Jayalalitha’s dog and pony show a futile attempt at mass hysteria
Posted on May 16th, 2011

By Philip Fernando

AIADMK leader Jayalalitha is acting like PrabhakaranƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s avatar beating the war drums in Tamil Nadu after becoming Chief Minister. The mass hysteria she feigns is nothing but a testament to her conflicting interests with New Delhi. So her rhetorical onslaught seemed directed at Sonia and Rahul Gandhi in order to drown Tamil NaduƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s gargantuan economic crisis. Ironically, Rajiv Gandhi took a direct hit from the psychotic Prabhakaran. Now Jayalalitha re-enacts the insipid melodrama periodically talking of a mythical Eelam. The dog and pony show reappears whenever the turf battles get hot in Tamil Nadu.

At the height of the terror war in 2008, Jayalalitha espoused military intervention by India in Sri Lanka even though she knew fully well that that it would never work. JayalalithaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s sabre rattling gambit rises in direct proportion to the impasse she faces in trying to salvage her state. She is precariously poised with plenty of domestic opposition and crippling hostility expected from the central government ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢¢”š¬…”uncertainties abound and she does the gig like a puppet on a string.

Strategic ambiguities of Tamil Nadu politics

Strategic ambiguities of Jayalalitha and her companions usually occur when her opponents, the DMK get marooned in political blunders as seen during last weekƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s election campaign. The Spectrum Scandal that rocked India and the ineffective leadership of the DMK was JayalalithaƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s gain. The Central government leaders usually get immersed in Tamil Nadu issues only when elections draw near. That has being so for decades.

Jayalalitha exploited that to the utmost. Her conduct at the elections seemed equally shocking as she reportedly offered everything from grinders and mixers, kitchen utensils and four grams of gold each as marriage assistance to the womenfolk in Tamil Nadu and laptop computers to students in return for their votes. Electoral public auction she won as the DMK looked stoic.

Dangling the chauvinistic bait

Winning and performing are poles apart for Jayalalitha. So the chauvinistic bait continues threatening to carve out Eelam in Sri Lanka and have President Mahinda Rajapaksa hauled up before an international war crimes tribunal. Those shenanigans would not even trick a circus clown. Yet she thrives doing the same act. For one thing, the threat of military action is only effective if itƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s credible. Given the aversion to force now prevailing in the world, practising territorial banditry had proved to be futile even for super powers. Jayalalitha rattles regardless.

She is too naƒÆ’†’ƒ”š‚¯ve to realise that Sri Lankans successfully wiped out the LTTE menace with superlative execution and shrew political strategy. Jayalalitha can gripe as much ad she wants but the logistics of interventionism would never materialise. India would not want to commit hara-kiri instituting Eelam across Palk Strait. Separatism would spread like wild fire in India.

Jayalalitha and her AIADMK would have to live with the politics of India. Tamil Nadu, the well-governed state during the tine of the Nehru government had reached dire straights economically during the past decade. The DMK just got smashed under the weight of miss-governance. The same would stare Jayalalitha in the face.

So she would be hollering the inflammable Eelam rhetoric coupled with the provocative salvos against Sri Lanka and her leaders. That would be partial consumption for her gullible fans but the real tirades would come when the economic doldrums sends Jayalalitha reeling for cover needing much more wholesome diet. Until that happens we will hear the lunatic Tamil Nadu fringe being catered to by the equally rabid Jayalalitha.

9 Responses to “Jayalalitha’s dog and pony show a futile attempt at mass hysteria”

  1. OaO Asithri Says:

    Well explained Mr. Fernando! This is how the TamilNadu politicians string along the populace of TamilNadu – taking them for suckers and showing a non-existent grandiose might to “I will make everything more-than-right for SL Tamils” type of slogan that never fails to grab the racist-lunatic sucker-fringe in TN! All these empty-headed ballyhooing by the likes of this woman never ever can pin down what is meant by “equal rights for Tamils in Sri Lanka” – simply because that is a only a smoke-screen…as today every Tamil in Sri Lanka enjoys all and every right/freedom that is enjoyed by everyone else in Sri Lanka! Cutting through the smoke screen one sees that their real agenda is a racist-separatist Tamils-only state out of Sri Lanka and they have frustrations about it – as they see that it will be formed only when Hell Freezes Over, or when Sri Lankans elect a Don-Juan type, aka Ranil Wickremasinghe type, to Presidency!!!

