A further Nail In The LTTE Coffin!Adele Balasingham The Former Consort Of LTTE Idealogue Does A Number On Them!
Posted on September 2nd, 2011
In Retrospect By Sarath Kumara
September 3rd 2011
The shocking revelation that Adele Balasingham, the wife of late LTTE theoretician, Anton Balasingham reputed to have had a hand im many of the attrocities committed by the LTTE and fashioning the concept of the Cyanide Capsule to moot, has now curiously deserted the LTTE taking with her or hoarding away massive ill gotten funds of the LTTE that were deposited to the credit of her late husband in several named foreign banks with joint accounts with her but comes as no surprise.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ There are many researchers who have observed her closely over a long period of time and are well aware of her dubious personality and devious mindset which was observed from the very outset. The Balasinghams were quite a bold and blatant pair perfectly suited to eachother with their crafty connivances which afforded them a lifestyle that befuddled the British Authorities through their eloquence and pretences which helped them weave a web of subterfuge, intrigue and devious planning that once held the LTTE together providing the brainpower for their leader of limited intelligence capacity albeit equally murderous , ruthless and relentless of his vicious nature ~ Velupillai Prabhakaran who somehow managed to fool the Tamil Community for decades but was eventually a victim of his own lack of grey matter perhaps but beyond a doubt involving the clever manoeuvering of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces and their leadership which led to his eventual demise!
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Adele Balasingham seems to have perfectly suited the needs of the LTTE towards the vicious and criminal input which was a hallmark of the LTTE and a feature which must be rubbed in the faces of those in the international community, the Tamil diaspora supportive of the LTTE (TNA take note!) and certain world powers who continue to harp on falsified attrocities alleged to have been committed by the Government of Sri Lanka.These entities need to be scoffed at for not only their puerility and worthlesness of interpretative concept but also their transparencies leaning towards tolerance of a terrorist entity which when put down in their entirety still generates sympathies from blinkered and perhaps even an ignorant perspective. United Nations also please take note ~ particularly Mr Ban Ki Moon, Naveen Pillai, the sources which hosted the Channel 4 Video et al !!! It seems quite fashionable for people in these circles to take pot shots at the Government of Sri Lanka indiscriminately it needs to be mentioned for the record.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ According to verifiable reports from London it has come to light that millions of US dollars collected as ransoms and from illegal LTTE businesses in Canada, Germany, London,Switzerland and Sweden to name a few parts of the world, have been diverted to the accounts of Balasinghams in those countries amongst others purportedly on the orders of Prabakaran who was a close associate of the Balasinghans, particularly Anton on whom the former seems to have depended for brain power. The reports also attest to related details that after the death of Balsingham, Adele had purchased a mansion in the outskirts of London at a cost of Pound Sterling 500,000.According to these reports a large portion of funds have been diverted to her native country, Australia, where she has earlier worked as a Nurse in the State of Victoria in the vicinity of Melbourne, incriminating evidence attesting to her lack of integrity and where her direction has led her and the possibility of the long arm of the law reaching out to her eventually.
Perhaps this is poetic justice ( albeit never justifiable in the overall scheme of things relative to the criminalities involved!) that an overseas LTTE network has claimed ( official confirmation may soon follow) that vast funds from a separate joint account which had been in existence for many years in London for Adele and Anton to cover medical expenses of Anton who suffered from an acute kidney ailment, to which he succumbed on December 14, 2006 in London, has been misappropriated.This is also an object lesson for the British Authorities who for decades seemed to cover up for the Balasinghams who moved around freely and lived with impunity in England despite world awareness of their criminalities and now upto the Australian Authorities or any other country she may have chosen to seek refuge in to apprehend her and bring her to justice!
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Adele is reported have distanced herself from the LTTE commencing 2008 and had cut off links with the overseas ‘financial network’, according to the reports which have exposed her and presumed credible.
