Archive for July 23rd, 2011

Of War Crimes, Accountability, Economic Blackmail etc

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Dr Bandula Kothalawala According to an AFP report, a US congressional committee has voted to ban aid to Sri Lanka unless the nation shows “accountability” over the bloodshed in the final stages of its civil war in 2009. Of late, strangely enough, US legislators have developed an incurable obsession with a newfangled concept – accountability. […]

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Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

By Walter Jayawardhana in Los Angeles Norwegian terrorist bombs that killed more than 90 people “ƒ¢¢”š¬…”mostly young summer vacationers in that country have been ironically made with fertilizer , a method popularized by Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka during the heyday of the LTTE terrorism in the Indian Ocean island nation. Norway has allegedly become […]

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Define A Terrorist, Freedom Fighters or a Lunatic!

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Prof. Hudson McLean Sad events in Oslo Norway, where a “right wing” sympathiser is branded conclusivelyƒ”š‚  as a “Terrorist” without any investigation, when compared with the events during 30 years by the LTTE Terrorists were branded as “Freedom Fighters”, just anything other than criminal terrorists, is considered unfair biased journalism. Erik Solheim International Development Minister […]

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Killer in Paradise? Really?!? While Norway has a history of supporting suicide terrorists?

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Alastair Reynard Reports by the research organization Norwegians Against Terror (NAT) have claimed that many Sri Lankan Tamils, including LTTE terrorist cadres, were able to come to Norway on documents and passports bought from corrupt employees of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry. NAT has also shown that the Norwegian Foreign Ministry and the Oslo Municipality have […]

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The terrorists have attacked the Centre of Oslo. What has Eric Solheim got to say ?

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

By Charles. S. Perera ƒ”š‚ The Global Tamil Forum of the Pro LTTE terrorist Catholic Father Emmanuel Joseph may have in his Global Tamil Forum, ƒ”š‚ experienced terrorists who may have one time or another participated in terrorism in Sri Lanka alongside Prabhakaran or his son Charles, and perhaps there are among its members experts in explosives […]

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Terrorist bombing in Norway

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

ƒÆ’‚¯ƒ”š‚»ƒ”š‚¿ Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Gove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario .ƒ”š‚ Canadaƒ”š‚  23 July 2011 ƒ”š‚ The Editor (Letters) THE OTTAWA CITIZEN ƒ”š‚ Sir: In reference to Norway’s terror-bombing you said, “Nobody really needed to be reminded that terrorists can strike anywhere, any time. We all know that global terrorist networks or monomaniacs can find an excuse for […]

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Norway gets a ‘taste of terrorism’

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Dr.P.A.Samaraweera, Australia On 22nd July, the centre of Oslo had been rocked by a bomb blast by terrorists. Initial fears were that the Prime Minister was caught in the mess as it had been near govt quarters but he had escaped. Hundreds had been trapped in devastated buildings and at the time the death toll […]

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Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Malin Abeyatunge I have quoted a below a part of a letter I sent to media soon after the bomb blast in Bombay saying that we should not condemn any bomb blasts killing innocent civilians in the countries who have been supporting the LTTE by providing safe haven, assisting financially and propagating their Eelam Agenda. […]

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Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

F. Rovik Retired crusader against terrorism Friday 22nd July 2011 will be remembered in Norwegian history as one our worst tragedies. During my years working for NAT I could say to the Norwegian Government ?we told you so? to the Norwegian politicians. Instead I am very sad we were not able to communicate to Norwegian […]

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President Mahinda’s UPFA takes early lead in the 2nd round of Local Government Elections held today.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

A.A.M.Nizam. ƒ”š‚ Results are being announced in the 2nd round of local government elections held in Sri Lanka today.ƒ”š‚  Elections were held for 65 Local Government Institutions which were postponed due to pending Court cases following rejection of nominations by the Elections Commissioner’s Office.ƒ”š‚  There was a great enthusiasm throughout the country in today’s election.ƒ”š‚  The […]

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