Is Sarath Fonseka a National Hero, or a selfish egoist full of hatred, and a traitor to those who fought along with him?
Posted on February 13th, 2011

By Charles.S.Perera

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In 2005 the future of Sri Lanka was bleak. It had been going through a number of years of an almost endless suffering under terrorism . Its citizens had no safety place to hide. They were living in terror of uncertainty, not knowing where a bomb will explode killing hundreds of innocent people.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ No political leader was safe they would be the target of a suicide bomber any place any time. The terrorist money could buy any one from an Army Officer, Security Guard, or a police officer, (not to speak of the media, and foreign NGOs, diplomats, or politicians) allowing terrorists easy passage to security zones any where in Sri Lanka. Suicide bombers were even said to have been transported in official vehicles. The Commander of the Armed Forces was nearly assassinated by a suicide bomber – a pregnant woman .

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Added to that an unexpected tsunami struck the East coast of Sri Lanka killing more than 30000 people and causing immense damage to property leaving thousands homeless. Innumerable numbers of NGOs landed in Sri Lanka under the guise of helping the tsunami affected people .

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Some of these NGOs were paid Agents sent by foreign companies engaged by expatriate terrorist front organisations to help the terrorists construct air strips, factories to turnout landmines and bombs, construct submersible boats , and under sea passages. The evil of NGOs invading Sri Lanka after tsunami became evident only after the terrorists were eliminated.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In the meantime peace negotiations with the terrorists were begun with a Norwegian mediator which ended up with Ranil Wickramasinghe a most shortsighted political novice as Prime Minister acceding to a Norwegian proposal to sign a CFA with the terrorists which demarcated territories in the North and East of Sri Lanka as terrorist controlled areas.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The peace negotiations with the terrorists were unsuccessful as far as the Government was concerned, but beneficial to the terrorists to strengthen their terrorist forces, and even to purchase more than ten ships enabling them to import unlimited quantities of arms and armaments, heavy and small artillery and even airplanes, and heavy tractors for construction work.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The terrorists were therefore, very much stronger in military power, and was in a position to dictate terms to a government with an armed force which was no match to that of the terrorists. The Government Armed Forces were further weakened by a CFA that made it difficult for them to take retaliatory action against terrorist attacks and massacres not only because of their weak military power , but also because of the terrorist controlled areas demarcated under the CFA into which they could not enter.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The Commanders of the Armed Forces were unable to take independent action due to political intervention, and that of the Norwegian Mediation Mission which was favourable to the terrorists. A previous President R.Premadasa had even procured arms and armaments to the terrorists. Everyone thought that terrorism had come to stay and that they have to learn to live in fear and uncertainty.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The consensus was that at least the South had to be protected leaving North and East to what ever fate.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ It was into that depressively dark , cloudy atmosphere Mr.Mahinda Rajapakse was elected as the President of Sri Lanka in November, 2005.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Respective of the democratic system, the new President was determined to see an end to terrorism first by a face to face meeting with the terrorist leader Prabhakaran for a dialogue of peace. Prabhakaran refused such a meeting, but instead agreed for peace negotiations. However the negotiations which was begun with sum hope were disrupted by the terrorist Prabhakaran and he showed his opposition to a negotiated settlement by having a claymore bomb exploded in a bus full of passengers in Kebetigollawa, and closing the sluice gates of a tank depriving water to the farmers.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Therefore, in this rude and bloody ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…- war and no negotiationsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ reply of the terrorist leader, there was no alternative to the President Mahinda Rajapakse other than to resort to a military solution to end terrorism.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ He wanted trusted military officers to carry out the Military Operations against the terrorists to a finish. He began by appointing in November, 2005, his brother Gotabhaya Rajapakse a veteran of the Sri Lanka Army who had retired as a Lieutenant Colonel after 20 years of active service. He had won medals of gallantry from several former Presidents of Sri Lanka for his military role in the then military operations against the terrorists.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The President apparently had sat with his brother Gotabhaya Rajapakse the Defence Secretary to put in place a reliable Military hierarchy to end the nearly 22 years of terrorism. They selected in December 2005, General Sarath Fonseka as the Command of the Army with Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda as the Commander of the Navy , Air Chief Marshall G.D.Perera , and then the Air Marshall Roshan Goonetilleke as the Commanders of the Sri Lanka Air Force, and Mr. Chandra Fernando, followed by Mr.Victor Perera as Inspector General of Police .

