Is the government making Fonseka a hero???
Posted on September 20th, 2010
Sunil Vijayapala Australia
By jailing Sarath Fonseka, will the government make a hero out of him?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ One of the most difficult decisions Mahinda will be confronting is the confinement of Fonseka, one of the most irresponsible people in the history of LankaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s public life.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ While in a position of a high ranking officer in the military, Fonseka was engaged in covert activities meeting with foreigners discussing political strategies to undermine the government in power.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This was an act of treason and may have been persuaded by ‘bad company’ a traitor non other than the UNP leader, a sleezy, slimy character which fit in well with western Christian conspirators who have their own agenda to destabilize a country recovering form a dreaded war.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This manƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s private and public life were exposed by various journals after his demise form the military and his record as an arrogant and abusive leader wasƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ displayed even on TV.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Whatever his military achievements and whatever his supporters are agitating the government from both inside and outside the country, Mahinda has a crucial decision to take in the interest of the country.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ If Dasaraja Dharma can point to a direction on this issue, it would be solely on compassionate grounds.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ MahindaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s enemy is Fonseka however MahindaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s statesmanship will be judged at this crucial juncture and his understanding of Maithreeya as taught by Thathagata may come into play in making a right decision.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ FonsekaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s military strategies were commendable and his completion of the task with surgical precision was admirable, a tough one indeed by any world standards.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Today Mahinda and other Ministers, MPs and the rest of the people in Sri Lanka move about with no fear and taste peace after 30 years, thanks to the victory led by leaders of the military and Fonseka, a hero for some and a traitor to most.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Should Mahinda send this man to jail, to learn a lesson or should Mahinda take an extraordinary decision to pardon him?ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ If he is pardoned will Mahinda go down in the history of Sri Lanka as the greatest statesman of all time and eventually both these men will forgive and forget and come together to run the country for the betterment of all peace loving, compassionate people of Sri Lanka.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We are no low blooded race whose believes in ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”eye for an eyeƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢ and go after enemies howling like hyenas, but a civilised race who believes in showing Maithree even to our enemies, based on our Buddhist values.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Sunil Vijayapala Australia
September 20th, 2010 at 8:02 pm
I support your idea that Sir Monsaka should be released. He has done a mistake in making statement by listening to some outsiders for whatever reason, but he does not fall into traitor category, nowhere near to it-comparing to one of the last Sinhalese traitor king who abused royal Sinhale constitution which was establish and protected by thousand of great kings who fought wars and protected the Sinhalese nobility and pride. This traitor king brought a huge massacre into Kandy: killing thousand of Buddhists monks, thousand of true patriotic Sinhalese aristocrats and their families, including tragic murder of great Ahalaypola’s wife, his little princes and one year old prince and ordinary Kandian.
Did Sir Monsaka did this to Sinhale? Sir Monsake is a true Sinhalese aristocrat who spent his life time in the military on behalf of Sinhale like those thousands of great kings.
second, I am not agree with your last paragraph. we can’t attack Islamic countries or Muslim in generals because A. vast majority of Muslim are good. B Pakistan is a brotherly state; they were with us when we needes the help most. C All Muslim countries were with us in the history;s worst time. D There some issues like treating ladies and treatment of children in Islamic countries: surely, it is heartbreak, but We can’t attack them or no Muslim country can’t go for war with a Muslim country saying we go for war to protect Muslim women or children rights, that’s hilarious. The only solution to that has to come by Islamic intellectuals within the Islamic states, for an example, president Qaddafi has brought lots of changes to Libya, and more changes are bringing by King of Morocco.
September 20th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
Where is the paragraph attacking Muslims ? I cannot see such paragraph. Sunil was writing about dismantling self and how on the erath he could ever attack any one ?
What is worng in following Buddhist values instead of Muslim values such as “those who follow islam shall hate those do not follow islam” as preached by so many priests in public ?
September 20th, 2010 at 8:52 pm
Jayt – I am surprised at your comment on second para. I never hinted about Muslims and u need to be more careful on www forums – I did hint a certain diabolocal race which this forum members probably already know (who have read my articles over the years on this journal)
Please check the meaning of traitor in dic. you may have to revisit your statements.
Kandyan Kingdom was headed by a Telagu dynasty – Rajasinghas for 400 years. The Kandyan chieftain never wanted this to continue. They sought the assistance of British to get rid of them but it backfired as you know British were exploiters. Contrary to popular belief, Pilimatalawa Disawe was no traitor, he wanted capture power back to the Sinhela dynasty.
