Religion, Hela people and survival
Posted on March 2nd, 2011

Ben Silva

In the recent past we have seen a number of writers supporting Buddhism. I am making these comments so that there is a balanced view. Buddhism is a part of our cultural heritage and as such need to be protected as a part of our culture. Buddhism also has a number of good things such as the precepts, meditation, middle path and Kalama Sutra. Buddhism also will make its followers civilised and provide mind calming and excellent therapy, when in distress. However we need to be aware of the negative aspects of Buddhism so that we can avoid pitfalls..

Sri Lanka had 2500 years of Buddhism. During this period we experienced a decline, having suffered under Tamil invasions, European invasions and hundreds of years of foreign imperialist rule. During this time the foreign imperialists brought in Tamils from abroad and put them to our coastal areas and the hill country. As a result we have lost the North, the East, the Hill country and now even the Capital Colombo. Clearly the Sinhalese were on the decline, living as second class citizens in their own country (until SWRD introduced some balance) and were on a course leading to extinction. Clearly Buddhism offered us no protection or guidance to escape invaders . It appears that the triple Gem did nothing to protect us either. Also ancient people that relied on God to protect them did not receive any protection either. Instead of investigating the cause of our decline and finding ways to arrest the decline, some writers still prescribe the medication, passive Buddhism , that failed in Lanka and failed in many countries in the world, It should be observed and noted that Buddhism has been wiped out from India, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries in the silk route by various invaders including Muslims and Tamils. Buddhism is declining in Korea and perhaps even in Sri Lanka as well due to the free hand given to NGOƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s and Christian organisations. Buddhists were in no position to offer resistance as they were too passive. Clearly depending on super natural powers or passive beliefs do not work or protect us. But there was guidance from Buddhism to make us passive so that we become sitting ducks. Clearly it is time to do some fresh thinking rather than following the same old failed methods. Various NGOƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s have tried to bring in religion and tried to make us passive so that Prabakaran could have his way. Now we have various writers trying to make us passive. Buddhism originated in India, and one could say manufactured in India. It is a foreign product… Buddhism, in general, is no longer believed in India, after the Nalanda Buddhists were wiped out and ended up in rivers of blood.. Believing in Buddhism, is similar to a situation, using a product by us, that even the manufacturer of the product do not want to use.. Not only Sri Lanka suffered decline under Buddhism, so was India and China. The famous Oxford academic Needham, accused the belief systems in China for the decline of China. Within a short time (60 years) of both China and India becoming secular, they have made tremendous progress in science and technology and in the economic field. The reason is clear: Now, there are no religion shackles to tie them down and being secular also has also freed the minds of people from blind beliefs. Religion is also known to be the opium of the people, due to the negative impact on believers. Religion is also known to be a mind virus, taking over the brains and thinking of its believers.

Suffering existed from the time living species evolved from cells and the law of nature is ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”survival of the fittestƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”. If any species did not adapt or failed to compete successfully, then that species faced extinction. This Nirvana concept, seeking extinction, some may say, appears to be a suicidal idea, from a depressed coward, reluctant to face challenges in the real world. There is suffering, disease and death in the real world, and it is a part of nature and natural order of things. I am not sure seeking extinction is the correct way out rather than facing challenges and using the brain and thinking to overcome problems.

Enemies of the Hela people may be happy that there are doctors prescribing the religion opium to the Hela people to keep them permanently brain washed and permanently subjugated and passive.

We live in a highly competitive world. We need to have clear objectives and constantly improve our thinking and methods to deal with new situations, rather than be trapped in a the past. To be specific, this idea of seeking Nirvana, a hindu /Tao belief and is not attractive to me. I consider seeking Nirvana (extinction) to be an idea from a depressed person, unable or unwilling to face challenges. in thee real world. Real world is very tough. We have to face it and make it less painful rather than seek an easy exit. Giving up desires is another dangerous belief in Buddhism, as it will make us less competitive..

The main concepts in Buddhism, Nirvana, rebirth and sansare, may have been derived from ancient Hindu/Tao belief systems. These concepts have no verifiable scientific evidence or proof.

We should protect and respect Buddhism. however I am not sure if it is a good thing to be slave of any religion. The view of some scientists on religion is given below.