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The Defence Secretary was to coordinate the Armed and Security Forces, and provide them with the necessary military equipment etc.. The President leaving the Military Operations in the hands of the Armed Forces, occupied the political aspect anticipating possible foreign intervention to force the government to follow a political settlement to come to terms with the terrorists.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ That was the preliminary to winning an all out military offensive against terrorism.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The President had many hurdles to jump before the final victory. In April 2006 his Army Commander Sarath Fonseka was the victim of a suicide bomb attack which nearly cost him his life. He was disabled and it was only in July, 2006 the General Sarath Fonseka resumed his services as the Commander of the Armed Forces. On the 1st December,2006 the Presidents brother and Defence Secretary escaped a suicide bomb attempt against him.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In October,2006, the terrorists rammed a truck loaded with explosives on to a convoy carrying navy sailors killing 92 of them at Habaran . The soldiers had the most bitter experiences. They risked their lives either being drowned or being shot by the terrorist while wading lakes and rivers in heavy rain carrying their back-sacks holding their guns over their heads lest they fall into water and become unusable. Number of them were drowned many more were shot by the terrorists. They may have gone without a satisfactory meal for days.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The terrorist had built earth bunds to protect themselves against the advancing Sri Lanka Armed Forces. They had deployed two battle tanks T55 to counter army onslaught and many of our poor soldiers climbing these bunds were sitting ducks for the terrorist guns. But the 58th and the 53rd Divisions of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces breached these bunds sacrificing many of their comrades in the attempt.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ While in the Defence SecretarieƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s Office coordination work were being carried out and the Commanders of the Armed Forces met with Generals and Brigadiers to plan the strategies and monitored the movements of the armed forces in the field, the Major Generals, Brigadiers, Captains, Sergeants and Soldiers in the war front faced the terrorists face to face and adopted adhoc strategies to meet the immediate situations..

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ We saw Video clippings where we were witness to Major General Jagath Dias of the 57th Division, Brigadier Shavendra Silva of the 58th division, Major General Nandana Udawatta of the 59th Division Major General Kamal Gunarathne of the 53rd Division, Brigadier Prasanna Silva of the 55th Division, each with his task force gaining control of Kilinochchi, capturing Poonaryne, capturing Elephant Pass, Paranthan, Kilinochchi, Sundarapuram, Pudukudiyiruppu and finally the eastern coast of the country.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ These Major Generals, Brigadiers, and the Captains, and Sergeants under them and the corporals and simple soldiers were all contributing in their different ways to the objective of finally eliminating the terrorists. It was very moving once to see Brigadier Shavendra Silva instructing a group of soldiers in the war front with sounds of gun shots all around and ask them to disperse, and going back he stopped, turned around and called the group of soldiers and told them ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-take care of yourselvesƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚. How many of those soldiers may have come back safe?

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In the mean time the Air Force supported the Armed Forces on ground using its famous Kfir Aircrafts for precision bombing. The Sri Lanka Navy destroyed ten of the ships belonging to the terrorists that traversed the high seas keeping up the supply of arms and armaments to the terrorists. The Navy also acted as a barrier against any terrorists attempting to escape through the sea. It is worth mentioning those brave pilots and the navy fast boat teams that put terrorist SoosaiƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s deadly power boats completely out of action.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The Sri Lanka Police Force too did yeoman service despite criticism. The Police minimized the activities of the terrorists in the south. The Police also carried out surveys and checked for terrorist suspects in possible hide outs as tenant or lodgers, and recovered large hauls of hidden weapons and explosives .