One report claims that the LTTE hired the prestigious Alexandra Hall in London to keep the remains of Balasingham and it cost Pound Sterling 40,000 for just seven hours.Another account had been opened at a London bank for funeral donations from the Tamil diaspora to be credited for funeral expenses.The monies to which this woman had access to from various global accounts according to reports was said to be well over a million dollars. There seems to be an unmistakable ring to the criminalities of Adele Balasingham of a pre meditated nature and connivance where the LTTE reports have stated that Adele Balasingham had totally cut off communications with the overseas LTTE diaspora after the death of LTTE leader,Prabakaran.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Perhaps the time has come for all the bickering about Sri Lanka’s so called human rights violations to stop as here then is another testimonial towards what the LTTE really consisted of and how they were put down no call for sympathies or linking the attrocities committed by them to the Nation of Sri Lanka merely to appease the LTTE sympathisers and their so called ‘rump’ with no real justification or tangible evidence! The world has been rid of an evil personified by the likes of this woman who has now revealed her criminal face, A crafty as well as dangerous personage of importance now to Interpol and other world organizations of Law Enforcement, crime prevention and the spread of terrorism globally.
ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ This then is surely a further nail in the LTTE coffin! where Adele Balasingham The former consort of LTTE idealogue Anton Balasingham has done a number on the now directionless LTTE not only exposing their network of resources but also helping herself to some of it which she will have to eventually cough up unless it swallows her up as fallout of her own greed before that!!
September 2nd, 2011 at 4:33 pm
Tamil separatists are killing each other physically and financially. It cannot get any better than this.
September 2nd, 2011 at 8:59 pm
This old cow gave our children cyanide and told them how to commit suicide. Now she is having a jolly good time in London. Where is so called British justice? God, Where art thou? This cow gave cyanide to 13 year old girls. I am loosing my faith in God now. How long have we got to live waiting for justice?
September 3rd, 2011 at 3:54 am
Take heart Aravinda my friend, do not lose your faith! This woman’s time has already come and she is probably in hiding at the present, just a matter of time beofore she is hauled in.
It was, Divine Power that has guided our noble leaders who freed Sri Lanka from the LTTE, the devil in disguise Prabhakaran and his subordinates like Anton Balasingham, Thamilchelvam and all the terrorists who created mayhem in Sri Lanka fo decades. Justice has ben and will be done fiurther remembering the condemnations and sentencing of those who killed Rajiv Gandhi in India, the demise of Osama Bin Laden and all the global incidents of terrorists being accounted for with each passing day.”Time and Tide for no man awaiteth” but Jusice will be done!
September 3rd, 2011 at 4:03 am
Mr Sarath Kumara,
Don’t dig the past!
September 3rd, 2011 at 6:28 am
don’t buy these stories,
Sinhalese are far behind the world to analyses and decide. The West who shouted to the world that they were protecting Tamil in general and Tigers and also proven that they smuggled some tigers out of Sri lanka to protect them during last phase of war. Therefore, why and who want to arrest this lady. The truth is why somebody want to arrest her because she carries all important information which are linked to the West. This has nothing to do with attracting Tamil children or killing anybody. Ltte, India and some tamil poeple in TN knows the global secret of the west very well, but they continues to trust them because they believe West hate muslin, Chinese and Sinhalese. The fact they do not love nobody, but use them for war industry.
September 3rd, 2011 at 6:51 am
Sorry to say ~ both Ranjith and Jayt obviously show their huge pro Tamil bias and related conflicts of interests here, where their collective opinions aren’t worth a second glance as they seem to miss the point that this demonic woman needs to be exposed for who whe reallt was during the LTTE insurgency.”Don’t dig the past” is either a statement of ignorance or one of convenience to sweep things under the carpet as it is from the past the present realities need to be sustained! and its not a case of “somebody wanting to arrest her because she carries important information to the West” or that “some Tamil poeple in TN know the global secret of the West very well” what rubbish is that? She has indulged in criminal activity and is the reason she needs to be arrested! The protest that ” ‘they’ continue to trust because ‘they’ believe the West hates Muslin, Chinese and Sinhalese. The fact they do not love nobody, but use them for war industry.” bears no relevance to the topic under review! which is Adele Balasingham has a tainted track record, a dubious past and now she has proved all the accusations against her that she is criminally liable for wrongdoings.