September 20th, 2010 at 8:54 pm
I do mean this part. “We are no low blooded race whose believes in ‘eye for an eye’ and go after enemies howling like hyenas, but a civilised race who believes in showing Maithree even to our enemies, based on our Buddhist values”.
Yes, he did not attack any country, but above statement clearly hint or indirectly mention Islamic country or group. He has to be careful making any statement on Islam or have to be specific because foreign countries can use this type of statement to divide Sinhalese and Muslim.
September 20th, 2010 at 9:01 pm
jayt – aprreicate your comments. Could you please explaint to me who Sir Monsaka is? Thanks in advance!
September 20th, 2010 at 9:35 pm
sorry, I do not know about 400 year rule. but I do know last Sinhales king ended in 1749, and British took over 1815 as result of native kandian rebellion. And I never said Pilimatawa was a traitor. At the time of tragic massacre in Kandy, some of my great great grand parents were murdered too. Anyway, they all had no choice but to look for British help. And sure British exploited it, but it is not just in Sri lanka, they used that method everywhere in the world.
Now to Pilimatalawa story, there is no popular belief that Pilimatalawa was a traitor, but such idea was insurted into the public and trying to imposed it on public by some present day Sinhalese spies who does not like Sinhalese pride
September 20th, 2010 at 9:40 pm
Sir Monsaka mean General Monsaka. I did called him that way because I feel still he deserves the respect
September 20th, 2010 at 10:30 pm
I myself did some mistake writing Kandy history.Here is some part of Kandy history:
It was exactly 184 years ago today, the May 17th in 1814, that the child hero Madduma Bandara was beheaded on the orders of Sri Wickrama Rajasingha the Nayakkara King of Senkadagala. Ten months after this tragedy the people of the Kandyan Kingdom not only entered into the historical Kandyan Treaty of 2nd March 1815, but also lost their independence and the sovereign rule they enjoyed for a long period of 2357 years in the history of Sri Lanka.
The Kandyans enjoyed an independent and sovereign rule not subjugated to any foreign western domination until this most cruel and hideous tragedy recorded in our history. What led to this unfortunate incident is worth a study for our power hungry leaders whose only aim is to be in power disregarding what may befall on the country and the nation.
Pilimatalawe Adigar
King Rajadiraja Singha’s demise in 1798 left no successor to the throne of Senkadagala as he had no sons to succeed. His queen’s nephew Kannasamy who was just 18 years at the time was enthroned as Sri Wickrama Raja Singha according to the rites and customs that prevailed at the time. The First Adigar Pilimatalawe not only paved the way for this succession but also gave his blessings and cooperation to the new king and thus got the approval and blessings of the entire Kandyan Kingdom.
Pilamatalawe never in his dreams or hindsight thought that this crowning would bring disaster to the long existing monarchy and finally lead to his own annihilation. Governor North secretly connived with Pilimatalawe Adigar to continue same diplomatic relations and the understandings the British had with Rajadiraja Sinha and extended the same gubernatorial courtesies. Documents were secretly exchanged between North and Pilimatalawa. In various official and private meetings with the governor and his secretary. Pilimatalawe made it known about his displeasure with the new king and his desire to get assistance of the British in either deposing or assassinating the king. The British developed such faith in the Adigar that North himself writing to Lord Mornington on 27th October 1799 stated thus ‘the person responsible for the death of the late King and the enthronement of the 18-year-old lad as the new king is non but Pilamatalawe who is also a great friend of ours’.
British troops
A British troop of 1800 soldiers under the command of General Mac Dowell was sent from Colombo through Sitawaka to Senkadagala in March 1800 on the pretext of guarding the king. Sri Wickrama, however, sensing something sinister in this move took precautions not to allow the entire troops to enter Senkadagala on the same day. It was arranged for some troops to go through a terrain of mountains and hills and thus making the voyage difficult and some troops to leave behind their artillery before entering the city. Only General Mac Dowell with a small contingent was allowed to enter the Senkadagala capital. Pilimatalawe was angry that his plan did not bring the desired results and waged his first salvo against the British in 1801 by attacking the troops stationed in Mannar and Negombo. The adigar let his feelings against the British known to the new king and obtained the monarch’s sympathy for his activities. In about 1802, it was arranged to waylay a British and Muslim trade caravans coming to Kandy from Puttalam. This incident was sufficient grounds to provoke the British. Accordingly, a troop of 3000 British soldiers under the command of General Mac Dowell attacked Kandy in February 1803. Pilimatalawe was blowing hot and cold in the same breath with the king and the British. He spied to the British against the King and at the same time solicited the cooperation of the Sinhalese to depose the King. Is it not history repeating when all our present day rulers connive with the LTTE giving them arms to fight the IPKF, and at the same time want IPKF to fight the LTTE.