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Many road blocks manned by the army avoided deadly suicide bombers entering the south, but that too was opposed by a Chief Justice- now retired , who ordered them to be lifted, for the simple reason that he did not want to be caught in his romantic escapades.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ All these is to show how many persons from the three Armed Forces and the Police force were brought into the effort initiated by the President Mahinda Rajapakse in November, 2005, to eliminate terrorism from Sri Lanka and how with great sacrifices they made finally succeeded in that collective effort.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In the mean time there were hectic efforts by the foreign governments to stop military operations to eliminate terrorism in Sri Lanka. The UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Activists, and even the International Red Cross stepped into thwart the efforts of the Government by bringing in accusations of violation of human rights, shooting willfully into hospitals and schools.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Fortunately the President was able to keep them at bay until terrorism was successfully eliminated. In that effort the Secretary of Defence too kept the situation under control without allowing unnecessary interference by the foreign Governments, Diplomats and NGOs.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Hence the successful elimination of terrorism does not go to the credit of any one person, though the President played the key role, to let the Armed Forces carry on its activities unhindered by political intervention at home, or Diplomatic intervention from abroad.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ However, the credit for the final end of terrorism does not go to the President, the Defence Secretary, Commander of the Armed Forces , the Commanders of the Naval Force, the Air force , Several Major Generals, Brigadiers, Captains, Sergeants, Corporals, the Soldiers or the Inspector General of Police or the police officers and constables. Because it was a collective effort in which every one shared in the effort to end terrorism that began with the determination of a President elected in November, 2005 until it was brought to a successful halt at Nandikadal in May, 2009.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Therefore, if any one tries to take credit for oneself for the elimination of terrorism from Sri Lanka, it is the most ungrateful act towards innumerable number of those who gave their lives or limbs in that ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-sacredƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚ attempt.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ On the other hand it should be a great pride for every one who actively participated in the audacious effort to eliminate terrorism. The names of every one of them will be written in golden letters in the history of our motherland as National Heroes.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Above all we have to remember that the greatest of credit for the elimination of terrorism from Sri Lanka goes to every one of those Sri Lankan citizens who used their ballot to elect Mr.Mahinda Rajapakse as the President of Sri Lanka in Presidential election of 2005.

ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ In that situation if Sarath Fonseka tries to steal the limelight for himself by saying that he alone was responsible for a successful military operation to eliminate terrorism, he will by that act loose his right to be a National Hero, but instead becomes an egoist, a selfish traitor if not to the cause , then to all those who selflessly participated in the combined heroic effort of elimination of terrorism from Sri Lanka.

18 Responses to “Is Sarath Fonseka a National Hero, or a selfish egoist full of hatred, and a traitor to those who fought along with him?”

  1. sanath sirisena Says:

    The situation in Sri lanka with regard to Gen. Sarath Fonseka is indeed very sad. Mainly, as all of us know the great contributons and sacrifices made by Gen Fonseka and the three great military services,in destroying the Bloody LTTE is now leading to a major political disaster amongst Sri lannkans that might lead to a civil war.

    There are many good articles wriitten in favour of Gen. Fonseka and also in favour of our great President. We cannot let our country to get into a economical disastater as we are already facing it. We need to get together and run the country towards prosperity. We need to develop our country together giving up the greed for political gains.

    The president ,still could give a PARDON to Gen. fonseka for any wrongdoings in the past, and get him to join the governmant and get him to help with his ideas in developing our great coutry. This is not the time to fight against each other but to get togethe and work,work till we achieve our goals.

    For this purpose the PRESIDENT MUST GET THE PUBLIC OPINION on Gen Foseka’s release. If majority wants him back, then the PRESIDENNT MUST ACT ON IT without any delay.

    I find, that the Sri lankans are depending on hearsy than depending on the real truth. Anyhow, Its sad to see Gen Foseka in a prison afterr all his services towards destroying the Bloody LTTE. We cannot let him live in a cell for what he has done. this is one of the solutions according to my mind.

  2. Kit Athul Says:

    While Sinhala are arguing among ourselves, Tamils are taking legale action against Dr. Palitha Kohana and President Rajapakse.
    Charles is the only person who challenged Burce Fein. He argued that Burce Fein and his sponsors can be charged by the same law that is used to charge Dr. Kohana. Where are the Muliti-millionaire Sinhala Americans who could file a similar law suite?

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    Kit Atul says : “Where are the Muliti-millionaire Sinhala Americans who could file a similar law suite ? “.