Arthur C. Clarke

The famed science fiction writer, Arthur C. Clarke, who once denigrated religion as “a necessary evil in the childhood of our particular species,”

Bertrand Russell


My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race. I cannot, however, deny that it has made some contributions to civilization

Albert Einstein

A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death. (Albert Einstein, “Religion and Science”, New York Times Magazine, 9 November 1930

I believe , in order to survive, we need to innovate and constantly improve our methods and thinking rather than hang on to an ancient Indian dogma, that even Indians do not believe now. We no longer can live like frogs in a well but should be able to recognise and deal with external threats. I do not think it is wise to hang on to ancient beliefs that has allowed exterminated its followers, as in Nalanda.

If we are passive, the world would be a dangerous place for Buddhists as some Muslims are hell bent on killing infidels.

This article is a timely reminder for the Hela people to wake up and stop being driven to extinction., by hanging on to ancient Indian belief systems that even Indians do not believe now. I would say Sri Lanka belongs to all its citizens and we must not allow some Tamils to expand their Chola empire. What is needed now is a fighting and competitive spirit to survive and arrest our decline rather than a meek, passive attitude, giving up desires and seeking extinction. In my view will to survive rather than seek extinction is paramount.


11 Responses to “Religion, Hela people and survival”

  1. Sunil Vijaya Says:

    Can you please explain this again ‘I consider seeking Nirvana (extinction) to be an idea from a depressed person, unable or unwilling to face challenges’. Does this mean Thathagata was depressed and unable to face challenges?
    And you again agree on meditation, middle path etc. which makes beings passive to dig into and discern Dhammaa and realise Nibbana. The biggest challenge known to man, at least the ones with wisdom, was to find out the cause of suffering. Even the modern psychologists have finally discovered it, which was disovered by Thathagata. The Nirvana you talk about the Hindu/Taoist version is no where near what Buddha finally discovered. Please read Brahmajaala Suttra or Sammannapala suttra for clarification, as this is lengthy, no space here fro explanation. Triple gem will not protect people from invaders but soldiers do, as well as our Buddhist monks and ordinary people who won and lost wars, which is quite natural. Do not blame Buddhism for our own stupidity, inherited or not, and compare what happened in other countries to substantiate your arguments. We were conditioned by many beliefs and faiths and Buddhism has been turned into a religion by the unwise, including monks who practice a Pooja culture in Sri Lanka. This is my view on this. I certainly do appreciate yours, especially conditioning of Hela people. Sunil Vijayapala

  2. nandimitra Says:

    decline of the sinhalese has nothing to do with buddhism. Buddhism believes in reality not hope. the decline can be attributed to two distict failures . The first is trust . we trusted the europeans to help us instead they helped hemselves. Secondly the inability of the Sinhalese and even the Asians for that matter to respond to the philosophy
    of might is right.Both because the sinhalese were not realistic. This is unbuddhistic.

  3. Nanda Says:

    Ben Silva has been campaining against Buddhism for some time in lanka web. I suspect he is an agent. Without Nibbana there is no Buddhism.
    It is totally “brainless” think Nibbana as suicidal. Nibbana is “cessation of suffering”. Suicide will cause suffering both at the time of suicide as well as next life birth.
    Survival of the fittest is a stupid idea. Hope Hela people will survive if Americans dorp a nuclear bomb.
    Without Buddhism Sinhala people will have no value system ( unless they become westerners, Christians , Muslims or Tamils).
    Agent Ben,
    To hell with stupid “Hela” idea – read and understant Buddhism before trying to hit it at the core and become an idiot !