Discuss in jungles and foreign soils to give the LTTE a spell of fifteen years rule, and at the same time collect a defence tax to fight the LTTE. The king having come to know of this hypocrisy of Pilimatalawe caught him and beheaded him in 1812 and appointed as first Adigar Ehelepola who was nephew of Pilimatalawe.
Ehelepola too was ambitious for power like his uncle and solicited the support of Governor Sir Robert Browrigg to oust the King. The King was furious and in a rage when the conspiracy came to light. Sri Wickrama caught hold of the Kandyan Chief’s on whom he could lay his hand on and got them to undergo the most brutal punishments and murdered them. Ehelepola fled to Colombo in May 1814, and seeked refuge under the British. The king who could not get hold of Ehelepola took the revenge from his family who were living in Senkadagala at the time.
He ordered that the wife of Ehelepola, her children and a brother of Ehelepola and his wife be beheaded. They were brought to a place between the present Vishnu Devalaya and Natha Devalaya in the morning on the 17th May 1814. On seeing the executioner ‘Gahalaya’ who was adorned in red with red garlands round his neck, the eldest son Loku Banda who was about ten years of age ran to the mother and hung on to her saree. The second son the child hero Medduma Bandara who has left an indelible name in the annals of our history, or perhaps the world history jumped forward and roared like a lion ‘elder brother don’t fear, I will show you how to die’. He called the executioner and said ‘I am ready, cut my neck in one attempt’ so saying he bled his last to enrich the Kandyan soil with the blood of a hero whose name will be remembered as long as the Sinhala nation survive. The King who watched the incident from the window of his palace ordered the dead bodies to be pounded by Ehelepola Kumarihamy. She lifted the rice pounder and fell down unconscious on the ground. The King ordered the female to be drowned to death in the Bogambara lake. Ehelepola Kumarihamy, her daughters and the sister-in-law were drowned in the lake. Palipana Disawe who was at the scene of the tragedy fell unconscious unable to bear the grief and sorrow. The King removed him from the post of Dissawe saying his heart is too tender to serve the King. It is on record after this horrendous crime the householders of Senkadagala did not light any fires to prepare meals for a week. The citizens rioted against the King and several dead bodies were heaped in the city. The king set fire to his palace and several other places and fled to Hanguranketha, his hideout. The people were waiting for an opportunity to take revenge from the king and were anticipating British troops at any moment.
September 20th, 2010 at 10:34 pm
I myself did some mistake writing Kandy history.Here is some part of Kandy history:
It was exactly 184 years ago today, the May 17th in 1814, that the child hero Madduma Bandara was beheaded on the orders of Sri Wickrama Rajasingha the Nayakkara King of Senkadagala. Ten months after this tragedy the people of the Kandyan Kingdom not only entered into the historical Kandyan Treaty of 2nd March 1815, but also lost their independence and the sovereign rule they enjoyed for a long period of 2357 years in the history of Sri Lanka.
The Kandyans enjoyed an independent and sovereign rule not subjugated to any foreign western domination until this most cruel and hideous tragedy recorded in our history. What led to this unfortunate incident is worth a study for our power hungry leaders whose only aim is to be in power disregarding what may befall on the country and the nation.
Pilimatalawe Adigar
King Rajadiraja Singha’s demise in 1798 left no successor to the throne of Senkadagala as he had no sons to succeed. His queen’s nephew Kannasamy who was just 18 years at the time was enthroned as Sri Wickrama Raja Singha according to the rites and customs that prevailed at the time. The First Adigar Pilimatalawe not only paved the way for this succession but also gave his blessings and cooperation to the new king and thus got the approval and blessings of the entire Kandyan Kingdom.
Pilamatalawe never in his dreams or hindsight thought that this crowning would bring disaster to the long existing monarchy and finally lead to his own annihilation. Governor North secretly connived with Pilimatalawe Adigar to continue same diplomatic relations and the understandings the British had with Rajadiraja Sinha and extended the same gubernatorial courtesies. Documents were secretly exchanged between North and Pilimatalawa. In various official and private meetings with the governor and his secretary. Pilimatalawe made it known about his displeasure with the new king and his desire to get assistance of the British in either deposing or assassinating the king. The British developed such faith in the Adigar that North himself writing to Lord Mornington on 27th October 1799 stated thus ‘the person responsible for the death of the late King and the enthronement of the 18-year-old lad as the new king is non but Pilamatalawe who is also a great friend of ours’.