    We think that most of the Sinhala people abroad are sleeping – Lanka is a nice place for a winter holiday but … ! Too busy with their own day to day problems, or do not care because they are not in the ‘driving seat’ in Lanka, or there is no money or recognition in it for them ?

    A few Sinhalas abroad are very protective of Lanka with or without other peoples approval. A few are active against Lanka, though rather surreptitiously.

    How can the Sinhala community abroad be mobilised ? What religion do they belong to/practice ? Is Lanka on the whole better off without them ?

    It would be true to say that all Sinhalas abroad would like to see Lanka succeed Economically.

  4. ranjit Says:

    Thanks Charles for reminding our citizens about the sufferings we had during thirty years of bloody war with terrorists murderers. Our people forgets very soon and take it easy as if nothing happened in the past. What our great Presiednt and the war heros did should not be forgotten so easily. Still Mothers,Fathers Sisters and brothers cry for their loved ones and still these murderers haunt us and our Sinhala traitors have forgotten what our heros did in the face of terror day and night to save our Motherland. President didnt do anything to Sarath Fonseka he himself dig his own grave. He was a power hungry foul mouthed ungreatful sick man. If he is a genuin person why his son in law is still hiding and do you think he is a good man after all his white flag stories and all what he did during the election times? He is a sameless traitor to our Motherland.He should be kept inside for life for treason. His daughters were siding with L.T.T.E and our enemies and work against our country and the President and do you think he should be pardoned? NUTS! All those traitors to our Motherland including Ranil,Jayalaths,Mangalayas,Somawanses should be crucified like Judas for letting our beloved Motherland down and conspire with our enemies outside and inside. Please help us to save our Motherland from these evil traitors who doesnt care about the country or the people except POWER AND MONEY. LONG LIVE SRI LANKA, LONG LIVE OUR PRESIDENT

  5. sanath sirisena Says:

    Dear mr Ranjth, I know your anger ,and wholeheartedly, I feel the same way. In Canada, We have done a lot to damage the dirty ,babaric LTTE organization image and proudly I like tell you that we achived a lot. The LTTE Is done.

    Its very sad what Gen Fonseka did, if he did it. There is no excuse for that.

    Ranil,jayalath,mangalya and somawasa are a different lot form Gen. Fonseka as he may have been mislead by Ranil and the other traitors. I still cannot believe what Gen. did and in shock to hear the stories .There is hearsay evidance about this man and some question marks are left about his behavier. I cannot believe some of the stories about him.

    I respect your opinion but lets try what the majority of our Sri lankans say. We cannot decide on that till we get a green light from the people of Sri Lanka. Mind you our GREAT PRESIDENT Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa is our leader.

    The LTTE may dance anywhere else but never again in sri Lanka with people like you and me and all our brothers, sisters and our children.

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    SF did very nasty things which are unforgivable. He also did very nasty things that are heroics. He must say sorry to the nation for unforgivable crimes and rectify the damege he did as much as he can.

    But we cannot discount the good he did. He took the campaign personally upon himself. We need such people. You may notice the government is stangant in its post war counter insurgency approach. They don’t know what to do. SF has a plan. Only he has a plan. Unoftunately his experiment in politics went horribly wrong. His immature politics was exploited by very experienced political giants (in losing) like Ranil, Mangala, Hakeem, Somawansa and other clowns.

    Certain things blamed on SF during the war were essential evils we had to do. Only SF stood up to do them. SF had to step into politicians’ shoes when Tamil Nadu clowns tried to intefere in SL affairs. That’s because politicians were silent.

    Patriots must find a way to bring back the intelligence SF had on military matters without the dangers posed by SF.

    SF said in Washington that the war victory has come like a lottery win for some. I tend to agree with this today. I never agreed with it in 2009. The victory is slowly but surely slipping from us.

    If we stop following counter insurgency strategy saying there is peace and CI strategy is unimportant, we will pay a very heavy price sooner than we expect.

