The cure for dengue
Posted on September 26th, 2011

Dr. Tilak Fernando

The Times of India gave much publicity recently to two villages where people were rushing to homeopathic clinics to obtain the drug Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 to fight the dengue epidemic. Here in Sri Lanka, despite the government recently introducing the BTI Bacteria imported from Cuba and spraying it on stagnant pools at considerable cost, the results have been an abject failure and dengue continues to infect the population with over 20,000 cases recorded this year with over 200 fatalities.

A meeting was recently held at the CSR (Centre for Society and Religion) Colombo to commemorate the death anniversary of the late Professor of Pharmacology Dr Balasubramanium. Among the distinguished guests present were some medical doctors. Prof. Carlo Fonseka addressed the audience after which 82 year old Joe de Livera, who still functions as the CEO of a very old family owned business organization in Pettah, also spoke.

As a guest speaker, he delivered a lecture on the efficacy of Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200 which he has successfully prescribed to many patients as the cure for dengue.

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-My goal is to spread the news of this amazing Homeopathic remedy that will cure dengue, as widely as is possible, as it has proved to cure a patient in under six hours and saved many lives. What is more important is that it can help to ensure that dengue is eradicated from Sri Lanka and this can only be achieved if the government and the doctors will permit the use of this remedy in hospitals. All that is needed is that the doctors give the patient a teaspoonful of the remedy which is made by medicating bottles of standard drinking water sold in supermarkets, every few hours as prescribedƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.


Allopathic Medicine throughout the past century has traditionally been prejudiced against Homeopathy since it has no clinical proof, but the fact remains that it works in some mysterious manner to cure disease, especially dengue.

He also believes that a few other diseases that are often helped and cured by Homeopathy, like Eczema, Asthma, Arthritis, GERD (commonly known as Gastritis), to name only a few, cannot be equalled by drugs. It is this prejudice on the part of the medical profession that he is trying to overcome as he is absolutely convinced that Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200c which has been used for over a century is the ultimate remedy to treat viral diseases spread by mosquitoes. He feels very strongly that the current attitude of doctors to virtually refuse to use the one remedy that will cure dengue can be construed as a violation of the Oath of Hippocrates that they all solemnly took when they first registered as doctors.

Joe de LiveraƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢s plea, especially to the doctors present, was that they use the remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum in the 200c potency which he prepared to activate in their presence in sealed bottles of spring water to prove that there was nothing else – drug or other substance – used to activate the bottles of spring water. Unfortunately there were no takers!

It is no exaggeration that dengue has reached epidemic levels in Sri Lanka and it is in the hands of the government and the medical profession to give Homeopathy a chance to help cure this epidemic of dengue.

Arnica Montana

Turning briefly to Arnica Montana, he came out with many facts about its use for various diseases which he has collated in his website. He has found the wet dose (a bottle of water activated with just three drops of the Homeopathic remedy) to be far more effective in comparison to the standard dry pellets used by Homeopaths.

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-I am a living example of the efficacy of this remedy as I have taken a teaspoonful nightly since 1996 which is almost 16 years ago. I do not use any drugs whatever on a daily basis as many of my age do, except on a SOS basis like after surgery, and I have not required any drugs to treat standard ailments like coughs and colds which are only too common and which I have noticed I do not catch as often as I did before my involvement in Homeopathy. My BP is under 120/80, Pulse around 70 BPM. Cholesterol and Triglycerides are at normal levels.

I believe I have proved that Homeopathy is by far more effective than the drugs that many use on a daily basisƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.

ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-At 82 years of age I do not have any ailment or pain in my body. I use Homeopathic remedies exclusively to treat myself and those have enabled me to maintain my present state of health which is the envy of many who are half my age. Even today I drive myself daily to office to execute my duties as the CEO of my organization, as I have done for the last 60 yearsƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.

