based on borrowed ideas from ethnic languages to prove ethnic ids. The biggest joke is the assumption that humanity was born with structured languages. There was a time that the natural language had no structure. Before that, humans lived a long time only with the natural set of words.
April 9th, 2010 at 3:26 am
This is a reply to MUdali’s distortion of facts regarding the resettlement process taking place in the East. When the LTTE started ethnically cleansing the Trinco area there were over 250,000 Sinhala people living there but now there are only about 87,000. The GOSL have started to resettle all 3 main communities (Sinhala, Muslim & Tamil) in Trinco and for Mudali to claim that the state in only resettling Sinhala people is a clear distortion of facts.
It is typical of people like him who will keep repeating these lies until the gullible amongst us accept it as the truth. It is truly amazing that many of the Sinhala people who keep repeating these falsehoods as the truth just because the Tamils have tried to rewrite history to suit their homeland myths and the gullible Sinhala and Western people too lazy to find the truth just beleives what is printed in the media.
April 9th, 2010 at 4:01 am
Like the author of this article has stated, we SriLankans must live as one and provide a peaceful and prosperous future for our descendents. However, to achieve this we should be able to live where we wish to live, work where we wish to work and also learn to communicate in each others language. In my opinion the first two steps to achieve these objectives would be to remove discriminatory laws introduced to this country by colonial powers, such as (a) the Thesavalam Law prohibiting the sale of land to non-tamils in the Jaffna district and (b) the practice of not allowing the employment of non-tamil labour on hill country tea estates. Along with this we need to commence teaching the true history of the nation at all schools, as this subject was foolishly removed by the JRJ Govt and during which period the LTTE published fabricated versions of our history and brainwashed an entire generation of Tamils, who now genuinely think what they were taught is true.
April 9th, 2010 at 6:37 am
Hey you “moda Chingalayas”, forget about bloody history and look at what we have and what we need to develop the Nation. Any thing and every thing that obstruct this national objective must be removed, including the prohibition to any individual or a family to live on any part of the country. Racist ideas must be removed from politics. Politics must bring and spread the national pride and will to work hard to develop the Nation of all Sri Lankans. Agree FY MUdali?
April 9th, 2010 at 8:25 pm
I say we need lots of blessings of the Gods when people like Priyantha Abeywickrame, Mudali, Siri etc., have taken over the mantle as Patriots of the nation. The damage done to the country by some of these ‘Patriots’ is much more severe than the damage done to the country by Tamil Separatists. The wording “SM’ applies to them, not the ordinary Sinahala man on the street, who I believe are far more intelligent than these so called, SM Patriotic intelectuals.
April 10th, 2010 at 1:32 am
Your info is not correct. Just check the the following web link
According to that report TOTAL POPULATION of Trinco district was 334,363 in 2007.
Muslims are majority. Then Tamils, third Sinhalese.
I do not know from where you find “250,000” Sinhalese in Trinco district!
But I know well how MUDALI KULAM became MORAWEWA or PERIYA VILANG KULAM became MAHA DIVUL WEWA. If I have the chance to find the numbers before 1963, I will publish!
State Aided Colonizations were started by UNP even before the independence. But SLFP never involved in this kind of state aided colonizations. Prez Rajapakse is not in favour of any such schemes to create tensions among people.
April 10th, 2010 at 1:41 am
Tesavalamai law is not talking about LANGUAGE groups. It tells the first preference to by a land is to the closest realtives of the seller of the land.
That piece of law is available in every part of the country. Many dont challenge when a land is sold to unknown person even in Sinhala areas. That kind of protection was created by DUTCH to have the land among relatives/Family.
Please consult an expert lawyer in LAND deals!
April 10th, 2010 at 1:46 am
You are confused with Language and scripts.
Pali, Tamil, Sinhala, and sanskrit are languages and BRAHMI is script used to write those languages.
Very soon you will write here that Buddha was a Sinhalaya and walked to Kusinara or Kapilavastu from Thottalanga! Your wild imaginations have no limits. Enjoy them for yourself and dont others laugh!
April 10th, 2010 at 1:56 am
You had praised the article without checking the facts. You praised it because it is anti-Tamil and Pro-Sinhala.