September 20th, 2010 at 10:39 pm
for the rest of above article about ending of Kandian kingom
Here is the link-
September 21st, 2010 at 4:09 am
Jayt – while appreciating your valuable contribution of Kandyan history I am still dumbfounded at your following
statement ‘ Yes, he did not attack any country, but above statement clearly hint or indirectly mention Islamic country or group. He has to be careful making any statement on Islam or have to be specific because foreign countries can use this type of statement to divide Sinhalese and Muslim.’ Not even a Muslim will agree with you.
Now the forum will decide who should be careful when making statements. Please refrain from insinuating and making silly remarks which do not help the discussion but will derail it. In fact as you mention I haven’t being judgemental myself on the merits of releasing Fonseka, but pass the judement to Mahinda. Two errors in a row friend.
September 21st, 2010 at 5:10 am
Mr Vijayapala
Please ignore the incoherent and foolish remarks of this character called Jayt. It is just another name used by a foreign agent working on Sri Lankan websites, on foreig npay.
Many Sri Lankans consider him a joke as well as a danger. You might read the remarks of the former judge A.R.B. Amarasinghe’s on him in the Sri Lankan human rights case ‘Channa Peris and others against the Attorney General’ (146/92). Channa Peiris is just half of his real name. You’l find that ‘Channa Peiris’ is none other than the same mental patient who writes under nearly 90% of the names that appear in this forum.
A friend is working on the case and has compiled a list 0f his aliases as long as his arm!
We will expose him.
D Godage
September 21st, 2010 at 6:39 am
For the most accurate details of the last days of the Kandyan Kingdom, please read the book “In the Days of Sri Wickremarajasingha, Last Days of Kandy” by P. Dolapihilla. It covers the Traditionary material about men and matters of the last phase of then Sinhala Rule, narrated in story form. (First edition 1959, Saman Press, Maharagama).
September 21st, 2010 at 6:51 am
Sunil, my apology for you. I did misinterpreted this part ‘eye for an eye’. you mean something else and I thought something else. Now I understand that you refereed it to certain diabolical race and has nothing to do with Muslim.
Again I am sorry for that.
September 21st, 2010 at 5:47 pm
Godage – Pl. note jayt has apologised. jayt I accept your apology. Coming into hasty conclusions is not a good sign. Ignorance is the root of all evil in this world. People need to be very careful on www as they might end up in courts with libel charges. One observation I have made in this forum is how people hi-jack the TOPIC UNDER DISCUSSION to an entirely different one to come out with their mostly malicious remarks as Ramanie has pointed out in another article comment. When I wrote about the slope of Yoda ela expecting someone to enlighten the forum on the subject, one foolish person slides down to the cesspit and disparaged respected Sri Lankans and while he and his father were singing Dhanno Buddhunge, based on an Indian tune. If they both knew it was an Indian tune I would assume they would have been very disappointed. We need to realise and accept the fact Buddhism, with the arrival of Ven. Mahinda, moulded our country to what we are now, individually and as a race. While pre-Mahinda/Vijaya wisdom too would also contribute to our present culture, without doubt.
September 21st, 2010 at 5:52 pm
Jayt – will you be honourable enough to identify yourself and give your full name, residence and references please, as we only know you by a nick. By the way I am not forcing this on you pl. note.
September 21st, 2010 at 8:01 pm
Hi Sunil, I am from Canada. I am very peaceful law abiding person.I have been sending emails info to Sinhalese communities in UK, US, and to Sri lankan governments mostly over last 8 years, and in many of my emails, I have urged Sinhalese communities and Sri lanka government to be friend with everybody but to avoid Indian government sponsored 13th amendment and to work out a Sri lankan solution. I am not ant-Indian. right now I am listening to Kishore Kumar and Mohammed Rafi who is my favorite. And I love India and planing to visit south Asia and Australia in next year, then hopefully I see you too.
Furthermore, I am not anti-American, or anti anybody, but I have right to talk for Sinhalese rights and I found some american and some European don’t like it even though they claim they are guarding the freedom of expression.
Also, I never send any email with any propaganda nor I ever published any propaganda in any web. My information was straight forward and true. Additionally, I stated all my email that we Sinhalese are not enemy of west or anybody, so leave Sri lanka along to solve their problem by themselves
Last, I would not give my Id to anybody over web, but I will let you know me in someway.
September 22nd, 2010 at 12:06 am
jayt – pl. send ur full name & email to editor – he will pass that on to me. thx.