After the proceedings many rushed to obtain Arnica 30 which he distributed in bottles of water free of charge. A few wanted the dengue remedy, but unfortunately none of the doctors requested it.

Joe de Livera quipped: ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ…-The problem they have is that they depend on disease for their livelihood while in my case I am trying my level best to not only cure, but to also eradicate this dreaded disease even before it strikes anyone. It is the loss of their revenue that the doctors are concerned with, as if by using this remedy, a patient can be cured of his dengue, they stand to lose a considerable slice of their revenue. This remedy when used as a Prophylactic in small weekly doses has proved its efficacy in preventing Dengue and it is unfortunate that the doctors are not agreeable to using it even on a test basis to verify if my findings are trueƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”š‚.

He concluded his speech by referring the audience to his website: in which he has collated a wealth of his experience in the treatment of disease with ƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ”¹…”JoepathyƒÆ’‚¢ƒ¢-¡‚¬ƒ¢-¾‚¢.

4 Responses to “The cure for dengue”

  1. Wickrama Says:


  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    Hurrah for “Joepathy” !!
    We can vouch for the efficacy of Homeopathy too. It is safe and inexpensive. Indians know all about the greatness of Homeopathy and they have teaching hospitals all over India. It is the same in Europe, especially in Britain where the Royal Family has used it for three generations. These medicines are cheaper and could be prepared locally. It makes sense to use Homeopathy in Sri Lanka.
    Allopaths do not like the alternative systems. Some people who have taken the wrong homeopathy medicine and not got a cure call it quackery. Sometimes it is not easy to generalize on these types of medicines as it is used strictly according to symptoms.
    GoSL should include locally made homeopathy medicines in the Osu Salas. We hope books on self prescription are also made available in all 3 languages.

  3. Wickrama Says:

    Fran, Homeopathy is just another rubbish like astrology. It is based on the mythical belief that the medicines are more effective when they are diluted, more the better. Then their imaginations run riot by diluting million or billion times, after which you may not find a sinlge molecule of the medicine in a bottle !!

  4. . Says:

    Joe De Livera Colombo Sri Lanka Says;
    I was interested to read the comments of Wickrama who has taken upon himself the onus of debunking Homeopathy which he equates to the “rubbish” of Astrology. It is likely that he has never had occasion to use Homeopathy and is perhaps one of those who slavishly depend on their doctor’s advice to keep taking Pills as a way of life and were referred to in another Sri Lankan paper, the Daily Mirror where I was quoted in their Editorial entitled:

    Big Pharma depends on people like Wickrama to maintain their revenue as the cure of any ailment by Homeopathy is achieved at a fraction of the cost of taking drugs to hopefully cure the disease. I would recommend that he reads the Editorial in the link above as he will perhaps realize, albeit rather late in his life, that he has been brainwashed into believing that good health is only possible by taking the numerous Pills that he is perhaps Popping even today, on a daily basis.

    I would recommend that he visits my website: for more information on “Joepathy” which has recently been highlighted in the news media. This term was coined by a group of Classical Homeopaths about 10 years ago to derisively describe my therapy which they classified as “This for That” which I persisted in using, in the manner that a doctor would prescribe any drug for an ailment. The Homeopathic rule in prescribing was to “Treat the totality of the symptoms presented by the patient with a single remedy”. I used this diktat in the past and soon discovered that it only resulted in the patient’s agony being prolonged. I dared to differ and was branded as a maverick and it was then that these classical homeopaths discovered that my therapy aka Joepathy resulted in an almost 100% rate of cure which was of course anathema to them as they could see from the cures that resulted and were recorded on the Homeopathic websites I visit even today, that patients addressed their requests for assistance to me as they had proof of the successful outcome.

    The fact remains that Homeopathy used on my “this for that” basis is now being taken very seriously in comparison to the classical therapy which does not usually work and may have been the reason for Wickrama to make his abrasive comments.

    Joe De Livera
    Sri Lanka

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