  7. jayt Says:

    Sinhalese made a big mess right from the begging, and it continues. Sri lanka had very good political system
    which was to hold a election every 5 years which was changed to 7 or more years in 70s, 80s and 2000s. these all done to suit for individuals and parties’ private benefits but no for general public benefits.
    these changes brought full destruction for Sinhalese. The same System was exist in UK, US, Canada, Australia, whole Europe, India and many other countries, and especially in the West, people vigorously protect it and no God can come and extend it for even one minute than set five year or four year constitutional foundation.
    Leaders in the West even in India quietly go home without any attempt to stay in power. But Sinhalese put the foundation for authoritarian rule in 70s. These are done by foolishly educated Sinhalese public who later pay the heavy price locally and internationally.

  8. ranjit Says:

    Our country has progressed in many ways after we got rid of the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world. No Government in this world has done so much to the people and to the country like the current Government under the leadership of the most popular President of all time Mahinda Rajapksa after a bloody war of thirty long years. He dosent need cowards and traitors like SF or Ranil’s or Premadasa’s to govern this country.We have more capable and educated decent Sri Lankans to run this country. Gota alone run the forces with very capable subodinates who have fought in the land,in the jungle and in the sea face to face with L.T.T.E barbarians. They have enough experience to wipe out any evil enemy who comes to harm us in the near future. Dont worry be happy our Motherland will be the light of Asia very soon and those L.T.T.E murderers can bark as loud as they please hiding behind the petty coats of the white slaves we Sinhalese will never ever allow the enemies of our land to raise their ugly heads again because we the heros will protect it at all cost. If the Tamils wants to live with us peacefully they can do it otherwise they can leave our land and live with their Vaikos in Tamil Nadu where they belonged. This land is ours and it will be ours for ever. This is not America.This not Canada. This is my land and it’s SRI LANKA a peaceful paradise Island for all to live in PEACE..

  9. jayt Says:

    I am not trying to hurt anybody who is innocent -no sinhalese, not Tamil, no Hindu, no Muslim, No Jews, No American, no British or no body anywhere in the world. And when it is wrong, I tell it independently, no matter who she or he is or who is that group or country is, but it does not mean I hate anybody. There are great American, British, European, and Canadian come forward against the govt. when they are wrong. Of course, here we talk about Sinhalese and the miseries they are facing, and my aim is to educate and save Sinhalese from various crimes-political and socially crimes continuously orchestrated against Sinhalese on daily basis by local and foreign groups.
    To fight these crimes, you just can’t come out and accuse any-group; you have to have solid evidence to go after them, but to to do it, you need to train a sophisticated military intelligent and police unit who can analyze and pin point 99% correctly when a crime is committed by a local group. and especially, Sinhalese lives in a war time and social and political crime committed or directed at people regardless of race or religion is to inflict
    maximum injuries to society or the country. For a example, latest news; there was an actress murder and another actress was assaulted and many more crimes in the last few days which never happened before the war. Sinhalese better wake up now ask questions why there is a story of innocent tamil gentleman was assaulted by a police officer and a Sinhalese business man raped little girls and both stories in the international news. There are thousands of girls rape and murder mainly in the US, UK and in India and why there are not in the international news?.
    I met some retired police officers from US and told me that sri lanka communities in US and Eu should move to investigate because Tigers use drugs against Sinhalese to get the Sinhalese commit crime against one family member by an another family member but there is no tigers and so who is now?. However, they noted that there are mysterious crime are happening in the west that are unusual, and need a greater inquiry and we hope you guys are the right guys to take this into Western courts and into the world.

  10. jimmy Says:

    Agree with Fran
    I like to add one more

    Now the war is over . I am confident the 60 years of hatred will vanish also
    I love to see Tamils,Sinhalese, Muslims, Burgers,Indian Tamils work together as srilankans to build this Country
    Tamils Sinhalese Muslims should help each other . I like to see Rich tamils help their sinhala brother in South and make a difference
    Samething for Rich Sinhalese to lend hand to a poor tamil
    same thing for Muslims and Burgers

    Srilankans living abroad should respect every lankan regardless of race
    If you see a Srilankan where ever you live say hi and be kind .
    I do that and I also make sure to spend $$ on a Srilankan food , clothes etc

    This Life in this earth is too too short . we have to love respect each other and also look after each other
    No more sorrow no more pain

    I have a dream There will be everlasting peace and People will forgive , forget the past and lead a better future