  2. OaO Asithri Says:

    Well explained Mr. Fernando! This is how the TamilNadu politicians string along the populace of TamilNadu – taking them for suckers and showing a non-existent grandiose might to “I will make everything more-than-right for SL Tamils” type of slogan that never fails to grab the racist-lunatic sucker-fringe in TN! All these empty-headed ballyhooing by the likes of this woman never ever can pin down what is meant by “equal rights for Tamils in Sri Lanka” – simply because that is a only a smoke-screen…as today every Tamil in Sri Lanka enjoys all and every right/freedom that is enjoyed by everyone else in Sri Lanka! Cutting through the smoke screen one sees that their real agenda is a racist-separatist Tamils-only state out of Sri Lanka and they have frustrations about it – as they see that it will be formed only when Hell Freezes Over, or when Sri Lankans elect a Don-Juan type, aka Ranil Wickremasinghe type, to Presidency!!!

  3. OaO Asithri Says:

    Dear Editor, apologies for the duplicate post. Please delete one. Sincerely, OaOA

  4. jimmy Says:

    Tamil nadu politicians say anything and everything (a) to get votes (b) to get money for themselves

    Easy way of money making in T. Nadu is talking about Lankan tamil issue

    I am a tamil I beg you will you all be kind to Tamils, will you make sure Tamils will never ever treated differently .
    I know tamils need to be patriotic .I know one day they will be at least the young generation
    . Will you make them feel happy and comfortable

    Other day Mudali said tamils get mail in sinhalese even in courts the written language is sinhalese

    Tamil languange should be emphasied in tamil areas so a villager or a farmer or a carpenter could easily understand and get access in his or her mother tongue

    I know in my heart there are many brilliant minds who are members in the forum . I am not an intellectual

    will you promise me you will never have hatred for tamils

    we all have to work hard for unity . it might take time but it is possible

    I love you all

  5. ranjit Says:

    Jimmy dont worry have hopes and pray for a better Lanka for all our children yours and mine to live as decent good human beings in our beloved homeland called SRI LANKA. Nature will remove all the bad guys from this earth as they are all curse to this world. We need Peace not wars,We need good education,jobs,housing,health services for future generation not Drugs, prostitution, fighting,arguing, corrupt,underworld society.

    The way our country is moving today I think we can see a bright light at the end of the tunnel for both of us.Our future generation in both sides will not do the same mistakes as they did in the past. Look at the children in the north south east and west they are all children of Motherlanka. They love to have good education,They love to do sports,They love to do everything what other good children do in civilized countries.

    Hypocrits like Jayalalitha,Sampandan and other stooges who instigate poor innocent people to do their dirty jobs to stay in power will be vanished to thin air like a tornado. They can bark and bark but we must stay united and firm like concrete. Dont listen to gossips believe what you see and hear. You have to believe in yourself and take the right dicision in your life if you need peace of mind. Let’s get united and beat hell out of our enmies.

  6. thurai Says:

    We must wait and see what will happen in the future. Jeyalalitha wants to stop the voices of other paid LTTE politicians like Nedumaren, Vaiko and seeman. All Politicians who cheat the people have a chance.
    Karunanidhi went now Jeya. Nothing will happen when we Sri Lankan unite ourself and cocentrate unity and development of our Land. She knows well LTTE and supporters are in Tamilnadu. If she wants to move freely without fear she must say something to cool the Blood thirsty Tigers.

  7. bandara Says:

    Jayalalitha should identify her priorities without bothering about Sri Lankan Tamils.Even after 3o years war sri lankan tamils living standards are better than that of tamilnadu tamils.Sri Lankan regim is working hard to uplift north and east after the war.The area is fast developing .Give little time for them to come even with the o people of other parts of the country.
    But in contrast many people in tamilnadu are below the poverty line.No work for people,no access to health services,no schools for many,thousand of street children,beggars, etc all sort of social evils are there but politicians just ignore all these and beat war drums against sri lanka.
    In tamilnadu Many people including women have to sit on road side for natures calls because they dont have basic sanitary needs.
    I think Madam Chief minster should try to uplift her own peoples living conditions without trying to hide behind sri lankan tamils.Atleast provide few toilets to poor women in tamilnadu becasue as a lady she might know it is very embarrassing for them to sit along road side for human needs.Wish you all the best to serve your Poor Tamilnadu people without trying to divert attention to unrelated issues.

  8. bandara Says:

    If Jayalaitha has so much concern for Sri Lankan Tamils she should prove it by genuine way.
    Now thousand of hungry tamilnadu tamils are encroaching our Sea and loot our northern fishermen livelihood.
    Thousands of Jaffana fishing families have been affected.
    If you are so much worry about our tamils please stop looting our sea .It is shameful for Indians to steal some others food and eat.Shame,Shame.You must stop this shameful practice to save indians pride.
    India is a big country and they should live a big and just living.

  9. andylingam Says:

    Agreed tamilnadu tamils are encroaching our Sea .
    We see from our own eye in Delft island sea they are stealing our fish & damaging our fisher net .
    Our SL Navy is doing good job !I hope these our Tamil Polical ideats understand !

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