September 3rd, 2011 at 7:59 am
this is not rubbish. This woman were in the west and have been working with european and other western govts together. Where Sinhalese lived in the fast 30 years?
September 3rd, 2011 at 8:13 am
I read an article that a group of British SriLankans in London, comprising all ethnic groups, have very recently filed action against Adele Balasingham for commiting war crimes by training young Tamil girls to be suicide bombers and also promoting them to wear a cyanide capsule to commit suicide in the event of getting arrested by the security forces.
September 3rd, 2011 at 8:32 am
Whey West did not put her in jail when she was committing crimes? And How come West who wanted save tigers and now want to put her in jail? These are all very reasoned questions. Exposer of her and others’ crime is good thing, no argument about it.
September 3rd, 2011 at 8:43 am
Read this!
September 3rd, 2011 at 3:53 pm
Hello Sunil Mahattaya,
Everybody knows that this cyanide tutor Adele was a criminal who was a staunch supporter of tamil terrorists.
Even knowing the fact. no politician never and ever opened his mouth to the world about her apparent heinous cyanide culture against humanity.
Anyone can prosecute against Adele. Will she countable for her crimes? Definetely not?
It’s only a mirage that anyone believes – any sentence be given to Adele through British Courts?
Fortunately, Adele is not an Asian. Fortunately, she is a notorious white lady.
So, better don’t dig the past!
September 3rd, 2011 at 4:05 pm
Sunil Mahattaya
You hit the nail on the head.
“Ranjith” and “Jayt” are LTTE possibly worse. Pretending to be Sinhalese/Sri Lankans. I have proven that previously. To keep their cover they say popular things sometimes but all other times show tiger stripes.
September 3rd, 2011 at 5:58 pm
If my writings are visible as pro-government, anti-Ltte, anti-tamil, etc then you are ready to garland me that I am a real Sinhalese/Sri Lankan.
When my writings appear as pros and cons to the SLG, Tamils or other minorities, then you call me the stripes of an animal.
I do not know what type of Sinhalese/Sri Lankan??
September 3rd, 2011 at 8:24 pm
somebody who serious about this please answer my question.
Why now? This woman paid by European governments and travel to Sri lanka secretly but with knowledge to all parties and news papers. She went there for murder directed by Europeans. And if she goes to jail then the Western prime ministers and presidents and others who directed her have to go to jail. She was not her own. She was appointed by top people from western governments as a part of covert operation. They have been doing it every day to every country since 1948. If any body do a right investigation and charges them murder, you will have to charge more than 50 thousands people in US, Canada, Europe and Australia. All these people belong to various organizations and individuals authorized by govts
September 4th, 2011 at 6:26 am
Therefore, don’t wast your time. West will not change. the only short term and long term solution to the west is other people and other countries have to change by establishing globally co operated spy network to protect their own countries, then West will change and try to be friendly and mind their own business. otherwise destruction of other countries will continues
Looking at latest news about Libya, see how American public respond; they realized why the world hate them. It is theirs and European own creation. Also, Libya case only a tiny bit of what they been doing across the globe. What about somebody officially charge them of been behind murder of prim ministers, MPs, members of political parties and Buddhist temple attacks, Hindu temple attacks, Mosques attacks, embassies attacks, bus attacks, train attacks in In Sri lanka, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Africa and other part of the world. All these excellently can be proven if somebody trigger a court hearing in US or Europe.
However, Libya news was set by same people to get a good name for “Human right workers” and these “journalists” who are spies. And they aimed it mainly at Sri lanka India, Pakistan, Libya, Syria which are the are country they involved now. What happen next is people of and govts of these countries fall into this trick and allow all these spies as human rights workers and journalists. Once there are there, they establishes excellent espionage network and your country will be geared for full destruction and you will never catch them.