  4. Ben_silva Says:

    Let me try and answer Sunils question. Science has the theory that living organisms, including humans evolved from cells and had to undergo evolution. The law of nature in the process is ‘survival of the fittest’. It is a fact that real life is full of suffering, Challenges, disease death, competition and so on, (which is a part of evolution of life) and only the fittest and those with a will to survive and adapt will survive. To survive, there is no easy path other than face competition, adapt , find solutions and deal with real life issues. Any problems we face, need to be tackled bravely, using science and technology, as the Westerners do, rather than seek an easy way out. There are over 6 billion humans and not a single case of evidence for Nirvana. (Remember that Nirvana is a very ancient Hindu, Tao, Indian concept with no proof or evidence, just as God is )
    We can use precepts, meditation, middle path, follow Kalama Sutra, without being passive, but using superior force to dealt with force and thinking ahead of external threats and acting accordingly. This is what Gota may have done and what our ancient Kings that defended us may have done. We should take the middle path, without being too passive or belive in things such as Nirvana, rebirth and sansare that has no scientific evidence or proof.We can still follow the precepts, meditation, middle path and Lalama sutra, without beliving in unporoven ancient Indian/Tao/ Hindu myths. Remember Japanese Zen Buddhism is entirely different to Buddhism in Lanka. Even in Lanka, people follow so many different versions of Buddhism and there is no basis for any one to claim that their version is the correct one and all others are wrong!.
    The concept of Nirvana is a very ancient concept. It is in Taoism, Hinduism and Buddhism, and all versions, claiming their concept is the one to aim for. In Taoism, Nirvana is to become a Tao. In Hinduism Nirvana is to join God. In Buddhism, there are several versions as well. The problem I face is, different people have come up with different views of Nirvana, and all claiming that their understanding of Nirvana is the correct way of describing Nirvana. How can we decide which version is true when believers of various versions claim that their version is the only true version. ?

    Common understanding of Nirvana
    Nirvana is the supreme state free from individual existence. It is a state Buddhists refer to as “Enlightenment”. It is the ultimate goal of all Buddhists. The attainment of nirvana breaks the otherwise endless rebirth cycle of reincarnation. Buddhists also consider nirvana as freedom from all worldly concerns such as greed, hate, and ignorance.
    My understanding of committing suicide is self terminating life. Nirvana is terminate existence or terminating cycle of birth, or life permanently. In can be done painlessly and quickly using chemicals. Surely, terminating existence permanently is similar to committing suicide. Normally only depressed, mental people want to commit suicide. Greed, or desire for profit has been the driving force of the world economy from ancient times and even today. Surely, if we kill off greed, we remove the driving force of the economy and Buddhists end up being the poorest of the poor as has happened in Tibet and Bhutan.

    My view of religions is the same as that of scientists that it is a thing of the past. Let me quote Albert Einstein
    ‘A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary‘. In short a religion is not needed for a good code of ethics and morality. What is needed is “sympathy, education, and social ties and needs”.
    As for Hela people I meant Sinhalese.
    If we want to avoid the fate of Nalanda Buddhists and many Buddhists in countries in the Silk route, Buddhists in Malaysia, Indoniasia and so on then we need to learn lessons. If Prabakaran had his way we would have been on our way to extinction, as happened to Aztecs, native Americans and manny passive ethnic groups. My motive for writing is to prevent the Sinhalese ending up the same way or ending up as second class citizens in their own country.
    As for any religion, many consider it to be a mind virus.
    Why are we hell bent on believing in a religion that even Indians, in general, do not believe any more and many believers ended up being wiped out ?

  5. Sunil Vijaya Says:

    Ben – My question to you was ‘…..Does this mean Thathagata was depressed and unable to face challenges?’ which you haven’t answered. Indians are obsessed with Gods, the more the merrier, you should visit India and see for yourself. They did not find that excitement in Buddhism, which denied God worship. Although Indians dropped Buddhism for reasons you jolly well know, we need not follow suit as we are born wiser than most inhabitants on this planet. I prefer to be wiser than being rich. If you appreciate Hela culture then you must agree that we too had the science to develop our country, however primitive. True, we should not head for oblivion, we need to meet challenges which we did in tha past, and are doing now. Its not religions that should be blamed for a countries downfall or upliftment, but to very nature of the people. We are the greatest importers, innovators and emulators of this century the world has ever known, vulnerable to whatever crap coming from other countries, embracing with our natural subservient, subjugated mentality. Our Kings had a very good balance of most things until the the arrival of the Satan who destroyed everything from forest cover in the hills to the paddy fields in low country. We should be thinking of our own methods to develop our country rather than thinking blindly on development seen in other countries, the consequences are now seen right around the world, a self destruction through global warming. The very science you talk about which brought us up will bring us down. We had a narrow shave few years ago with the depletion of ozone layer with the creation of holes in the northen and southern atmospheres, thanks to science and technology. Luckily it was attributed to CFCs which was phased out. People have forgotten this and the plunderer still denies global warming. Nibbana was/is a choice, Buddha had sermons for people who were interested just to improve their livelihood here and now and after death. He delivered sermons appropriately. The events of the past happened because of reasons prevailing those times. SWRD appeared at the correct time, so was Mahinda. Sinhela people cannot be destroyed by Dravidians who tried it for the last 2000 years, nor by Satan who now controls the world through UN/CIA and NGOs.

