Cricket World Cup
Posted on March 25th, 2011

Sunil Vijayapala Australia

I would like to be the last person to write something about cricket in this prestigious journal, butƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ felt obligatoryƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ this time.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  The crude cricketers, the Australians have been finally vanquished.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ The famous questions Australians ask Sri Lankans living here ‘which country you support?’ and the prompt answer will be Sri Lanka.

The same question can be directed to Australians who live in England and they too will respond ‘Australia’, without saying POME (prisoners of mother England). Strange isn’t it? These Australians expect us to support Australia when they, Players, umpires, journalists, the general public gave the nastiest treatment in 1996 when we were hereƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ while we humiliated them left, right and centre with the bat and ball.
When our fools in Sri Lanka greet them at the airport with tamashas these people send just a bus to the airport toƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ transport our cricketers to the hotel.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Well some would comment that we need not go down to the level of decendents of convicts.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 
Our foolish cricketers too get caught to their pranks, when Australian pace bowlers become nasty and utter filth to our batsmen and our batsmen react, get upset and get out.

They do this purposely to have a psychological impact.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Australian do play to win, by hook or by crook, in the most ungentlemanly manner.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Isn’t there anyone in our Cricket Board to address this simple issue?
The funny thing is that the white umpires never attempt to stop this crap of Australian cricketers in the field nor the ICC takes disciplinary actions.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  Often LBW decisions against Australia cricketers go in favour of Australians as umpires have a degree of fear of Australian cricketers and media.
I wish Indians win the world cup this time as they deserve it, a cup they have never won and that will be an icing on the cake to Tendulkar who is a great batsman and above all a great Cricketer.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ 
We had our strongest team in 1996 with a great captain and above all a greatƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Leader Arjuna(who didn’t give a crap to Australian cricketers, umpires, mediaƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ or to any other country)ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ with an anchorman Aravinda.ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚  This combination will never be repeated again and thats my prediction.
Sunil Vijayapala

26 Responses to “Cricket World Cup”

  1. aravinda Says:

    The India won Cricket World Cup in 1983 beating West Indies. 2011 will be won by Sri Lanka.

  2. Dham Says:

    We thought you are a Sri lankan.

  3. jimmy Says:

    I thought you are a Srilankan too
    2011 will be won by Srilanka Puppy

  4. Sunil Vijaya Says:

    Sorry guys – I wish Sri Lanka win but Indians deserve to win, as I thought they never won the cup. I am totally for Sri Lankans!

  5. jimmy Says:

    Thank you Sunil

  6. Dham Says:

    Bloody Indians. They are the worse lot. Aussies are better than them.
    You are ex-buddie of Mahinda. After your SL trip you changed.
    Will you be watching todays match ?

  7. Nihal Fernando Says:

    Rain, rain come again, but not today.

  8. cassandra Says:


    Considering some of what you have written, I am almost tempted to say that your hesitation about writing something about cricket on this website was perhaps not entirely misplaced.

    I am surprised to see you say – even after one of the respondents to your article pointed out that India has indeed won the Cup before – that “I wish Sri Lanka win but Indians deserve to win, as I thought they never won the cup”. To my mind, the team that deserves to win is the team that performs best. The fact that a team has not won the Cup before does not of itself make it deserving of victory. If you are to apply that logic, you might as well say that England and New Zealand, who have not won the Cup previously, also deserve to win.

    Sri Lankans pride themselves on their hospitality and it is only right and proper – not a matter of foolishness – for Sri Lankans to ensure visiting Australian teams are welcomed warmly and their stay in the country made as pleasant as possible.

    I do agree however that it is not smart of Sri Lankan cricketers to fall easy prey to the sledging of the Australian cricketers by allowing themselves to be upset and end up throwing their wickets away.

    You are not the first person to refer on this Website to Australians as “descendants of convicts” The comment is factually incorrect, irrelevant to the topic here and is in very poor taste. One would have expected you, as someone living in Australia, to know that not ALL white Australians are descended from convicts and that some of the so-called convicts who were sent to Australia in the early days were, anyway, only guilty of petty offences like stealing a loaf of bread. And, talking of convicts, can anyone of us be absolutely certain that there are no convicts among our ancestors? If we go far back enough up our family trees we may well find any number of undesirable characters there!

    Whether the 1996 ‘combination’ of Arjuna and Aravinda may not be repeated is a matter for debate. But you cannot say that between them, Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene do not reflect similar talent and class. It is perhaps in regard to the rest of the team that the 1996 team was perhaps better. The victory of 1996 can be repeated but it is by no means assured. There’s still some way to go. First, Sri Lanka has to make sure it beats England in the Quarters.

    So, for the moment let’s wish team Sri Lanka good luck at the Premadasa stadium in that encounter which is only a few hours away from getting under way.

  9. Sunil Vijaya Says:

    Dham – I may be an ex-buddy of Mahinda true but I have not much of a passion for cricket anymore as its lost the touch. Its all about money now. A lot of corruption and fierce fighting all because of money and played not in the spirit of the game. When I was in Canada I totally lost interest in this game as its not popular there although I was drawn back when my cousin started pLaying for Sri Lanka, a cousin I never met – Aravinda.
    Cas – Your observations about convicts are correct but I just dread the way these guys play the game – they are an exception to the game. You have the right for your own views and I respect them and I refrain from disputing others views or passions. In fact I am not passionate about who wins or loses. I practice equanimity.

