A Presidential move REQUIRED
Posted on September 4th, 2011

Ranjith Soysa

The incidence of chronic kidney disease and deaths mainly in the NCP are continuing in spite of public outcry.The causes of CKD are being debated in the scientific community in various forms while some have indicated the presence of Arsenic in the pesticide formulations imported as a main contributing factor.The Pesticide Act of 2001 and internationally accepted Code of Federal Registrations- USA including FAO specifications prohibit the use of Arsenic as an ingredient for Pesticides. Therefore, if Arsenic is present in the agricultural inputs imported to Sri Lanka the solution is very simple and the authorities should act and consider even claiming compensation to the victims. In fact , JHU has sent samples of pesticides imported to Sri Lanka and a Malaysian Lab has conformed the presence of Arsenic ,Mercury and Cynide in no less than 13 well known brands.

While we are on a mega project drive to boost tourism, foreign investment etc an urgent, giant effort is required to eradicate CKD and also to introduce curative steps such as providing purified water to the NCP. There is no reason why NCP dwellers should be compelled to drink polluted and poisonous water . ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ As per 2009 Central Bank statistics NCP ‘s population is 1.225 million with population density of 126 per sq met.Its prosperity index is 48.4 ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ way below the Western index of 66.1

(2007) The province supplies agri-products to the national economy while the NCPers faced directly the brutality of the LTTE. They also formed the core of the civil defense forces to protect the Nation.

Hence, their plight neglected by the Cabinet and the powerful Provincial Councils should NOW receive the attention of the President to work out the long term and short term measures to overcome deadly CKD. It is necessary to ascertain the cause of CKD and also as an urgent measure to supply pipe borne water to the NCP .

Another method is to construct rain water collecting towers in many localities and organize methodical distribution to the NCPers.

Perhaps, the Minister Basil Rajapakse can initiate a project “

Pirisindu Wathura to NCP” as

it can trigger the attention of the concerned to this critical issue.

It may be the ONLY way of meeting of the expectations of the poor of the poorest who have been complaining from late 80’s about CKD.

Already ,20,000 poor people have died of CKD during last 20 years and as much as tens of thousands are suffering from related diseases.

We have wasted over 25 years sacrificing them to CKD. ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ Through scientific methods and dynamic political action we can overcome. But , as ƒÆ’-¡ƒ”š‚ the proverb says ” It is a poor workman who quarrels with his tools ‘

One Response to “A Presidential move REQUIRED”

  1. purohithaa Says:

    This is the result of Sri Lanka being the dumping grounds for the Western rejects! Most of these are introduced to SL by the Sri Lankans who make deals with the firms who have to dump them from circulation in those countries as they have been found to cause serious Health hazards. Various milk power and out dated foodstuff found easy passage to the Supermarkets to repack and sell in SL. The go betweens in these deals have been the elite from Colombo who migrated to the West and who couldn’t get a decent job. It would be very easy to track the culprits if the Government wants to stop to it and claim compensation for the innocent consumers & farmers.

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