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    We have some points to bring out :

    (1) SPIRITUAL NEEDS: We admit we can do with some further learning of Science & Technology in Lanka. However, Science itself is proving that in Quantum Physics, after every minute particle is removed in each Atom, there is a Void. What is this Void ? We can only presume that it is the Nirvanic Energy/God/Truth/Pure Love/Tao/Brahma/Atman/Life Force, etc. – whatever you choose to call it, it is the same sweet Reality, the utterly sweet Peace, the union with which every human Heart longs for ! The Laws of Truth/God/Void is what moves and shapes us.
    Whichever way we slice it, in every religion, the Core Teachings tell us how to reach the Truth/God within us. After the Teacher/Master (Buddha/Jesus/Rama/Mohamed/other Teachers), has passed away, it is in the practice of too much easy ritual & chanting that we fail to practice the more dificult Core Teachings.

    But we have to live in BALANCE with the Material World in order to survive. Heart is for the Truth/God factor, and Mind is for the Material & Survival factor. Both components are found in every human being. It is case of Heart vs Mind – the Inner War.

    (2) MATERIAL ANEEDS: We first do everything to Survive, we agree, since to seek Truth/God we have to survive first and it is inbuilt into our very genes to survive ! We even go to war to earn Peace ! People even seek Power to earn Peace ! However, till the greater mass of people are Contented through Peace, there is no real peace in any country. In a Democracy, when a country is more or less peaceful, it means most of its people are at Peace with themselves for that time period.

    Food, Clothing & Shelter comes first in our Needs. Since our MINDS tend to get bored with external Peace, we create Entertainment.
    Our Material Needs create the Jobs.

    We have to live in BALANCE with our Minds too, while seeking what our Hearts want through Meditation (and Dhana, & Seela).

    (2A) Education must be geared to Needs of Lanka, and Job Creation with Worker representation on Boards (this is why Germany has a stable economy). It stops cheating at the work place & also CEO’s stuffing their pockets with investor money & profits, among a host of other benefits. Co-operatives are a safe way to ensure worker satisfaction.

    (3) Tamil influx into Lanka has to be stopped by countering Illegal Migration, and putting Laws & Institutions in place at every level so that division of Lanka is impossible. Tamil people in Lanka will have to integrate into mainstream life in Lankan society in Democratic Lanka. Tamil Nadu leaders will have to solve their own problems.

    Conclusion: It is not the true Buddhism (Core Teachings) that stops progress for the masses of Lanka. It was Colonial Rule mostly that took away the SELF RESPECT of a Nation that stopped the progress for the masses. It is because of Buddhism that some SELF RESPECT remains in Lanka for the masses. Wasn’t it during Buddhist rule of Lanka that the Great Irrigation Works took place and Lanka was called the “Granary of the East” ?. However, it is time that the masses took to the Higher Teachings of Buddhism and leave behind most of the ritual & chanting (except for Pirith).

  7. anura seneviratna Says:

    Sunil’s response that “Buddhism has been turned into a religion by the unwise” is correct. It is the very reason that even in the country of its birth, the masses of the Indian subcontinent could not comprehend it due to their addiction to religion.
    Nandimithra too is correct that we have been un-Buddhistic in not being realistic. Buddhism is wisdom’s way but due to religious influence for which the masses fallen prey in a big way seems to have corrupted Buddhism.

    “Without Buddhism Sinhala people will have no value system” quoted by Nanda is based on 2,500 year so called history of Sinhela and not pre-historic Hela Nation, the origin of the current Sinhela or Sinhala which was a corruption of the Hela Nation with the intrusion of alien Vijaya the terrorist. Buddhism too introduced into Heladiva around the same period, which certainly enhanced the Hela Nation, but we already had a value system. This can be discovered by probing into pre-history or roots of Heladiva, not by mere believing of a half-baked history tale.