Hemachandra took what ever it is suitable for his theory from the ancient past to challenge Samapanthan. But the anciet facts never propagate pro-Tamil or Anti-Sinhala.
People use OLD incidents to justify the current HATE politics created by the PARANGI invaders.
Even the war between Elara and Gemunu was too blasted as Tamil-Sinhala war. I always dont trust these RACIST propagandas from Anglo educated masses.
April 10th, 2010 at 4:35 am
Thank you Sita for correct use of Modaya. If I am not a Modaya (more precisely a F… I…), I would not be making comments in response to people like you. Neither, I would have lived in an English colony. Being Moda is better than pretending to be a smart ass. At least I know it, but not like your kind. You know very little about me to tell anything about what damage I have done and am going to do. If you know at least a bit of what I have done, you will rub your mouth on the floor for saying that. One of your kind a Fernando) was forced to leave the job and also Lanka by employees of a large government organisation when I left the country because they thought I left the country responding to what that Modaya did. Unfortunately, I can claim as the only one who has contributed to an enormous shift in policy towards protecting women, mothers of our future. What I am going to do will transform women. Unfortunately, people like you would not be there, but those who are better at understanding things I tell. I wish I could tell how much I have influenced in local affairs as an individual. People like you were cursed to be thrown out of that country. Most disgusting thing I hear from people like you is asking Sinhala people to share their land with their arch enemies who have openly committed to their genocide for many millennia. Such people do not fit into any description of humanity. Whether you like it or not, I can assure that what I tell is happening because the tools I used are not speculative. By the way, I do not plant Bathala kola using my mouth, but have all the necessary means to follow through with action.
Refer MUrali, I am not a Tamil to create lies to hoodwink other people. Every word I utter has a meaning and have proof using Natural Way supported by multiple sources. You missed the boat. I have no interest in Buddha at all. Creating funny stories is your second nature thanks to your religious belief and cultural heritage. I know why you have trouble understanding my comments though none was meant for you. I said “Brahmi, Sanskrit, Pali are languages developed by scholars, not ethnic languages.” Do you understand what the implications are, when I said “DEVELOPED BY SCHOLARS”? Just because others like Tamils use the Brahmi alphabet, it does not change anything except the fact that you do not even have your own script to write your language. You know very little about Sinhala language. Brahmi script is quite alien to Sinhala writing though there are some servile people trying to tell that we are a beneficiary of these silly concepts, but very close to Hindi and more of other languages. I wish you have heard a Sinhala saying to the effect that “It is like claiming horn came before the ear”.
When are you going to understand the following, if ever? “The biggest joke is the assumption that humanity was born with structured languages. There was a time that the natural language had no structure. Before that, humans lived a long time only with the natural set of words.”
April 10th, 2010 at 4:38 am
Dear Mudali
Not only once that I read Mr Hemachandra’s article but several times. That’s why I say it should be in our School Text Books. The article was like eating bees honey to me. You don’t like it because Mr Hemachandra rebutted the new History that Tamils have invented – only after 1980, that there was an ancient Tamil Kingdom in Shri Lanka. My biggest worry is that our Sinhala Modayas (some are top notch Sinhala intellectuals – can you believe this) swallowed this blatant Tamil fabricated lie, and started saying “Yes” there was an ancient Tamil Kingdom in Shri Lanka. The efforts by the likes of Hemachandra must be highly praised.
April 11th, 2010 at 12:32 am
You believe in fabricated stories. You are in a coma or infected with some imaginations. Tamil History is not invented but a reality.
If Hemachandra’s history is taught in schools, then the Tamils of Sri Lanka will get more anchorage to lay their claims nationally and inter-nationally!
But Prez Mahinda never ever take this history-matter seriosly!
April 11th, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Read SF De Silva’s Ceylon History. We (including Tamil students) learnt this in the 50s, 60s and 70s. There was no mention of a Tamil Kingdom in Sri Lanka.
April 12th, 2010 at 10:10 pm
That is the problem of Sri Lankan Education. But K.M.De Silva tells a lot about Jaffna Kingdom. Even the Portugeuse too claim victory over Jaffna king.