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    And rich Tamils lend a hand to poor Sinhalese too! :)

  12. jayt Says:


    You you have good ideas but in order for things to work out LTTE have to give up demands they never achieve by denouncing West group who uses LTTE and Tamil population for their benefits. Second if LTTe accept Sri lanka govt peace offer there you make the real victory, that mean both side can discover the mysterious group who fueled the war by being behind the murder of many innocent Tamil and Sinhalese for which neither LTTE nor Sri lanka military were responsible

    The crime, I was talking about what happen to actresses and some other crime very suspension and it is a work of somebody but do not know who might be, but I did not blamed any Tamil for them. also, it is natural reaction of people in a war country to the blame on each other even though, crime has nothing to do with anybody.
    For example, Pakistan and India, naturally both-side blame the other when there is a crime happen on either side which has nothing to do with either either side war.

  13. ranjit Says:

    Dozens and Dozens killed in cold blood by evil individuals in America for petty things.Mothers kill their children,Fathers kill some times the whole family even including infants that’s the case in every society in the world Sri Lanka is no different. The media and our enemies make up big stories about these small happenings and make it big in International news. Police brutality is everywhere in every country but our police is much more diciplined than other countries around the world. Our Government must take immediate action to stop these police criminality and get rid of bad guys even in the Armed Forces. We cannot stop all the criminals in the world overnight and dont take these things serious because America kills thousands in other countries and say sorry for their crimes. If there is a personel dispute at home in our country they make it big and make a fuss. When one journalist missing the evil west make a big hew and cry while hundreds of Journalists killed and missing around the world daily in other countries. How many Journalists have been killed by America during wars in Iraq and Afganistan? So my dear friends just help us to make a just society for each and every Sri Lankan to live in Peace and Harmony in our beloved homeland. Confront our enemies face to face without fear. Show them the good of Sri Lanka when you live in those western countries because our country is a Gem of a country when you compare to other countries around us. Like we eliminated the most ruthless murderers L.T.T.E try to eliminate all the evil traitors from our Motherland for us to live in Peace. We all need peace not war as we are tired of seeing blood and destruction for long time. The Government should be more tough on crime and corruption if they want to survive for long. People are tired. Help our country irrespective of race,color or religion. Sri Lanka is the most beautiful country on earth.Visit and see the beauty you have never seen before and then give your judgement.

  14. jimmy Says:

    Agree Jayt

    LTTE should give up EElam dream for the sake of Tamils in Lanka

    I have a good opinion of Douglas Devananda who talks of unity and peace where ever he speaks in any function, I see Governor of North is welcomed in many Tamil Functions ( I see this in site) I mainly go there to see pictures
    Douglas has 3 MPS that means he is very popular among tamils
    He is helping tamils where no leader in the past did

  15. jimmy Says:

    the site is

  16. Lorenzo Says:


    “Douglas has 3 MPS that means he is very popular among tamils
    He is helping tamils where no leader in the past did”


    But you sjould overcome this racism of talking ONLY about Tamils and Tamil people. Talk about helping Sinhala and Muslim people too.

  17. sanath sirisena Says:

    You are very right. the USA and most of the European countries are much more dangerous than any where else in the world to live.
    People are living in a FOOLS PARADISE. There is no respect for elders,teachers or for that matter for anybody.

    To tell you the truth with my experience, many of the people living in these coutries are suffering from a mental disorder. Drugs are all over. It appears that these countries going down the hill very fast as drug addicts will be all over.

    We got to work together. Our country is one of the best in the world.

  18. jimmy Says:

    You missed my point sorry
    If you see the speeches by Douglas to Tamil audience you will see he talks about unity and get along with Givernment, get along with Sinhalese I see Lankan flags hoisted all over jaffna in Schools and important functions
    Tamil leaders like Chelva or GGP in the past never talked about unity I hope I am correct in my assumption

    Tamils should be patriotic towards Lanka and People like Douglas could help to achive this

    Tamils Sinhalese Muslims, Plantaion tamils, Burgers all should work together, respect each other
    There cannot be any divisions any more

    More tamils and Sinhalese should talk of Peace unity and also do it in actions

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