    “We should be thinking of our own methods to develop our country rather than thinking blindly on development seen in other countries, the consequences are now seen right around the world,”.
    Another wise statement from Sunil. It is indeed time for us to engage in our own innovations and there are still a lot left from our indigenous Hela knowledge to live in harmony with nature, which is truly scientific than copycat modern science which is causing havoc in the natural world. Unique feats like Hydro-technology, metal works sprung in Heladiva long before 2,500 years. To do these we have to be assertive as a national team with immense vigour, which our pre-historic ancestors had. If we attempt to do our own thing now, we might even show the misled world a wholesome vision of life.

    Coming to the religion we should drop the religious face from Buddhism and walk the doctrine as an action package to live it every moment, the powerful middle path not passivity. Must confess, what is not yet understood is, is there after life? which all religions believe. Can Buddhist re-birth is a religious belief injected into Buddhist philosophy for vested interest?

  8. Lorenzo Says:


    When Siddartha was frustrated after he encountered “pera nimithi” he sought an end to all this. He found it. That was nirvana – being no more.

    So you are there. But I would not call it a creation of a depressed person. It is a normally helathy person frustrated at life’s “dukkha”.

    Basically, Buddha Dharma is about a way to exit this cycle of “sansara” and for personal good conduct of individuals. It gives little guidance on how a nation should survive. For that we have to look elsewhere. Buddhism is no bar to kill the nation’s enemies when it is needed.

    Emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism and started doing all the good things AFTER militarily defeating his threats, not BEFORE. Had he started behaving the way he did before any military victory, he would have been killed by an opponenet and we would never have heard of him.

    So we need a hard, fool proof violence-resistent framework within which there can be space for Buddhism to prosper. The inner core should be Buddhism not the outer layer. The outer layer should be military strength, etc.

    Chinese monks realized the need to have a violent outer layer to defend thelselves and their practices. They developed martial arts that are very popular around the world! A practical solution. How wonderful! We have to learn from it.

    Our great Buddhist kings were great (or greater) warriors.

    e.g. Gamini Abhaya, Vijayabahu

    They killed when it was needed. Buddhism never held them back. That is how it should be.

  9. Nanda Says:

    Ben Silva is an agent.
    “Why are we hell bent on believing in a religion that even Indians, in general, do not believe any more and many believers ended up being wiped out ” statement proves it.
    He should become a Hela Muslim who can draw energy from Quoran to kill all enimies of God. This way Hela can survive. What a fool ?
    Buddhism is not for him. Most of the Buddha’s own relatives were eleminated by Vidudhba and he stopped the mass killing only tow times.
    Buddhism is not meant to potect klans,races and religions. It is meant for protecting oneself. “By protecting one self one protect others” Buddha said.
    There is a plenty of advice for lay folks too. Buddha taught how to enjoy wealth, how to protect what you earned , your wealth at the sametime to progress in samsara. This has nothing to do with “Hela” survival. As a nation people should portect themselves -whether you are required to fight or not. Buddha taught how to fight to the end, extreme optimism, courage and extreme concentration. If you can train all these qualities to “Hela”, Hela will survive even in hell. Ben the agent need not help.

  10. Ben_silva Says:

    To respond to Sunil again, I do not criticize individuals including Thathagata. However I would challenge statements, when they appear to be wrong as Buddha has indicated in Kalama Sutra. Thathagata is one of the greatest humans born and I have deep respect. In a competitive world, we need to have clear objectives. For example, Muslims want to be rich, be successful, win and be economically active. In contrast if Buddhists seek extinction and want to give up desires then, automatically we will lose. It is not at all surprising that both China and India have dumped religion and are making tremendous progress. It is a fact that Indians have dumped Buddhism and it is also a fact that large number of Buddhists have been wiped out, as Buddhism is too passive. Surely we do not want to follow those that have been wiped out. If Praba had his way, we would have been wiped out. In any case we have lost a large chunk of our only homeland and considerable economic power is in the hands of non Sinhalese
    It is worthwhile noting that most passive ethnic group failed to defend themselves and ended up being wiped out or ended up living as second class citizens. Remember we were undder foreign rule for a long time and the second world war perhaps gave us freedom.