  10. jimmy Says:

    A friend of mine gave this site you can watch cricket free


    SRILANKA will win ENGLAND yes

  11. Rohan Says:

    Sri Lanka will win the world cup in 2011! Mark my words.
    They just walloped, the Queen of England team in Sri Lanka.
    They will in similar fashion by beating New Zealand and whoever they meet in the final.
    I agree with the author this Sri Lankan team isn’t as good as the Sri Lankan team of 1996
    But they are still good enough to win 2011 World cup. They were semi finalists in 2003, finalists in 2007 unfortunately the arrogant australians were in their way in both occasions who also unfortunately had a very very good team otherwise it is conceivable that Sri Lanka could have even won the 2003 and 2007 World Cups. In 2007 in the Caribbean WC final I am sure if Adam Gilchrist hadn’t cheated by sneaking a golf balll in his glove which transferred the kinetic energy generated by the bowlers along with his shots. If Adam Gilchrist was taken care of early I am sure Sri Lanka would have won the caribbean final in 2007. Certainly nearly all of the people in the ground in the Caribbean final were backing Sri Lanka! I am quite sure the rest of the cricket world doesn’t like either England or Australia or even New Zealand teams as they represent the arrogance of the white man’s world on the cricket field. Certainly we have had many instances of this from England, Australia and New Zealand teams especially regarding how they treated Muttiah Muralitharan, Sri Lanka’s best bowler.

  12. eraser Says:

    Sri Lanka is is the best prepared team in the World Cup and have the most balanced bowling and batting. They have shown this time and time again. They are well supported all over the Cricket world ( 2007 Cup they were the darlings of the cricket world) except by our old Sri Lankan’s with their Post -Colonial mind set. Just remember in this Postmodernist world Cricket is not the England’s game. Once again the Sri Lankan boys will go the distance and this time they will have that cup to show. All the rest of you can suffer in your Post-Colonial angst. Go Lanka Go!!!!!

  13. Ben_silva Says:

    Sunil has shown his true nature. He is a traitor and a puppet of Indians.

  14. jimmy Says:

    Srilanka will win big times.

    Please do not be harsh on Sunil
    We all make mistakes in writing .not a big deal.Please never say Sunil is a traitor

    WE NEED TO STOP USING THIS TRAITOR word .We srilankans use it all the time . Some one use it for Ranil earlier
    Take it easy please RELAX

    I gave you guys the site you can watch

  15. Dham Says:

    Hey Ben Silva,
    You have shown your hidden agenda. You want to kill Buddhism in Sri Lanka. This is why you are insulting my good friend Sunit, who is the real patriot, not you.
    Thank you Jimmy for defending my friend. Although you are Catholic , you are my friend too , as long as you do not try to impose your God idea to all of us in general. You can use it within you religion – include Ben there too.

  16. Sunil Vijaya Says:

    Ben – I never thought you can stoop to this low and be so unprofessional. The meaning deserve doesn’t mean I support India but was sympathetic towards them as I assumed they never won the world cup. This country is cricket mad and they have a 24 hour channel exclusive for cricket and they host the 20/20 games. This is what I meant by deserve and your filthy statement of me being a traitor is out of context. All along I had some degree of respect to your statements but from now on just watch you language. Because I will be so hard on you as I was with that clown Priyantha A, until he had a graceful exit from this forum. In fact the forum has judged you already – I need not go any further.

  17. Sunil Vijaya Says:

    Ben – I know you have been hurt and you resorted to these unwarrented statements. You will have no following here if you continue on this silly path.

  18. aravinda Says:

    Best site to watch cricket is “BestCricketHighlights”. That is perfect TV quality and no ads. In MyCricketHighlights and Crictime the videos are of lower quality.

  19. Ben_silva Says:

    You started name calling and I merely responded. I never hurle abuse at Lankans unless I am abused first.
    Probably best tro call it quits and stop this silly path that you started.

  20. priyantha273 Says:

    Tharanga & Dilshan both prove their talent and crashed out England yesterday showing that the spirit of their side to win the cup this time too. They deserve it i believe. If they repeat the same in next couple of matches, definitely Sri Lanka have the trophy.

  21. Dham Says:

    You are the one who started silly path. When you say ¨He is a traitor and a puppet of Indians”. Actually you are the puppet of some one hidden.

  22. jimmy Says:

    Thanks Aravinda for the site

  23. Rohan Says:

    Haha delighted the Aussies were kicked out of the cricket world cup. All aussie teams since 1990 have been boorish and ungentlemanly in the extreme, all they care about was victory on the cricket field at any price without any respect for the opposition. The Aussies could learn a thing or two in spirit of cricket from the England team especially how they took the recent huge defeat they had against Sri Lanka in the world cup. If it was Australia you can bet they would have made some big excuse. I have always backed England 110 % in the Ashes cricket contests in the past, and it is not because I am a British citizen. So I was really pleased England team thrashed the aussies in the last ashes series. I am sure the entire aussie cricket establishment must be really hurting as a result. Good riddance to the aussies I say, well done to England in retaining the ashes.

  24. jimmy Says:

    Folks this site works well you can watch alive

  25. jimmy Says:

    We won babeeee

    now we have to face India or pakistan on Finals

  26. aravinda Says: appears to be a good site too.

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