  11. . Says:

    NBA TEAM Say
    Thanks for the Article above and come to discussion about morality in Buddhism first we want say that Buddhism is a Not a religion and its and philosophy that any educated and civilized man can follow in daily life. If any man born into the world is a precious chance he getting after millions of years being in the hell or haven (This not a Biblical or Quran haven or hell those myths are produce by ordinary mans)in any religions man is a slave for the god and he is servant for the god, but in Buddhism we are not slave for the Buddha or Buddha is not our God he is and teacher for us and tell what to do if we want to refrain from suffer(Cycles of Birth) we hope Ben Silva has born in to the any family who is their ancestors has followed any dogma of a nay goodies religions(Other wise Buddhist who do not want to refrain from suffer). As he grows up he understood that emptiness of goodish character and its doctrine there for maybe he has avoided being an any religions idol. The ben silva took the part of the atheism in left wings and (atheism right wings are better) there for he need to discussion about Buddhism in wrong way with intellectual Buddhist in the world.

    In a various line of his sentence says that clearly

    1. Buddhism offered us no protection or guidance to escape invaders. It appears that the triple Gem did nothing to protect us either

    2. not only Sri Lanka suffered decline under Buddhism

    3. we need to be aware of the negative aspects of Buddhism so that we can avoid pitfalls

    4. Sri Lanka had 2500 years of Buddhism. During this period we experienced a decline

    5. Buddhism offered us no protection or guidance to escape invaders

    6. We live in a highly competitive world. We need to have clear objectives and constantly improve our thinking and methods to deal with new situations, rather than be trapped in a the past

    7. idea of seeking Nirvana, a Hindu /Tao belief and is not attractive to me

    8. Main concepts in Buddhism, Nirvana, rebirth and sansare, may have been derived from ancient Hindu/Tao belief systems. These concepts have no verifiable scientific evidence or proof

    9. We should protect and respect Buddhism. however I am not sure if it is a good thing to be slave of any religion

    10. I do not think it is wise to hang on to ancient beliefs that has allowed exterminated its followers, as in Nalanda.

    11. This article is a timely reminder for the Hela people to wake up and stop being driven to extinction., by hanging on to ancient Indian belief systems that even Indians do not believe now

    So this is our Answer In shortly as we do not want waist the time regarding out stand blog

    1. Buddha is not for fight with us in an any war against with invaders he is for show us Nirvana

    2. No one suffer under Buddhism also there is no decline to even single human because of Buddhism. Poverty, not has enough living material up to the individual karma and now in current world it and a political matter and greedy peoples are conjuring other country to feed back their own nation Asia been victim in long period

    3. In Buddhism there aren’t even single negative aspect, Buddhist can protects their life when there is war, Mr.Been silva (Silva is quit Duchy Name)who tell you that Buddhist are not allowed buy the Buddha to protect themselves , were the Buddha has given any advice to any king not to use any weapons when it’s come to protect of their nation?

    4. Decline period in any nation is and natural things look for the world history

    5. As we answered in first Reply the Buddha or Buddhism is not to protect us from war it’s for know utmost truth in the world (NIRVANA) do not misunderstand Buddhism with need of goodish propels. Who follow gods they need protection for their religions never ever Buddhist do it

    6. No one need to trapped in past but remember you have to know history otherwise you will be like a ‘ithihasya nodath panbaya wage’

    7. If you do not like to attain Nirvana it’s Up to you as a Buddhist we cannot say any things regard it. Whatever your Karma the result with you not within Buddhism. ‘The Sudda’ also say Eat…F…Die.

    8. Sciences is still developing and Nirvana cannot catch buy any Scienctific researches it should be archive by single itself Nirvana concept not drooping buy Hindu or other ancient dogma its introduce by Buddha still you are taking ‘Bokku History’ rather than been educated

    9. Protect and respect Buddhism is not mean and slavery hence as we told you if we protect and respect goodish religion human become a slaver for god. Buddha is not our god. God has slave

    10. That is happen in Nalanada not in our country ‘Helabima’, May ‘Bawuddha Shinhalaya’ can easily Defeated but Not ‘Shinhala Bawuddhaya ‘ we are protect our nation in first and as our history has defeat many gods. We know what the god is and its limit. We love Buddhism.

    11. Buddhism is an ancient Belief to India but not for us Hence Buddha Visit our land three time and there after we became Buddhist. we have a history may you, may goodish doctrine not has a history

    We Buddhists, we Sinhalese are cannot easily defeat.

    Thousand wars will easily win by us!


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